Adding Modules API on Open Event Server

The Open Event Server enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meet-ups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues. Event managers can create invitation forms for speakers and build schedules in a drag and drop interface. The event information is stored in a database. The system provides API endpoints to fetch the data, and to modify and update it.

The Open Event Server is based on JSON 1.0 Specification and hence build on top of Flask Rest Json API (for building Rest APIs) and Marshmallow (for Schema).

In this blog, we will talk about how to add API for accessing the Modules on Open Event Server. The focus is on Schema creation and it’s API creation.

Schema Creation

For the ModuleSchema, we’ll make our Schema as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this Schema.

In this feature, we are providing Admin the rights to set whether Admin wants to include tickets, payment and donation in the open event application.

  1. First of all, we will provide three fields in this Schema, which are ticket_include, payment_include and donation_include.
  2. The very first attribute ticket_include should be Boolean as we want Admin to update it whether he wants to include ticketing system in the application from default one which is False.
  3. Next attribute payment_include should be Boolean as we want Admin to update it whether he wants to include payment system in the application from default one which is False.
  4. Next attribute donation_include should be Boolean as we want Admin to update it whether he wants to include donation system in the application from default one which is False.

API Creation

For the ModuleDetail, we’ll make our API as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this API.

In this API, we are providing Admin the rights to set whether Admin wants to include tickets, payment and donation in the open event application.

  1. First of all, there is the need to know that this API has two method GET and PATCH.
  2. Decorators shows us that only Admin has permissions to access PATCH method for this API i.e. only Admins can modify the modules .
  3. before_get method shows us that this API will give first record of Modules model irrespective of the id requested by user.
  4. Schema used here is default one of Modules
  5. Hence, GET Request is accessible to all the users.

So, we saw how Module Schema and API is created to allow users to get it’s values and Admin users to modify it’s values.


Continue ReadingAdding Modules API on Open Event Server

Open Event Server – Pages API

This article illustrates how the Pages API has been designed and implemented on the server side, i.e., FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Server. Pages endpoint is used to create static pages such as “About Page” or any other page that doesn’t need to be updated frequently and only a specific content is to be shown.


  1. name – This stores the name of the page.
      1. Type – String
      2. Required – Yes
  2. title – This stores the title of the page.
      1. Type – String
      2. Required – No
  3. url – This stores the url of the page.
      1. Type – String
      2. Required – Yes
  4. description – This stores the description of the page.
      1. Type – String
      2. Required – Yes
  5. language – This stores the language of the page.
      1. Type – String
      2. Required – No
  6. index – This stores the position of the page.
      1. Type – Integer
      2. Required – No
      3. Default – 0
  7. place – Location where the page will be placed.
      1. Type – String
      2. Required – No
      3. Accepted Values – ‘footer’ and ‘event’

These are the allowed parameters for the endpoint.


Lets see how we model this API. The ORM looks like this :

__tablename__ = 'pages'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
title = db.Column(db.String)
url = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
description = db.Column(db.String)
place = db.Column(db.String)
language = db.Column(db.String)
index = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)

As you can see, we created a table called “pages”. This table has 8 columns, 7 of which are the parameters that I have mentioned above. The column “id” is an Integer column and is the primary key column. This will help to differentiate between the various entries in the table.

The visualisation for this table looks as follows :


We support the following operations:

  1. GET all the pages in the database
  2. POST create a new page
  3. GET details of a single page as per id
  4. PATCH a single page by id
  5. DELETE a single page by id

To implement this we first add the routes in our python file as follows :

api.route(PageList, 'page_list', '/pages')
api.route(PageDetail, 'page_detail', '/pages/<int:id>')

Then we define these classes to handle the requests. The first route looks as follows:

class PageList(ResourceList):
   List and create page
   decorators = (api.has_permission('is_admin', methods="POST"),)
   schema = PageSchema
   data_layer = {'session': db.session,
                 'model': Page}

As can be seen above, this request requires the user to be an admin. It uses the Page model described above and handles a POST request.

The second route is:

class PageDetail(ResourceDetail):
   Page detail by id
   schema = PageSchema
   decorators = (api.has_permission('is_admin', methods="PATCH,DELETE"),)
   data_layer = {'session': db.session,
                 'model': Page}

This route also requires the user to be an admin. It uses the Page model and handles PATCH, DELETE requests.

To summarise our APIs are:












Continue ReadingOpen Event Server – Pages API

Open Event Frontend – Updating Ember Models Table from V1 to V2

FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Frontend uses the Ember Models Table for rendering all its tables. This provides features like easy sorting, pagination etc. Another major feature is that it can be modified to meet our styling needs. As we use Semantic UI for styling, we added the required CSS classes to our table.

In version 1 this was done by overriding the classes, as shown below :

const defaultMessages = {
  searchLabel            : 'Search:',
  searchPlaceholder      : 'Search',

  ..... more to follow 

const defaultIcons = {
  sortAsc         : 'caret down icon',
  sortDesc        : 'caret up icon',
  columnVisible   : 'checkmark box icon',
  ..... more to follow  

const defaultCssClasses = {
  outerTableWrapper              : 'ui ui-table',
  innerTableWrapper              : 'ui segment column sixteen wide inner-table-wrapper',
  table                          : 'ui tablet stackable very basic table',
  globalFilterWrapper            : 'ui row',

 ... more to follow

const assign = Object.assign || assign;

export default TableComponent.extend({

  _setupMessages: observer('customMessages', function() {
    const customIcons = getWithDefault(this, 'customMessages', {});
    let newMessages = {};
    assign(newMessages, defaultMessages, customIcons);
    set(this, 'messages', O.create(newMessages));

  _setupIcons() {
    const customIcons = getWithDefault(this, 'customIcons', {});
    let newIcons = {};
    assign(newIcons, defaultIcons, customIcons);
    set(this, 'icons', O.create(newIcons));

  _setupClasses() {
    const customClasses = getWithDefault(this, 'customClasses', {});
    let newClasses = {};
    assign(newClasses, defaultCssClasses, customClasses);
    set(this, 'classes', O.create(newClasses));

  simplePaginationTemplate: 'components/ui-table/simple-pagination',


And was used in the template as follows:

<div class="{{classes.outerTableWrapper}}">
  <div class="{{classes.globalFilterDropdownWrapper}}">

But in version 2, some major changes were introduced as follows:

  1. All partials inside a models-table were replaced with components
  2. models-table can now be used with block content
  3. New themes mechanism introduced for styling

Here, I will talk about how the theming mechanism has been changed. As I mentioned above, in version 1 we used custom classes and icons. In version 2 the idea itself has changed. A new type called Theme was added. It provides four themes out of the box – SemanticUI, Bootstrap4, Bootstrap3, Default.

We can create our custom theme based on any of the predefined themes. To suit our requirements we decided to modify the SemanticUI theme. We created a separate file to keep our custom theme so that code remains clean and short.

import Default from 'ember-models-table/themes/semanticui';

export default Default.extend({
 components: {
   'pagination-simple'    : 'components/ui-table/simple-pagination',
   'numericPagination'    : 'components/ui-table/numeric-pagination',

 classes: {
   outerTableWrapper              : 'ui ui-table',
   innerTableWrapper              : 'ui segment column sixteen wide inner-table-wrapper',

 icons: {
   sortAsc         : 'caret down icon',
   sortDesc        : 'caret up icon',

 messages: {
   searchLabel            : 'Search:',

So a theme mostly consists of four main parts:

  • Components
  • Classes
  • Icons
  • Messages

The last three are same as customClasses and customIcons and customMessages in version 1. Components is the map for components used internally in the models-table. In case you need to use a custom component, that can be done as follows:

Make a new JavaScript file and provide its path in your theme file.

import DefaultDropdown from '../../columns-dropdown';
import layout from 'your layout file path';
export default DefaultDropdown.extend({

Now just create the theme file object and pass it to themeInstance in the ui-table file (can also be passed in the template and the controller, but this has to be done for each table individually).

import TableComponent from 'ember-models-table/components/models-table';
import layout from 'open-event-frontend/templates/components/ui-table';
import Semantic from 'open-event-frontend/themes/semantic';

export default TableComponent.extend({

 themeInstance: Semantic.create()

Hence, version 2 introduces many new styling options and requires some refactoring for those who were using version 1. It is totally worth it though considering how easy and well managed it is now.


Continue ReadingOpen Event Frontend – Updating Ember Models Table from V1 to V2

Implementing Sponsors API for Events and Using Image Upload Widget in Open Event Frontend


This blog article will talk about how sponsors API has been implemented in events edit dashboard of Open Event Frontend. This discussion involves the /events/{event_identifier}/edit/sponsors route. Primary API endpoint of Open Event Server for fetching sponsors of an event are

GET         /v1/events/{event_identifier}/sponsors{?sort,filter}

GET        /v1/sponsors/{sponsor_id}

Next, we define the corresponding models according to the type of response returned by the server. This model extends the Base model.

import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import ModelBase from 'open-event-frontend/models/base';
import { belongsTo } from 'ember-data/relationships';
import { computedSegmentedLink } from 'open-event-frontend/utils/computed-helpers';

export default ModelBase.extend({
 name        : attr('string'),
 level       : attr('number'),
 type        : attr('string'),
 url         : attr('string'),
 description : attr('string'),
 logoUrl     : attr('string'),

 event: belongsTo('event'),

 segmentedLink: computedSegmentedLink.bind(this)('url')


Here all the field attributes clearly signify what they mean. Event field has a relationship to events model, hence it is bound to event model through

belongsTo( ).

Next we fetch the data from the API and feed it into sponsor edit form available at event/{event_identifier}/edit/sponsor .

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import EventWizardMixin from 'open-event-frontend/mixins/event-wizard';

export default Route.extend(EventWizardMixin, {
 titleToken() {
   return this.get('l10n').t('Sponsors');
 async model() {
   let data = this.modelFor('events.view.edit');
   data.sponsors = await data.event.get('sponsors');
   return data;


We have defined model() asynchronously and return the fetched data to template. This data passes into sponsor form of event wizard located here.

We see that this form contains many widgets for handling form validation and its structure. Here we will explore the image upload widget of open event frontend that helps us adding image upload option to many forms across open event frontend.

Image upload component is like any other component of ember with many functions. This widget mainly includes processFiles() and uploadFiles(). Let us look at their working one by one. Full code of image-upload.js can be seen here.

processFiles(files) {
   if (files && files[0]) {
     isFileValid(files[0], this.maxSizeInKb, ['image/jpeg', 'image/png']).then(() => {
       const reader = new FileReader();
       reader.onload = e => {
         const untouchedImageData =;
         if (this.get('needsCropper')) {
           this.set('imgData', untouchedImageData);
           this.set('cropperModalIsShown', true);
         } else {

     }).catch(error => {
   } else {
     this.notify.error(this.get('l10n').t('No FileReader support. Please use a more latest browser'));



This function accepts file input and processes them. It first passes it to a isFileValid() function with all arguments, which returns true if the files are in correct format. It then checks the dimensions and figures out if the image needs a cropper for cropping image. If yes, it opens a cropper modal and lets user crop the image to perfect size.

It then calls uploadImage() function to upload the cropped image. UploadImage() function looks something like this:

uploadImage(imageData) {
   this.set('selectedImage', imageData);
   this.set('needsConfirmation', false);
   this.set('uploadingImage', true);
     .post('/upload/image', {
       data: imageData
     .then(image => {
       this.set('uploadingImage', false);
       this.set('imageUrl', image.url);
     .catch(() => {
       this.set('uploadingImage', false);
       this.set('errorMessage', this.i18n.t('An unexpected error occurred.'));


This function on receiving image data send a post request to the server for uploading the image to requested directory. If the server does not behave properly then it exits with an error.

Widgets such as image-upload help us to maintain our code in a better way by allowing re-usability of code. Ember provides good support for such controller, adapters, widgets to be used in the app.


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Open Event Server – Change a Column from NULL to NOT NULL

FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Server uses alembic migration files to handle all database operations and updating. Whenever the database is changed a corresponding migration python script is made so that the database will migrate accordingly for other developers as well. But often we forget that the automatically generated script usually just add/deletes columns or alters the column properties. It does not handle the migration of existing data in that column. This can lead to huge data loss or error in migration as well.

For example :

def upgrade():
    # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
    op.alter_column('ticket_holders', 'lastname',
    # ### end Alembic commands ###

Here, the goal was to change the column “ticket_holders” from nullable to not nullable. The script that alembic autogenerated just uses op.alter_column().

It does not count for the already existing data. So, if the column has any entries which are null, this migration will lead to an error saying that the column contains null entries and hence cannot be “NOT NULL”.

How to Handle This?

Before altering the column definition we can follow the following steps :

  1. Look for all the null entries in the column
  2. Give some arbitrary default value to those
  3. Now we can safely alter the column definition

Let’s see how we can achieve this. For connecting with the database we will use SQLAlchemy. First, we get a reference to the table and the corresponding column that we wish to alter.

ticket_holders_table = sa.sql.table('ticket_holders',
                                        sa.Column('lastname', sa.VARCHAR()))


Since we need the “last_name” column from the table “ticket_holders”, we specify it in the method argument.

Now, we will give an arbitrary default value to all the originally null entries in the column. In this case, I chose to use a space character.

               .values({'lastname': op.inline_literal(' ')}))

op.execute() can execute direct SQL commands as well but we chose to go with SQLAlchemy which builds an optimal SQL command from our modular input. One such example of a complex SQL command being directly executed is :

op.execute('INSERT INTO event_types(name, slug) SELECT DISTINCT event_type_id, lower(replace(regexp_replace(event_type_id, \'& |,\', \'\', \'g\'), \' \', \'-\')) FROM events where not exists (SELECT 1 FROM event_types where and event_type_id is not null;'))

Now that we have handled all the null data, it is safe to alter the column definition. So we proceed to execute the final statement –

op.alter_column('ticket_holders', 'lastname',

Now the entire migration script will run without any error. The final outcome would be –

  1. All the null “last_name” entries would be replaced by a space character
  2. The “last_name” column would now be a NOT NULL column.


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Adding multiple email support for users on Open Event Server

The Open Event Server enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meet-ups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues. Event managers can create invitation forms for speakers and build schedules in a drag and drop interface. The event information is stored in a database. The system provides API endpoints to fetch the data, and to modify and update it.

The Open Event Server is based on JSON 1.0 Specification and hence build on top of Flask Rest Json API (for building Rest APIs) and Marshmallow (for Schema).

In this blog, we will talk about how to add support of multiple emails for a user in Open Event Server. The focus is on model and schema creation for this support.

Model Creation

For the UserEmail, we’ll make our model as follows

from app.models import db

class UserEmail(db.Model):
“””user email model class”””
__tablename__ = ‘user_emails’
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique=True, nullable=False)
verified = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(‘’, ondelete=’CASCADE’))
user = db.relationship(“User”, backref=”emails”, foreign_keys=[user_id])

def __init__(self, email=None, user_id=None): = email
self.user_id = user_id

def __str__(self):
return ‘User:’ + unicode(self.user_id).encode(‘utf-8’) + ‘ email: ‘ + unicode(‘utf-8’)

def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(

Now, let’s try to understand the attributes of this model.

  1. id is most important Column required in every model to set it as primary key and to uniquely identify an UserEmail object.
  2. email is that attribute which is required hence should be unique and non-nullable.
  3. Verified attribute is used to check whether a email is verified or not (thus should be boolean)
  4. User_id is the attribute which specifies id of the user whose email is contained in the UserEmail object.
  5. Finally, a relationship with the user of id user_id and these emails (associated with the == user_id) will be stored in the attribute emails in User Model.

Schema Creation

For the model UserEmail, we’ll make our schema UserEmailSchema as follows

from marshmallow_jsonapi import fields
from marshmallow_jsonapi.flask import Schema, Relationshipfrom app.api.helpers.utilities import dasherizeclass UserEmailSchema(Schema):
“””   API Schema for user email Model   “””class Meta:
“””  Meta class for user email API schema  “””
type_ = ‘user-emails’
self_view = ‘v1.user_emails_detail’
self_view_kwargs = {‘id’: ‘<id>’}
inflect = dasherize

id = fields.Str(dump_only=True)
email = fields.Email(allow_none=False)
user_id = fields.Integer(allow_none=False)
user = Relationship(attribute=’user’,
self_view_kwargs={‘id’: ‘<id>’},
related_view_kwargs={‘user_id’: ‘<id>’},

  • Marshmallow-jsonapi provides a simple way to produce JSON API-compliant data in any Python web framework.

Now, let’s try to understand the schema UserEmailSchema

  1. id : Same as in model id is used as uniquely identify an UserEmail object.
  2. email : Same as in model email is required thus allow_none is set to False.
  3. User_id : user_id is the id of user whose email is contained in a UserEmailSchema object.
  4. User : It tells whole attributes of the user to which this email belongs to.

So, we saw how to add multiple email support for users on Open Event Server. We just required to create a model and its schema to add this feature. Similarly, to add support for any database model in the project, we need to create Model and Schema with all the attributes as specified in the model too. This Schema creation is done with guidelines of JSONAPI 1.0 Specification using Marshmallow.


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Handling Data Requests in Open Event Organizer Android App

Open Event Organizer is a client side application of Open Event API Server created for event organizers and entry managers. The app maintains a local database and syncs it with the server when required. I will be talking about handling data requests in the app in this blog.

The app uses ReactiveX for all the background tasks including data accessing. When a user requests any data, there are two possible ways the app can perform. The one where app fetches the data directly from the local database maintained and another where it requests data from the server. The app has to decide one of the ways. In the Organizer app, AbstractObservableBuilder class takes care of this. The relevant code is:

final class AbstractObservableBuilder<T> {

   private final IUtilModel utilModel;
   private boolean reload;
   private Observable<T> diskObservable;
   private Observable<T> networkObservable;


   private Callable<Observable<T>> getReloadCallable() {
       return () -> {
           if (reload)
               return Observable.empty();
               return diskObservable
                   .doOnNext(item -> Timber.d("Loaded %s From Disk on Thread %s",
                       item.getClass(), Thread.currentThread().getName()));

   private Observable<T> getConnectionObservable() {
       if (utilModel.isConnected())
           return networkObservable
               .doOnNext(item -> Timber.d("Loaded %s From Network on Thread %s",
                   item.getClass(), Thread.currentThread().getName()));
           return Observable.error(new Throwable(Constants.NO_NETWORK));

   private <V> ObservableTransformer<V, V> applySchedulers() {
       return observable -> observable

   public Observable<T> build() {
       if (diskObservable == null || networkObservable == null)
           throw new IllegalStateException("Network or Disk observable not provided");

       return Observable
               .flatMap(items -> diskObservable.toList())
               .flattenAsObservable(items -> items)


DiskObservable is a data request to the local database and networkObservable is a data request to the server. The build function decides which one to use and returns a correct observable accordingly. The class object takes a boolean field reload which is used to decide which observable to subscribe. If reload is true, that means the user wants data from the server, hence networkObservable is returned to subscribe. Also switchIfEmpty in the build method checks whether the data fetched using diskObservable is empty, if found empty it switches the observable to the networkObservable to subscribe.

This class object is used for every data access in the app. For example, this is a code snippet of the gettEvents method in EventRepository class.

public Observable<Event> getEvents(boolean reload) {
   Observable<Event> diskObservable = Observable.defer(() ->

   Observable<Event> networkObservable = Observable.defer(() ->
           .flatMapIterable(events -> events));

   return new AbstractObservableBuilder<Event>(utilModel)


1. Documentation of ReactiveX API
2. Github repository link of RxJava – Reactive Extension for JVM

Continue ReadingHandling Data Requests in Open Event Organizer Android App

Automatic Signing and Publishing of Android Apps from Travis

As I discussed about preparing the apps in Play Store for automatic deployment and Google App Signing in previous blogs, in this blog, I’ll talk about how to use Travis Ci to automatically sign and publish the apps using fastlane, as well as how to upload sensitive information like signing keys and publishing JSON to the Open Source repository. This method will be used to publish the following Android Apps:

Current Project Structure

The example project I have used to set up the process has the following structure:

It’s a normal Android Project with some .travis.yml and some additional bash scripts in scripts folder. The file is standard app build and repo push file found in FOSSASIA projects. The process used to develop it is documented in previous blogs. First, we’ll see how to upload our keys to the repo after encrypting them.

Encrypting keys using Travis

Travis provides a very nice documentation on encrypting files containing sensitive information, but a crucial information is buried below the page. As you’d normally want to upload two things to the repo – the app signing key, and API JSON file for release manager API of Google Play for Fastlane, you can’t do it separately by using standard file encryption command for travis as it will override the previous encrypted file’s secret. In order to do so, you need to create a tarball of all the files that need to be encrypted and encrypt that tar instead. Along with this, before you need to use the file, you’ll have to decrypt in in the travis build and also uncompress it for use.

So, first install Travis CLI tool and login using travis login (You should have right access to the repo and Travis CI in order to encrypt the files for it)

Then add the signing key and fastlane json in the scripts folder. Let’s assume the names of the files are key.jks and fastlane.json

Then, go to scripts folder and run this command to create a tar of these files:

tar cvf secrets.tar fastlane.json key.jks


secrets.tar will be created in the folder. Now, run this command to encrypt the file

travis encrypt-file secrets.tar


A new file secrets.tar.enc will be created in the folder. Now delete the original files and secrets tar so they do not get added to the repo by mistake. The output log will show the the command for decryption of the file to be added to the .travis.yml file.

Decrypting keys using Travis

But if we add it there, the keys will be decrypted for each commit on each branch. We want it to happen only for master branch as we only require publishing from that branch. So, we’ll create a bash script for the task with following content

set -e


if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" -o "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" != "iamareebjamal/android-test-fastlane" -o "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "$DEPLOY_BRANCH" ]; then
    echo "We decrypt key only for pushes to the master branch and not PRs. So, skip."
    exit 0

openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_4dd7_key -iv $encrypted_4dd7_iv -in ./scripts/secrets.tar.enc -out ./scripts/secrets.tar -d
tar xvf ./scripts/secrets.tar -C scripts/


Of course, you’ll have to change the commands and arguments according to your need and repo. Specially, the decryption command keys ID

The script checks if the repo and branch are correct, and the commit is not of a PR, then decrypts the file and extracts them in appropriate directory

Before signing the app, you’ll need to store the keystore password, alias and key password in Travis Environment Variables. Once you have done that, you can proceed to signing the app. I’ll assume the variable names to be $STORE_PASS, $ALIAS and $KEY_PASS respectively

Signing App

Now, come to the part in script where you have the unsigned release app built. Let’s assume its name is app-release-unsigned.apk.Then run this command to sign it

cp app-release-unsigned.apk app-release-unaligned.apk
jarsigner -verbose -tsa -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ../scripts/key.jks -storepass $STORE_PASS -keypass $KEY_PASS app-release-unaligned.apk $ALIAS


Then run this command to zipalign the app

${ANDROID_HOME}/build-tools/25.0.2/zipalign -v -p 4 app-release-unaligned.apk app-release.apk


Remember that the build tools version should be the same as the one specified in .travis.yml

This will create an apk named app-release.apk

Publishing App

This is the easiest step. First install fastlane using this command

gem install fastlane


Then run this command to publish the app to alpha channel on Play Store

fastlane supply --apk app-release.apk --track alpha --json_key ../scripts/fastlane.json --package_name com.iamareebjamal.fastlane


You can always configure the arguments according to your need. Also notice that you have to provide the package name for Fastlane to know which app to update. This can also be stored as an environment variable.

This is all for this blog, you can read more about travis CLI, fastlane features and signing process in these links below:

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Keeping Order of tickets in Event Wizard in Sync with API on Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the various tickets are stored and displayed in order the event organiser decides  on  Open Event Frontend and also, how they are kept in sync with the backend.

First we will take a look at how the user is able to control the order of the tickets using the ticket widget.

{{#each tickets as |ticket index|}}
  {{widgets/forms/ticket-input ticket=ticket
  canMoveUp=(not-eq index 0)
  canMoveDown=(not-eq ticket.position (dec
  moveTicketUp=(action 'moveTicket' ticket 'up')
  moveTicketDown=(action 'moveTicket' ticket 'down')
  removeTicket=(confirm 'Are you sure you  wish to delete this 
  ticket ?' (action 'removeTicket' ticket))}}

The canMoveUp and canMoveDown are dynamic properties and are dependent upon the current positions of the tickets in the tickets array.  These properties define whether the up or down arraow or both should be visible alongside the ticket to trigger the moveTicket action.

There is an attribute called position in the ticket model which is responsible for storing the position of the ticket on the backend. Hence it is necessary that the list of the ticket available should always be ordered by position. However, it should be kept in mind, that even if the position attribute of the tickers is changed, it will not actually change the indices of the ticket records in the array fetched from the API. And since we want the ticker order in sync with the backend, i.e. user shouldn’t have to refresh to see the changes in ticket order, we are going to return the tickets via a computed function which sorts them in the required order.

tickets: computed('', '', function() {
   return this.get('').sortBy('position').filterBy('isDeleted', false);

The sortBy method ensures that the tickets are always ordered and this computed property thus watches the position of each of the tickets to look out for any changes. Now we can finally define the moveTicket action to enable modification of position for tickets.

moveTicket(ticket, direction) {
     const index = ticket.get('position');
     const otherTicket = this.get('').find(otherTicket => otherTicket.get('position') === (direction === 'up' ? (index - 1) : (index + 1)));
     otherTicket.set('position', index);
     ticket.set('position', direction === 'up' ? (index - 1) : (index + 1));

The moveTicket action takes two arguments, ticket and direction. It temporarily stores the position of the current ticket and the position of the ticket which needs to be swapped with the current ticket.Based on the direction the positions are swapped. Since the position of each of the tickets is being watched by the tickets computed array, the change in order becomes apparent immediately.

Now when the User will trigger the save request, the positions of each of the tickets will be updated via a PATCH or POST (if the ticket is new) request.

Also, the positions of all the tickets maybe affected while adding a new ticket or deleting an existing one. In case of a new ticket, the position of the new ticket should be initialised while creating it and it should be below all the other tickets.

addTicket(type, position) {
     const salesStartDateTime = moment();
     const salesEndDateTime = this.get('data.event.startsAt');
     this.get('').pushObject('ticket', {
       salesStartsAt : salesStartDateTime,
       salesEndsAt   : salesEndDateTime

Deleting a ticket requires updating positions of all the tickets below the deleted ticket. All of the positions need to be shifted one place up.

removeTicket(deleteTicket) {
     const index = deleteTicket.get('position');
     this.get('').forEach(ticket => {
       if (ticket.get('position') > index) {
         ticket.set('position', ticket.get('position') - 1);

The tickets whose position is to be updated are filtered by comparison of their position from the position of the deleted ticket.


Continue ReadingKeeping Order of tickets in Event Wizard in Sync with API on Open Event Frontend

Updating the UI of the generator form in Open Event Webapp

  • Add a pop-up menu bar similar to the one shown in Google/Susper6be8d972-72bc-4e12-b27a-219e46608cfc.png
  • Add a version deployment link at the bottom of the page like the one shown in



  • Implementing the top-bar and the pop-up menu bar

The first task was to introduce a top-bar and a pop-up menu bar in Generator. The top-bar would contain the text Open Event Webapp Generator and an icon button on the right side of it which would show a pop-up menu. The pop-up menu would contain a number of icons which would link to different pages like FOSSASIA blogs and it’s official website, different projects like loklak, SUSI and Eventyay and also to the Webapp Project Readme and issues page.

Creating a top navbar is easy but the pop-up menu is a comparatively tougher. The first step was to gather the gather the small images of the different services. Since this feature had already been implemented in Susper project, we just copied all the icon images from there and copy it into a folder named icons in the open event webapp. Then we create a custom menu div which would hold all the different icons and present it an aesthetic manner. Write the HTML code for the menu and then CSS to decorate and position it! Also, we have to create a click event handler on the pop-up menu button for toggling the menu on and off.

Here is an excerpt of the code. The whole file can be seen here

<div class="custom-navbar">
 <a href='.' class="custom-navtitle">
   <strong>Open Event Webapp Generator</strong> <!-- Navbar Title -->
 <div class="custom-menubutton">
   <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-th"></i> <!-- Pop-up Menu button -->
 <div class="custom-menu"> <!-- Custom pop-up menu containing different links -->
   <div class="custom-menu-item">
     <a class="custom-icon" href="" target="_blank"><img src="./icons/code.png">
       <p class="custom-title">Code</p></a>
   <!-- Code for other links to different projects-->

Here is a screenshot of how the top-bar and the pop-up menu looks!


  • Adding version deployment info to the bottom

The next task was to add a footer to the page which would contain the version deployment info. The user can click on that link and we can then be taken to the latest version of the code which is currently deployed.

To show the version info, we make use of the Github API. We need to get the hash of the latest commit made on the development branch. We send an API request to the Github requesting for the latest hash and then dynamically add the info and the link received to the footer. The user can then click on that link and will be taken to the latest deployment page of the webapp!

var apiUrl = "";
$.ajax({url: apiUrl, success: function(result){
 var version = result['object']['sha'];
 var versionLink = '' + version;
 var deployLink = $('#deploy-link');
 deployLink.attr('href', versionLink);

This is how the footer looks after the API Response



Continue ReadingUpdating the UI of the generator form in Open Event Webapp