Custom Handlebar Helpers used in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, we are using custom handlebars like ‘confirm’, ‘css’, ‘includes’, ‘sanitize’, ‘text-color’, etc. Custom helpers are used to format any quantity for example ‘capitalizing the first letter of a word’, ‘reducing a number’s fractional part’, ‘making a text bold’, etc. Thus, with the help of Custom Helpers we can avoid manipulating data in controllers. We use Custom Helpers in the Handlebars’ braces before the property to be formatted. In this blog, I will be explaining one of the custom helpers used in Open Event Frontend.

Creation of custom helper :

Since ember provides an efficient and easy way to create components, controllers, routes through it’s ember-cli, we can also create helpers through a single command.

ember g helper url-encode

This will generate a helper in our app i.e two files. First one url-encode.js where all of our logic goes for helper and the other one url-encode-test.js where the tests for it are written.

Following are the two files you are going to see once you run above commands.

import Ember from 'ember';

const { Helper } = Ember;

export function urlEncode(params) {

export default Helper.helper(urlEncode);


import { test } from 'ember-qunit';
import moduleForComponent from 'open-event-frontend/tests/helpers/component-helper';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';

moduleForComponent('url-encode', 'helper:url-encode');

test('it renders', function(assert) {
  this.set('inputValue', 'hello world');
  this.render(hbs`{{url-encode inputValue}}`);
  assert.equal(this.$().text().trim(), 'hello%20world');


Now all the logic for the helper goes in url-encode.js. But before that, we pass the helper in the template and pass the params to the url-encode.js to process the data and return it.

Use in template:

<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="{{url-encode event.url}}"></a>

      Fig. Use of helpers

So, basically in the above code, we have used the helper “url-encode” and have passed the parameter “event.url” to it which we are getting from the model. Now we need to get this parameter in the url-encode.js file where we will encode it and return.

Accessing the params in helper:

import Ember from 'ember';

const { Helper } = Ember;

 * Helper to URL encode a string
 * @param params
 * @returns {*}
export function urlEncode(params) {
  if (!params || params.length === 0) {
    return '';
  return encodeURIComponent(params[0]);

export default Helper.helper(urlEncode);

The above code shows how we can access the params in the url-encode.js. ‘params’ is an array passed which can be accessed in the function directly. Now we just need to perform the action on the params and return it to the template. Here we are using ‘encodeURIComponent’ method to encode the URL and then returning it.
This is how the helpers work. They are a better way to reduce redundancy and help code structure better.


Ember JS Official guide

Blog on DockYard about Helpers by Lauren Tan

Source code:

Continue ReadingCustom Handlebar Helpers used in Open Event Frontend

Porting Phimpme Android to Kotlin

As we are going ahead in Phimpme Project we are now on verge to start our account manager which deals with sharing images to many platforms right from the app. The account manager will take care of logging In the user. Saving it’s important credentials such access token, username etc as required by the API.

Google IO ‘17 just passed, and we seen tons of new features, APIs and development tools. One of the them is official support for Kotlin in Android Studio.

As stated by the developers at the conference that one best way to work on Kotlin is add today in your project. Because it is compatible with Java, we can work together on both languages in the same project. It is not mandatory for you to shift your entire code to Kotlin to build a project. So starting with the account manager we decided to bring this to our code. It helps in reducing the boilerplate code for example in Phimpme, I created a model for Realm database.

open class AccountDatabase(

       @PrimaryKey var name: String = "",

       var username: String = "",

       var token: String = ""

) : RealmObject()

That’s all I need to create a model class, no need to create getter and setter property

This helps me to get details from getter methods and show on Account Manager Recycler View like below.

Step 1 : Upgrade to Android Studio Preview 3.0

Android Studio Preview 3.0 comes up with all new features and Kotlin support. We all upgraded to that. It has a great Android Profiler with advance features for debugging and logcat is now moved separately. This step is not mandatory, you can work on older version of Android Studio as well.

Step 2 : Configure Kotlin

It’s easy in Android Studio Preview 3.0 to configure Kotlin. Go to Tools → Kotlin → Configure Kotlin in project.

What in the configuration

  • It added a classpath dependency in project level build.gradle file
  • Added Kotlin plugin
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
  • Added kotlin std lib in app level build.gradle
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7:$kotlin_version"

Step 3: How to add Kotlin files

Now your project is ready for Kotlin. In Android Studio Preview 3.0 you can create new Kotlin files from the file menu.

Also by using Activity template you can select the source language as Java or Kotlin as per your preference.

Step 4 : Work with Kotlin

There are a lot new features in Kotlin to explore. Some of them are

  • Null Safety : In Kotlin, the type system distinguishes between references that can hold null (nullable references) and those that can not (non-null references). For example, a regular variable of type String cannot hold null.
var a: String = "abc"
a = null // compilation error

To allow nulls, we can declare a variable as nullable string, written String?:

 var b: String? = "abc"
 b = null // ok
  • Val and Var are two keywords in Kotlin to declare variables. Val gives you read only variable which is same as final modifier in Java, it is not changing. In other words it is immutable Data variables. Var is mutable data variable
  • Semicolons (;) are optional
  • No switch it’s when block in Kotlin. No need to write break and case: below is snippet from phimpme app
override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
        when (item.itemId) {
   -> {
                val fragmentManager = fragmentManager
                val accountsPicker = AccountPickerFragment().newInstance("Accounts Picker")
      , "Accounts Picker")
            else -> return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)
        return true


Continue ReadingPorting Phimpme Android to Kotlin

Using Marshmallow Fields in Open Event API Server

The nextgen Open Event API Server  provides API endpoints to fetch the data, and to modify and update it. These endpoints have been written using flask-rest-jsonapi, which is a flask extension to build APIs around the specifications provided by JSONAPI 1.0. This extension helps you, quoting from their website:

flask-rest-jsonAPI’s data abstraction layer lets us expose the resources in a flexible way. This is achieved by using Marshmallow fields by marshmallow-jsonapi. This blog post explains how we use the marshmallow fields for building API endpoints in Open Event API Server.

The marshmallow library is used to serialize, deserialize and validate input data. Marshmallow uses classes to define output schemas. This makes it easier to reuse and configure the and also extend the schemas. When we write the API Schema for any database model from the Open Event models, all the columns have to be added as schema fields in the API class.

This is the API Server’s event schema using marshmallow fields:

These are the Marshmallow Field classes for various types of data. You can pass the following parameters when creating a field object. The ones which are used in the API Server as described below. For the rest, you can read more on marshmallow docs.

Let’s take a look at each of these fields. Each of the following snippets sample writing fields for API Schema.

identifier = fields.Str(dump_only=True)
  • This is a field of data-type String.
  • dump_only :  This field will be skipped during deserialization as it is set to True here. Setting this true essentially means marking `identifier` as read-only( for HTTP API) 
name = fields.Str(required=True)
  • This again is a field of data-type String.
  • This is a required field and a ValidationError is raised if found missing during deserialization. Taking a look at the database backend:

Since this field is set to non-nullable in the database model, it is made required in API Schema.

 external_event_url = fields.Url(allow_none=True)
  • This is a field of datatype URL.
  • Since this is not a required field, NULL values are allowed for this field in the database model. To reflect the same in the API, we have to add allow_none=True. If missing=None is unset, it defaults to false.
ends_at = fields.DateTime(required=Truetimezone=True)
  • Field of datatype DateTime
  • It is a required field for an event and the time used here is timezone aware.
latitude = fields.Float(validate=lambda n: -90 <= n <= 90allow_none=True)
  • Field of datatype Float.
  • In marshmallow fields, we can use validator clauses on the input value of a field using the validate: parameter. It returns a boolean, which when false raises a Validation Error. These validators are called during deserialization.
is_map_shown = fields.Bool(default=False)
  • Field of datatype boolean.
  • Default value for the marshmallow fields can be set by defining using default: Here, is_map_shown attribute is set to false as default for an event.
privacy = fields.Str(default="public")
  • privacy is set to default “public”.

When the input value for a field is missing during serialization, the default value will be used. This parameter can either be a value or a callable.

As described in the examples above, you can write the field as field.<data-type>(*parameters to marshmallow.fields.Field constructor*).

The parameters passed to the class constructor must reflect the column definition in the database model, else you might run into unexpected errors. An example to quote from Open Event development would be that null values were not being allowed to be posted even for nullable columns. This behavior was because allow_none defaults to false in schema, and it has to be explicitly set to True in order to receive null values. ( Issue for the same: Make non-required attributes nullable and the Pull Request made for fix.)

Fields represent a database model column and are serialized and deserialized, so that these can be used in any format, like JSON objects which we use in API server. Each field corresponds to an attribute of the object type like location, starts-at, ends-at, event-url for an event. marshmallow allows us to define data-types for the fields, validate input data and reinforce column level constraints from database model.

This list is not exhaustive of all the parameters available for marshmallow fields. To read further about them and marshmallow, check out their documentation.

Additional Resources

Code involved in API Server:

Continue ReadingUsing Marshmallow Fields in Open Event API Server

Running ngrok To Use Local Open Event API Server Endpoints From Public Access URL

How to setup and run ngrok?

To run ngrok, you need to download it from the ngrok website. The download page can be found here.

Once you have the zip installed, you’ll need to unzip it. On Linux or MacOS, run this in the terminal:

$ unzip /path/to/

To expose the web server running on your local machine, run the following from inside the directory where you have unzipped ngrok:

./ngrok http 80

This syntax breakdowns to :
ngrok :: terminal command

http :: protocol of the server that is to be tunneled

( ngrok also lets you open and run TCP and TLS tunnels)

80 :: port on which the tunnel is to be run

( If you are not sure of the port on which your server is running, it might probably be 80 – the default for HTTP)

The Open Event API server runs on port 5000 and it provided HTTP API, so the command we’ll use here is

./ngrok http 5000

Once you run this command, ngrok opens its UI in the terminal itself. This will contain the public url of your tunnel along with other stats related to the requests being made and traffic on localhost.

Starting ngrok:Screenshot_20170718_155834.png

Public URL updated:

ngrok also offers a web interface where you can see the requests and other data which is shown in the terminal. For this go to http://localhost:4040/inspect/http. This web interface inspects and records each request made so that you can replay the requests again for debugging or cross-checking metrics. This feature can be turned off by passing an argument, so that the requests are not recorded anymore. While running a production server, it can help to both maintain security for the requests and also reduce request handling times when scaling. To read more about advanced options, please read the ngrok documentation.

Running Open Event API server on the public URL:
Since now we have localhost:5000 tunnelled over a public url, we’ll use that to make requests to the API server.

A GET request for /v1/events :

The request made to the public URL, which in this case here is: is equivalent to this url: http://localhost:5000  running on my local setup of the Open Event API Server. When the request is made, the EventList class is used and ResourceList class’ method which is build for the url endpoint ‘event_list’ is called. This returns a list of events from the current database which is being used on my server, thus my local database.

A DELETE request for /v1/events/1

In a similar fashion, when this request is made, event_id is parsed from view_kwargs and the following equivalent request is made: DELETE http://localhost:5000/v1/events/1 which deletes the  event with id = 1 and returns a success object as shown in the screenshot above.

ngrok tunnel is often initiated on the client-side firsthowever it can hash out a secure channel with the server, which is a very slick way to obtain a work around standard firewall configurations. One thing to keep in mind is that as soon as you quit the terminal UI, the tunnel will be closed and re-running ngrok will lead to the creation of a new public url, so you might have to share that again. To prevent this from happening, you can specify a custom url with a Cname configuration. You can also run ngrok with a custom url on your own domain. This can be used to run development servers for sub-projects under a particular domain. Adding auth improves security and can restrict usage to people from the same organization, let’s say.

You can also access the documentation page directly with the public url.

Adding auth to protect Open Event localhost:
Anyone with the public url can access your localhost and can make changes. To prevent this we can use the auth switch with ngrok command. This will enforce Basic Auth on each request.

ngrok http -auth="username:password" 5000

Apart from these, ngrok tunnels can be used for file system sharing, mobile device testing and also to build webhooks integrations.

Additional Resources

Continue ReadingRunning ngrok To Use Local Open Event API Server Endpoints From Public Access URL

Hotword Detection in SUSI Android App using Snowboy

Hotword Detection is as cool as it sounds. What exactly is hotword detection? Hotword detection is a feature in which a device gets activated when it listens to a specific word or a phrase. You must have said “OK Google” or “Hey Cortana” or “Siri” or “Alexa” at least once in your lifetime. These all are hotwords which trigger the specific action attached to them. That specific action can be anything.

Implementing hotword detection from scratch in SUSI Android is not an easy task. You have to define language model, train the model and do various other processes before implementing it in Android. In short, not feasible to implement that along with the code of our Android app. There are many open source projects on hotword detection and speech recognition. They already have done what we need and we can make use of it. One such project is Snowboy. According to Snowboy GitHub repo “Snowboy is a DNN based hotword and wake word detection toolkit.”

Img src:

In SUSI Android App, we have used Snowboy for hotword detection with hotword as “susi” (pronounced as ‘suzi’). In this blog, I will tell you how Hotword detection is implemented in SUSI Android app. So, you can just follow the steps and you will be able to implement it in your application too or if you want to contribute in SUSI android app, it may help you a little in knowing the codebase better.

Pre Processing before Implementation

1. Generating Hotword Model

The start of implementation of hotword detection begins with creating a hotword model from snowboy website . Just log in and search for susi and then train it by saying “susi” thrice and download the susi.pmdl file.

There are two types of models:

  1. .pmdl : Personal Model
  2. .umdl : Universal Model

The personal model is specifically trained for you and is instantly available for you to download once you train the hotword by your voice. On the other hand, the Universal model is trained by minimum 500 hundred people and is only available once it is trained. So, we are going to use personal model for now since training of universal model is not yet completed.

Img src:

2. Adding some predefined native binary files in your app.

Once you have downloaded the susi.pmdl file and you need to copy some already written native binary file in your app.

    1. In your assets folder, make a directory named snowboy and add your downloaded susi.pmdl file along with this file in it.
    2. Copy this folder and add it in your  /app/src/main/java folder as it is. These are autogenerated swig files. So, don’t change it unless you know what you are doing.
    3. Also, create a new folder in your /app/src/main folder called jniLibs and add these files to it.

Implementation in SUSI Android App

Check out the implementation of Hotword detection in SUSI Android App here

You now have everything ready. Now you just need to implement some code in your MainActivity and you are good to go. Initiate Hotword detection in the app by using below written code snippet. The call initHotword() method from your onCreate method in MainActivity. Make sure you have given permission to RECORD_AUDIO and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.

private void initHotword() {
   if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this,
           Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED &&
           Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {

       recordingThread = new RecordingThread(new Handler() {
           public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
               MsgEnum message = MsgEnum.getMsgEnum(msg.what);
               switch(message) {
                   case MSG_ACTIVE:
                   case MSG_INFO:
                   case MSG_VAD_SPEECH:
                   case MSG_VAD_NOSPEECH:
                   case MSG_ERROR:
       }, new AudioDataSaver());

In the above code under case, MSG_ACTIVE add your code which needs to be executed once hotword is detected. Now, hotword detection is initiated and you just have to start recording and stop recording whenever you want.

To start recording : (can be written in onStart() method)

if(recordingThread !=null && !isDetectionOn) {
    isDetectionOn = true;

To stop recording : (can be written in onStop() method)

if(recordingThread !=null && isDetectionOn){
   isDetectionOn = false;

So, this this is the simple process to add hotword detection feature in your app.

Though this is great and will word wonderfully for you but it has a little problem and a solution which is discussed below.

Problems for now and future steps

As mentioned above, the susi.pmdl model is a personal model and only trained for your voice. So, it will work wonderfully for you and for people with a similar voice like you but not for everyone. There are two ways to make this solve this problem:

  1. Replace susi.pmdl with susi.umdl: This is very easy way to fix this problem. But to get the susi.umdl file at least 500 people have to train susi hotword on snowboy website. Once that target is achieved, you can download susi.umdl file and replace it with susi.pmdl file and you are good to go.
  2. Train and obtain susi.pmdl file for each user: Right now you trained and used your own personal model for everyone but there is a way you can use every user’s own personal model in the app. Now hotword will be trained by the user himself in the app. Snowboy provides a training API to train the hotword and getting personal model. Quoting snowboy docs “You can define truly customized hotword for each of your end customer. Just ask them to say the hotword 3 times and a model will be trained on the fly!”


  1. Official docs of Snowboy hotword detection
  2. Code for snowboy hotword detection. It contains readme files which give very nice description about the project.
  3. This readme file of snowboy which guides on how to set up snowboy in an android app
Continue ReadingHotword Detection in SUSI Android App using Snowboy

Advanced configurations in Yaydoc’s Web UI

Yaydoc’s User Interface consists of a form with three required fields; the user’s email address, git repository’s URL, and a theme for the generated website. Specific values of these fields are the minimum requirement to generate documentation for a project. There are certain other configuration variables for whom we assumed default values. Among these, we assumed `docs/` directory or the directory specified in the `yaydoc.yml` configuration file as the default path for the documentation. Also, `Default Branch` is assumed as the branch to generate documentation website. However, this cannot guarantee the generation of docs for every other project. These configurations can have different values based on a project.

Thus, there was a need to include certain input values for advanced configuration. The addition of these configurations in the UI doesn’t compel the user to specify them. In our attempt to improve user’s experience, we show the default values to the user when they are specifying custom values for these configurations.

If the user doesn’t specify a value for the repository’s branch, a default value is retrieved from Github’s Repository Components API, taking repository’s URL from the required input as the input URL.

 * Setting the branch name with `default_branch` attriburte from
 * Github’s Repository Components API
 * @param gitUrl: URL of the github repository
setDefaultBranchName: function (gitUrl) {
  var owner = gitUrl.split(“/”)[3] || ‘’;
  var repository = gitUrl.split(“/”)[4] || ‘’).split(‘.’)[0] || ‘’;
  $.get(‘’ + owner + ‘/’ + repository, {
    headers: {“User-Agent”: “Yaydoc”}
  }).complete(function (data) {

There are certain cases in which the design of the Web User Interface could have been confusing. Since we are displaying all the advanced configurations at once, it could’ve appeared to the users that they are specifying empty values for the other. Thus to handle this, inputs were enabled on toggle when a checkbox beside them was checked. This was achieved making following changes in the front end of the code.

 * Toggle editing of Branch Name input
$(“#btnEditBranch”).click(function () {

 * Toggle Enabling/Disabling an input tag
 * @param id: `id` attribute of input tag
toggleEditing: function (id) {
  const input = $(‘#’ + id);
  if (input.attr(‘disabled’)) {
    $(‘#checkbox_’ + id).removeClass(‘glyphicon-unchecked’).addClass(‘glyphicon-check’);
  } else {
    input.attr(‘disabled’, ‘disabled’);
    $(‘checkbox_’ + id).removeClass(‘glyphicon-check’).addClass(‘glyphicon-unchecked’);

Introducing advanced configurations to the User Interface has opened the possibility for even more projects to generate and deploy docs with much lesser constraints. One of our main aim for this project is to have a fairly simple UI and UX and we hope to bring further updated to achieve that.


  1. Github’s Repository API:
  2. jQuery’s AJAX Requests:
Continue ReadingAdvanced configurations in Yaydoc’s Web UI

Maintaining Aspect Ratio of Images while Uploading in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, we are using the image-upload at many places such as the cover photo of the event on the create event page, also at the system images (in the admin routes) where the user gets to change the image uploaded by him earlier, and also at the ‘profile’ route where the user can change his photo. But at different places, different dimensions of photos are needed since we are keeping standard in Open Event Frontend.

Therefore the image needs to be in a size with the correct ratio at the time of uploading. We are using the cropper component  for achieving this. The cropper is a modal which pops up after the image upload modal so that a user can crop the image according to the aspect ratio kept specific for that purpose. It looks as follows:

While dealing with an issue in Open Event Frontend, we had to have change in aspect ratio for ‘avatar’ images, unlike the other images. So, we had to modify our cropper modal so as to have different aspect ratios for different images when needed.

We solved the above problem as follows:

In our image-modal, we pass the aspect ratio as a parameter. So in our case, we wanted to set the aspect ratio 1:1 for the ‘avatar’ images only. Following is the code snippet of what we wanted:

label=(t 'Update Image')
aspectRatio=(if (eq 'avatar') (array 1 1))
hint=(t 'Select Image')
helpText=(t 'For Cover Photos : 300x150px (2:1 ratio) image.
For Avatar Photos : 150x150px (1:1 ratio) image.')}}

Thus, we passed the ‘aspectRatio’ as a parameter to the ‘image-upload’ modal. The image-upload further calls the cropper modal and passes ‘aspectRatio’.

{{#if needsCropper}}
{{modals/cropper-modal isOpen=cropperModalIsShown imgData=imgData onImageCrop=(action 'imageCropped') aspectRatio=aspectRatio}}

Thus, we can use the passed param i.e ‘aspectRatio’ in our cropper to modify the logic for the aspect ratio. Following is what we did so as to obtain the aspect Ratio of 1:1 for ‘avatar’ images only. The default aspect ratio for all other images is 2:1.

onVisible() {
let viewPort = {};
let factor = 150;
const aspectRatio = this.getWithDefault('aspectRatio', [2, 1]);
viewPort.width = aspectRatio[0] * factor;
viewPort.height = aspectRatio[1] * factor;
viewPort.type = 'square';
this.$('.content').css('height', '300px');
customClass : 'croppie',
viewport : viewPort,
boundary : {
height: 250

As shown above, we have kept a multiplying factor which is fixed. According to the aspect ratio specified, we calculate and set the width and height in the viewport object.

Thus, following is the thing (Aspect Ratio 1:1 ) we achieved for the ‘avatar’ images:

Official Ember JS guide:

Blog on making our own modals:

Source code:

Continue ReadingMaintaining Aspect Ratio of Images while Uploading in Open Event Frontend

Uploading images to Dropbox from the Phimpme App

The Phimpme Android application along with the camera, gallery and image editing features offers the option to upload images to many social media and cloud storages without having to install several other applications. As we can see from the screenshot below, Phimpme application contains a user-friendly accounts screen to connect to the accounts using a username and password so that we can upload photos from the share screen to that particular account later on.

One such famous cloud storage is the Dropbox and in this tutorial, I am explaining how I implemented the account authentication and image uploading feature to Dropbox in the Phimpme Android application.

Step 1

The first thing we need to do is to create an application in the Dropbox application console and to get the app key and the API secret key which we will require later on for the authentication purposes. To create an application on the Dropbox application console page,

  1. Go to this link. It will open a page as depicted in the screenshot below:
  2. Now click on the Dropbox API option.
  3. Click on App folder – access to a single folder created specifically for your app.
  4. Write the name of your application and press the create app button.

After this, we will be redirected to the page which will contain all the keys required to authenticate and upload photos.

Step 2

After getting the keys, the next thing we need to do is install the Dropbox SDK. To do this:

  1. Download the Android SDK from this link and extract it.
  2. Copy the dropbox-android-sdk-1.6.3.jar and json_simple-1.1.jar file to the libs folder.
  3. Click on the add as library button by right clicking on the jar files added.
  4. Copy the below-mentioned code in the AndroidManifest.xml file which defines the dropbox login activity within a new activity tag.
     <!-- Change this to be db- followed by your app key -->
         <data android:scheme="db-app_key" />
         <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

In the 7th line of the code snippet, replace the app_key with the key you received from following the step 1.

Step 3

After setting up everything, we need to extract the access token for the user to upload the photos in that particular account. To do this, we can make use of the below code snippet, which uses the dropbox SDK we installed in step 2 to create an object named mDBApi and initialises it to authenticate the user.

private DropboxAPI<AndroidAuthSession> mDBApi;AppKeyPair appKeys = new AppKeyPair(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET);
AndroidAuthSession session = new AndroidAuthSession(appKeys);
mDBApi = new DropboxAPI<AndroidAuthSession>(session);

After initialisation in the onCreate method of the activity, we can authenticate the user using the following line of code.


This will open up a window where the user will be prompted to login to their dropbox account. After the login is finished, we will be taken back to the activity which made the authentication call, so in the onResume method, we need to get the access token of the user which will be used later on to upload the images using the following code snippet provided below:

String accessToken = mDBApi.getSession().getOAuth2AccessToken();

After we have stored the access token, we can upload the selected image to the Dropbox using the following line of code.

File file = new File("working-draft.jpg");
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
Entry response = mDBApi.putFile("/magnum-opus.jpg", inputStream,
                              file.length(), null, null);

For more information on uploading and retrieving data from the Dropbox account, you can go to the dropbox developer guide and for working example refer to the Phimpme Android repository in the resources below.


  1. Phimpme Repo : Phimpme Android github repository.
  2. Dropbox official documentation :
  3. Dropbox application console :
  4. Stackoverflow example to upload image on Dropbox :
Continue ReadingUploading images to Dropbox from the Phimpme App

Face detection in Phimpme Android’s Camera

The Phimpme Android application comes with a well-featured camera application which offers almost all the functionality an advanced camera user searches for. It comes with a wide range of options to apply different scene modes in the camera and also to detect the faces using the front or the back camera of the device. In this tutorial, I will be discussing how we achieved the face detection functionality in Phimpme.

In the Phimpme application, we have the option in the settings to enable the face detection just as depicted in the screenshot below. After enabling it the Camera starts detecting the faces and draws rectangular boxes on the number of faces detected by the camera.

I will be explaining step by step to achieve this using some code snippets.

Step 1

First, we have to check whether our device supports the face detection functionality to avoid unnecessary application crashes using the Android’s Camera.Parameters class.

After the check we have to create a new class named My FaceDetectionListener which will be implementing the Android’s Camera.FaceDetectionListener. The face detection class overrides the function onFaceDetection and passes the array of Faces detected and the camera as the parameter to this function.

class MyFaceDetectionListener implements CameraController.FaceDetectionListener {
  public void onFaceDetection(CameraController.Face[] faces) { 
    faces_detected = new CameraController.Face[faces.length];     System.arraycopy(faces, 0, faces_detected, 0, faces.length);

Step 2

After creating this class, we need to start the camera of the application to set the face detection listener to it. This can be done by the code snippet provided below

camera =;

We can open the front camera and the back camera by simply changing the cameraId. If we want to open the front camera, then we need to set the camera Id value as 1 and if we want the back camera to open up we can set the camera Id to be 0.
After this, we can set the face detection listener in the camera. This can be done using the below code snippet.


The set face detection listener function takes in the object of the class we created in step 1 as the parameter and calls the Android’s pre defined function to start the face detection. The object of the class we created in step 1 can be created and initialised with the help of code snippet below.

MyFaceDetectionListener fDListener = new MyFaceDetectionListener();

After we have set the detection listener in the camera, as soon as it detects the face, it will call the overridden function onFaceDetection but how do the user know if the face has been detected or not. For this we have to create a rectangular box of size approximately that of the face detected. This can be done with the following code snippet.

int l = faces[i].rect.left;
               int r = faces[i].rect.right;
               int t = faces[i];
               int b = faces[i].rect.bottom;
               Rect uRect = new Rect(l0, t0, r0, b0);

To get the full source code, please check out the Phimpme Android github repository.


  1. Phimpme Android Github repository
  2. Complete tutorial on face detection in Android
  3. Leafpic github repository
  4. Android Camera API Google developer page
Continue ReadingFace detection in Phimpme Android’s Camera

Multiple Color Effects in Phimpme Camera

The Phimpme Android’s camera comes with an option to switch between various color effects along with various other functionalities. To select different color modes, we have added a toggle button at the top right corner of the camera interface and which switches from the range of color effect available and on long clicking the toggle button, it resets the effect to normal. To show the functionality of the toggle button we have made use of the Showcase view in the application which displays all the functionality of the toggle button on the first run of the application.

In this tutorial, I will be discussing how we implemented the color effects feature in the Phimpme Android application with the help of some code snippets.

Step 1

Firstly we have to create a toggle button in the camera interface and have to set the onclicklistener on it to change the various color effects on the button click. This can be done with the following code snippet.

toggle.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
  public void onClick(View v) {
       //Actions here

Similarly, we have to set the long click listener on the toggle button which will handle the reset color effects function in the application.

Step 2

The next thing we need is to extract all the color modes supported by the device and to create an Arraylist of it so that we can call the respective values by just increasing the index on toggle button click. This can be done with the help of the following code snippet.

Now we have all the supported color modes along with the normal mode stored in the values list. For instance,

  1. Mono
  2. Negative
  3. Solarize
  4. Sepia
  5. Neon

Hence on button click, we have to get the color values using the list index and we have to set the value to the camera parameter from where we extracted the supported color effects.

For this, we can make use of a static variable named colorNum and initialise it with 0 and on button click we can just increment this variable by 1 and can set the color effect using the code snippet provided below

final String color = colorEffect.get(colorNum);
CameraController.SupportedValues supported_values = camera_controller.setColorEffect(color);
if (supported_values != null) {
    color_effects = supported_values.values;

And on the long click listener method of the camera, we can set the value of the variable to be 0 and can set the color values accordingly.

To get the full source code on changing the color effects in the camera and to know about adding the showcase view which we have used in this to show the functionality. Please refer to the Phimpme Android repository.


  1. Open camera Github repository
  2. Color effects in Android camera
  3. Camera API developer page
  4. Amlcurran Showcaseview


Continue ReadingMultiple Color Effects in Phimpme Camera