Adding ‘Scroll to Top’ in Loklak Search

It is really important for a Progressive Web Application like Loklak to be user friendly. To enhance the user experience and help user scroll up through the long list of results, a new ‘Scroll to Top’ feature has been added to Loklak.

Integration Process

The feature is built using HostListener and Inject property of Angular, which allows to use Window and Document functionalities similar to Javascript.

Adding HostListener

First step would be to import HostListener and Inject, and create property of document using with Inject.

import { HostListener, Inject } from ‘@angular/core’;
navIsFixed: boolean;
    @Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: Document
) { }


Next step would be to create method to detect the current state of window, and scroll to the top of window.

@HostListener(‘window:scroll’, [])
onWindowScroll() {
    if (window.pageYOffset
        || document.documentElement.scrollTop
        || document.body.scrollTop > 100) {
                this.navIsFixed = true;
    } else if (this.navIsFixed && window.pageYOffset
        || document.documentElement.scrollTop
            || document.body.scrollTop < 10) {
                    this.navIsFixed = false;
        } scrollToTop() {
            (function smoothscroll() {
                const currentScroll =
                        || document.body.scrollTop;
            if (currentScroll > 0) {
                currentScroll  (currentScroll / 5));


The last step would be to add user interface part i.e. HTML and CSS component for the Scroll to Top feature.

Creating user interface


HTML portion contains a div tag with class set to CSS created and a button with click event attached to it to call the scrollToTop() method created above.


The CSS class corresponding to the div tag provides the layout of the button.

button {
   display: block;
   margin: 32px auto;
   font-size: 1.1em;
   padding: 5px;
   font-weight: 700;
   background: transparent;
   border: none;
   cursor: pointer;
   height: 40px;
   width: 40px;
   font-size: 30px;
   color: white;
   background-color: #d23e42;
   border-radius: 76px;
   &:focus {
       border: none;
       outline: none;
.scroll-to-top {
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 15px;
  right: 15px;
  opacity: 0;
  transition: all .2s ease-in-out;
.show-scroll {
  opacity: 1;
  transition: all .2s ease-in-out;


The button style creates a round button with an interactive css properties. scroll-to-top class defines the behaviour of the div tag when user scrolls on the results page.

How to use?

Goto Loklak and search a query. On results page, scroll down the window to see upward arrow contained in a red circle like:

On clicking the button, user should be moved to the top of results page.


Continue ReadingAdding ‘Scroll to Top’ in Loklak Search

Circuit Protection Measurements in PSLab Hardware

Pocket Science Lab by FOSSASIA is a versatile analytical tool which can be used by a variety of user. They span from school kids to professional engineers who need a measurement device to ease up their task. In electronics and electrical fields, circuits do get damaged a lot. There is no perfect method to keep the circuit damage proof but the only thing we can do it minimize the damaging causes as much as possible. PSLab is no exception.

Since PSLab has an audience involving school children, it is quite possible for a short circuit to happen in devices while using. A short circuit is simply a non-resistive path between a supply pin and a ground connection. When a short circuit happens, there is a huge amount of electrons flowing through a small path which will eventually melts if there is no safety mechanism to stop the rapid electron flow.

PSLab contains a plenty of sensitive integrated circuits to support its wide variety of features. They will easily burn if a short happens and the user will have to dispose the device as it will no longer be functional. That is the case if there is no safety feature embedded in the printed circuit board to fight against damages of that nature. We have included a special type of fuses to overcome damages occur due to short circuits.

A fuse is a passive component which allows the flow of current up to a threshold value. When the current increases, the fuse blows and the flow is disrupted. A normal fuse will require replacement. But in PSLab, we have included a special type of fuse known as a polyfuse. This type of fuse does not require replacement. In the following figure it is shown as “F1”

Figure 1: Position of fuse in PSLab V4 PCB

The speciality about poly fuses is that they will recover its current carrying capabilities once the short circuit is open. The auxiliary name “Resettable Fuse” will make sense as it will reset to its original state once the circuit is safe.

The working principle behind a polyfuse mainly depends on its resistance. When the current flow through a polyfuse is at the rated values, it will have a minimum resistance between the input and output terminals.

Figure 2: A poly fuse

As the current flow increases, the particles inside the fuse will start moving fast. The slow motion of these particles are the ones keeping a smooth current flow across the fuse. When the particles are moving rapidly, it will oppose the current flow through them.

Imagine a situation where a short circuit happens. There will be sudden rapid flow of electrons. These electrons will collide with the particles inside polyfuse which were at a calm and steady motion. Now their motion is disturbed and the movements will be random and fast. This will cause the fuse to heat up to a high temperature. As the graph in figure 3 illustrates, it’s resistance highly increases with the temperature.

Figure 3: Temperature vs Current graph of a poly fuse

The rapid electron flow will have no opening to go as the fuse path is now heavily resistive. When the current flow is stopped, PSLab will turn off. All these things happen so quickly that the short circuit would not damage any internal components anymore. Once the user sees that the PSLab is off and he solves the cause for the short circuit, the fuse will cool down which results in a lesser resistance. Now the current flow will come back to normal making the PSLab device working again.


Polyfuse – Mouser:

Continue ReadingCircuit Protection Measurements in PSLab Hardware

Creating Onboarding Screens for SUSI iOS

Onboarding screens are designed to introduce users to how the application works and what main functions it has, to help them understand how to use it. It can also be helpful for developers who intend to extend the current project.

When you enter in the SUSI iOS app for the first time, you see the onboarding screen displaying information about SUSI iOS features. SUSI iOS is using Material design so the UI of Onboarding screens are following the Material design.

There are four onboarding screens:

  1. Login (Showing the login features of SUSI iOS) – Login to the app using SUSI.AI account or else signup to create a new account or just skip login.
  2. Chat Interface (Showing the chat screen of SUSI iOS) – Interact with SUSI.AI asking queries. Use microphone button for voice interaction.
  3. SUSI Skill (Showing SUSI Skills features) – Browse and try your favorite SUSI.AI Skill.
  4. Chat Settings (SUSI iOS Chat Settings) – Personalize your chat settings for the better experience.

Onboarding Screens User Interface


There are three important components of every onboarding screen:

  1. Title – Title of the screen (Login, Chat Interface etc).
  2. Image – Showing the visual presentation of SUSI iOS features.
  3. Description – Small descriptions of features.

Onboarding screen user control:

  • Pagination – Give the ability to the user to go next and previous onboarding screen.
  • Swiping – Left and Right swipe are implemented to enable the user to go to next and previous onboarding screen.
  • Skip Button – Enable users to skip the onboarding instructions and go directly to the login screen.

Implementation of Onboarding Screens:

  • Initializing PaperOnboarding:
override func viewDidLoad() {

UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .lightContent
view.accessibilityIdentifier = "onboardingView"

skipButton.isHidden = false
bottomLoginSkipButton.isHidden = true
view.bringSubview(toFront: skipButton)
view.bringSubview(toFront: bottomLoginSkipButton)

private func setupPaperOnboardingView() {
let onboarding = PaperOnboarding()
onboarding.delegate = self
onboarding.dataSource = self
onboarding.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

// Add constraints
for attribute: NSLayoutAttribute in [.left, .right, .top, .bottom] {
let constraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: onboarding,
attribute: attribute,
relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: view,
attribute: attribute,
multiplier: 1,
constant: 0)


  • Adding content using dataSource methods:

    let items = [
    OnboardingItemInfo(informationImage: Asset.login.image,
    title: ControllerConstants.Onboarding.login,
    description: ControllerConstants.Onboarding.loginDescription,
    pageIcon: Asset.pageIcon.image,
    color: UIColor.skillOnboardingColor(),
    titleColor: UIColor.white, descriptionColor: UIColor.white, titleFont: titleFont, descriptionFont: descriptionFont),OnboardingItemInfo(informationImage:,
    title: ControllerConstants.Onboarding.chatInterface,
    description: ControllerConstants.Onboarding.chatInterfaceDescription,
    pageIcon: Asset.pageIcon.image,
    color: UIColor.chatOnboardingColor(),
    titleColor: UIColor.white, descriptionColor: UIColor.white, titleFont: titleFont, descriptionFont: descriptionFont),OnboardingItemInfo(informationImage: Asset.skill.image,
    title: ControllerConstants.Onboarding.skillListing,
    description: ControllerConstants.Onboarding.skillListingDescription,
    pageIcon: Asset.pageIcon.image,
    color: UIColor.loginOnboardingColor(),
    titleColor: UIColor.white, descriptionColor: UIColor.white, titleFont: titleFont, descriptionFont: descriptionFont),OnboardingItemInfo(informationImage: Asset.skillSettings.image,
    title: ControllerConstants.Onboarding.chatSettings,
    description: ControllerConstants.Onboarding.chatSettingsDescription,
    pageIcon: Asset.pageIcon.image,
    color: UIColor.iOSBlue(),
    titleColor: UIColor.white, descriptionColor: UIColor.white, titleFont: titleFont, descriptionFont: descriptionFont)]
    extension OnboardingViewController: PaperOnboardingDelegate, PaperOnboardingDataSource {
    func onboardingItemsCount() -> Int {
    return items.count
    func onboardingItem(at index: Int) -> OnboardingItemInfo {
    return items[index]


  • Hiding/Showing Skip Buttons:
    func onboardingWillTransitonToIndex(_ index: Int) {
    skipButton.isHidden = index == 3 ? true : false
    bottomLoginSkipButton.isHidden = index == 3 ? false : true


Continue ReadingCreating Onboarding Screens for SUSI iOS

Adding Speech Component in Loklak Search

Speech recognition service for voice search is already embedded in Loklak. Now the idea is to use this service and create a new separate component for voice recognition with an interactive and user friendly interface. This blog will cover every single portion of an Angular’s redux based component from writing actions and reducers to the use of created component in other required components.

Creating Action and Reducer Function

The main idea to create an Action is to control the flow of use of Speech Component in Loklak Search. The Speech Component will be called on and off based on this Action.

Here, the first step is to create speech.ts file in actions folder with the following code:

import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';

export const ActionTypes = {
   MODE_CHANGE: '[Speech] Change',

export class SearchAction implements Action {
   type = ActionTypes.MODE_CHANGE;

   constructor(public payload: any) {}

export type Actions
   = SearchAction;


In the above segment, only one action (MODE_CHANGE) has been created which is like a boolean value which is being returned as true or false i.e. whether the speech component is currently in use or not. This is a basic format to be followed in creating an Action which is being followed in Loklak Search. The next step would be to create speech.ts file in reducers folder with the following code:

import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';
import * as speech from '../actions/speech';
export const MODE_CHANGE = 'MODE_CHANGE';

export interface State {
   speechStatus: boolean;
export const initialState: State = {
   speechStatus: false
export function reducer(state: State = initialState,
   action: speech.Actions): State {
        switch (action.type) {
            case speech.ActionTypes.MODE_CHANGE: {
                const response = action.payload;
                return Object.assign({}, state,
                {speechStatus: response});
       default: {
           return state;
export const getspeechStatus = (state: State) =>


It follows the format of reducer functions created in Loklak Search. Here, the main key point is the state creation and type of value it is storing i.e. State is containing a speechStatus of type boolean. Defining an initial state with speechStatus value false (Considering initially the Speech Component will not be in use). The reducer function a new state by toggling the input state based on the type of Action created above and it returns the input state by default. At last wrapping the state as a function and returning the state’s speechStatus value.

Third and last step in this section would be to create a selector for the above reducer function in the root reducer index file.

Import and add speech from speech reducer file into the general state in root reducer file. And at last export the created selector function for speech reducer.

import * as fromSpeech from './speech';
export interface State {
   speech: fromSpeech.State;
export const getSpeechState = (state: State) =>
export const getspeechStatus = createSelector(
    getSpeechState, fromSpeech.getspeechStatus);

Creating Speech Component

Now comes the main part to create and define the functioning of Speech Component. For creating the basic Speech Component, following command is used:

ng generate component app/speech --module=app


It will automatically create and provide Speech Component in app.module.ts. The working structure of Speech Component has been followed as of Google’s voice recognition feature for voice searching. Rather than providing description of each single line of code the following portion will cover the main code responsible for the functioning of Speech Component.

Importing and defining speech service in constructor:

import {
} from '../services/speech.service';
       private speech: SpeechService,
       private store: Store<fromRoot.State>,
       private router: Router
   ) {
       this.resultspage =this.router.url
       if (this.resultspage) {
           this.shadowleft = '-103px';
           this.shadowtop = '-102px';
speechRecognition() {
    this.speech.record('en_US').subscribe(voice =>


When the Speech Component is called, speechRecognition() method will start recording speech (It will use the record() method from speech service to record the user voice).

For fluctuating border height and color of voice search icon, a resettimer() method is created.

randomize(min, max) {
    let x;
    x = (Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
    return x;
resettimer(recheck: boolean = false) {
    this.timer = Observable.timer(0, 100);
    this.subscription = this.timer.subscribe(t => {
    this.ticks = t;
        if (t % 10 === 0 && t <= 20) {
            this.buttoncolor = '#f44';
            this.miccolor = '#fff';
            this.borderheight =
                this.randomize(0.7, 1);
            if (this.resultspage) {
                this.borderheight =
                    this.randomize(0.35, 0.5);
            if (!recheck) {
        if (t === 20) {
            this.borderheight = 0;
        if (t === 30) {


The randomize() method provides a random number between min and max value.

To put on check and display status as message on things like whether microphone is working, or user has spoken something, or if the speech is being recorded, based on the time elapsed in calling of speech component and actual voice recording, the following portion of code is written in ngOnInit() method.

ngOnInit() {
    this.timer = Observable.timer(1500, 2000);
    this.subscription = this.timer.subscribe(t => {
        this.ticks = t;
        if (t === 1) {
            this.message = 'Listening...';
        if (t === 4) {
            this.message = 'Please check your 
            microphone and volume levels.';
            this.miccolor = '#C2C2C2';
        if (t === 6) {


The logic can be understood as if the elapsed time is 1 sec, it means it is listening to the speaker’s voice. And if the elapsed time is 4 sec, it means there is something wrong and user will be asked to check for the microphone and volume levels. At last if it tends to 6 seconds, then the Speech Component will be called off with the dispatched Action as false which is defined above (That means it is no longer in use).

Embed Speech Component in main App Component

Now comes the last part to use the created featured component in the required place. Code below describes embedding Speech Component in App Component.

Import SpeechService and required modules.

import {
} from './services/speech.service';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';


hidespeech will be used to store the current status of Speech Component (whether its in use or not), and completeQuery$ and searchData store the voice recorded in form Observable and String. completeQuery$ is optional (If the Speech Component is unable to track voice of speaker by any means, then it will not contain any value and hence searchData will be empty).

hidespeech: Observable<any>;
completeQuery$: Observable<any>;
searchData: String;


Creating speech parameter in constructor and store the current status of speech and store it into hidespeech. Based on the subscribed value of hidespeech, speech service’s stoprecord() will be called (To stop recording when the speech recognition completes). After recording stops, store the whole query in completeQuery$.

constructor (
    private speech: SpeechService
) {
    this.hidespeech =
    this.hidespeech.subscribe(hidespeech => {
        if (!hidespeech) {
    this.completeQuery$ =
    this.completeQuery$.subscribe(data => {
        this.searchData = data;


Add the Speech Component in app.component.html. Now the main logic of calling Speech Component will be based on the subscribed observable value of hidespeech (If false then call Speech Component else not).

<app-speech *ngIf="hidespeech|async"></app-speech>

Using Speech Component in Home and FeedHeader Component

Import Speech Service and speech Action created above, and create hidespeech to store the current status of Speech Component.

import * as speechactions from '../../actions/speech';
import {
} from '../../services/speech.service';
hidespeech: Observable<boolean>;


Create speech parameter of type SpeechService and store the current status of Speech Component in hidespeech. Dispatch speechactions.SearchAction (payload as true) for inferring that the Speech Component is currently in use.

    private speech: SpeechService
) {
    this.hidespeech = store
speechRecognition() {
        new speechactions.SearchAction(true));

How to use the Speech Component?

Goto Loklak and click on Voice Input Icon. It will popup a screen as below.

Now, speak something to search. E.g. Google, the screen will turn into something like below with the spelled value displayed on screen.

If something goes wrong (Microphone did not work, low volume levels or unrecognisable voice), then screen will show something like:

On successful recognition of speech, the query will be set and the results will be shown as

Similar process is being followed on results page to make a search query using voice.


Continue ReadingAdding Speech Component in Loklak Search

Adding new test cases for increasing test coverage of Loklak Server

It is a good practice to have test cases covering major portion of actual code base. The idea was same to add new test cases in Loklak Server to increase its test coverage. The results were quite amazing with a significant increase of about 3% in total test coverage of the overall project. And about 80-100% increase in the test coverage of individual files for which tests have been written.

Integration Process

For integration, a total of 6 new test cases have been written:

  1. ASCIITest
  2. GeoLocationTest
  3. CommonPatternTest
  4. InstagramProfileScraperTest
  5. EventBriteCrawlerServiceTest
  6. LocationWiseTimeServiceTest

For increasing code coverage, Java docs have been written which increase the lines of code being covered.


Basic implementation of adding a new test case is same. Here’s is an example of EventBriteCrawlerServiceTest implementation. This can be used as a reference for adding a new test case in the project.

Prerequisite: If the test file being written tests any additional external service (e.g. EventBriteCrawlerServiceTest tests any event being created on EventBrite platform) then, a corresponding new test service or test event should be written beforehand on the given platform. For EventBriteCrawlerServiceTest, a test-event has been created.

The given below steps will be followed for creating a new test case (EventBriteCrawlerServiceTest), assuming the prerequisite step has been done:

  • A new java file is generated in test/org/loklak/api/search/ as
  • Define package for the test file and import file which has to be tested along with necessary packages and methods.


import org.loklak.susi.SusiThought;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;


  • Define the class and methods that need to be tested. It is a good idea to break the testing into several test methods rather than testing more features in a single method.

public class EventBriteCrawlerServiceTest {
  public void apiPathTest() { }

  public void eventBriteEventTest() { }

  public void eventBriteOrganizerTest() { }

  public void eventExtraDetailsTest() { }


  • Create an object of EventBriteCrawlerService in each test method.

EventBriteCrawlerService eventBriteCrawlerService = new EventBriteCrawlerService();


  • Call specific method of EventBriteCrawlerService that needs to be tested in each of the defined methods of test file and assert the actualresult to the expectedresult.

public void apiPathTest() {
    EventBriteCrawlerService eventBriteCrawlerService = 
        new EventBriteCrawlerService();



  • For methods fetching an actual result (Integration tests) of event page, define and initialise an expected set of results and assert the expected result with the actual result by parsing the json result.

public void eventBriteOrganizerTest() {
    EventBriteCrawlerService eventBriteCrawlerService =
        new EventBriteCrawlerService();
    String eventTestUrl = "
    SusiThought resultPage = eventBriteCrawlerService
    JSONArray jsonArray = resultPage.getData();
    JSONObject organizer_details =
    String organizer_contact_info = organizer_details
    String organizer_link = organizer_details
    String organizer_profile_link = organizer_details
    String organizer_name = organizer_details

        #listing-organizer", organizer_link);
    assertEquals("", organizer_profile_link);
    assertEquals("aurabh Srivastava", organizer_name);


  • If the test file is testing the harvester, then import and add the test class in file. e.g.

import org.loklak.harvester.TwitterScraperTest;



The last step will be to check if the test case passes with integration of other tests. The gradle will test the test case along with other tests in the project.

./gradlew build


Continue ReadingAdding new test cases for increasing test coverage of Loklak Server

Adding ‘Voice Search’ Feature in Loklak Search

It is beneficial to have a voice search feature embedded in a search engine like based on PWA (Progressive Web Application) architecture. This will allow users to make query using voice on phone or computer. For integrating voice search, JavaScript Web Speech API (also known as webkitSpeechRecognition) is used which allows us to add speech recognition feature in any website or a web application.

Integration Process

For using webkitSpeechRecognition, a separate typescript service is being created along with its relevant unit test

  1. speech.service.ts
  2. speech.service.spec.ts

The main idea to implement the voice search was

  1. To create an injectable speech service.
  2. Write methods for starting and stopping voice record in it.
  3. Import and inject the created speech service into root app module.
  4. Use the created speech service into required HomeComponent and FeedHeaderComponent.

Structure of Speech Service

The speech service mainly consists of two methods

  • record() method which accepts lang as string input which specifies the language code for speech recording and returns a string Observable.

   record(lang: string): Observable<string> {
           return Observable.create(observe => {
                 const webkitSpeechRecognition }: IWindow = 
                 this.recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
                 this.recognition.continuous = true;
                 this.recognition.interimResults = true;
                 this.recognition.onresult = take => 
                 length - 1).
                 .onerror = 
                 err => observe
                 = () => observe
                 this.recognition.lang = 


Using observe.complete() allows speech recognition action to stop when the user stops speaking.

  • stoprecord() method which is used to stop the current instance of recording.

 stoprecord() {
       if (this.recognition) {


stop() method is used to stop the current instance of speech recognition.

Using Speech Service in required Component

In Loklak Search, the speech service have been included in two main components i.e. HomeComponent and FeedHeaderComponent. The basic idea of using the created speech service in these components is same.

In the TypeScript (not spec.ts) file of the two components, firstly import the SpeechService and create its object in constructor.

constructor( private speech: SpeechService ) { }


Secondly, define a speechRecognition() method and use the created instance or object of SpeechService in it to record speech and set the query as the recorded speech input. Here, default language has been set up as ‘en_US’ i.e. English.

 stoprecord() {
       if (this.recognition) {


After user clicks on speech icon, this method will be called and the recorded speech will be set as the query and there will be router navigation to the /search page where the result will be displayed.


Continue ReadingAdding ‘Voice Search’ Feature in Loklak Search

Database Listener for User Centric Events

Badgeyay is an open-source utility developed by FOSSASIA to generate badges for conferences and events. The project is separated into two components to ease maintainability. First is the frontend part which is in ember and second part is backend which is in Flask. The choice of database to support backend is PostgreSQL.

Now comes the problem, whenever a user is registered in the database, he should receive  a verification mail, that he is successfully registered on the platform. For this case we have to listen to the database events on User model. This issue has greater extendibility than only sending greeting or verification mail to the user. We can extend this to trigger services that are dependent on user registration, like subscribing the user to some set of services based on the plan he opted while registration and many more.

These type of issues cannot be handled by normal relationship with tables and other entities, there has to be logic in place to support such functionalities. So the challenges for tackling the problem are as follows:

  • Listen to the insert_action in User model
  • Extracting the details necessary for the logic
  • Execute particular logic


  1. Attaching insert_action listener to the User model. This function will get triggered whenever an entity is saved in the User model.

<!– HTML generated using –>

@db.event.listens_for(User, "after_insert")
def logic(mapper, connection, target): {
  1. When the function gets triggered, extract the details of the saved user that is necessary for the logic. As currently we are sending greeting mail to the user,we only need the email of the user. Target is the actual saved user passed as argument to the listening function from the library.

<!– HTML generated using –>

msg = {}
msg['subject'] = "Welcome to Badgeyay"
msg['receipent'] =
msg['body'] = "It's good to have you onboard with Badgeyay. Welcome to " \
"FOSSASIA Family."
  1. Now the details are passed to sendMail() function for sending mail which uses flask-mail library to send mail to the recipient.
    def sendMail(message):
    if message and message.receipent:
    msg = Message(
    sender=app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'], Response(200).generateMessage(
    except Exception as e:
    return jsonify(
    'Unable to send the mail'))
    return jsonify(
    'Mail Sent'))
    return jsonify(
    'No data received')) 'No data received'))
  2. This will send mail to the user who has been registered to the application.

Similarly we can use separate logics according to the need of the application.


The Pull Request for the above functionality is at this Link

Topics Involved

Working on the issue involve following topics:

  • Configuring mail service to allow insecure apps access.
  • Sending mail from the flask-mail to end user
  • Attaching listener to listen for database change
  • Extraction of data from saved object in database sqlalchemy.


  • Sending Mails Programmatically –  Link
  • Flask Mail Documentation – Link
  • Listening to database events – Link
  • Enabling access to GMAIL to send mails to recipient – Link
Continue ReadingDatabase Listener for User Centric Events

Adding multiple email support for users on Open Event Server

The Open Event Server enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meet-ups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues. Event managers can create invitation forms for speakers and build schedules in a drag and drop interface. The event information is stored in a database. The system provides API endpoints to fetch the data, and to modify and update it.

The Open Event Server is based on JSON 1.0 Specification and hence build on top of Flask Rest Json API (for building Rest APIs) and Marshmallow (for Schema).

In this blog, we will talk about how to add support of multiple emails for a user in Open Event Server. The focus is on model and schema creation for this support.

Model Creation

For the UserEmail, we’ll make our model as follows

from app.models import db

class UserEmail(db.Model):
“””user email model class”””
__tablename__ = ‘user_emails’
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique=True, nullable=False)
verified = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(‘’, ondelete=’CASCADE’))
user = db.relationship(“User”, backref=”emails”, foreign_keys=[user_id])

def __init__(self, email=None, user_id=None): = email
self.user_id = user_id

def __str__(self):
return ‘User:’ + unicode(self.user_id).encode(‘utf-8’) + ‘ email: ‘ + unicode(‘utf-8’)

def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(

Now, let’s try to understand the attributes of this model.

  1. id is most important Column required in every model to set it as primary key and to uniquely identify an UserEmail object.
  2. email is that attribute which is required hence should be unique and non-nullable.
  3. Verified attribute is used to check whether a email is verified or not (thus should be boolean)
  4. User_id is the attribute which specifies id of the user whose email is contained in the UserEmail object.
  5. Finally, a relationship with the user of id user_id and these emails (associated with the == user_id) will be stored in the attribute emails in User Model.

Schema Creation

For the model UserEmail, we’ll make our schema UserEmailSchema as follows

from marshmallow_jsonapi import fields
from marshmallow_jsonapi.flask import Schema, Relationshipfrom app.api.helpers.utilities import dasherizeclass UserEmailSchema(Schema):
“””   API Schema for user email Model   “””class Meta:
“””  Meta class for user email API schema  “””
type_ = ‘user-emails’
self_view = ‘v1.user_emails_detail’
self_view_kwargs = {‘id’: ‘<id>’}
inflect = dasherize

id = fields.Str(dump_only=True)
email = fields.Email(allow_none=False)
user_id = fields.Integer(allow_none=False)
user = Relationship(attribute=’user’,
self_view_kwargs={‘id’: ‘<id>’},
related_view_kwargs={‘user_id’: ‘<id>’},

  • Marshmallow-jsonapi provides a simple way to produce JSON API-compliant data in any Python web framework.

Now, let’s try to understand the schema UserEmailSchema

  1. id : Same as in model id is used as uniquely identify an UserEmail object.
  2. email : Same as in model email is required thus allow_none is set to False.
  3. User_id : user_id is the id of user whose email is contained in a UserEmailSchema object.
  4. User : It tells whole attributes of the user to which this email belongs to.

So, we saw how to add multiple email support for users on Open Event Server. We just required to create a model and its schema to add this feature. Similarly, to add support for any database model in the project, we need to create Model and Schema with all the attributes as specified in the model too. This Schema creation is done with guidelines of JSONAPI 1.0 Specification using Marshmallow.


Continue ReadingAdding multiple email support for users on Open Event Server

Variable Font Size Badgeyay

Badgeyay is a simple badge generator that aims for promoting an open-source tool for generation of badges in PDF format. The project has options to choose from predefined set of images or upload a background image. User can choose from set of fonts and color of the same. But now Badgeyay also has option to choose custom font-size in generation of badges.

To implement font size feature,  first, the component that is determining the font of the label has to be identified. The label that determines the text on the badge is the <text> label and within it, the label that determines the properties of the text is <tspan>. So mainly we need to alter the properties in the tspan.

The property that determines the font size for the badge is font-size and its default value is set to 31.25 px. If the property in the labels changed, then we can see the corresponding changes in the PDF generated from the svg.

Now the challenges were:

  • To Determine the font value from the frontend.
  • Using the same for the font-config.
  • Changing the built svg accordingly.


  1. Firstly frontend component has to be changed to incorporate a slider to give input for the variable font size. So a range input is inserted with range from 15 px to 45 px and default as 30 px. The size_print label gets changed dynamically to show the value selected from the range slider.
<input type="radio" name="fontsize" id="font-size-picker"> Choose font size
<section id="font-size-input" style="display:none;">
<label for="inputFile" id="size_print"></label>
<input type="range" id="font-size" max=45 min=15 step=5 value=30  class="form-control" name="font_size">
  1. After adding the component, form script is changed to add toggle behaviour to the button. For adding the toggling behaviour in the component, checkbox is used and the value of the label is updated dynamically as the slider value is changed.
$("#size_print").text($("#font-size").val() + " px");

      $("#font-size-picker").click(function () {

          if ($(this).is(":checked")) {

              $("#font-size-input").css("display", "block");

          } else {

              $("#font-size-input").css("display", "none");



      $("#font-size").on('input', function () {

          $("#size_print").text($(this).val() + " px");

  1. After completing the work on the frontend, it is necessary to modify the backend too. The method for choosing custom font has to be refactored. It now checks whether the custom font is set or font size variable is set, and creates a config file for fonts which after use gets deleted.
font_config = {}
   # custom font is specified
   if custom_font != '':
       font_config['font'] = custom_font
   if font_size != '':
       font_config['font_size'] = font_size
   if custom_font != '' or font_size != '':
       json_str = json.dumps(font_config)
       f = open(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], 'fonts.json'), "w+")
  1. The generator class is modified as well to accommodate the changes, by adding a new class attribute called font_size. We find the keys in the dict object loaded from the file and assign the same to class attribute.
if 'font_size' in self.DATA.keys():
               self.font_size = self.DATA['font_size']
  1. Make the necessary change in the svg, so that font size change can be represented in the generated PDF. Replace the old font size with the new font size specified.
if self.font_size:
           content = content.replace("font-size:31.25px",
                                     "font-size:" + str(self.font_size) + "px")
  1. After all the changes, badge generated will have a different font size.

The Pull request for the above change is at this Link

Topics Involved

Working on this Issue (Link) involve following topics:

  • SVG Label manipulation
  • Sending data from Ember frontend to Backend.
  • Javascript for the toggle radio button.


  • Extracting map information from the SVG (Link)
  • Python Documentation for class (Link)
  • About Github Pages- (Link)
  • Ajax Serialize method to serialize the form contents – (Link)
Continue ReadingVariable Font Size Badgeyay

The Road to Success in Google Summer of Code 2017

It’s the best time when GCI students can get the overview experience of GSoC and all the aspiring participant can get themselves into different projects of FOSSASIA.

I’m a Junior year undergraduate student pursuing B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Patna. This summer, I spent coding in Google Summer of Code with FOSSASIA organization. It feels great to be an open-source enthusiast, and Google as a sponsor make it as icing on the cake. People can learn new things here and meet new people.

I came to know about GSoC through my senior colleagues who got selected in GSoC in the year 2016. It was around September 2016 and I was in 2nd year of my college. At that time, last year, result of GSoC was declared.

What is GSoC?

Consider GSoC as a big bowl which has lots of small balls and those small balls are open-source organizations. Google basically acts as a sponsor for the open-source organizations. A timeline is proposed according to the applied organization and then student select their favorite organization and start to contribute to it. Believe me, it’s not only computer science branch specific, anyone can take part in it and there is no minimum CPI requirement. I consider myself to be one of the examples who have an electrical branch with not so good academic performance yet successfully being part of GSoC 2017.

How to select an organization?

This is the most important step and it takes time. I wandered around 100 organizations to find where my interest actually lies. But now, I’ll describe how to sort this and find your organization a little quicker. Take a pen and paper (kindly don’t use notepad of pc) and write down your field of interest in computer science. Number every point in decreasing order of your interest. Then for each respective field write down its basic pre-requisites. Visit GSoC website, go to organization tab and there is a slide for searching working field of the organization. Select only one organization, dig out its website, see the previous project and its application. If nothing fits you, repeat the same with another organization. And if that organization interests you, then look for a project of that organization. First of all, look at that application of the project, and give that application a try and must give a feedback to the organization. Then try to find that what languages, modules, etc that project used to work and how the project works. Don’t worry if nothing goes into your mind. Find out the developers mailing list, their chat channel, their code base area. And ask developers out there for help.

First Love It:

Open-Source, it’s a different world which exists on Earth. All organizations are open-source and all their codes are open and free to view. Find things that interests you the most and start to love the work. If you don’t understand a code, learn things by doing and asking. Most of the times we don’t get favorable responses, in such times we need to carry on and have patience for the best to happen.

My Favourite part:

GSoC has been my dream since the day I came to know about it. It’s only through this that one gets a chance to explore open-source softwares, and organizations get a chance to hire on board developers. This is the great initiative taken by Google which brings hope for the developers to increase the use of open-source. This is one of the ways through which one can look into the codes of the developers and help them out and even also get helped.

GSoC is the platform through which one can implement lots of new things, meet new people, develop new softwares and see the world around in a different way. That’s what happened with me, it’s just at the end of the first phase, my love towards open-source increased exponentially. Now I see every problem in my life as a way to solve it through the open-source. Rather it’s part of arranging an event or designing an invitation, I am encouraged to use open-source tools to help me out. It becomes very easy to distribute data and convey information through open-source, so the people can reach to you much easier.

You always see a thing according to your perspective and it’s always the best but the open-source gives it a view through the perspective of the world and gets the best from them through a compilation of all the sources. One can give ideas, their views, find something that other can’t even see and increase its karma through contribution. And all these things have been made possible through GOOGLE only. I became such that I can donate the rest of my life working for open-source. GSoC is responsible for including the open-source contribution in my daily life. It made me feel really bad if my Github profile page has 0 contributions at the end of the day. Open Source opens door to another world.

Challenging part:

To conclude, I would say that GSoC made me love the challenge. I became such that the things that come easily to me don’t taste good to me at all. Specifically, GSoC’s most challenging part is to get into it that is to get selected. I still can’t believe that I was selected. Now onwards it’s just fun and learning. Each and every day, I encountered several issues, bugs, etc but just before going to bed at night, there were things which collectively made me feel that whether the bug has been solved or not, but I was able to break the upper most covering of that conch shell. And such things increases the motivation and light up the enthusiasm to tackle the problem. Open-Source not only taught me to control different snapshots of software but also of time. I learn to manage different works of day efficiently and it includes the contribution in open-source as part of my daily life.

Advice to students:

The only problem new developers have is to get started. I’ll advise them to close their eyes and dive into it without thinking whether they would be able to complete this task or not. Believe me, you will gradually find that whether the task is completed or not but you are much above the condition than you were at the time of beginning the task.

Just learn by doing the things.

Make mistakes and enlist them as “things that will not work” so one may read it and avoid it.

GSoC Project link:
Final Code Submission:

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