Adding 3D Home Screen Quick Actions to SUSI iOS App

Home screen quick actions are a convenient way to perform useful, app-specific actions right from the Home screen, using 3D Touch. Apply a little pressure to an app icon with your finger—more than you use for tap and hold—to see a list of available quick actions. Tap one to activate it. Quick actions can be static or dynamic.

We have added some 3D home screen quick action to our SUSI iOS app. In this post, we will see how they are implemented and how they work.

The following 3D home screen quick actions are added to SUSI iOS:

  • Open SUSI Skills – user can directly go to SUSI skills without opening a chat screen.
  • Customize Settings – user can customize their setting directly by using this quick action.
  • Setup A Device – when the user quickly wants to configure his/her device for SUSI Smart Speaker, this is quick action is very helpful in that.
  • Change SUSI’s Voice – user can change SUSI message reading language accents directly from this quick action.

Each Home screen quick action includes a title, an icon on the left or right (depending on your app’s position on the home screen), and an optional subtitle. The title and subtitle are always left-aligned in left-to-right languages.

Step 1 – Adding the Shortcut Items

We add static home screen quick actions using the UIApplicationShortcutItems array in the app Info.plist file. Each entry in the array is a dictionary containing items matching properties of the UIApplicationShortcutItem class. As seen in screenshot below, we have 4 shortcut items and each item have three properties UIApplicationShortcutItemIconType/UIApplicationShortcutItemIconFile, UIApplicationShortcutItemTitle, and UIApplicationShortcutItemType.

  • UIApplicationShortcutItemIconType and UIApplicationShortcutItemIconFile is the string for setting icon for quick action. For the system icons, we use UIApplicationShortcutItemIconType property and for the custom icons, we use UIApplicationShortcutItemIconFile.
  • UIApplicationShortcutItemTitle is a required string that is displayed to the user.
  • UIApplicationShortcutItemType is a required app specific string used to identify the quick action.

Step 2 – Handling the Shortcut

AppDelegate is the place where we handle all the home screen quick actions. We define these variables:

var shortcutHandled: Bool!
var shortcutIdentifier: String?

When a user chooses one of the quick actions the launch of the system or resumes the app and calls the performActionForShortcutItem method in app delegate:

func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                     performActionFor shortcutItem: UIApplicationShortcutItem,
                     completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
        shortcutIdentifier = shortcutItem.type
        shortcutHandled = true

Whenever the application becomes active, applicationDidBecomeActive function is called:

func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
        // Handel Home Screen Quick Actions

Inside the applicationDidBecomeActive function we call the handleHomeAction() method which handles the home screen quick action.

func handelHomeActions() {
       if shortcutHandled == true {
           shortcutHandled = false
           if shortcutIdentifier == ControllerConstants.HomeActions.openSkillAction {
               // Handle action accordingly
           } else if shortcutIdentifier == ControllerConstants.HomeActions.customizeSettingsAction {
               // Handle action accordingly
           } else if shortcutIdentifier == ControllerConstants.HomeActions.setupDeviceAction {
               // Handle action accordingly
           } else if shortcutIdentifier == ControllerConstants.HomeActions.changeVoiceAction {
               // Handle action accordingly

Final Output:

Resources –

  1. Home Screen Quick Actions – Human Interface Guidelines by Apple
  2. Adding 3D Touch Quick Actions by Use Your Leaf
  3. Apple’s documentation on performActionFor:completionHandler
Continue ReadingAdding 3D Home Screen Quick Actions to SUSI iOS App

Adding report skills feature in SUSI iOS

SUSI.AI is having a various type of Skills that improving the user experience. Skills are powering the SUSI.AI personal chat assistant. SUSI skills have a nice feedback system. We have three different feedback way for SUSI skills, 5-star rating system, posting feedback, and reporting skills.

5-Star Rating – rate skills from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) star

Posting Feedback – user can post feedback about particular skill

Report Skill – user can report skill if he/she found it inappropriate

In this post, we will see how reporting skills feature work in SUSI iOS and how it is implemented. You can learn about 5-star rating here and posting feedback feature here.

Adding report skill button –

let reportSkillButton: UIButton = {
        let button = UIButton(type: .system)
        button.contentHorizontalAlignment = .left
        button.setTitle("Report Skill", for: .normal)
        button.setTitleColor(UIColor.iOSGray(), for: .normal)
        button.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16)
        button.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        return button

In above, we have set translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints property for false. By default, the property is set to true for any view you programmatically create. If you add views in Interface Builder, the system automatically sets this property to false. If this property’s value is true, the system creates a set of constraints that duplicate the behavior specified by the view’s autoresizing mask.

Setting up report skill button –

We are setting constraints programmatically as we created button programmatically and set translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints to false. Also, setting a target to the button.

if let delegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate, let _ = delegate.currentUser {
            reportSkillButton.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 140).isActive = true
            reportSkillButton.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 32).isActive = true
            reportSkillButton.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentType.leftAnchor).isActive = true
            reportSkillButton.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentType.bottomAnchor, constant: 8).isActive = true

            reportSkillButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(reportSkillAction), for: .touchUpInside)

In the above method, we can see that we are only showing button if user is logged-in. Only a logged-in user can report the skill. To check if user is logged in or not, we are using the AppDelegate shared instance where we save the logged-in user globally when the user signs in.

When user clicks the Report Skill button, a popup is open up with a text field for feedback message like below:

This is how UI look like!

When user clicks the Report action after typing feedback message, we are using the following endpoint:

With the following parameters –

  • Model
  • Group
  • Skill
  • Language
  • Access Token
  • Feedback

Here is how we are handling the API call within our app –

func reportSkill(feedbackMessage: String) {
        if let delegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate, let user = delegate.currentUser {

            let params = [
                Client.SkillListing.model: skill?.model as AnyObject,
       skill?.group as AnyObject,
                Client.SkillListing.skill: skill?.skillKeyName as AnyObject,
                Client.SkillListing.language: Locale.current.languageCode as AnyObject,
                Client.SkillListing.accessToken: user.accessToken as AnyObject,
       feedbackMessage as AnyObject

            Client.sharedInstance.reportSkill(params) { (success, error) in
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    if success {
                        self.view.makeToast("Skill reported successfully")
                    } else if let error = error {

On successfully reported skill, we show a toast with ‘Skill reported successfully’ message and if there is error reporting the skills, we present the toast with error as a message.

Resources –

  1. SUSI Skills:
  2. Apple’s documentations on translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints
  3. Allowing user to submit ratings for skills in SUSI iOS
  4. Displaying Skills Feedback on SUSI iOS
Continue ReadingAdding report skills feature in SUSI iOS

Connecting SUSI iOS App to SUSI Smart Speaker

SUSI Smart Speaker is an Open Source speaker with many exciting features. The user needs an Android or iOS device to set up the speaker. You can refer this post for initial connection to SUSI Smart Speaker. In this post, we will see how a user can connect SUSI Smart Speaker to iOS devices (iPhone/iPad).

Implementation –

The first step is to detect whether an iOS device connects to SUSI.AI hotspot or not. For this, we match the currently connected wifi SSID with SUSI.AI hotspot SSID. If it matches, we show the connected device in Device Activity to proceed further with setups.

Choosing Room –

Room name is basically the location of your SUSI Smart Speaker in the home. You may have multiple SUSI Smart Speaker in different rooms, so the purpose of adding the room is to differentiate between them.

When the user clicks on Wi-Fi displayed cell, it starts the initial setups. We are using didSelectRowAt method of UITableViewDelegate to get which cell is selected. On clicking the displayed Wi-Fi cell, a popup is open with a Room Location Text field.

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
if indexPath.row == 0, let speakerSSID = fetchSSIDInfo(), speakerSSID == ControllerConstants.DeviceActivity.susiSSID {
// Open a popup to select Rooms

When the user clicks the Next button, we send the speaker room location to the local server of the speaker by the following API endpoint with room name as a parameter:

Refer this post for getting more detail about how choosing room work and how it is implemented in SUSI iOS.

Sharing Wi-Fi Credentials –

On successfully choosing the room, we present a popup that asks the user to enter the Wi-Fi credentials of previously connected Wi-Fi so that we can connect our Smart Speaker to the wifi which can provide internet connection to play music and set commands over the speaker.

We present a popup with a text field for entering wifi password.

When the user clicks the Next button, we share the wifi credentials to wifi by the following API endpoint:

With the following params-

  1. Wifissid – Connected Wi-Fi SSID
  2. Wifipassd – Connected Wi-Fi password

In this API endpoint, we are sharing wifi SSID and wifi password with Smart Speaker. If the credentials successfully accepted by speaker than we present a popup for user SUSI account password, otherwise we again present Enter Wifi Credentials popup.

Client.sharedInstance.sendWifiCredentials(params) { (success, message) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.alertController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
if success {
} else {
self.view.makeToast("", point:, title: message, image: nil, completion: { didTap in


Sharing SUSI Account Credentials –

In the method above we have seen that when SUSI Smart Speaker accept the wifi credentials, we proceed further with SUSI account credentials. We open a popup to Enter user’s SUSI account password:

When the user clicks the Next button, we use following API endpoint to share user’s SUSI account credentials to SUSI Smart Speaker:

With the following params-

  1. email
  2. password

User email is already saved in the device so the user doesn’t have to type it again. If the user credentials successfully accepted by speaker then we proceed with configuration process otherwise we open up Enter Password popup again.

Client.sharedInstance.sendAuthCredentials(params) { (success, message) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.alertController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
if success {
} else {
self.view.makeToast("", point:, title: message, image: nil, completion: { didTap in


Setting Configuration –

After successfully sharing SUSI account credentials, following API endpoint is using for setting configuration.

With the following params-

  1. sst
  2. tts
  3. hotword
  4. wake

The success of this API call makes successfully connection between user iOS Device and SUSI Smart Speaker.

Client.sharedInstance.setConfiguration(params) { (success, message) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if success {
// Successfully Configured
self.isSetupDone = true
} else {
self.view.makeToast("", point:, title: message, image: nil, completion: { didTap in

After successful connection-


Resources –

  1. Apple’s Documentation of tableView(_:didSelectRowAt:) API
  2. Initial Setups for Connecting SUSI Smart Speaker with iPhone/iPad
  3. SUSI Linux Link:
  4. Adding Option to Choose Room for SUSI Smart Speaker in iOS App
Continue ReadingConnecting SUSI iOS App to SUSI Smart Speaker

Adding Support for Playing Youtube Videos in SUSI iOS App

SUSI supports very exciting features in chat screen, from simple answer type to complex map, RSS, table etc type responses. Even user can ask SUSI for the image of anything and SUSI response with the image in the chat screen. What if we can play the youtube video from SUSI, we ask SUSI for playing videos and it can play youtube videos, isn’t it be exciting? Yes, SUSI can play youtube videos too. All the SUSI clients (iOS, Android, and Web) support playing youtube videos in chat.

Google provides a Youtube iFrame Player API that can be used to play videos inside the app only instead of passing an intent and playing the videos in the youtube app. iFrame API provide support for playing youtube videos in iOS applications.

In this post, we will see how playing youtube video features implemented in SUSI iOS.

Getting response from server side –

When we ask SUSI for playing any video, in response, we get youtube Video ID in video_play action type. SUSI iOS make use of Video ID to play youtube video. In response below, you can see that we are getting answer action type and in the expression of answer action type, we get the title of the video.

type: "answer",
expression: "Playing Kygo - Firestone (Official Video) ft. Conrad Sewell"
identifier: "9Sc-ir2UwGU",
identifier_type: "youtube",
type: "video_play"

Integrating youtube player in the app –

We have a VideoPlayerView that handle all the iFrame API methods and player events with help of YTPlayer HTML file.

When SUSI respond with video_play action, the first step is to register the YouTubePlayerCell and present the cell in collectionView of chat screen.

Registering the Cell –

register(_:forCellWithReuseIdentifier:) method registers a class for use in creating new collection view cells.

collectionView?.register(YouTubePlayerCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: ControllerConstants.youtubePlayerCell)


Presenting the YouTubePlayerCell –

Here we are presenting the cell in chat screen using cellForItemAt method of UICollectionView.

if message.actionType == ActionType.video_play.rawValue {
if let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: ControllerConstants.youtubePlayerCell, for: indexPath) as? YouTubePlayerCell {
cell.message = message
cell.delegate = self
return cell


Setting size for cell –

Using sizeForItemAt method of UICollectionView to set the size.

if message.actionType == ActionType.video_play.rawValue {
return CGSize(width: view.frame.width, height: 158)

In YouTubePlayerCell, we are displaying the thumbnail of youtube video using UIImageView. Following method is using to get the thumbnail of particular video by using Video ID –

  1. Getting thumbnail image from URL
  2. Setting image to imageView
func downloadThumbnail() {
if let videoID = message?.videoData?.identifier {
let thumbnailURLString = "\(videoID)/default.jpg"
let thumbnailURL = URL(string: thumbnailURLString)
thumbnailView.kf.setImage(with: thumbnailURL, placeholder: ControllerConstants.Images.placeholder, options: nil, progressBlock: nil, completionHandler: nil)

We are adding a play button in the center of thumbnail view so that when the user clicks play button, we can present player.

On clicking the Play button, we are presenting the PlayerViewController, which hold all the player setups, by overFullScreen type of modalPresentationStyle.

@objc func playVideo() {
if let videoID = message?.videoData?.identifier {
let playerVC = PlayerViewController(videoID: videoID)
playerVC.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
delegate?.loadNewScreen(controller: playerVC)

The methods above present the youtube player with giving Video ID. We are using YouTubePlayerDelegate method to autoplay the video.

func playerReady(_ videoPlayer: YouTubePlayerView) {

The player can be dismissed by tapping on the light black background.

Final Output –

Resources –

  1. Youtube iOS Player API
  2. SUSI API Sample Response for Playing Video
  3. SUSI iOS Link
Continue ReadingAdding Support for Playing Youtube Videos in SUSI iOS App
Read more about the article Adding Option to Choose Room for SUSI Smart Speaker in iOS App

Adding Option to Choose Room for SUSI Smart Speaker in iOS App

SUSI Smart Speaker is an open source smart speaker that supports many features. The user can use Android or iOS to connect their device with SUSI Smart Speaker. During initial installation, it is asking from use to enter the Room name. Room name is basically the location of your SUSI Smart Speaker in the home. You may have multiple SUSI Smart Speaker in different rooms, so the purpose of adding the room is to differentiate between them. You can find useful instructions for the initial connection between the iOS device and SUSI Smart Speaker here. It this post, we will see how the adding rooms feature implemented for SUSI iOS.

When the user enters into the Device Activity screen, we check if the iOS device is connected to SUSI.AI Wi-Fi hotspot or not. If the device is connected to SUSI Smart Speaker, it shows the Wi-Fi displayed SSID in Device Activity Screen. On clicking the displayed Wi-Fi cell, a popup is open with a Room Location Text field. The user can enter Room location and by clicking the Next button, proceed further with the setup.

In the popup, there is also an option for choosing rooms, where the list of most common room names is displayed and the user can choose room name from the list.

Presenting Room Picker View Controller –

func presentRoomsPicker() {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
if let roomVC = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "RoomPickerVC") as? RoomPickerController {
roomVC.deviceActivityVC = self
let roomNVC = AppNavigationController(rootViewController: roomVC)
self.present(roomNVC, animated: true)

Room Picker View Controller is UITableViewController that display the rooms names in table cells. Some of the most common rooms names displayed are:

let rooms: [String] = ["Bedroom", "Kitchen", "Family Room", "Entryway", "Living Room", "Front Yard", "Guest Room", "Dining Room", "Computer Room", "Downstairs", "Front Porch", "Garage", "Hallway", "Driveway"]


Presenting Room Cell –

We are using cellForRowAt method to present the cell.

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "roomsCell", for: indexPath)
cell.textLabel?.text = rooms[indexPath.row]
cell.imageView?.image = ControllerConstants.Images.roomsIcon
return cell


Selecting the room from cell –

When the user clicks on the cell, first willSelectRowAt method use to display the right icon in the accessory view that shows which cell is selected.

if let oldIndex = tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow {
tableView.cellForRow(at: oldIndex)?.accessoryType = .none
tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath)?.accessoryType = .checkmark

We are storing the selected room in the following variable and selecting it by using didSelectRowAt method of UITableView.

var selectedRoom: String?
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
selectedRoom = rooms[indexPath.row]

In Room Picker Screen, the user has two option, Cancel and Done. If the user clicks the Cancel, we dismiss the Room Picker screen and display the popup with the empty room location text field and with Choose Room option. If the user clicks the Done button, we store the picked room in UserDefaults shared instance and dismiss Room Picker screen with a different popup which has already filled room location in the text field and without choose room option in the popup as in the image below. By clicking the next, the user proceeds with the further setup.

Resources –

  1. Apple’s Documentations on UserDefaults.
  2. Initial Setups for Connecting SUSI Smart Speaker with iPhone/iPad
  3. Apple’s Documentations on tableView(_:cellForRowAt:)
  4. Apple’s Documentations on tableView(_:willSelectRowAt:)
  5. Apple’s Documentations on tableView(_:didSelectRowAt:)
Continue ReadingAdding Option to Choose Room for SUSI Smart Speaker in iOS App

Adding Support for Playing Audio in SUSI iOS App

SUSI.AI supports various actions like the answer, map, table, video play and many more. You can play youtube videos in the chat screen. It also supports for playing audio in the chat screen. In this post, we will see that how playing audio feature implemented in SUSI iOS.

Getting audio action from server side –

In the chat screen, when we ask SUSI to play audio, we get the audio source from the server side. For example, if we ask SUSI “open the pod bay door”, we get the following action object:

"actions": [
"type": "audio_play",
"identifier_type": "youtube",
"identifier": "7qnd-hdmgfk"
"language": "en",
"type": "answer",
"expression": "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."

In the above action object, we can see that we get two actions, audio_play and answer. In audio_play action, we are getting an identifier type which tells us about the source of audio. Identifier type can be youtube or local or any other source. When the identifier is youtube, we play audio from youtube stream. In identifier, we get the audio file path. In case of youtube identifier type, we get youtube video ID and play from youtube stream. In answer action type, we get the expression which we display in chat screen after thumbnail.

Implementing Audio Support in App –

We use Google’s youtube Iframe API to stream audio from youtube videos. We have a VideoPlayerView that handle all the iFrame API methods and player events with help of YTPlayer HTML file.

Presenting the YouTubePlayerCell –

If the action type is audio_play, we are presenting the cell in chat screen using cellForItemAt method of UICollectionView.

if message.actionType == ActionType.audio_play.rawValue {
if let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: ControllerConstants.youtubePlayerCell, for: indexPath) as? YouTubePlayerCell {
cell.message = message
cell.delegate = self
return cell

Setting size for cell –

Using sizeForItemAt method of UICollectionView to set the size.

if message.actionType == ActionType.audio_play.rawValue {
return CGSize(width: view.frame.width, height: 158)

In YouTubePlayerCell, we fetch thumbnail and display in the cell with a play button. On clicking the play button, we open the player and stream music.

Final Output –

Resources –

  1. Apple’s Documentations on sizeForItemAt
  2. SUSI API Sample for Audio Play Action
  3. YouTube iFrame API for iOS
  4. Apple’s Documentations on cellForItemAt
Continue ReadingAdding Support for Playing Audio in SUSI iOS App

Integrating Gravatar and Anonymizing Email Address in Feedback Section

SUSI skills are having a very nice feedback system that allows the user to rate skills from 1-star to 5-star and showing ratings in skills screens. SUSI also allow the user to post feedback about skills and display them. You can check out how posting feedback implemented here and how displaying feedback feature implemented here. To enhance the user experience, we are adding user gravatar in the feedback section and to respect user privacy, we are anonymizing the user email displayed in the feedback section. In this post, we will see how these features implemented in SUSI iOS.

Integrating Gravatar –

We are showing gravatar of the user before feedback. Gravatar is a service for providing globally-unique avatars. We are using user email address to get the gravatar. The most basic gravatar image request URL looks like this:

where HASH is replaced with the calculated hash for the specific email address we are requesting. We are using the MD5 hash function to hash the user’s email address.

The MD5 hashing algorithm is a one-way cryptographic function that accepts a message of any length as input and returns as output a fixed-length digest value to be used for authenticating the original message.

In SUSI iOS, we have MD5Digest.swift file that gives the hash value of email string. We are using the following method to set gravatar:

if let userEmail = feedback?.email {
setGravatar(from: userEmail)
func setGravatar(from emailString: String) {
let baseGravatarURL = ""
let emailMD5 = emailString.utf8.md5.rawValue
let imageString = baseGravatarURL + emailMD5 + ".jpg"
let imageURL = URL(string: imageString)
gravatarImageView.kf.setImage(with: imageURL)

Anonymizing User’s Email Address –

Before the implementation of this feature, the user’s full email address was displayed in the feedback section and see all review screen. To respect the privacy of the user, we are now only showing user email until the `@` sign.

In Feedback object, we have the email address string that we modify to show until `@` sign by following way:

if let userEmail = feedback?.email, let emailIndex = userEmail.range(of: "@")?.upperBound {
userEmailLabel.text = String(userEmail.prefix(upTo: emailIndex)) + "..."


Final Output –

Resources –

  1. Post feedback for SUSI Skills in SUSI iOS
  2. Displaying Skills Feedback on SUSI iOS
  3. What is MD5?
Continue ReadingIntegrating Gravatar and Anonymizing Email Address in Feedback Section

Implementing Five Star Rating UI in SUSI iOS

Five-star rating system introduced in SUSI to rate skills. SUSI enable the user to rate skills between 1 to 5 star. The five-star rating system is the best way to get feedback from the user. It also helps the developer for further development. Ratings help to better understand individual preferences and present a more personalized user experience. The user feedback helps products understand whether or not the content is valuable and improve offerings over time. This can benefit products with and without sophisticated personalization.

Let’s see how the five-star rating system is implemented in SUSI iOS.

Average ratings displayed near the Try It button – It shows the average rating of a particular skill.

Enable user to submit the rating of any skill between 1-star to 5-star.

The only logged-in user can submit the ratings for skills.

Rating chart that display number of rating for each star (1 to 5), the right labels of chart bars shows the number of users rated for a particular star with the percentage.

Average and total ratings for particular skills is also displayed near the bar chart.

Thumbs-up and thumbs-down ratings removed from the skill detail screen and replaced with 5-star ratings.

Implementation of Rating Chart

For the rating chart, we are using TEAChart class, which enable us to present rating data on bar charts.

Setting colors for bar chart:

We are using Google’s Material Design color for rating bars colors.

let barChartColors = [

Assigning colors to bars:

barChartView.barColors = barChartColors

Assign Data to the bars:

// Sample data = [5, 1, 1, 1, 2]

Set background color and bar spacing:

barChartView.barSpacing = 3
barChartView.backgroundColor = UIColor.barBackgroundColor()

Final Output –

Resources –

  1. Material Design:
  2. SUSI iOS Link:
Continue ReadingImplementing Five Star Rating UI in SUSI iOS

Adding Support for Displaying Images in SUSI iOS

SUSI provided exciting features in the chat screen. The user can ask a different type of queries and SUSI respond according to the user query. If the user wants to get news, the user can just ask news and SUSI respond with the news. Like news, SUSI can respond to so many queries. Even user can ask SUSI for the image of anything. In response, SUSI displays the image that the user asked. Exciting? Let’s see how displaying images in the chat screen of SUSI iOS is implemented.

Getting image URL from server side –

When we ask susi for the image of anything, it returns the URL of image source in response with answer action type. We get the URL of the image in the expression key of actions object as below:

language: "en",
type: "answer",


Implementation in App –

In the app, we check if the response coming from server is image URL or not by following two methods.

One – Check if the expression is a valid URL:

func isValidURL() -> Bool {
if let url = URL(string: self) {
return UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url)
return false

The method above return boolean value if the expression is valid or not.

Two – Check if the expression contains image source in URL:

func isImage() -> Bool {
let imageFormats = ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif"]

if let ext = self.getExtension() {
return imageFormats.contains(ext)

return false

The method above returns the boolean value if the URL string is image source of not by checking its extension.

If both the methods return true, the expression is a valid URL and contain image source, then we consider it as an Image and proceed further.

In collectionView of the chat screen, we register ImageCell and present the cell if the response is the image as below.

Registering the Cell –

register(_:forCellWithReuseIdentifier:) method registers a class for use in creating new collection view cells.

collectionView?.register(ImageCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: ControllerConstants.imageCell)

Presenting the Cell using cellForItemAt method of UICollectionView

The implementation of cellForItemAt method is responsible for creating, configuring, and returning the appropriate cell for the given item. We do this by calling the dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier:for:) method of the collection view and passing the reuse identifier that corresponds to the cell type we want. That method always returns a valid cell object. Upon receiving the cell, we set any properties that correspond to the data of the corresponding item, perform any additional needed configuration, and return the cell.

if let expression = message.answerData?.expression, expression.isValidURL(), expression.isImage() {
if let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: ControllerConstants.imageCell, for: indexPath) as? ImageCell {
cell.message = message
return cell

In ImageCell, we present a UIImageView that display the image. When cell the message var, it call downloadImage method to catch and display image from server URL using Kingfisher method.

In method below –

  1. Get image URL string and check if it is image URL
  2. Convert image string to image URL
  3. Set image to the imageView
func downloadImage() {
if let imageString = message?.answerData?.expression, imageString.isImage() {
if let url = URL(string: imageString) {
imageView.kf.setImage(with: url, placeholder: ControllerConstants.Images.placeholder, options: nil, progressBlock: nil, completionHandler: nil)

We have added a tap gesture to the imageView so that when the user taps the image, it opens the full image in the browser by using the method below:

@objc func openImage() {
if let imageURL = message?.answerData?.expression {
if let url = URL(string: imageURL) {, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)


Final Output –

Resources –

  1. Apple’s Documentations on collectionView(_:cellForItemAt:) method
  2. Apple’s Documentations on register(_:forCellWithReuseIdentifier:) method
  3. SUSI iOS Link:
  4. SUSI API Link:
  5. Kingfisher – A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web
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Displaying Skills Feedback on SUSI iOS

SUSI allows the user to rate the SUSI Skills with the five-star rating system. SUSI offer a good feedback system where the user can post feedback to any skill by using iOS, Android, and Web clients. In Skill Detail, there is a skill feedback text field where the user can write feedback about SUSI Skill. We display the users posted feedbacks on Skill Detail screen. In this post, we will see how the displaying skills feedback feature implemented on SUSI iOS.

Implementation –

We are displaying three feedback on Skill Detail screen, to see all feedback, there is a “See All Review” option, by clicking user is directed to a new screen where he/she can see all feedback related to particular skill.

We use the endpoint below for getting skill feedback from server side –

With the following params:

  • Model
  • Group
  • Language
  • Skill Name

The API endpoint above return the all the feedback array related to particular susi skill. We store feedbacks in an array of Feedback object, which holds three value:

    • Feedback String – Feedback string posted by the user
    • Email – Email address of feedback poster user
    • Time Stamp – Time of posting feedback
class Feedback: NSObject {
var feedbackString: String = ""
var email: String = ""
var timeStamp: String = ""

To display feedbacks, we are using UITableView with two prototype cells, one for feedbacks and one for “See All Review” option.

There can be different cases eg. when the total number of feedback for skill is less than three or three. When the feedback count is three or less than three, there is no need to show “See All Review” option. Also, tableView height is different for different feedback count. For varying tableView height, we have created an outlet for tableView height constraints and vary accordingly.

@IBOutlet weak var feedbackTableHeighConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!

Now, let’s see how the number of cells, height for cells and different cells presented according to feedback count with UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource methods.

Handling number of tableView rows –

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
guard let feedbacks = feedbacks, feedbacks.count > 0 else {
feedbackTableHeighConstraint.constant = 0.0
return 0
if feedbacks.count < 4 {
feedbackTableHeighConstraint.constant = CGFloat(72 * feedbacks.count)
return feedbacks.count
} else {
feedbackTableHeighConstraint.constant = 260.0
return 4

Where feedbacks is the array of Feedback object which holds the feedbacks we are getting from the server side for a skill.

var feedbacks: [Feedback]?

In the above method, we see that how we are handling the number of cells case. Now let’s see how to handle which cells to be present on basis of the number of cells case –

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
guard let feedbacks = feedbacks, feedbacks.count > 0 else {
feedbackTableHeighConstraint.constant = 0.0
return UITableViewCell()
if feedbacks.count < 4 {
if let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "feedbackDisplayCell", for: indexPath) as? FeedbackDisplayCell { = feedbacks[indexPath.row - Int(indexPath.row/2)]
return cell
} else if feedbacks.count > 3 {
if indexPath.row == 3 {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "allFeedbackCell", for: indexPath)
return cell
} else {
if let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "feedbackDisplayCell", for: indexPath) as? FeedbackDisplayCell { = feedbacks[indexPath.row]
return cell
return UITableViewCell()

If the number of feedbacks is greater than three than we provide “See All Review” option to the user to see all the feedback related to skill. We are displaying all feedbacks using UITableViewController. When the user clicks the “See All Review” option, we pass the feedbacks (Array of all the feedback) to new UITableViewController. By passing feedbacks, we are reducing one network call.

let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
if let allFeedbackVC = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "AllFeedbackController") as? AllFeedbackViewController {
allFeedbackVC.feedbacks = self.feedbacks
let nvc = AppNavigationController(rootViewController: allFeedbackVC)
self.present(nvc, animated: true, completion: nil)

On all skill feedback screen, we are displaying the full review. For the different size of text, we are setting the different size of cell size by using the method below:

if let feedbacks = feedbacks {
let estimatedLabelHeight = UILabel().heightForLabel(text: feedbacks[indexPath.row].feedbackString, font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14.0), width: 250.0)
return 64 + estimatedLabelHeight
} else {
return 80


Final Output –

Resources –

  1. SUSI API Link:
  2. SUSI iOS Link:
  3. Apple’s Documentation on UITableViewDelegate:
  4. Apple’s Documentation on UITableViewDataSource:
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