Five-star rating system introduced in SUSI to rate skills. SUSI enable the user to rate skills between 1 to 5 star. The five-star rating system is the best way to get feedback from the user. It also helps the developer for further development. Ratings help to better understand individual preferences and present a more personalized user experience. The user feedback helps products understand whether or not the content is valuable and improve offerings over time. This can benefit products with and without sophisticated personalization.
Let’s see how the five-star rating system is implemented in SUSI iOS.
Average ratings displayed near the Try It
button – It shows the average rating of a particular skill.
Enable user to submit the rating of any skill between 1-star to 5-star.
The only logged-in user can submit the ratings for skills.
Rating chart that display number of rating for each star (1 to 5), the right labels of chart bars shows the number of users rated for a particular star with the percentage.
Average and total ratings for particular skills is also displayed near the bar chart.
Thumbs-up and thumbs-down ratings removed from the skill detail screen and replaced with 5-star ratings.
Implementation of Rating Chart
For the rating chart, we are using TEAChart class, which enable us to present rating data on bar charts.
Setting colors for bar chart:
We are using Google’s Material Design color for rating bars colors.
let barChartColors = [
Assigning colors to bars:
barChartView.barColors = barChartColors
Assign Data to the bars:
// Sample data = [5, 1, 1, 1, 2]
Set background color and bar spacing:
barChartView.barSpacing = 3 barChartView.backgroundColor = UIColor.barBackgroundColor()
Final Output –
Resources –
- Material Design:
- SUSI iOS Link: