Fetching Skills using the ID of a user

The Dashboard on the SUSI Skill CMS is the page where all user specific Skill information is being displayed. It also has a section called “My Skills” which displays the Skills created by the user himself. The data for the “My Skills” section has to be fetched from the Skill metadata of each Skill. Hence, this blog post explains how the Skills created by an author are fetched using an API which takes author’s email as the only parameter.

Why is such an API required?

The task of displaying the “My Skills” section cannot be done entirely on the Client side with the use of existing APIs, as that would result in a lot of AJAX calls to the Server, because for each Skill, there would have to be an AJAX call for each user. Hence, we had to create an endpoint which could directly return the list of Skills created by a user using his ID. This would prevent multiple AJAX calls to the Server.

The endpoint used is:



Here, author_email is the email of the author who published the particular Skill, which is fetched from the Skill metadata object which looks like this:

"Antonyms": {
      // skill metadata
      "author_email": akjn11@gmail.com,
      // skill metadata

Working of the API

The code to fetch the Skills created by an author is described in the GetSkillsByAuthor.java file. This API accepts either the author’s name, or the author’s email as the parameter. In our

We get all folders within a folder using the following method:

private void listFoldersForFolder(final File folder, ArrayList<String> fileList) {
        File[] filesInFolder = folder.listFiles();
        if (filesInFolder != null) {
            Arrays.stream(filesInFolder).filter(fileEntry -> fileEntry.isDirectory() && !fileEntry.getName().startsWith(".")).forEach(fileEntry->fileList.add(fileEntry.getName() + ""));


We use this method to get list of folders of all the group names for all the different Skills, and store them in a variable ‘folderList’ as per the following code:

File allGroup = new File(String.valueOf(model));
ArrayList<String> folderList = new ArrayList<String>();
listFoldersForFolder(allGroup, folderList);


For every folder corresponding to a group name, we traverse inside it and then further traverse inside the language folders to reach the place where all the Skill files are stored.

This is the code for the method to get all files within a folder:

private void listFilesForFolder(final File folder, ArrayList<String> fileList) {
    File[] filesInFolder = folder.listFiles();
    if (filesInFolder != null) {
        Arrays.stream(filesInFolder).filter(fileEntry -> !fileEntry.isDirectory() && !fileEntry.getName().startsWith(".")).forEach(fileEntry->fileList.add(fileEntry.getName() + ""));


We need to get all Skill files inside the ‘languages’ folder, which itself is in ‘group’ folder. This is the code required to implement the same:

for (String temp_group_name : folderList){
        File group = new File(model, temp_group_name);
        File language = new File(group, language_name);
        ArrayList<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>();
        listFilesForFolder(language, fileList);

        for (String skill_name : fileList) {
               // get skill metadata of each skill iteratively and put it in result JSONObject accordingly


This is how the Skill metadata is fetched from the getSkillMetadata() method of SusiSkill class:

skill_name = skill_name.replace(".txt", "");
            JSONObject skillMetadata = SusiSkill.getSkillMetadata(model_name, temp_group_name, language_name, skill_name);

            if(skillMetadata.get("author_email").equals(author_email)) {
                skillMetadata.put("skill_name", skill_name);


getSkillMetadata() method takes model of the Skill, group of the Skill, language of the Skill, Skill name and also duration (for usage statistical purposes) as the method parameters, and returns the metadata for the Skill in the format as shown below:

   "Antonyms": {
      "model": "general",
      "group": "Knowledge",
      "language": "en",
      "developer_privacy_policy": null,
      "descriptions": "A skill that returns the antonyms for a word",
      "image": "images/antonyms.png",
      "author": "akshat jain",
      "author_url": "https://github.com/Akshat-Jain",
      "author_email": akjn11@gmail.com,
      "skill_name": "Antonyms",
      "protected": false,
      "terms_of_use": null,
      "dynamic_content": true,
      "examples": ["Antonym of happy"],
      "skill_rating": {
        "negative": "0",
        "bookmark_count": 0,
        "positive": "0",
        "stars": {
          "one_star": 0,
          "four_star": 0,
          "five_star": 0,
          "total_star": 0,
          "three_star": 0,
          "avg_star": 0,
          "two_star": 0
        "feedback_count": 0
      "usage_count": 0,
      "skill_tag": "Antonyms",
      "creationTime": "2018-05-06T03:05:22Z",
      "lastAccessTime": "2018-06-23T18:48:36Z",
      "lastModifiedTime": "2018-05-06T03:05:22Z"


This is how the Skills created by an author are fetched using this API. The JSON response of this endpoint shows the metadata of all Skills which have ‘author_email’ value the same as that given in the endpoint’s query parameter.


Continue ReadingFetching Skills using the ID of a user

Implementing API to Fetch all Ratings by a User on Different Skills on SUSI.AI Web Client

SUSI Skill CMS allows the users to rate any Skill on a scale of 1 to 5. The user can also provide a feedback to any Skill. This paves the path to implementing a Dashboard, which has all the analytic data of the user. Hence, an API needed to be implemented which could return the ratings done by a particular user on all different Skills.

How are servlets implemented in SUSI.AI?

All servlets in SUSI extend AbstractAPIHandler class and implement APIHandler. All servlets have 4 methods, which we overwrite depending on what we want the servlet to do. They are as follows :

    public String getAPIPath() {
        return null;

    public BaseUserRole getMinimalBaseUserRole() {
        return null;

    public JSONObject getDefaultPermissions(BaseUserRole baseUserRole) {
        return null;

    public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query post, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException {
        return null;


How these 4 methods work together?

  • First method is getAPIPath(). It returns the endpoint of the servlet.
  • The second method is getMinimalBaseUserRole(). It returns the minimum privilege level required to access the endpoint.
  • The third method is getDefaultPermissions(). It gets the Default Permissions of a UserRole in SUSI Server. Different UserRoles have different permissions defined in SUSI Server.
  • Whenever the endpoint defined in the getAPIPath() method is called properly, it responds with whatever is defined in the fourth method, which is serviceImpl().

Implementing a servlet to fetch all ratings by a user on different Skills

The task of this servlet is to fetch all the ratings done by a user on all the different Skills, so that this fetched data could be used later on for implementation of various user specific features like Dashboard page. This is the implementation of the 4 methods of this servlet:

    public UserRole getMinimalUserRole() {
        return UserRole.USER;

    public JSONObject getDefaultPermissions(UserRole baseUserRole) {
        return null;

    public String getAPIPath() {
        return "/cms/getProfileDetails.json";

    public ServiceResp onse serviceImpl(Query query, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization authorization, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException {

    JsonTray fiveStarSkillRating = DAO.fiveStarSkillRating;
    // JSONObject and JsonArray Declarations

    // Checking if access_token has been given and is valid
    if (authorization.getIdentity() == null) {
        throw new APIException(400, "Specified user data not found, ensure you are logged in");

    // Fetching email of the user from access token and storing it in a string
    String email = authorization.getIdentity().getName();

    // Iterating over the fiveStarSkillRating JsonTray by extracting keys at every level and accessing their child objects through the extracted keys
    for(String model_name : fiveStarSkillRating.keys())
        // Storing the list of group names and iterating over them
        for(String group_name : groupnameKeysList)
            // Storing the list of language names and iterating over them
            for(String language_name : languagenameKeysList)
                // Storing the list of skill names and iterating over them
                for(String skill_name : skillnamesKeysList)
                    skillnameArray = languageObject.getJSONArray(skill_name);
                    // Iterating over the different Skill JSONObjects
                    for(int i=0; i<skillnameArray.length(); i++) {
                        String jsonEmail = skillnameArray.getJSONObject(i).get("email").toString();
                        if(jsonEmail.equals(email)) {
                        // If the Skill has been rated by the required author, then put the Skill JSONObject into the result array

    if(result.length()==0) {
        // Handling case when user hasn’t rated any Skill yet
        result.put("accepted", false);
        result.put("message", "User has not rated any Skills yet.");
        return new ServiceResponse(result);
    result.put("accepted", true);
    result.put("message", "User ratings fetched.");
    return new ServiceResponse(result);


As it can be seen from the above code, the endpoint for this servlet is /cms/getProfileDetails.json and it requires 1 parameter – the access token of the user.

As the main task of this servlet is user specific, and should only be accessible to the particular user, hence we returned UserRole as USER in the getMinimalUserRole() method.

In the serviceImpl() method, we iterate over the fiveStarSkillRating.json JsonTray and keep on extracting keys and accessing the corresponding JSONObjects until we reach the lowermost layer, where all the Skill names are listed. Iterating over the JSONObjects corresponding to each Skill, we check the email in the Skill JSONObject to identify the user. If the email present in the Skill JSONObject matches with the email corresponding to the access token provided as a query parameter, we extract rating and the timestamp for the Skill and put it in a JSONArray. Then, finally we put the JSONArray into our resulting JSONObject.

This is how we can fetch all the ratings by a user on all the different Skills.



Continue ReadingImplementing API to Fetch all Ratings by a User on Different Skills on SUSI.AI Web Client

Implementing API to facilitate changing review status of a Skill

As any registered user can make Skills in SUSI Skill CMS, sometimes the Skill made is not up to the mark to be displayed on the CMS site. There needs to be a feature implemented where the Admin and higher user roles can review a Skill and approve it accordingly. Then only the approved Skills should be displayed on the Skill CMS. This feature required implementation of an API to allow Admin and higher user roles to change the review status of a Skill. This blog post explains how such an API has been implemented.

Implementing a servlet to allow changing review status of a Skill

The basic task of the servlet is to allow Admin and higher user roles to allow changing the review status of a Skill. The review status of a Skill can either be ‘true’, indicating that the Skill has been approved by the Admin, or ‘false’, which would indicate that the Skill still needs some improvements before it is actually displayed on the SUSI Skill CMS.

Here is the implementation of the API:

  1. The API should be usable to only the users who have a user role Admin or higher. Only those with minimum Admin rights should be allowed to control what Skills are displayed on the CMS site. This is implemented as follows:
    public UserRole getMinimalUserRole() {
        return UserRole.ADMIN;


  1. The endpoint for the API is ‘/cms/changeSkillStatus.json’. This is implemented as follows:
    public String getAPIPath() {
        return "/cms/changeSkillStatus.json";


  1. The main method of the servlet is the serviceImpl() method. This is where the actual code goes which will be executed each time the API is called. This is implemented as follows:

    public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization authorization, JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException {

       // Store the query parameters in variables

        if(skill_name == null || !(reviewed.equals("true") || reviewed.equals("false"))) {
            throw new APIException(400, "Bad service call, missing arguments.");

        JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
        JsonTray skillStatus = DAO.skillStatus;
        JSONObject modelName = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject groupName = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject languageName = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject skillName = new JSONObject();

        if(reviewed.equals("true")) {
            JSONObject reviewStatus = new JSONObject();
            reviewStatus.put("reviewed", true);
                // traverse through the skillStatus.json file down to the Skill name and put review status ‘true’ in it
                skillName.put("reviewed", true);
                result.put("accepted", true);
                result.put("message", "Skill review status changed successfully.");
                return new ServiceResponse(result);

            // deleting skill name from skillStatus.json file if it’s review status is being changed to ‘false’
            else {
                if (skillStatus.has(model_name)) {
                    modelName = skillStatus.getJSONObject(model_name);
                    if (modelName.has(group_name)) {
                        groupName = modelName.getJSONObject(group_name);
                        if (groupName.has(language_name)) {
                          languageName = groupName.getJSONObject(language_name);
                            if (languageName.has(skill_name)) {
                result.put("accepted", true);
                result.put("message", "Skill review status changed successfully.");
                return new ServiceResponse(result);


The list of reviewed Skills is being stored in the ‘skillStatus.json’ file. So we need to traverse through that file and store the review status of the Skill as required while making the API call.

The API takes 5 parameters:

  • Model of the Skill
  • Group of the Skill
  • Language of the Skill
  • Skill name
  • Review status to be set for the Skill – true or false

On making the API call, if the value of the query parameter ‘reviewed’ is ‘true’, then the Skill name along with its review status is being appended in the ‘skillStatus.json’ file. This is done by traversing through the file using the specified model, group and language info of the Skill.

However, if the value of the query parameter ‘reviewed’ is ‘false’, then we need to check if the Skill is already there in the ‘skillStatus.json’ file. If it is already there, then we remove its entry from the file. If it isn’t in the file already, then it’s review status is already ‘false’. We also need to commit this change to the JsonTray for it to get reflected in the Server.

This is how an API has been implemented which would allow Admin and higher user roles to change the review status of any Skill, which would then facilitate showing only the approved Skills on the CMS site.

  1. Resources


Continue ReadingImplementing API to facilitate changing review status of a Skill

Implementation of Features in Generator UI

In the early stage of development, Meilix Generator only has wallpaper and event name customization. But today the webapp has bunch of customization and features list which enables an user to design its own customizable ISO.

Iteration in the form

Meilix Generator came across several changes in the form throughout the time.

At starting we only have an email part where the ISO get mailed, a name for the event so as to distinguish the ISO image and an image upload which will be set as the default desktop wallpaper in the ISO.

Then the user gets a link which get activated after 20 minutes. Till then user have to preserve the link to download the ISO.

Then we introduced a new field which contains event link and this link will be set as the homepage of the browser. And we change the basic UI of the webapp.

At the same we implemented SendGrid to send the user the email link in their mail. This decreases the burden of carrying the downloadable link till the ISO becomes ready.

Finally today Meilix Generator looks like this. It got some more customizable fields like providing default search engine, bookmark enabling or disabling and packages to include in the ISO.

It has a link on the footer from which the latest pre-build ISO can be downloaded instantly and another link which takes user to the releases page of Meilix.


SendGrid Email Delivery Service

SendGrid Email API

Continue ReadingImplementation of Features in Generator UI

Displaying skill rating for each skill on skill page of SUSI SKILL CMS

SUSI exhibits several skills which are managed by the SUSI Skill CMS, it essentially is a client which allows users to create/update skills conveniently since for each skill it is important to have the functionality of rating system so developers can get to know which skills are performing better than the rest and consequently improve them, thus a skill rating system which allows the users to give positive or negative feedback for each skill is implemented on the server.

Fetching skill_rating from the server

  1. Fetch skill data for which ratings are to be displayed through ajax calls
    API Endpoint –


  2. Parse the received metadata object to get positive and negative ratings for that skill
  3. if(skillData.skill_rating) {
           	let positive_rating = skillData.skill_rating.positive;
            	let negative_rating = skillData.skill_rating.negative;

    Sample API response

      "skill_metadata": {
        "model": "general",
        "group": "Knowledge",
        "language": "en",
        "developer_privacy_policy": null,
        "descriptions": "Want to know about fossasia, just ask susi to tell that, Susi tells about the SUSI.AI creators",
        "image": "images/creator_info.png",
        "author": "madhav rathi",
        "author_url": "https://github.com/madhavrathi",
        "author_email": null,
        "skill_name": "Creator Info",
        "terms_of_use": null,
        "dynamic_content": false,
        "examples": [
          "Who created you?",
          "what is fossasia?"
        "skill_rating": {
          "negative": "0",
          "positive": "0",
          "stars": {
            "one_star": 0,
            "four_star": 0,
            "five_star": 0,
            "total_star": 0,
            "three_star": 0,
            "avg_star": 0,
            "two_star": 0
          "feedback_count": 0
        "creationTime": "2018-03-17T16:38:29Z",
        "lastAccessTime": "2018-06-15T15:51:50Z",
        "lastModifiedTime": "2018-03-17T16:38:29Z"
      "accepted": true,
      "message": "Success: Fetched Skill's Metadata",
      "session": {"identity": {
        "type": "host",
        "name": "",
        "anonymous": true

  4. Set the react state of the component to store positive and negative rating.
  5. this.setState({

  6. Use react-icons to fetch like and dislike icon components from font-awesome.
  7. npm i -S react-icons

  8. Import the corresponding icons in the SkillPage component
  9. import { FaThumbsOUp, FaThumbsODown } from 'react-icons/lib/fa/'

  10. Display the rating count along with their icons
  11. <div className="rating">
        <div className="positive">
             <FaThumbsOUp />
           <div className="negative">
                 <FaThumbsODown />



Continue ReadingDisplaying skill rating for each skill on skill page of SUSI SKILL CMS

Use of Flux Architecture in SUSI.AI

SUSI Web Chat is based on Flux, a React.js Architecture. It provides a simple way for implementing many features in SUSI Web Chat. This blog post explains how Flux Architecture works, and also how it is used in SUSI Web Chat to implement the feature of switching between Light and Dark themes.

What is Flux?

Flux is a micro-architecture for software application development. It is the application architecture that Facebook uses for building client-side web applications. It complements React’s composable view components by utilizing a unidirectional data flow.

Flux Overview

As can be seen from the above diagram, Flux has four main components:

Component Description
Actions Helper methods that pass data to the Dispatcher.
Dispatcher Receives these Actions and broadcast payloads to registered callbacks.
Stores The Stores that are registered to the Dispatcher will update the Views accordingly.
Views  Views are actually React Components that grab the state from the stores and then pass it down to the child components.

How these 4 components work together?

  • Application Initialisation:
    1. Stores let the registered Dispatcher know that they want to be notified whenever an action comes in.
    2. Then the controller views ask the stores for the latest state.
    3. When the stores give the state to the controller views, they pass that state along to their child views to render.
    4. The controller views also ask the stores to keep them notified when state changes so that they can re-render accordingly.
  • The Data Flow:

Once the setup is done, the application is ready to accept user input. So let us trigger an action by having the user make a change.

    1. The view tells the action creator to prepare an action.
    2. The action creator formats the action and sends it off to the Dispatcher.
    3. The Dispatcher dispatches the action off to all of the stores in sequence. Then the store decides whether it cares about this action or not, and changes the state accordingly.
    4. Once it’s done changing state, the store lets its subscribed view controllers know.
    5. Those view controllers will then ask the store to give them the updated state.
    6. After the store gives it the state, the view controller will tell its child views to re-render based on the new state.

So this is how Flux works. Now let us see an example of Flux being used in SUSI Web Chat.

Use of Flux Architecture to Switch Between Themes in SUSI Web Chat

Different Flux components used in SUSI Web Chat:

  1. Actions – Settings.actions.js
  2. Dispatcher – ChatAppDispatcher.js
  3. Store – UserPreferencesStore.js
  4. View – MessageSection.react.js

Let us now see in detail how we are able to switch themes:
In the MessageSection.react.js file, we have the following functions to handle theme change:

handleThemeChanger = () => {

applyLightTheme = () =>{

Hence, the view tells the action creator to prepare an action.
Now, the settingsChanged() function in Settings.actions.js file is called as follows:

export function settingsChanged(settings) {
    type: ActionTypes.SETTINGS_CHANGED,

Hence, the process of invoking the callbacks is initiated through the dispatch() method, which takes a data payload object as its sole argument.

Now, as the UserPreferencesStore is registered with the ChatAppDispatcher, it receives the actions dispatched by the Dispatcher. It checks for the type of action, and with the help of switch cases, executes the code for the corresponding action type accordingly. In this case, the states inside the Store are updated with the new state which the User wants to switch to.

UserPreferencesStore.dispatchToken = ChatAppDispatcher.register(action => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case ActionTypes.SETTINGS_CHANGED: {
            let settings = action.settings;

This is how Flux Architecture is facilitating the switching of themes in SUSI Web Chat.



Continue ReadingUse of Flux Architecture in SUSI.AI

Holding query search in Loklak

Continuously searching user’s input while the user kept typing is not good. It has certain drawbacks which result in continuous action dispatch and loading of the result page which depicts the site to be slow, but actually it is not. To prevent continuous loading and searching while user types a query in Loklak Search, it was important to keep hold on query until user completes typing and then start searching for the results. I am writing this blog post to emphasise a proper solution to constantly keep track of the query and search on an appropriate event.

Adding keypress event

First and foremost task would be to add keypress event to input tag on home and results page.





formControl will constantly keep track of the user input and will be stored in searchInputControl, while keypress event will activate onEnter() method firing an $event as an input to onEnter() method.

Adding onEnter() method

Note: Keeping track of special keypress event code 13 which is equivalent for an enter key press.

Add a new method onEnter() with event as an input which will execute its function only when the event’s keypress code is 13 (Enter key press). One point should be noted here that query to be searched should not be empty or containing leading and trailing spaces or should not contain only spaces (treated as an incomplete query to be searched).

onEnter(event: any) {  
   if (event.which === 13) {  

      if (this.searchInputControl.value.trim() !== ”) {

        // Actual work of query search will go here.



Add query searching and migration code under onEnter()

Now comes the last part to shift query search and route migration code from setupSearchField() to the portion mentioned above in comments. We need to take one point in consideration that from now on we actually do not need to subscribe to formControl in ngOnInit() since now it depends on user query input.

Complete onEnter() in home component file

After completion, onEnter() method should be similar to:

onEnter(event: any) {
   if (event.which === 13) {
       if (this._queryControl.value.trim() !== ”) {
           this.store.dispatch(new suggestAction
           this.store.dispatch(new queryAction
               { queryParams: { query: this._queryControl.value.trim() }
               , skipLocationChange: true } );
           this.store.dispatch(new titleAction
               +   Loklak Search’));


Since we are not depending on ngOnInit() therefore we also need to append getDataFromStore() to onEnter() method.

Complete onEnter() in feed-header component file

After completion, onEnter() method should be similar to:

onEnter(event: any) {
   if (event.which === 13) {
       if (this.searchInputControl.value.trim() !== '') {


Try typing different formats of query on home and results page of loklak.


Continue ReadingHolding query search in Loklak

Creating the Mockup for Wave Generator using Moqups

PSLab is a versatile device that can be used as a waveform signal generator, as it is capable of producing different types of waves. It provides a cheap and portable alternative as compared to the physical wave generators available in markets.

The current UI of the Wave Generator present in the PSLab app as shown in Figure 1 is very basic and makes use of some basic UI components which are not able to properly expose all the functionalities of the wave generator. This affects the user experience negatively.

Figure 1 shows the current layout of Wave Generator in PSLab android app

In this blog, we will discuss creating a mockup for the PSLab wave generator using modern design to improve the UI/UX of the app. I will try to keep the layout simple enough so that users can easily understand it. 

Understanding the Functionality of Waveform Generator

Figure 2 shows the schematic pin diagram of the PSLab

We can observe from the image that PSLab provide:

  • Two pins named W1 and W2 which are capable of producing two different sine or saw-tooth waves having different characteristics simultaneously.
  • Four Pins named SQ1, SQ2, SQ3, SQ4 which are capable of producing Square Wave and Pulse Width modulation signals.
  • It also allows us to change the properties of these waves such as frequency, phase, duty cycle.

Before starting with the mockup a physical commodity Waveform Signal Generator as shown in Figure 3 was inspected.

Figure 3 shows digital Wave Generator by HP

Most waveform generators in the market have a control panel with buttons and a monitor screen so that the user can view the changes while controlling the characteristics of the wave. I will try to create a layout similar to this in following steps by dividing it into two halves:

  1. Upper half containing monitor screens
  2. Lower half containing controlling panel having buttons

Steps for creating the mockup

Step 1: Choosing the Tool

The tool that we will be using here to create a mockup is moqups[1].

I have chosen this software because:-

  • It is an online tool and doesn’t require it to be set up first
  • It is very efficient and powerful tool for creating mobile or web wireframes.
  • It doesn’t require any prior knowledge of programming language.
  • It has a palette to drag & drop UI elements like Buttons, Textboxes, Checkboxes etc. on the left-hand side, allows modifying the features of each element (here on the right) and other options at the top related to prototyping, previewing etc as shown in figure 4.
Figure 4  shows Moqups prototyping tool webpage

Step 2: Creating the base of the layout

The mockup tool moqups[1] have a built-in template of Android screen which we can drag and drop from the palette and use it as our base.

Figure 5 shows the Android mobile template picked from the palette of available design elements in the ‘moqups’ application.

Step 3: Creating the Lower Half

Now as discussed above I will create controlling panel containing buttons in the lower half of the screen, for this I will drag and drop buttons from the palette on the right-hand side and design them according to the theme of the app that is making their border round shape, changing their color to match the theme color and editing text in them. As the PSLab has two groups of pins so I will create two different panels with buttons for properties related to the pins of that group.

At this point we have a layout looking like this:

Figure 6 shows the lower panel containing buttons being drawn for Wave Generator UI. At right-hand side, it shows the palette having different UI elements.

I will create the monitor screens in the upper half, for our purpose as I have two panels we will create two monitor screen as shown in Figure 6. The left panel will correspond to the left panel and the right monitor will correspond to the right panel.

Step 4: Creating the Upper Half

For creating monitor, I will use simple rectangles with rounded borders and give the background black to resemble the monitor in physical devices.

I will also create some partitions in the monitor to make compartment. I will use these compartments to position the text view that represents the characteristics of the wave so that they are clearly visible.

Figure 7 shows two monitor layout with the black background being drawn using text areas and lines

So, in this layout the user will be able to see all the properties corresponding to one type of waveform on the monitor together so he/she doesn’t have to click the buttons, again and again, to see the different properties as he/she have to do in a physical device.

For instance let’s say, if the user wants to generate sine wave he/she will have to click the Wave 1 button in the panel below and on clicking,all the values of characteristics related to waveform produced by W1 pin will be visible together to the user in one screen which makes it easier for the user to analyze and set the values.

Therefore, the final layout produced is shown in Figure 7

Figure 8 shows final Wave Generator Mockup.

As we can see this layout is quite interactive and looks very appealing to the user and this will help to improve UI/UX of the app.


  1. Moqups prototyping tool website: https://moqups.com
  2. Youtube Video – How to use moqups
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Adding System Image for Event Categories

The Open Event Server is using the JSON 1.0 Specification and build on top of Flask Rest Json API (for building Rest APIs) and Marshmallow (for Schema). In this blog, we will talk about how to add feature of System Image for Event Categories on Open Event Server. The focus is on Model updation, Schema updation and migrating the Database.

Model Updation

For adding System Image, we’ll update our Model EventTopic.

In this feature, we are providing rights to the Admin to add a system image for each Event Category so that if no image is given by a organizer of event on event creation then it will use the system image of that Event Category as event image by default.

Here we are adding a Column named system_image_url which is of type String. This value cannot be nullable and having a default value.

Migrating the Database

For the migrating the Database we will use simple commands.

This command runs migrations. If it cause problems naming Multiple Migration Head, then you need to run

This problem is caused when two developers push a migration file without merging two heads to achieve one head.

The above command will give us ids of two migration heads.

This command is merging two migration heads.

This command is upgrading the migrations.

Finally, we migrate the Database using above command.

Schema Updation

For the system image, we’ll update the Schema EventTopicSchema as follows

In this feature, to provide system image for each Event Category we’ll add a field named system_image_url in the Schema.

Here we are adding a field named system_image_url which is of marshmallow field type URL. This value cannot be none.

Validating the Event Image and using System Image by default

In this step, we’ll check if a event image is provided by organizer. If that is not provided then we’ll use system image of Event Category as Event Image.

Here, we will first take the event topic of event as added by the organizer. Then we will fetch the the database row in Event Topic model which has id == event_topic_id . Then we will return the system image url of that event topic to the event image.

So we saw how we could provide a default image for any event.


Continue ReadingAdding System Image for Event Categories

Using a Git repo as a Storage & Managing skills through susi_skill_cms

In this post, I’ll be talking about SUSI’s skill management and the workflow of creating new skills

The SUSI skills are maintained in a separate github repository susi_skill_data which provides the features of version controlling and the ability to rollback to a previous version implemented in SUSI Server.

The workflow is as explained in the featured image of this blog, SUSI CMS provides the user with a GUI through which user can talk to the SUSI Server and using it’s api calls, it can manipulate the susi skills present/stored on the susi_skill_data repository.

When the user opts to create a new skill, a new createSkill component is loaded with an editor to define rules of the skill. Once the form is submitted, an AJAX POST request is made to the server which actually commits the skill data to the repository and thus it is visible in the CMS from that point on.

Grab the skill details within the editor and put them in a form which is to be sent via the POST request.

let form = new FormData();
form.append('model', 'general');
form.append('group', this.state.groupValue);
form.append('language', this.state.languageValue);
form.append('skill', this.state.expertValue.trim().replace(/\s/g,'_'));
form.append('image', this.state.file);
form.append('content', this.state.code);
form.append('image_name', this.state.imageUrl.replace('images/',''));
form.append('access_token', cookies.get('loggedIn'));

Configure POST request settings object

let settings = {
   'async': true,
   'crossDomain': true,
   'url': urls.API_URL + '/cms/createSkill.json',
   'method': 'POST',
   'processData': false,
   'contentType': false,
   'mimeType': 'multipart/form-data',
   'data': form

Make an AJAX request using the settings above to upload the skill to the server and send a notification when the request is successful.

   .done(function (response) {
    message: 'Accepted',
    description: 'Your Skill has been uploaded to the server',
    icon: <Icon type='check-circle' style={{ color: '#00C853' }}       />,

Parse the received response as JSON and if the accept key in the response is true, we push the new skill data to the history API and set relevant states.

let data = JSON.parse(response);
	pathname: '/' + self.state.groupValue  +
  	'/' + self.state.expertValue.trim().replace(/\s/g,'_') +
  	'/' + self.state.languageValue,
	state: {
  	from_upload: true,
  	expertValue:  self.state.expertValue,
  	groupValue: self.state.groupValue ,
  	languageValue: self.state.languageValue,

If the accepted key of the server response is not true, display a notification.

	  	message: 'Error Processing your Request',
	  	description: String(data.message),
	  	icon: <Icon type='close-circle' style={{ color: '#f44336' }} />,

Handle cases when AJAX request fails and send a corresponding notification

.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
    message: 'Error Processing your Request',
    description: String(textStatus),
    icon: <Icon type='close-circle' style={{ color: '#f44336' }} />,

I hope after reading this post, the objectives of susi_skill_data are more clear and you understood how CMS handles the creation of skills.


1.AJAX Jquery – AJAX request using Jquery
2. React State – Read about React states and lifecycle hooks.

Continue ReadingUsing a Git repo as a Storage & Managing skills through susi_skill_cms