SUSI.AI Web Chat has two primary themes: Light and Dark. The user can switch between these two from settings, but what if the user does not prefer the theme change. He/She has to repeat the entire process of Going to Settings -> Selecting another theme -> saving it. To enable the user to instantly change the theme, we decided to add snackbar on theme change.
What is Snackbar ?
Snackbar contains info regarding the operation just performed and it displays them in a visual format. Snackbar can also have a button like “Undo” to revert the recent operation just made.
It appears at the bottom of screen by default. A simple snackbar looks like this:
Now we needed this to pop-up, whenever the theme is changed. When a user changes theme we run a function named “implementSettings” which checks what the theme is changed to.
The method is:
implementSettings = (values) => { this.setState({showSettings: false}); if(values.theme!==this.state.currTheme){ this.setState({SnackbarOpen: true}); } this.changeTheme(values.theme); this.changeEnterAsSend(values.enterAsSend); setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ SnackbarOpen: false }); }, 2500); }
The argument values is an object that contains all the change that user has made in settings. Here values.theme contains the value of theme user selected from settings. We first check if the theme is same as the current one if so, we do nothing. If the theme is different from current, then we update the theme by calling this.changeTheme(values.theme) and also initiate snackbar by setting SnackbarOpen to open.
The snackbar component looks like:
message={'Theme Changed'}
This appears on the screen as follows :
Now if a user wants to change the theme instantly he/she can press the undo button. For this undo button, we have a method handleActionTouchTap. In this method, we change the theme back to previous one. The method is implemented in the following manner:
handleActionTouchTap = () => { this.setState({ SnackbarOpen: false, }); switch(this.state.currTheme){ case 'light': { this.changeTheme('dark'); break; } case 'dark': { this.changeTheme('light'); break; } default: { // do nothing } } };
The above method is pretty self-explanatory which checks the current theme(“light” or “dark”) and then revert it. We also change the state of SnackbarOpen to “false” so that on clicking “UNDO” button, the theme changes back to previous one and the snackbar closes.Now user is having an option of instantly changing back to previous theme.
- Snackbar from material-ui :
- States in React: