Small Docker images using Alpine Linux

Everyone likes optimization, small file sizes and such.. Won’t it be great if you are able to reduce your Docker image sizes by a factor of 2 or more. Say hello to Alpine Linux. It is a minimal Linux distro weighing just 5 MBs. It also has basic linux tools and a nice package manager APK. APK is quite stable and has a considerable amount of packages.

apk add python gcc

In this post, my main motto is how to squeeze the best out of AlpineLinux to create the smallest possible Docker image. So let’s start.

Step 1: Use AlpineLinux based images

Ok, I know that’s obvious but just for the sake of completeness of this article, I will state that prefer using Alpine based images wherever possible. Python and Redis have their official Alpine based images whereas NodeJS has good unoffical Alpine-based images. Same goes for Postgres, Ruby and other popular environments.

Step 2: Install only needed dependencies

Prefer installing select dependencies over installing a package that contains lots of them. For example, prefer installing gcc and development libraries over buildpacks. You can find listing of Alpine packages on their website.

Pro Tip – A great list of Debian v/s Alpine development packages is at alpine-buildpack-deps Docker Hub page (scroll down to Packages). It is a very complete list and you will always find the dependency you are looking for.

Step 3: Delete build dependencies after use

Build dependencies are required by components/libraries to build native extensions for the platform. Once the build is done, they are not needed. So you should delete the build-dependencies after their job is complete. Have a look at the following snippet.

RUN apk add --virtual build-dependencies gcc python-dev linux-headers musl-dev postgresql-dev \
    && pip install -r requirements.txt \
    && apk del build-dependencies

I am using --virtual to give a label to the pacakages installed on that instance and then when pip install is done, I am deleting them.

Step 4: Remove cache

Cache can take up lots of un-needed space. So always run apk add with --no-cache parameter.

RUN apk add --no-cache package1 package2

If you are using npm for manaing project dependencies and bower for managing frontend dependencies, it is recommended to clear their cache too.

RUN npm cache clean && bower cache clean

Step 5: Learn from the experts

Each and every image on Docker Hub is open source, meaning that it’s Dockerfile is freely available. Since the official images are made as efficient as possible, it’s easy to find great tricks on how to achieve optimum performance and compact size in them. So when viewing an image on DockerHub, don’t forget to peek into its Dockerfile, it helps more than you can imagine.


That’s all I have for now. I will keep you updated on new tips if I find any. In my personal experience, I found AlpineLinux to be worth using. I tried deploying Open Event Server on Alpine but faced some issues so ended up creating a Dockerfile using debain:jessie. But for small projects, I would recommend Alpine. On large and complex projects however, you may face issues with Alpine at times. That maybe due to lack of packages, lack of library support or some other thing. But it’s not impossible to overcome those issues so if you try hard enough, you can get your app running on Alpine.


{{ Repost from my personal blog }}

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Bottoms sheets in android

Hey Guys I recently used Bottom sheets, so that I should write a blog about it because I don’t see a lot of developers using this in their app UI’s.

It’s a very interesting UI element. A Bottom Sheet is a sheet of material that slides up from the bottom edge of the screen. Displayed only as a result of a user-initiated action, and can be swiped up to reveal additional content. It can be a temporary modal surface or a persistent structural element of an app.

This component was introduced in the Android Design Support library 23.2. Many apps like Google Maps use the bottom sheet, in which a sliding window pops up from the bottom of the screen. Also the Google play music app uses. When we drag up the sheet we see the song details as well as the current playlist.

Usage of expanded and collapsed Bottom sheets in Android

There are 3 states of Bottom sheets :-

  • Expanded — When the sheet is completely visible.
  • Collapsed — When the sheet is partially visible.
  • Hidden — When the sheet is completely hidden.

Step 1 is we need to import the latest design support library. Put this line in your app level build.gradle file.

compile ‘’

Then one should create a new Blank Activity (not Empty Activity) in Android Studio. It sets up the CoordinatorLayout by default.

So now there ate two layouts created by default namely activity_main.xml and content_main.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

android:text="Open Bottom Sheet" />

android:text="Collapse Bottom Sheet" />

android:text="Hide Bottom Sheet" />


Notice that 3 Buttons have been created in this layout to perform different actions with the bottom sheets.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

< xmlns:android=""


app:popupTheme="@style/AppTheme.PopupOverlay" />


<include layout="@layout/content_main" />

layout="@layout/bottomsheet_main" />

app:layout_anchorGravity="top|right|end" />


Those who aren’t familiar with the coordinator layout — basically there is a base level layout activity_main which contains the FloatingButton and within this layout including content_main.xml which will contain the rest of the layout. Notice that one also has to include bottomsheet_main.xml. This layout contains our bottom sheet layout which will be created next.

Create a new layout file called bottomsheet_main.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

android:textSize="18sp" />

android:text="Main Content"
android:textSize="20sp" />


This layout is how our bottom sheet will actually look. You can design it as you want.

Now for the actual java code. This is the easiest part actually. Just set listeners to the 3 buttons created and perform the corresponding action with the bottom sheet.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

BottomSheetBehavior bottomSheetBehavior;
Button open, collapse, hide;
TextView heading;
 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

View bottomSheet = findViewById(;
  bottomSheetBehavior = BottomSheetBehavior.from(bottomSheet);


private void setup() {
  open = (Button) findViewById(;
  collapse = (Button) findViewById(;
  hide = (Button) findViewById(;
  heading = (TextView) findViewById(;

//Handling movement of bottom sheets from buttons
  open.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
   public void onClick(View view) {
    heading.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(MainActivity.this, R.color.colorPrimary));

collapse.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
   public void onClick(View view) {
    heading.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(MainActivity.this, R.color.colorAccent));

hide.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
   public void onClick(View view) {

//Handling movement of bottom sheets from sliding
  bottomSheetBehavior.setBottomSheetCallback(new BottomSheetBehavior.BottomSheetCallback() {
   public void onStateChanged(View bottomSheet, int newState) {
    if (newState == BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_COLLAPSED) {
     heading.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(MainActivity.this, R.color.colorAccent));
    } else if (newState == BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_EXPANDED) {
     heading.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(MainActivity.this, R.color.colorPrimary));

   public void onSlide(View bottomSheet, float slideOffset) {}

We just use the bottomSheetBehavior.setState() method to set the relevant state on each button click.

The bottom sheets can also be dragged by touch gestures. One can simply touch the sheet and drag them up or down. For these touch gestures to be handled one has to implement the onStateChanged() listener. This listener is fired everytime the state of the sheet changes by gestures. Whenever this triggers it checks the state of the bottom sheet and again do the desired action which user would have done by the button clicks.

As you can see, this is a pretty neat UI solution and can be implemented so easily. Go try it out for yourself. Adios!

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Importing database with PHP script

In this post I would like to discuss how to import tables to database directly through PHP script.

For our Project Engelsystem we need to import the tables manually by the command line or PHPMYADMIN. Now the user need not worry about the importing table. They are directly imported through the script.

Initially we used to import the tables in a sql file by source command or mysql command.

$ mysql -u root -p

CREATE DATABASE engelsystem;

use engelsystem;

source db/install.sql;

source db/update.sql;

Script to import tables directly through PHP.

function import_tables() {
// get the database variables. 
// file names to import
 $import_install = '../db/install.sql';
 $import_update = '../db/update.sql';
 // command to import both the files.
 $command_install = 'mysql -h' .$DB_HOST .' -u' .$DB_USER .' -p' .$DB_PASSWORD .' ' .$DB_NAME .' < ' .$import_install;
 $command_update = 'mysql -h' .$DB_HOST .' -u' .$DB_USER .' -p' .$DB_PASSWORD .' ' .$DB_NAME .' < ' .$import_update;
 $output = array();
 // execute the command
 exec($command_install, $output, $worked_install);
 exec($command_update, $output, $worked_update);

// test whether they are imported successfully or not
switch ($worked_install && $worked_update) {
 case 0:
 return true;
 case 1:
 return false;

Once we execute the above script the tables will be imported automatically. User need not import the tables manually.

In this way we can import tables using script. For more information visit about project please visit here.



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Working with ConstraintLayout in Android

Few months ago, during the Google I/O conference, Google introduced a new set of tools for Android developers. Among them is a new Layout editor and a new layout called the ConstraintLayout.

I’ll be highlighting the key points in this brand new layout.

ConstraintLayout is available in a new Support Library that’s compatible with Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) and higher, but the new layout editor is available only in Android Studio 2.2 Preview.

Layout Editor & Constraints Overview.

The new layout editor in Android Studio 2.2 Preview is specially built for the ConstraintLayout. You can specify the constraints manually, or automatically reference within the layout editor.

Overview of Constraints?

A constraint is the description of how a view should be positioned relative to other items, in a layout. A constraint is typically defined for one or more sides by connecting the view to:

  • An anchor point, or another view,
  • An edge of the layout,
  • Or An invisible guide line.

Since each view within the layout is defined by associations to other views within the layout, it’s easier to achieve flat hierarchy for complex layouts.

In principle, the ConstraintLayout works very similar to the RelativeLayout, but uses various handles (or say anchors) for the constraints.

  • Resize handle. The resize handle is the alt text seen in the corners of the figure above, and it’s used to resize the view.
  • Side handle. The side handle is the alt text in the figure above, and it’s used to specify the location of a widget. E.g using the left side handle to always be aligned to the right of another view, or the left of the ConstraintLayout itself.
  • Baseline handle. The baseline handle is the alt text in the figure above. It is used to align the text of a view by the baseline of the text on another view.

Getting started with ConstraintLayout


Ensure that you’re running the AS 2.2 preview, and Android Support Repository version 32 or higher, it’s required before you can use the ConstraintLayout. Let’s get started.

  • First, you need to add the constraint layout library to your app’s dependencies within your build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    compile ''
  • Sync your project.

Add Constraints

There are typically two ways to create ConstraintLayout in AS. You can create a new XML layout and select the root element to be a ConstraintLayout or convert an existing layout into a ConstraintLayout as shown in the image below:

Once you have the ConstraintLayout setup, what is next is to add the constraints to the views within that layout.

As an example, drag an ImageView to the layout. The new layout builder will immediately ask to add a drawable or resource, select one from the options and press ok. Also drag a TextView unto the layout.

To create a constraint, drag the top side handle on the ImageView to the top of the ConstraintLayout. You can also drag from the top side handle of the TextView to the bottom handle of the ImageView

Using the Inspector Pane

Now that we’re able to add constraints, we will need to use the inspector. It’s on the right hand side of the layout builder and it lists various properties of the selected widget. Typically, it looks as shown below:

You can use the sliders to move the view by percentage along the x and y axes. You can also control the dimensions of the view from the inspector pane, by altering the values corresponding to the layout_width and layout_height fields.

Taking a closer look at the square widget on the inspector pane. It contains some more control over the dimensions of the views.

There are other modes of controlling the size of the view. Clicking on the inner lines in the image above help you cycle through the other modes.

  • Fixed mode: alt text This allows you specify the width and height of the view.
  • Any size: alt text This mode allows the image to fill up all the space required to fulfill that constraint. You can look at this like “match constraint”
  • Wrap content: alt text This just expands to fill the content of the view. E.g text or image

Using Auto-connect to add constraints.

Autoconnect as the name suggests, automatically creates connections between views/widgets. It tries to create connections to neighboring views/widgets.
To enable autoconnect, look out for the alt text icon on the top bar of the layout editor.

Thats’s almost it for the constraint layout.
If you want, you can head over to the official documentation on it at


Credits :


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sTeam Server Object permissions and Doxygen Documentation

(ˢᵒᶜⁱᵉᵗʸserver) aims to be a platform for developing collaborative applications.
sTeam server project repository: sTeam.
sTeam-REST API repository: sTeam-REST

sTeam Server object permissions

sTeam command line lacks the functionality to read and set the object access permissions. The permission bits are: read,write, execute, move, insert,
annotate, sanction. The permission function was designed analogous to the getfacl() command in linux. It should display permissions as: rwxmias corresponding to the  permission granted on the object.

The the key functions are get_sanction, which returns a list of objects and permissions and sanction_object, which adds a new object and its set of permissions. The permissions is stored as an integer and the function should break the individual bits like getfact().

The permission bits for the sTeam objects are declared in the

// access.h: The permission bits

#define FAIL           -1 
#define ACCESS_DENIED   0

#define SANCTION_READ          1
#define SANCTION_EXECUTE       2
#define SANCTION_MOVE          4
#define SANCTION_WRITE         8
#define SANCTION_INSERT       16
#define SANCTION_ANNOTATE     32

The get_sanction method defined in the access.pike returns a mapping which has the ACL(Access Control List) of all the objects in the sTeam server.

// Returns the sanction mapping of this object, if the caller is privileged
// the pointer will be returned, otherwise a copy.
final mapping
    if ( _SECURITY->trust(CALLER) )
	return mSanction;
    return copy_value(mSanction);

The functions gets the permission values which are set for every object in the server.

The sanction_object method defined in the object.pike sets the permissions for the new objects.

// Set new permission for an object in the acl. Old permission are overwritten.
int sanction_object(object grp, int permission)
    ASSERTINFO(_SECURITY->valid_proxy(grp), "Sanction on non-proxy!");
    if ( query_sanction(grp) == permission )
      return permission; // if permissions are already fine

    try_event(EVENT_SANCTION, CALLER, grp, permission);
    set_sanction(grp, permission);

    run_event(EVENT_SANCTION, CALLER, grp, permission);
    return permission;

This method makes use of the set_sanction which sets the permission onthe object. The task ahead is to make use of the above functions and write a sTeam-shell command which would provide the user to easily access and change the permissions for the objects.

Merging into the Source

The work done during GSOC 2016 by Siddhant and Ajinkya on the sTeam server was merged into the gsoc201-societyserver-devel and gsoc2016-source branches in the societyserver repository.
The merged code can be found at:

The merged code needs to be tested before the debian package for the sTeam server is prepared. The testing has resulted into resolving of minor bugs.

Doxygen Documentation

The documentation for the sTeam is done using doxygen. The doxygen.pike is written and used to make the documentation for the sTeam server. The Doxyfile which includes the configuration for generating the sTeam documentation is modified and input files are added. The generated documentation is deployed on the gh-pages in the societyserver/sTeam repository.
The documentation can be found at:

The header files and the constants defined are also included in the sTeam documentation.

sTeam Documentation:


sTeam defined constants:


sTeam Macro Definitions:


Feel free to explore the repository. Suggestions for improvements are welcomed.

Checkout the FOSSASIA Idea’s page for more information on projects supported by FOSSASIA.

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Knit Editor Package Overview

In this years Google Summer of Code, we created several Python package. They are all available on the Python Package Index (PyPi) and installable via “pip install”. They are listed on but their interconnections are shown here.

In the following figure, you can see the different packages created during GSoC with a solid line. Other packages that are used by the “kniteditor” application are shown here with a dotted line.


Knit Editor Package Architecture
Knit Editor Package Architecture

Overall, five packages we created. The design is driven by responsibility. Thus the responsibilities of each packages should be clearly separated from the other packages. We describe the responsibilities of the packages as follows:

knittingpattern is the library for converting, loading, saving and manipulating knitting patterns. These patterns include in formation abour how to knit. Unlike a picture this includes more than a color: adding meshes, removing meshes, types of holes, the possibility of non-planar knit pieces ad more.

ObservableList is a list whose content can be observed. Whenever elements are added or removed, this list notifies the observers. This is used by the rows of instructions to provide a more convenient interface.

crc8 computes the crc8 hash from bytes. I did not find a Python library implementing ths functionality so I created it myself. The design follows the design of the hash functions in the Python standard library. This package is used by the AYABInterface package. Through creating a new package, this is also usable by other applications.

AYABInterface controls the knitting machines connected to the AYAB hack. Through the serial interface, it can send messages to the controllers and receive answers. It also provides hint for actions which the user should take in order to produce the desired outcome.

kniteditor contains the user interface to edit knitting patterns and control the knitting machines with the AYAB shield.

All these packages also include installation instructions.

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Testing, Documentation and Merging

As the GSoC period comes to an end the pressure, excitement and anxiety rises. I am working on the finishing steps of my project. I was successfully able to implement all the task I took up. A list of all the tasks and their implementation can be found here.

At the start of this week I had about 26 Pull Requests. Each Pull Request had independent pieces of code for a new task from the list. I had to merge all the pull requests and resolve the conflicts. My earlier tasks involved working on the same code so there were a lot of conflicts. I spend hours looking through the code and resolving conflicts. I also had to test each feature after merging any two of the branches. Finally we were able to combine all our code and come up with a branch that contains all the code implemented by me and Ajinkya Wavare.

These two are the branches we combined all our code in. I finished my work on linux command for sTeam by adding support for the last two tools which are export and import from git. I worked on to include a help to get new users to understand the use of the command.

I also worked on documentation. I started with the testing suite which is implemented by me. I wrote comments to explain the work and also improved the code by removing unnecessary lines of code. After this I added the documentation for the new command in steam-shell that I had implemented. The command to work with groups from the steam-shell. One of the issue with the testing suite still stands unresolved. I have been breaking my head on it for a week now but to no results. I will attempt to solve it in the coming week.

This error occurs for various objects in the first few runs and then the test suite runs normally error free.

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Unit Testing and Travis

Tests are an important part of any software development process. We need to write test codes for any feature that we develop to check if that feature is working properly.
In this post, I am gonna talk about writing Unit tests and running those test codes.

If you are a developer, I assume you have heard about unit tests. Most of you probably even wrote one in your life. Unit testing is becoming more and more popular in software development. Let’s first talk about what Unit testing is:

What is unit testing?

Unit testing is the process through which units of source code are tested to verify if they work properly. Performing unit tests is a way to ensure that all functionalities of an application are working as they should. Unit tests inform the developer when a change in one unit interferes with the functionality of another. Modern unit testing frameworks are typically implemented using the same code used by the system under test. This enables a developer who is writing application code in a particular language to write their unit tests in that language as well.

What is a unit testing framework?

Unit testing frameworks are developed for the purpose of simplifying the process of unit-testing. Those frameworks enable the creation of Test Fixtures, which are classes that have specific attributes enabling them to be picked up by a Test Runner.

Although it is possible to perform unit tests without such a framework, the process can be difficult, complicated and very manual.

There are a lot of unit testing frameworks available. Each of the frameworks has its own merits and selecting one depends on what features are needed and the level of expertise of the development team. For my project, Engelsystem I choose PHPUnit as the testing framework.


With PHPUnit, the most basic thing you’ll write is a test case. A test case is just a term for a class with several different tests all related to the same functionality. There are a few rules you’ll need to worry about when writing your cases so that they’ll work with PHPUnit:

  • The test class would extend the PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase class.
  • The test parameters will never receive any parameters.

Below is an example of a test code from my project, Engelsystem


class ShiftTypes_Model_test extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

private $shift_id = null;

public function create_ShiftType(){
$this->shift_id = ShiftType_create('test', '1', 'test_description');

public function test_ShiftType_create() {
$count = count(ShiftTypes());

// There should be one more ShiftTypes now
$this->assertEquals(count(ShiftTypes()), $count + 1);

public function test_ShiftType(){
$shift_type = ShiftType($this->shift_id);
$this->assertTrue(count(ShiftTypes()) > 0);
$this->assertEquals($shift_type['name'], 'test');
$this->assertEquals(count(ShiftTypes()), 0);

public function teardown() {
if ($this->shift_id != null)



We can use different Assertions to test the functionality.

We are running these tests on Travis-CI

What is Travis-CI?

Travis CI is a hosted, distributed continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted on GitHub.

Open source projects may be tested at no charge via Private projects may be tested at the same location on a fee basis. TravisPro provides custom deployments of a proprietary version on the customer’s own hardware.

Although the source is technically free software and available piecemeal on GitHub under permissive licenses, the company notes that it is unlikely that casual users could successfully integrate it on their own platforms.

To get started with Travis-CI, visit the following link, Getting started with Travis-CI.

We are developing new feature for Engelsystem.  Developers who are interested in contributing can work with us.

Development:             Issues/Bugs:

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Resizing Uploaded Image (Python)

While we make websites were we need to upload images such as in event organizing server, the image for the event needs to be shown in various different sizes in different pages. But an image with high resolution might be an overkill for using at a place where we just need it to be shown as a thumbnail. So what most CMS websites do is re-size the image uploaded and store a smaller image as thumbnail. So how do we do that? Let’s find out.

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Accepting Stripe payments on behalf of a third-party

{ Repost from my personal blog @ }

In Open Event, we allow the organizer of each event to link their Stripe account, so that all ticket payments go directly into their account. To make it simpler for the organizer to setup the link, we have a Connect with stripe button on the event creation form.

Clicking on the button, the organizer is greeted with a signup flow similar to Login with Facebook or any other social login. Through this process, we’re able to securely and easily obtain the credentials required to accept payments on behalf of the organizer.

For this very purpose, stripe provides us with an OAuth interface called as Stripe Connect. Stripe Connect allows us to connect and interact with other stripe accounts through an API.

We’ll be using Python’s requests library for making all the HTTP Requests to the API.
You will be needing a stripe account for this.

Registering your platform
The OAuth Flow

The OAuth flow is similar to most platforms.

  • The user is redirected to an authorization page where they login to their stripe account and authorize your app to access their account
  • The user is then redirected back to a callback URL with an Authorization code
  • The server makes a request to the Token API with the Authorization code to retrieve the access_token, refresh_token and other credentials.

Implementing the flow

Redirect the user to the Authorization URL.  

The authorization url accepts the following parameters.

  1. client_id – The client ID acquired when registering your platform.required.
  2. response_type – Response type. The value is always code. required.
  3. redirect_uri – The URL to redirect the customer to after authorization.
  4. scope – Can be read_write or read_only. The default is read_only. For analytics purposes, read_only is appropriate; To perform charges on behalf of the connected user, We will need to request read_write scope instead.

The user will be taken to stripe authorization page, where the user can login to an existing account or create a new account without breaking the flow. Once the user has authorized the application, he/she is taken back to the Callback URL with the result.

Requesting the access token with the authorization code

The user is redirected back to the callback URL.

If the authorization failed, the callback URL has a query string parameter error with the error name and a parameter error_description with the description of the error.

If the authorization was a success, the callback URL has the authorization code in the code query string parameter.

import requests

data = {  
    'client_secret': 'CLIENT_SECRET',
    'grant_type': 'authorization_code'

response ='', data=data)

The client_secret is also obtained when registering your platform. The codeparameter is the authorization code.

On making this request, a json response will be returned.

If the request was a success, the following response will be obtained.

  "token_type": "bearer",
  "stripe_publishable_key": PUBLISHABLE_KEY,
  "scope": "read_write",
  "livemode": false,
  "stripe_user_id": USER_ID,
  "refresh_token": REFRESH_TOKEN,
  "access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN

If the request failed for some reason, an error will be returned.

  "error": "invalid_grant",
  "error_description": "Authorization code does not exist: AUTHORIZATION_CODE"

The access_token token obtained can be used as the secret key to accept payments like discussed in Integrating Stripe in the Flask web framework.

Continue ReadingAccepting Stripe payments on behalf of a third-party