Rendering a Uniform StaticAppBar Component across all SUSI Web Clients on all Routes.

The Problem –
We have three SUSI Web Clients namely

Skills CMS

And it’s important to keep the design guidelines in sync across all the clients, StaticAppBar is a component which forms the header of all the pages and thus it is important to keep it uniform in all clients which was clearly missing before. There is also a lot of code duplication of the AppBar component (in accounts app) since it is used on all the pages so our approach will be to prepare a single component and render it on all routes.

Tackling the problem – Since the StaticAppBar component is present on all the clients we simply make the menu items uniform across all the clients and apply a check on those menu items on which are a premium feature or should appear only once the user is logged in.

Building blocks of the StaticAppBar component

  • AppBar
  • SUSI logo on the left end
  • Drop down hamburger menu on the right

Here’s how the JSX for the StaticAppBar component in CMS looks like, it uses an AppBar component from the material-ui library and has several props and styling as per the requirement.

   title={<div id='rightIconButton' ><Link to='/' style={{ float: 'left', marginTop: '-10px',height:'25px',width:'122px' }}>
       <img src={susiWhite} alt='susi-logo' className='siteTitle' /></Link></div>}
       backgroundColor: colors.header,
       height: '46px',
       boxShadow: 'none',
       margin: '0 auto',
   iconStyleRight={{ marginTop: '-2px' }}
   iconElementRight={<TopRightMenu />}


TopRightMenu is a function that returns JSX for the hamburger dropdown and is rendered in the AppBar as depicted below. It is a conditional menubar meaning some menu items are only rendered when the user is logged in and thus this helps cover those features which should only be available to logged in users. After that we use a popover component which shows up when the 3 dots or the expander on the top right is clicked. Almost all of the components in material ui has a style prop so styling is easy for the components moreover the workflow for the popover click goes like once the expander is clicked a boolean state variable named showOptions is toggled which in turn toggles the opening or closing state of the Popover as per the open prop.

let TopRightMenu = (props) => (
           <div onScroll={this.handleScroll}>
                   {cookies.get('loggedIn') ?
                           style={{color: 'white', fontSize: '16px', verticalAlign:'super'}}>
                           </label>) :
                               iconStyle={{ fill: 'white' }}><MoreVertIcon /></IconButton>
                       targetOrigin={{ horizontal: 'right', vertical: 'top' }}
                       anchorOrigin={{ horizontal: 'right', vertical: 'top' }}
                       style={{ float: 'right', position: 'relative', marginTop: '46px', marginLeft: leftGap }}
                       anchorOrigin={{ horizontal: 'right', vertical: 'bottom' }}
                       targetOrigin={{ horizontal: 'right', vertical: 'top' }}
                       <TopRightMenuItems />
                       {cookies.get('loggedIn') ?
                           (<MenuItem primaryText='Botbuilder'
                               containerElement={<Link to='/botbuilder' />}
                               rightIcon={<Extension />} />) :
                       <MenuItem primaryText='Settings'
                           containerElement={<Link to='/settings' />}
                           rightIcon={<Settings />} />
                       {cookies.get('loggedIn') ?
                           (<MenuItem primaryText='Logout'
                               containerElement={<Link to='/logout' />}
                               rightIcon={<Exit />} />) :
                           (<MenuItem primaryText='Login'
                               rightIcon={<LoginIcon />} />)
Handling the conditional display of menu items based on the user session

Some features are to be offered to only those who are logged in and thus we need to display them depending on the user session i.e they should be visible when the user is logged in and hidden when the user is logged out. User state is stored in the browser’s cookies and using that we can achieve the desired result.

     cookies.get('loggedIn') ?
       (<MenuItem primaryText="Botbuilder"


So I hope after going through this blog you have a much more clearer insight to how the StaticAppBar is implemented.



  1. Check out AppBar component from material-ui library here.
  2. Check blog post introducing the usage of material-ui in react here
Continue ReadingRendering a Uniform StaticAppBar Component across all SUSI Web Clients on all Routes.

Appending a rating section of SUSI SKILL CMS to the skill page

Ratings is an essential component of skills which provides the developers an insight into how the SUSI Skill is functioning and how to further improve it which ultimately leads to great user experience so this was the motivation to allow users to be able to rate skills, once the rating system is implemented we need to show some statistics like average rating, total users who have rated the skills etc on the skill page for each skill, and this will also enable users to get top rated skills and thus users can get to use the best skills rated by the community. So we implemented a rating section to SUSI SKILL CMS


Server –

  1. Two APIs were implemented by the analytics team on the server which allows the user to rate skill and fetch rating for each skill.
    1. To rate the skill (Sample)



    2. To get the ratings data for any skill (Sample)




    1. When visiting any skill make an ajax call to the server to fetch the skill data for the visited skill. The call takes in the URL from which we have to fetch data from and of course a datatype which is jsonp since server returns data in the JSON format, when the request succeeds we save the received rating to the application state and in the case or any errors we log the error for developers to debug.

// Fetch ratings for the visited skill
               url: skillRatingUrl,
               jsonpCallback: 'pc',
               dataType: 'jsonp',
               jsonp: 'callback',
               crossDomain: true,
               success: function (data) {
               error: function(e) {
    1. Save the fetched data to the application state, this data saved in the state will be used in several components and graph present on the ratings section.

saveSkillRatings = (skill_ratings) => {
        skill_ratings: data
  1. Plug in the data received to the Bar chart component to visualize how ratings are divide.
    1. Import the required components on the top of the file from the recharts library which provides us with several interactive charts.
    2. import {BarChart, Cell, LabelList, Bar, XAxis, YAxis, Tooltip} from 'recharts';
        1. Plug the data to the BarChart component through the data prop and render them to the page, this data is coming from the application state which we saved earlier. After that we define keys and styling for the X-Axis and Y-Axis and an interactive tooltip which shows up on hovering over any bar of that chart. We have 5 bars on the chart for each star rating all of different and unique colors and labels which appear on the right of each bar.

      <div className="rating-bar-chart">
         <BarChart layout='vertical' width={400} height={250}
              <XAxis type="number" padding={{right: 20}} />
              <YAxis dataKey="name" type="category"/>
                   wrapperStyle={{height: '60px'}} />
              <Bar name="Skill Rating" dataKey="value" fill="#8884d8">
                   <LabelList dataKey="value" position="right" />
                            .map((entry, index) =>
                              <Cell key={index} fill={
                                 ['#0088FE', '#00C49F', '#FFBB28',
                                '#FF8042', '#FF2323'][index % 5]
    3. Display the average rating of the skill along with the stars
        1. Import the stars component from the react-ratings-declarative component.

                  import Ratings from 'react-ratings-declarative';


        2. Render the average ratings and the stars component which is available in the app state as saved before.

          <div className="average">
                  Average Rating
                     {this.state.avg_rating ? this.state.avg_rating : 2.5}
                     rating={this.state.avg_rating || 2.5}
                     <Ratings.Widget />
                     <Ratings.Widget />
                     <Ratings.Widget />
                     <Ratings.Widget />
                     <Ratings.Widget />


    1. Display the total no of people who rated the skill, again, by using the ratings data saved in the state and calculating the total users who rated the skill by using a reduce function in ES6.

      <div className="total-rating">
              Total Ratings
                 {this.state.skill_ratings.reduce((total, num) => {
                     return total + num.value
                 }, 0)}

      Outcome –

      I hope this post helped you in understanding how the rating system is implemented in the CMS.

      References –

Continue ReadingAppending a rating section of SUSI SKILL CMS to the skill page

Testing Endpoints on Local Server

All servlets in SUSI.AI have a BaseUserRole defined. It represents the access level you need to access the endpoint corresponding to that servlet. The lowermost BaseUserRole a SUSI.AI servlet can have is ANONYMOUS, which means that anyone can access the endpoint corresponding to these endpoints. But if the BaseUserRole is higher than that, then you need an access token to access the endpoint. This blog post explains how you can get access token to access the endpoints on a local server.

What are endpoints in an API?

An endpoint in API is one end of a communication channel. When an API interacts with another system, the touchpoints of this communication are considered endpoints. For APIs, an endpoint can include a URL of a server or service. Each endpoint is the location from which APIs can access the resources they need to carry out their function.

APIs work using ‘requests’ and ‘responses.’ When an API requests information from a web application or web server, it will receive a response. The place that APIs send requests and where the resource lives, is called an endpoint.

For example, the endpoint for would be /cms/getSkillRating.json.

Servlets and Endpoints in SUSI.AI

All servlets in our SUSI project define an endpoint and also define a BaseUserRole, that is, the amount of privileges required to access the information on those endpoints. If the BaseUserRole defined is ANONYMOUS, then anyone can access the endpoint directly. But if the BaseUserRole is anything higher than that, then we would need an access token to access that.

How to get Access Token?

If you’re trying to access the endpoints with BaseUserRole higher than ANONYMOUS on the actual hosted server, then you can simply login to and get the access token from the Network tab of the Developers Tool. We can then use that token and pass that as a query parameter along with the other parameters of that particular endpoint. For example,



But, the problem arises when you are trying to access such endpoints on local server. The local User data is completely different from the server User data. Hence, we need to generate an access token in localhost itself.

To generate access token for local server, we need to follow these steps :

  1. First, we need to hit the /aaa/signup.json endpoint with a new account credentials which we want to register for the localhost session. This is done as shown in below example:



  1. Then, we need to hit the /aaa/login.json endpoint with the same credentials you registered in the previous step. This is done as shown in below example:



If you’ve entered the registered credentials correctly, then the output of the /aaa/login.json endpoint would be a JSON as shown below:

  "accepted": true,
  "valid_seconds": 604800,
  "access_token": "7JPi7zNwemg1YYnr4d9JIdZMaIWizV",
  "message": "You are logged in as anyemail",
  "session": {"identity": {
    "type": "host",
    "name": "",
    "anonymous": true


As it can be seen from the above JSON response, we get the access token which we needed. Hence, copy this access token and store it somewhere because you can now use this access token to access the endpoints with BaseUserRole as User for this localhost session.

Note that you’ll have to follow all the above steps again if you start a fresh localhost session.


Continue ReadingTesting Endpoints on Local Server

Implementing Map View in Devices Tab in Settings

The Table View implemented in the Devices tab in settings on SUSI.AI Web Client has a column “geolocation” which displays the latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of the device. These coordinates needed to be displayed on a map. Hence, we needed a Map View apart from the Table View, dedicated to displaying the devices pinpointed on a map. This blog post explains how this feature has been implemented on the SUSI.AI Web Client.

Modifying the fetched data of devices to suitable format

We already have the fetched data of devices which is being used for the Table View. We need to extract the geolocation data and store it in a different suitable format to be able to use it for the Map View. The required format is as follows:

         "lat": latitude1,
         "lng": longitude2
         "lat": latitude1,
         "lng": longitude2


To modify the fetched data of devices to this format, we modify the apiCall() function to facilitate extraction of the geolocation info of each device and store them in an object, namely ‘mapObj’. Also, we needed variables to store the latitude and longitude to use as the center for the map. ‘centerLat’ and ‘centerLng’ variables store the average of all the latitudes and longitudes respectively. The following code was added to the apiCall() function to facilitate all the above requirements:

let mapObj = [];
let locationData = {
  lat: parseFloat(response.devices[i].geolocation.latitude),
  lng: parseFloat(response.devices[i].geolocation.longitude),
centerLat += parseFloat(response.devices[i].geolocation.latitude);
centerLng += parseFloat(response.devices[i].geolocation.longitude);
let location = {
  location: locationData,
centerLat = centerLat / mapObj.length;
centerLng = centerLng / mapObj.length;
if (mapObj.length) {
    mapObj: mapObj,
    centerLat: centerLat,
    centerLng: centerLng,


The following code was added in the return function of Settings.react.js file to use the Map component. All the modified data is passed as props to this component.



The implementation of the MapContainer component is as follows:

 componentDidUpdate() {

  loadMap() {
    if (this.props && {
      const {google} = this.props;
      const maps = google.maps;
      const mapRef =;
      const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(mapRef);

      const mapConfig = Object.assign({}, 
          center: { lat: this.props.centerLat, lng: this.props.centerLng },
          zoom: 2,
      ) = new maps.Map(node, mapConfig);


Let us go over the code of MapContainer component step by step.

  1. Firstly, the componentDidUpdate() function calls the loadMap function to load the google map.

  componentDidUpdate() {


  1. In the loadMap() function, we first check whether props have been passed to the MapContainer component. This is done by enclosing all contents of loadMap function inside an if statement as follows:

  if (this.props && {
    // All code of loadMap() function


  1. Then we set the prop value to google, and maps to google maps props. This is done as follows:

  const {google} = this.props;
  const maps = google.maps;


  1. Then we look for HTML div ref ‘map’ in the React DOM and name it ‘node’. This is done as follows:

  const mapRef =;
  const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(mapRef);


  1. Then we set the center and the default zoom level of the map using the props we provided to the MapContainer component.

    center: { lat: this.props.centerLat, lng: this.props.centerLng },
    zoom: 2,


  1. Then we create a new Google map on the specified node (ref=’map’) with the specified configuration set above. This is done as follows: = new maps.Map(node, mapConfig);


  1. In the render function of the MapContainer component, we return a div with a ref ‘map’ as follows:

 render() {
    return (
      <div ref="map" style={style}>
        loading map...


This is how the Map View has been implemented in the Devices tab in Settings on SUSI.AI Web Client.


Continue ReadingImplementing Map View in Devices Tab in Settings

Implementing Table View in Devices Tab in Settings

We can connect to the SUSI.AI Smart Speaker using our mobile apps (Android or iOS). But there needs to be something implemented which can tell you what all devices are linked to your account. This is in consistency with the way how Google Home devices and Amazon Alexa devices have this feature implemented in their respective apps, which allow you to see the list of devices connected to your account. This blog post explains how this feature has been implemented on the SUSI.AI Web Client.

Fetching data of the connected devices from the server

The information of the devices connected to an account is stored in the Accounting object of that user. This is a part of a sample Accounting object of a user who has 2 devices linked to his/her account. This is the data that we wish to fetch. This data is accessible at the /aaa/listUserSettings.json endpoint.

  "devices": {
    "37-AE-5F-7B-CA-3F": {
      "name": "Device 1",
      "room": "Room 1",
      "geolocation": {
        "latitude": "50.34567",
        "longitude": "60.34567"
    "9D-39-02-01-EB-95": {
      "name": "Device 2",
      "room": "Room 2",
      "geolocation": {
        "latitude": "52.34567",
        "longitude": "62.34567"


In the Settings.react.js file, we make an AJAX call immediately after the component is mounted on the DOM. This AJAX call is made to the /aaa/listUserSettings.json endpoint. The received response of the AJAX call is then used and traversed to store the information of each connected device in a format that would be more suitable to use as a prop for the table.

apiCall = () => {
      url: BASE_URL + '/aaa/listUserSettings.json?' + 'access_token=' +
      type: 'GET',
      dataType: 'jsonp',
      crossDomain: true,
      timeout: 3000,
      async: false,
      success: function(response) {
        let obj = [];
         // Extract information from the response and store them in obj object
          dataFetched: true,
          obj: obj,


This is how the extraction of keys takes place inside the apiCall() function. We first extract the keys of the ‘devices’ JSONObject inside the response. The keys of this JSONObject are the Mac Addresses of the individual devices. Then we traverse inside the JSONObject corresponding to each Mac Address and store the name of the device, room and also the geolocation information of the device in separate variables, and then finally push all this information inside an object, namely ‘myObj’. This JSONObject is then pushed to a JSONArray, namely ‘obj’. Then a setState() function is called which sets the value of ‘obj’ to the updated ‘obj’ variable.

let keys = Object.keys(response.devices);
keys.forEach(i => {
    let myObj = {
        macid: i,
        devicename: response.devices[i].name,
        room: response.devices[i].room,
        latitude: response.devices[i].geolocation.latitude,
        longitude: response.devices[i].geolocation.longitude,


This way we fetch the information of devices and store them in a variable named ‘obj’. This variable will now serve as the data for the table which we want to create.

Creating table from this data

The data is then passed on to the Table component as a prop in the Settings.react.js file.

    // Other props


The other props passed to the Table component are the functions for handling the editing and deleting of rows, and also for handling the changes in the textfield when the edit mode is on. These props are as follows:



The 4 important functions which are passed as props to the Table component are:

  1. startEditing() function:

When the edit icon is clicked for any row, then the edit mode should be enabled for that row. This also changes the edit icon to a check icon. The columns corresponding to the room and the name of the device should turn into text fields to enable the user to edit them. The implementation of this function is as follows:

startEditing = i => {
    this.setState({ editIdx: i });


‘editIdx’ is a variable which contains the row index for which the edit mode is currently on. This information is passed to the Table component which then handles the editing of the row.

  1. stopEditing() function:

When the check icon is clicked for any row, then the edit mode should be disabled for that row and the updated data should be stored on the server. The columns corresponding to the room and the name of the device should turn back into label texts. The implementation of this function is as follows:

stopEditing = i => {
  let data = this.state.obj;
  this.setState({ editIdx: -1 });
  // AJAX call to server to store the updated data
      BASE_URL + '/aaa/addNewDevice.json?macid=' + macid + '&name=' + devicename + '&room=' + room + '&latitude=' + latitude + '&longitude=' + longitude + '&access_token=' + cookies.get('loggedIn'),
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    crossDomain: true,
    timeout: 3000,
    async: false,
    success: function(response) {


The value of ‘editIdx’ is also set to -1 as the editing mode is now off for all rows.

  1. handleChange() function:

When the edit mode is on for any row, if we change the value of any text field, then that updated value is stored so that we can edit it without the value getting reset to the initial value of the field.

handleChange = (e, name, i) => {
  const value =;
  let data = this.state.obj;
    obj:, j) => (j === i ? { ...row, [name]: value } : row)),


  1. handleRemove() function:

When the delete icon is clicked for any row, then that row should get deleted. This change should be reflected to us on the site, as well as on the server. Hence, The implementation of this function is as follows:

handleRemove = i => {
  let data = this.state.obj;
  let macid = data[i].macid;

    obj: data.filter((row, j) => j !== i),
  // AJAX call to server to delete the info of device with specified Mac Address
      BASE_URL + '/aaa/removeUserDevices.json?macid=' + macid + '&access_token=' + cookies.get('loggedIn'),
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    crossDomain: true,
    timeout: 3000,
    async: false,
    success: function(response) {


This is how the Table View has been implemented in the Devices tab in Settings on SUSI.AI Web Client.



Continue ReadingImplementing Table View in Devices Tab in Settings

Creating Instruction Guide using Bottomsheet

The PSLab android app consists of different instruments like oscilloscope, multimeter, wave generator etc and each instrument has different functionality and usage so it is necessary that there should be an instruction guide for every instrument so that the user can easily read the instruction to understand the functionality of the instrument.

In this we will create an instruction guide for the Wave Generator which will contain information about the instrument, it’s functionalities, steps for how to use the instrument.

The main component that I used to create instruction guide is Bottom SheetBottom Sheet is introduced in Android Support v23.2 . It is a special UI widget which slide up from the bottom of the screen and it can be used to reveal some extra information that we cannot show on the main layout like bottom menus,  instructions etc.

They are of two types :

  1. Modal Bottom Sheet:–  This Bottom Sheet has properties very similar to normal dialogs present in Android like elevation only difference is that they pop up from the bottom of screen with proper animation and they are implemented using BottomSheetDialogFragment Class.

  2. Persistent Bottom Sheet:– This Bottom Sheet is included as a part of the layout and they can be slid up and down to reveal extra information. They are implemented using BottomSheetBehaviour Class.

For my project, I used persistent Bottom Sheet as modal Bottom Sheet can’t be slid up and down by the swipe of the finger whereas persistent Bottom Sheet can be slid up and down and can be hidden by swipe features.

Implementing the Bottom Sheet

Step 1: Adding the Dependency

To start using Bottom Sheet we have to add the dependency (We have also include Jake Wharton-Butterknife library for view binding but it is optional.)

dependencies {

   implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')

   implementation ""
   implementation ""
   implementation "com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.8.1"

   annotationProcessor "com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:8.8.1"

Step 2: Creating Bottom Sheet layout file

In this step, we will create the layout of the Bottom Sheet, as our purpose of making Bottom Sheet is to show extra information regarding the instrument so we will include ImageView and TextView inside the layout that will be used to show the content later.

Some attributes in the layout worth noting are:

  • app:layout_behavior: This attribute makes the layout act as Bottom Sheet.
  • app:behavior_peekHeight: This is the height of the Bottom Sheet when it is minimized.
  • app:behavior_hideable: Defines if the Bottom Sheet can be hidden by swiping it down.

Here, we will also create one extra LinearLayout having height equal to the peek_height. This  LinearLayout will be at the top of the BottomSheet as shown in Figure 1 and it will be visible when the BottomSheet is in a minimized state(not hidden). Here we will put text view with like “Show guide” and an arrow pointing upwards so that it is easier for the user to understand that sheet can be viewed by sliding up.

Figure 1 LinearLayout containing textview and imageview

Here is the gist[2] that contains code for the layout of the Bottom Sheet guide

After this step, we can see a layout of Bottom Sheet in our Android Editor as shown in Figure 2

Figure 2 shows the layout of the Bottom Sheet

Step 3: Creating the Container view layout containing content and Bottom Sheet

For container view, we will create new layout under Res Layout and name it “container_view_wavegenerator.xml”

In this layout, we will use ‘Coordinator Layout’ as ViewGroup because persistent Bottom Sheet is implemented using BottomSheetBehavior class which can only be applied to the child of ‘CoordinatorLayout’.

Then add the main layout of our instrument and the layout of the Bottom Sheet inside this layout as its child.

< xmlns:android=""

   <include layout="@layout/activity_wave_generator" />

   <include layout="@layout/bottom_sheet_custom" />

Step 4: Setting Up Bottom Sheet and Handling callbacks

Now we will head over to the “” file(or any instrument java file)Here we will handle set up Bottom Sheet and handle callbacks by using following classes:

BottomSheetBehavior provides callbacks and makes the Bottom Sheet work with CoordinatorLayout.

BottomSheetBehavior.BottomSheetCallback() provides the callback when the Bottom Sheet changes its state. It has two methods that need to be overridden:

  1. public void onSlide(@NonNull View bottomSheet, float slideOffset)

    This method is called when the Bottom Sheet slides up and down on the screen. It has slideOffset as a parameter whose value varies from -1.0 to 0.0 when the Bottom Sheet comes from the hidden state to collapsed and 0.0 to 1.0 when it goes from collapsed state to expanded state.

  2. public void onStateChanged(@NonNull View bottomSheet, int newState)

    This method is called when BottomSheet changed its state. Here, let us also understand the different states which can be attained by the Bottom Sheet:

    • BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_EXPANDED : When the Bottom Sheet is fully expanded showing all the content.
    • BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_HIDDEN : When the Bottom Sheet is hidden at the bottom of the layout.
    • BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_COLLAPSED : When the Bottom Sheet is in a collapsed state that is only the peek_height view part of the layout is visible.
    • BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_DRAGGING : When the Bottom Sheet is dragging.
    • BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_SETTLING : When the Bottom Sheet is settling either at expanded height or at collapsed height.

We will implement these methods in our instrument class, and also put the content that needs to be put inside the Bottom Sheet.

LinearLayout bottomsheet;
TextView bottomSheetGuideTitle;
ImageView bottomSheetSchematic;
TextView bottomSheetDesc;

BottomSheetBehavior bottomSheetBehavior;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
           //main instrument implementation code


private void setUpBottomSheet() {

   bottomSheetBehavior = BottomSheetBehavior.from(bottomsheet);


  BottomSheetBehavior.BottomSheetCallback() {
       public void onStateChanged(@NonNull View bottomSheet, int newState) {
           if (newState == BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_EXPANDED) {
           } else {

       public void onSlide(@NonNull View bottomSheet, float slideOffset) {
           Log.w("SlideOffset", String.valueOf(slideOffset));

After following all the above steps the Bottom Sheet will start working properly in the Instrument layout as shown in Figure 3

Figure 3 shows the Bottom Sheet in two different states

To read more about implementing Bottom Sheet in layout refer this: AndroidHive article- working with bottomsheet


  1. Developer Documentation – BottomSheetBehaviour
  2. Gist containing xml file for layout of Custom Bottomsheet
Continue ReadingCreating Instruction Guide using Bottomsheet

Adding feature to preview chatbot

You can access all features of SUSI.AI on But this restricts the usage of SUSI.AI to this site only. To solve this issue, we can use a Chatbot which can be embedded on any website and then can be used by the people who visit that website, hence generalising the usage of SUSI.AI.

How to embed SUSI.AI Chatbot on any website?

To embed SUSI.AI Chatbot on any website, go to and login and then check out the Botbuilder section. There you can find a deploy button which will give you a code which looks something like this :

<script type="text/javascript" id="susi-bot-script" data-userid="" data-group="" data-language="" data-skill="" src="" > </script>


As can be seen from the code above, it is simply a script tag with an id and a custom attribute data-token (which is the unique access token of the User for that session). The source file for this script is susi-chatbot.js. This is the file that is responsible for displaying the Chatbot on the screen.

But, let’s say that you configured your Chatbot in the entire Botbuilder process. So, we need to have a Preview button which could show us a preview of the Chatbot with the chosen configurations, otherwise we would have to test it out by embedding it on our website, which would be tiresome.

How does the Preview Button work?

The code for Botbuilder page is in the Botbuilder.js file.

The code for the Preview button is as follows :

        style={{ width: '148px' }}
        label='Close Preview'
        style={{ width: '148px' }}


It can be seen that on clicking the ‘Preview’ button, injectJS() function is called, and on clicking the ‘Close Preview’ button, handleChatbotClose() function is called.

     injectJS = () => {
        const myscript = document.createElement('script');
        myscript.type = 'text/javascript'; = 'susi-bot-script';
        myscript.src = '/susi-chatbot.js';
        myscript.async = true;
        // some code

     handleChatbotClose = () =>{
      // some code


The above 2 functions are the key functions in understanding how the Preview button is previewing the Chatbot on the screen.

Let us see the functioning of injectJS() function first. Firstly, the createElement() method creates an element node of type ‘script’. We store this element node in a variable myscript. We then add attribute values to the script tag by using myscript.attribute_name = attribute_value. We can add ‘type’, ‘id’, ‘src’ and ‘async’ attributes in this way because they are predefined attributes.

However, we need to also add a custom attribute to store the access_token of the User, because we would need to pass down this information to detect the owner of the Chatbot. To add a custom attribute, we use the following code :



This add a custom attribute ‘data-token’ and sets its value to the access token of the session, which would later be used to identify the User.

This script is then appended to the body of the document. As soon as the script is appended to the page, 3 new <div> tags are created and added to the page’s HTML. These 3 <div> tags contain the code for the UI and functionality of the Chatbot itself.

Next, let us look at the functioning of handleChatbotClose() function. This function’s basic objective is to close the Chatbot and remove the 3 components that were rendered as a result of the injectJS() function, and also remove the script itself. As can be seen from the code of the function, we are removing the 4 components which can be seen in the above image of the developer console.

So, this is how the Preview functionality has been added to the Chatbot. Visit and login to check out the Botbuilder section to try it out.


Continue ReadingAdding feature to preview chatbot

Using Wikipedia API for knowledge graph in SUSPER

Knowledge Graph is way to give a brief description about search query by connecting it to a real world entity. This helps users to get information about exactly what they want. Previously Susper had a Knowledge Graph which was implemented using DBpedia API. But since DBpedia do not provide content over HTTPS connections therefore the content was blocked on and there was a need to implement the Knowledge Graph using a new API that provide contents over HTTPS. In this blog, I will describe how getting a knowledge graph was made possible using Wikipedia API.

What is Wikipedia API ?

The MediaWiki action API is a web service that provides convenient access to wiki features, data, and metadata over HTTP, via a URL usually at api.php. Clients request particular “actions” by specifying an action parameter, mainly action=query to get information.

The endpoint :

The format :

format=json This tells the API that we want data to be returned in JSON format.

The action :


The MediaWiki web service API implements dozens of actions and extensions implement many more; the dynamically generated API help documents all available actions on a wiki. In this case, we’re using the “query” action to get some information.

The complete API which is used in SUSPER to extract information of a query is :

Where titles=Search_Query, here Japan

How it is implemented in SUSPER?

For implementing it a service has been created which fetches information by setting various URL parameters. This result can be fetched by creating an instance of service and passing search query to getsearchresults(searchquery) function.

export class KnowledgeapiService {
 server = '';
 searchURL = this.server + '/w/api.php?';
 homepage = '';
 logo = '../images/susper.svg';
 constructor(private http: Http,
             private jsonp: Jsonp,
             private store: Store<fromRoot.State>) {
 getsearchresults(searchquery) {
   let params = new URLSearchParams();
   params.set('origin', '*');
   params.set('format', 'json');
   params.set('action', 'query');
   params.set('prop', 'extracts');
   params.set('exintro', '');
   params.set('explaintext', '');
   params.set('titles', searchquery);
   let headers = new Headers({ 'Accept': 'application/json' });
   let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers, search: params });
   return this.http
     .get(this.searchURL, options).map(res =>


Since the result obtained is an observable therefore we have to subscribe for it and then extract information to local variables in infobox.component.ts file.

export class InfoboxComponent implements OnInit {
 public title: string;
 public description: string;
 query$: any;
 resultsearch = '/search';
 constructor(private knowledgeservice: KnowledgeapiService,
             private route: Router,
             private activatedroute: ActivatedRoute,
             private store: Store<fromRoot.State>,
             private ref: ChangeDetectorRef) {
   this.query$ =;
   this.query$.subscribe( query => {
     if (query) {
       this.knowledgeservice.getsearchresults(query).subscribe(res => {
         const pageId = Object.keys(res)[0];
         if (res[pageId].extract) {
           this.title = res[pageId].title;
           this.description = res[pageId].extract;
         } else {
           this.title = '';
           this.description = '';

The variable title and description are used to display results on results page.

<div *ngIf=“this.description” class=“card”>
    <p>{{this.description | slice:0:600}}<a href=‘{{this.title}}’>..more at Wikipedia</a></p>


1.MediaWiki API :

2.Stackoverflow :

3.Angular Docs :

Continue ReadingUsing Wikipedia API for knowledge graph in SUSPER

Using SUSI.AI Accounting Model to store Device information on Server

Just like with Google Home devices and Amazon Alexa devices, SUSI.AI Users should have a way to add and store the information of their devices (Smart Speakers) on SUSI Server, so that it could be displayed to them on various clients. Hence, we needed a Servlet which could add and store the User data on the Server.

Implementation of Servlets in SUSI.AI

All servlets in SUSI extend AbstractAPIHandler class and implement APIHandler. All servlets have 4 methods, which we overwrite depending on what we want the servlet to do. They are as follows :

    public String getAPIPath() {
        return null;

    public BaseUserRole getMinimalBaseUserRole() {
        return null;

    public JSONObject getDefaultPermissions(BaseUserRole baseUserRole) {
        return null;

    public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query post, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException {
        Return null;


How these 4 methods work together?

  1. First method is getAPIPath(). It returns the endpoint of the servlet.
  2. The second method is getMinimalBaseUserRole(). It returns the minimum privilege level required to access the endpoint.
  3. The third method is getDefaultPermissions(). It gets the Default Permissions of a UserRole in SUSI Server. Different UserRoles have different permissions defined in SUSI Server.
  4. Whenever the endpoint defined in the getAPIPath() method is called properly, it responds with whatever is defined in the fourth method, which is serviceImpl().

How is User data stored on SUSI Server?

Before we move on to the actual implementation of the API required to store the device information, we should get a brief idea of how exactly User data is stored on SUSI Server.

Every SUSI User has an Accounting Object. It is a JSONObject which stores the Settings of the particular User on the Server. For example, every time you change some setting on the Web Client, an API call is made to aaa/changeUserSettings.json with appropriate parameters with information of the changed setting, and the User settings are stored to the Server in the Accounting Object of the User.

Implementation of a Servlet to store Device information on Server

The task of this servlet is to store the information of a new device (Smart speaker) whenever it is initially set up using the Android/iOS app.

This is the implementation of the 4 methods of a servlet which is used to store information of connected devices:

    public String getAPIPath() {
        return "/aaa/addNewDevice.json";

    public UserRole getMinimalUserRole() {
        return UserRole.USER;

    public JSONObject getDefaultPermissions(UserRole baseUserRole) {
        return null;

   public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query query, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization authorization, JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException {

           JSONObject value = new JSONObject();
           String key = query.get("macid", null);
           String name = query.get("name", null);
           String device = query.get("device", null);
           if (key == null || name == null || device == null) {
               throw new APIException(400, "Bad service call, missing arguments");
           } else {
               value.put(name, device);
           if (authorization.getIdentity() == null) {
               throw new APIException(400, "Specified user data not found, ensure you are logged in");
           else {
                Accounting accounting = DAO.getAccounting(authorization.getIdentity());
                if (accounting.getJSON().has("devices")) {
                       accounting.getJSON().getJSONObject("devices").put(key, value);
                else {
                       JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
                       jsonObject.put(key, value);
                       accounting.getJSON().put("devices", jsonObject);
               JSONObject result = new JSONObject(true);
               result.put("accepted", true);
               result.put("message", "You have successfully added the device!");
               return new ServiceResponse(result);


As it can be seen from the above code, the endpoint for this servlet is /aaa/addNewDevice.json and it accepts 3 parameters –

  • macid : Mac Address of the device
  • name : Name of the device
  • device : Additional information which you want to send about the device (subject to changes)

As the main task of this servlet is user specific, and should only be accessible to the particular user, hence we returned UserRole as USER in the getMinimalUserRole() method.

In the serviceImpl() method, first we extract the value of the URL query parameters and store them in variables. If any of the parameters is missing, we display an error response code of 400 with error message “Bad service call, missing arguments”. If query parameters are fine, we store the name and device values in a new JSONObject, value in this case.

An if-else statement then checks for whether the User is logged in or not, using the authorization.getIdentity(), which is a function which returns the identity of the User. The implementation of this function is in file, and is as follows :

    public ClientIdentity getIdentity() {
        return identity;


If the User is logged in, getAccounting() function of file is called which returns an Accounting object according to the following implementation of the function :

    public static Accounting getAccounting(@Nonnull ClientIdentity identity) {
        return new Accounting(identity, accounting);


Our device information is then stored in this Accounting object in the following format :

  "lastLoginIP": "",
  "accepted": true,
  "message": "Success: Showing user data",
  "session": {"identity": {
    "type": "email",
    "name": "",
    "anonymous": false
  "settings": {
    "customThemeValue": "4285f4,f5f4f6,fff,f5f4f6,fff,4285f4,",
    "theme": "light"
  "devices": {
    "MacID2": {"MyDevice": "SmartSpeaker"},
    "MacID1": {"Name of device": "SmartSpeaker"}



Continue ReadingUsing SUSI.AI Accounting Model to store Device information on Server

Populating Database for different Event Types and Event Topics on Open Event Server

The Open Event Server enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meetups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues. It uses the JSON 1.0 Specification and build on top of Flask Rest Json API (for building Rest APIs) and Marshmallow (for Schema). In this blog, we will talk about how to add API for accessing and updating the Speaker Image Size on Open Event Server. The focus is on its API creation.

In this blog, we will talk about how to populate database for different event types and event topics in the Open Event Server.

Populating the Database

Using populate_db,py for populating the database.

Now, let’s try to understand this now.

  1. First of all, we will write two functions create_event_topics and create_event_types in .
  2. In these function we will make a list of all the event topics and event types which we want to populate in database.
  3. We will loop through these lists to create their objects if not present.
  4. Last step is to call these functions in populate and populate_without_print functions in itself.


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