Using the new Awareness API

Google released the new Awareness API for everyone, a suite of signals concurring to gives the developer the context in which our user is, all as part of the Play Services 9.2.0, already available on Android devices around the globe.

This library combines 7 different feeds managing both the battery drain and the used memory, providing us with data such as user location, weather, time, headphones connection status, places, nearby beacons and currently performing activity.


The Awareness API comes with two different versions, one is a callback based one (Fence API) and the other one is a polling based one (Snapshot API): while the first one will notify us when the conditions we specified are met, the second expects us to query the suite for the data from a unified interface.

There are 7 kinds of context that we can work with in Awareness API such as

Time — Local time at current user’s location

Location — Latitude/Longitude

Place — Places around user

Activity — Detected user activity (biking, walking, running, etc.)

Beacons — Check nearby beacon(s)

Headphones — Are headphones plugged in?

Weather — Current weather conditions

Now the Two set’s of API’s :

  • Snapshot API — Allows you to “request an information based on user’s context” as listed above.
  • Fence API — Allows you to “receive a signal when user’s context has changed and reaches the condition” through callback function, for example, if user moves closed to the specific coordinate with headphones plugged in, Fench API will call the registered BroadcastReceiver and let you do your job.

Getting started

  1. Create a project in (or in case you already have one, you can use it instead)
  2. And then browse to API Manager page and search for Awareness and click at Awareness API and Click Enable and wait until it finishes enabling

3. Go to Credentials tab and click at Create credentials -> API key -> Android key. Enter the name you project, for example, Android key and click Create (or if you have already created Android key previously, you could skip this step and use the existed one)

4. Add dependency in build.gradle

compile ''

5. Open AndroidManifest.xml file and add meta-data to <application> tag like this:

            android:value="YOUR_KEY" />
            android:value="YOUR_KEY" />
            android:value="YOUR_KEY" />

We also need to add permissions for this:

6. Open AndroidManifest.xml

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="" />

Now we come to the actual java code. open your activity and initialise the GoogleApiClient in onCreate()

private GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)

So this ends the setup part. Now we move on to the actual data retrieval from the API.

Accessing Snapshot API

                .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<DetectedActivityResult>() {
                    public void onResult(@NonNull DetectedActivityResult detectedActivityResult) {
                        if (!detectedActivityResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                            Log.e(TAG, "Could not get the current activity.");
                        ActivityRecognitionResult ar = detectedActivityResult.getActivityRecognitionResult();
                        DetectedActivity probableActivity = ar.getMostProbableActivity();
                        Log.i(TAG, probableActivity.toString());

This will return the most probable activity done by the user. We can get a particular activity like walking, running, driving as well by integers defined below

    public static final int IN_VEHICLE = 0;
    public static final int ON_BICYCLE = 1;
    public static final int ON_FOOT = 2;
    public static final int STILL = 3;
    public static final int UNKNOWN = 4;
    public static final int TILTING = 5;
    public static final int WALKING = 7;
    public static final int RUNNING = 8;

Similarly we can also get Headphone state, location, weather, beacon etc.

For example let’s see headphone state:

                .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<HeadphoneStateResult>() {
                    public void onResult(@NonNull HeadphoneStateResult headphoneStateResult) {
                        if (!headphoneStateResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                            Log.e(TAG, "Could not get headphone state.");
                        HeadphoneState headphoneState = headphoneStateResult.getHeadphoneState();
                        if (headphoneState.getState() == HeadphoneState.PLUGGED_IN) {
                            Log.i(TAG, "Headphones are plugged in.\n");
                        } else {
                            Log.i(TAG, "Headphones are NOT plugged in.\n");

This is same as acquiring activity and headphoneState.getState() will give you if it is plugged in or not

Now we take a look at the Fence API

Fence is similar to the geofence but in addition to geofence, the fence API also allows us to set awareness conditions and check if both conditions are true.

We use a BroadcastReceiver

private static final String FENCE_RECEIVER_ACTION = "FENCE_RECEIVE";

    private HeadphoneFenceBroadcastReceiver fenceReceiver;
    private PendingIntent mFencePendingIntent;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        fenceReceiver = new HeadphoneFenceBroadcastReceiver();
        Intent intent = new Intent(FENCE_RECEIVER_ACTION);
        mFencePendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(MainActivity.this,

    private void registerFences() {
        // Create a fence.

    private void unregisterFence() {

    protected void onStart() {
        registerReceiver(fenceReceiver, new IntentFilter(FENCE_RECEIVER_ACTION));

    protected void onStop() {

    class HeadphoneFenceBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {



Here when we get message in onReceive() and we can detect if headphone is connected or not. Something like this

FenceState fenceState = FenceState.extract(intent);

            Log.d(TAG, "Fence Receiver Received");

            if (TextUtils.equals(fenceState.getFenceKey(), "headphoneFenceKey")) {
                switch (fenceState.getCurrentState()) {
                    case FenceState.TRUE:
                        Log.i(TAG, "Fence > Headphones are plugged in.");
                    case FenceState.FALSE:
                        Log.i(TAG, "Fence > Headphones are NOT plugged in.");
                    case FenceState.UNKNOWN:
                        Log.i(TAG, "Fence > The headphone fence is in an unknown state.");

So as you can see this is pretty straight forward and very useful. You can build so many apps with multiple fences. You can think of a lot of usecases for this and make a lot of amazing apps. Happy Tinkering with the Awareness API!

Continue ReadingUsing the new Awareness API

KISS Datatable

Recenlty I’ve faced a problem with sorting columns in Datatable.

What is Datatable?

Datatable is a plug-in for Jquery library. It provides a lot of features like pagination, quick search or multi-column ordering. Besides, you can develop easily Bootstrap or Foundation ui css styles. There are also more other option but It doesn’t make sense to list it here, because you can visit their site and you can read clearly documentation. On Datatable website you can see a lot of examples. First of them shows how to improve your ordinary table to awesome and rich of features table. One function changes everything, It’s fantastic!  


Returning to my problem which I’ve faced, as I told it was problem related to sorting column in table.

I know sorting is a trivial thing. I hope that everyone knows it 🙂 Sorting by a date is also implemented in a datatable library. So everything is clear when we don’t change date format to human readable format. I mean something like this ‘3 hours ago’, ‘1 year ago’.

When Open Event team tested how datatable manages ordering columns in that format it didn’t work. It’s quite hard to sort by that format, So I’ve invented an idea. Surely you are wondering what i’ve invented. I’ve postponed my minds about sort by this values. It can direct to overwork. When I thought about it, weird ideas came to my mind, a lots of conditions, If statements… Therefore I’ve resigned from this. I’ve used KISS principle. KISS means ‘keep it simple stupid’. I like it!

Therefore that sorting is implemented on frontend side. I’ve decided not to display human readable date format at the beginning. I find  all dates which have format “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm” then I replace that format to human readable format. So it’s very quick and comfortable, and doesn’t require a lot conditions to write. Of course I’ve tried to implement it in Datatable library. I suppose that it would  require more effort than it’s now.

Below You can see great function which changes a date in frontend side but does not change data in a datatable. So sorting process takes place in a datatable using format  “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm” but user see human readable format. Isn’t it awesome?!

function change_column_time_to_humanize_format(datatable_name, column_id) {
  $(datatable_name).each(function( key, value ) {
    $(value).children().each(function( key1, value2 ) {
       if(key1 === column_id ){
          var current_value = $(value2).text().slice(0, 16);
          var changed_value = moment(current_value, "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm").fromNow()
          var isValid = moment(current_value, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", true).isValid()
          if (changed_value !== current_value && isValid === true){


Continue ReadingKISS Datatable

Integrating Travis CI and Codacy in PSLab Repositories

Continuous Integration Testing and Automated Code Review tools are really useful for developing better software, improving code and overall quality of the project. Continuous integration can help catch bugs by running tests automatically and to merge your code with confidence.

While working on my GsoC-16 project, my mentors guided and helped me to integrate Travis CI and Codacy in PSLab github repositories. This blog post is all about integrating these tools in my github repos, problems faced, errors occurred and the test results.

travisTravis CI is a hosted continuous integration and deployment system. It is used to build and test software projects hosted on github. There are two versions of it, for private repositories, and for public repositories.

Read : Getting started with Travis CI

Travis is configured with the “.travis.yml” file in your repository to tell Travis CI what to build. Following is the code from ‘.travis.yml‘ file in our PSLab repository. This repo contains python communication library for PSLab.

language: python
  - "2.6"
  - "2.7"
  - "3.2"
  - "3.3"
  - "3.4"
# - "3.5"
# command to install dependencies
# install: "pip install -r requirements.txt"
# command to run tests
script: nosetests

With this code everything worked out of the box (except few initial builds which errored because of missing ‘requirements.txt‘ file) and build passed successfuly 🙂 🙂

Later Mario Behling added integration to FOSSASIA Slack Channel.

Slack notifications

Travis CI supports notifying  Slack channels about build results. On Slack, set up a new Travis CI integration. Select a channel, and you’ll find the details to paste into your ‘.travis.yml’. Just copy and paste the settings, which already include the proper token and you’re done.

The simplest configuration requires your account name and the token.

  slack: '<account>:<token>'     
  slack: fossasia:***tokenishidden****

Import errors in Travis builds of PSLab-apps Repository

PSLab-apps repository contains PyQt bases apps for various experiments. The ‘.travis.yml‘ file mentioned above gave several module import errors.

$ python --version
Python 3.2.5
$ pip --version
pip 6.0.7 from /home/travis/virtualenv/python3.2.5/lib/python3.2/site-packages (python 3.2)
Could not locate requirements.txt. Override the install: key in your .travis.yml to install dependencies.
0.33s$ nosetests
ERROR: Failure: ImportError (No module named sip)

The repo is installable and PSLab was working fine on popular linux distributions without any errors. I was not able to find the reason for build errors. Even after adding proper ‘requirements.txt‘ file,  travis builds errored.

On exploring the documentation I could figure out the problem.

Travis CI Environment uses separate virtualenv instances for each Python version. System Python is not used and should not be relied on. If you need to install Python packages, do it via pip and not apt. If you decide to use apt anyway, note that Python system packages only include Python 2.7 libraries (default python version). This means that the packages installed from the repositories are not available in other virtualenvs even if you use the –system-site-packages option. Therefore I was getting Import module errors.

This problem was solved by making following changes in the ‘.travis.yml‘ file

language: python

  #- "2.6"
  - "2.7"
  #- "2.7_with_system_site_packages"
  - "3.2"
  #- "3.2_with_system_site_packages"
  - "3.3"
  - "3.4"
    - sudo mkdir -p /downloads
    - sudo chmod a+rw /downloads
    - curl -L -o /downloads/sip.tar.gz 
    - curl -L -o /downloads/pyqt4.tar.gz
    # Builds
    - sudo mkdir -p /builds
    - sudo chmod a+rw /builds

    - export DISPLAY=:99.0
    - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
    - sudo apt-get install -y libqt4-dev
    - sudo apt-get install -y mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
#    - sudo apt-get install -y python3-sip python3-sip-dev python3-pyqt4 cmake
    # Qt4
    - pushd /builds
    # SIP
    - tar xzf /downloads/sip.tar.gz --keep-newer-files
    - pushd sip-4.16.5
    - python
    - make
    - sudo make install
    - popd
    # PyQt4
    - tar xzf /downloads/pyqt4.tar.gz --keep-newer-files
    - pushd PyQt-x11-gpl-4.11.3
    - python -c --confirm-license --no-designer-plugin -e QtCore -e QtGui -e QtTest
    - make
    - sudo make install
    - popd
 # - "3.5"
# command to install dependencies
#install: "pip install -r requirements.txt"
# command to run tests
script: nosetests

  slack: fossasia:*****tokenishidden*******


Codacy is an automated code analysis and review tool that helps developers ship better software, faster. With Codacy integration one can get static analysis, code complexity, code duplication and code coverage changes in every commit and pull request.

Read : Integrating Codacy in github is here.

Codacy integration has really helped me to understand and enforce code quality standard. Codacy gives you impact of every pull request in terms of quality and errors directly into GitHub.

codacy check

Codacy also grades your project in different categories like Code Complexity, Compatibility, security, code style, error prone etc. to help you better understand the overall project quality and what are the areas you should improve.

Here is a screen-shot of Codacy review for PSLab-apps repository.


I am extremely happy to share that my learning adventure has got  Project Certification at ‘A’ grade. Project quality analysis shows that more than 90% of the work has A grade 🙂 🙂

Travis CI and Codacy Badges for my GSoC Repositories:

PSLab : Python Library for Communication with PSLab

Travis CI Badge         Codacy Badge

PSLab-apps : Qt based GUI applications for PSLab

Travis CI Badge         Codacy Badge

Pocket Science Lab : ExpEYES Programs, Sensor Plugins

Travis CI Badge         Codacy Badge

That’s all for now. Have a happy coding, testing and learning 🙂 🙂

Continue ReadingIntegrating Travis CI and Codacy in PSLab Repositories

sTeam Docker Image

(ˢᵒᶜⁱᵉᵗʸserver) aims to be a platform for developing collaborative applications.
sTeam server project repository: sTeam.
sTeam-REST API repository: sTeam-REST


What is Docker?

Docker is open source software to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container. Containers are completely hardware and platform independent so you don’t have to worry about whether what you are creating will run everywhere.

In order to facilitate development in all the environments and give the user the ease from the cumbersome installation steps a docker image was made for the sTeam project.
This docker image contains all the necessary dependencies to start the sTeam server.
It also includes the sTeam UI and the Rest API along with it’s dependencies. These have already been installed and developer can start collaborating to it.


The docker image can be found at :

It has all the necessary information for it’s usage and installation.

The dockerfile for the sTeam repository:

FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y wget git firefox nodejs nodejs-legacy npm
RUN apt-get install -y build-essential mysql-server libmysqld-dev bzip2 libjpeg$
RUN apt-get install -y pike7.8 pike7.8-bzip2 pike7.8-svg
RUN apt-get install -y libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev automake flex
RUN npm install -g npm bower gulp coffee-script jasmine-node frisby
RUN cd home
RUN wget -c$
RUN git clone
RUN cd sTeam
RUN git checkout societyserver-source
RUN ./build
RUN sudo ./install
RUN cd ..
RUN git clone
RUN cd sTeam-web-interface-gsoc-2015
RUN npm install
RUN cd ..
RUN git clone
RUN cd steam-rest
RUN npm install

Feel free to explore the repository. Suggestions for improvements are welcomed.

Checkout the FOSSASIA Idea’s page for more information on projects supported by FOSSASIA.

Continue ReadingsTeam Docker Image

Twitter Section Using loklak webtweets

In Open event web app, the user can provide URL of social links such as Twitter, Facebook etc in the event.json file inside the ZIP. The previous functionality was to use Twitter API and to generate a timeline showing the tweets of the twitter URL mentioned in event.json by user. But, it can be done by following another approach which reduces the third party dependency i.e Loklak-webtweets.

I have implemented the twitter section using loklak webtweets which can be done very easily.

Step 1:  Including necessary files from loklakwebtweets repository inside index.html. You can find them in js/ folder of this repository.

<script src="./dependencies/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="./dependencies/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="./dependencies/loklak-fetcher.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
 <script src="./dependencies/tweets.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


Step 2:  Specify the data source in HTML from which twitter data will be fetched. Here I have extracted the last word from the twitter URL provided by the user and passed it to HTML.

const sociallinks = Array.from(event.social_links);
 var twitter ="";
 sociallinks.forEach((link) => {
  if( === "twitter") {
   twitter =;
 const arrayTwitterLink = sociallink.split('/');
 const twitterLink = arrayTwitterLink[arrayTwitterLink.length - 1];
 const urls= {
   twitterLink: twitterLink,
   tweetUrl: twitter,

This code will search twitter link in social links array present in event.json and get its last character which will be provided to data-from and data-query attribute of HTML.

 <section class="sponsorscont">
  <div class="tweet-row">
   <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12">
    <i class ="social_twitter fa fa-twitter"></i>
     <div class="tweets-feed" id="tweets" data-count=50 data-query="    {{{eventurls.twitterLink}}}" data-from="{{{eventurls.twitterLink}}}">
     <div class="arrow-up"></div>
      <p id="tweet" class="tweet">
   <span style="margin-bottom: 20px;" id="dateTweeted"></span>
    <b><a href="{{eventurls.tweetUrl}}"/>
    </b></u> for more updates</p> 

Step 3 : Now we just need to add styling so that it looks decent. For that, I have written some SASS.

.tweets-feed {
   color: $black;
   line-height: 30px;
   font-size: 20px;
   transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
   margin-bottom: 20px;
   height: 100px;
  a {
   color: $black;
   text-decoration: underline;
   font-weight: 700;

  #dateTweeted {
   font-size: 15px;
   display: block;


.tweet-row {
   padding: 0 80px;
   margin-bottom: 80px;
   .social_twitter {
     font-size: 60px;
     margin-bottom: 12px;

The output from the above code is a well designed Twitter section fetching tweets from the URL provided as a string in event.json by user.



Continue ReadingTwitter Section Using loklak webtweets

Auto Upgrade feature in Engelsystem​

In one of my previous blog posts here, I talked about the Upgrade process of WordPress, how it works. In this blog, I am going to talk about how I implement the Auto-upgrade feature in Engelsystem.

The Upgrade process implemented in Engelsystem includes both core and child upgrades.


  • A Verison.txt file in included in the repository. It contains the version number of the current release of the Engelsystem.
  • Implemented a check in index.php to compare the version number in the local repository and the `fossasia/engelsystem` repository. In Engelsystem index.php is run every time when we open the System. Therefore, everytime we open Engelsystem, it automatically checks for updates.
    if ($check_autoupdate_enable == true) {
      $online_ver = file_get_contents("");
      $current_ver = file_get_contents(" ./Version.txt");
      if (strcmp($current_ver, $online_ver) != 0) {
        return info('<a href="' . page_link_to("user_settings") . '">' . _('There is an Update available on GitHub! Go to settings and update') . '</a>', true);

    The above code compares the version number in the local server and the fossasia repository. If the version number is different a notification in displayed in the alert box the Engelsystem to the Admin, to update the system.

  • In the Settings page, Admin can update the System as shown in the screenshot below,
    Admin Settings Page
                                                                   Admin Settings Page

    The admin can click on the “Update System Now!”, to update the system to the latest version.

  • The is also an option provided in the UI to enable/disable the Auto-update feature.
  • When the version in the Version.txt on local server and fossasia repository are different, the changes the pulled to the local server using the command:
    git pull origin master , which will pull the changes from the FOSSASIA repository to the local server, and a Message will be displayed that the “System is Updated to Latest Version!” .

    After Updating
                                                                After Updating
  • Also, there is an option in the UI to check to Updates manually.

    We are developing new Features for the Engelsystem. Developers who are interested in contributing can work with us.

    Development:             Issues/Bugs:

Continue ReadingAuto Upgrade feature in Engelsystem​

Managing multiple states with ui.router


Most of the angular applications today have an application router for dealing with the routes of the application. So the web interface for sTeam had the usage of ui.router a library for helping people write routers for complex and big applications. So before i contextualize the usage of ui.router and also give an essence of how routing works with ui.router let us just have a look at the syntax :

angular.module('steam', 'ui.router')

.config(['$locationProvider', '$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', '$provide',
  function ($locationProvider, $stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $provide) {

.state('state_name', {
  url: '/route_goes_here',
  templateUrl: '/path_to/templates_go_here.html',
  controller: 'controller_comes_here',
  requireLogin: false || true // depending on the requirement


In the above snippet we can see how to initialize a bare minimum router for an angular application. But to use the ui.router for couple of routes is very much not using the router to the fullest of the features.What are states ?
$state is nothing but a service which is part of the ui.router module. So it can be considered as a service that is responsible for transitioning states accordingly from one state to another. There are many types of states that we can deal with while writing a router for a complex application that deals with multiple and nested states.

  • parent State
  • sibling State
  • grand child state

The parent states generally go with the normal implementation, all we have to use is the state name while declaring the state. But things are not same with sibling state and grandchild state. Let us have a look as to how things are different with them :

// sibling state
.state('^.sibling_name_goes_here', {
  url: '^/route_goes_here',
  templateUrl: '/path_to/templates_go_here.html',
  controller: 'controller_comes_here',
  requireLogin: false || true // depending on the requirement

// grand child state
.state('^.sibling_name_goes_here.grandchild_name_goes_here', {
  url: '^/route_goes_here/:path',
  templateUrl: '/path_to/templates_go_here.html',
  controller: 'controller_comes_here',
  requireLogin: false || true // depending on the requirement

How should multiple routes be handled and how should views be added to the config ?
As explained in my previous article there is a way to use the ui-view in order to write reusable components for the angular application. So let us have a look at how views are to be added to the router’s config :

// state with views
.state('state_name_goes_here', {
  url: '/route_goes_here',
  requireLogin: true || false, // depending on the requirement
  views: {
    'view_name_goes_here': {
      templateUrl: '/path_to/templates_go_here.html',
      controller: 'controller_name_goes_here'
    'view_name_goes_here': {
      templateUrl: '/path_to/templates_go_here.html',
      controller: 'controller_name_goes_here'
    'view_name_goes_here': {
      templateUrl: '/path_to/templates_go_here.html',
      controller: 'controller_name_goes_here'

NOTE : We can have the possibility of an application that has a silbing route and all the routes of the parent route are inherited to the sibling route. Enabling this to happen is the beauty of ui.routerNow taking the above syntax we can just add more and more states to the config. It is pretty much that easy to write router config for an application dealing with multiple states. Therefore taking this ahead we can write application router’s for applications that need to handle many routes, but the point here is to understand the point of how the ui.router can be leveraged to the maximum in order to take the best of its features.

Thats it folks,
Happy Hacking !!

Continue ReadingManaging multiple states with ui.router

R14 – Memory Quota Exceeded

We, like many other organisations, are using heroku as the deployment server for our project open event organizer server. Things are pretty simple and awesome when your project is in its beginning phase and things run pretty smoothly. But as your project grows, there comes some server problem. And one of the biggest problems as your project grows is memory. Now since various packages have a different amount of memory assigned to you in case of hosting in generic servers such as heroku, so it might result in memory quota exceeded. Recently, we faced such a problem. R14 – Memory Quota Exceeded. Took us quite some time to understand what and why and how this occurred. So let me share a few things I found about this error.

Continue ReadingR14 – Memory Quota Exceeded

Python code examples

I’ve met many weird examples of  behaviour in python language while working on Open Event project. Today I’d like to share some examples with you. I think this knowledge is necessary, if you’d like to increase a  bit your knowledge in python area.

Simple adding one element to python list:

def foo(value, x=[]):
  return x

>>> print(foo(1))
>>> print(foo(2))
>>> print(foo(3, []))
>>> print(foo(4))


[1, 2] 
[1, 2, 4]

First output is obvious, but second not exactly. Let me explain it, It happens because x(empty list) argument is only evaluated once, So on every call foo(), we modify that list, appending a value to it. Finally we have [1,2, 4] output. I recommend to avoid mutable params as default.

Another example:

Do you know which type it is?

>>> print(type([ el for el in range(10)]))
>>> print(type({ el for el in range(10)}))
>>> print(type(( el for el in range(10))))

Again first and second type are obvious <class ‘list’>, <class ‘set’>. You may  think that last one should return type tuple but it returns a generator <class ‘generator’>.


Do you think that below code returns an exception?

list= [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> print(list [8:])

If you think that above expression returns index error you’re wrong. It returns empty list [].

Example funny boolean operators

>>> 'c' == ('c' or 'b')
>>> 'd' == ('a' or 'd')
>>> 'c' == ('c' and 'b')
>>> 'd' == ('a' and 'd')

You can think that that OR and AND operators are broken.

You have to know how python interpreter behaves while looking for OR and AND operators.

So OR Expression takes the first statement and checks if it is true. If the first statement is true, then Python returns object’s value without checking second value. If first statement is false interpreter checks second value and returns that value.

AND operator checks if first statement is false, the whole statement has to be false. So it returns first value, but if first statement is true it checks second statement and returns second value.

Below i will show you how it works

>>> 'c' == ('c' or 'b')
>>> 'c' == 'c'
>>> 'd' == ('a' or 'd')
>>> 'd' == 'a'
>>> 'c' == ('c' and 'b')
>>> 'c' == 'b'
>>> 'd' == ('a' and 'd')
>>> 'd' == 'd'

I hope that i have explained you how the python interpreter checks OR and AND operators. So know above examples should be more understandable.

Continue ReadingPython code examples

Using ftp-deploy in node.js to publish websites over FTP

In the Open Event Webapp Generator, we recently added the functionality for organisers to submit their ftp credentials and when the website is generated, it’ll automatically upload the website to the chosen ftp server (allowing creation of subdirectory internally, if the organiser so wants).

To achieve we used the very useful nodejs module ftp-deploy which is a wrapper on the popular jsftp library

The code dealing with ftp deployment in our webapp generator can be found here  –

As can be seen, deploying using ftp-deploy is pretty straightforward. Primarily we need a config object


  var config = {
    username: ftpDetails.user, //prompted on commandline if not given
    password: ftpDetails.pass, // optional, prompted if none given
    port: 21,
    localRoot: path.join(__dirname, '/../../dist', appFolder), //local folder containing website
    remoteRoot: ftpDetails.path, //path on ftp server to host website
    exclude: ['.git', '.idea', 'tmp/*'],
    continueOnError: true

You can set up some event listeners for events like uploaded uploading and upload-error

Continue ReadingUsing ftp-deploy in node.js to publish websites over FTP