Making Skill Display Cards Identical in SUSI.AI Skill CMS

SUSI.AI Skill CMS shows all the skills of SUSI.AI. The cards used to display all the skills follow flexbox structure and adjust their height according to content. This lead to cards of different sizes and this needed to be fixed. This needed to fix as the cards looked like this:

The cards display following things:

  • Image related to skill
  • An example query related to skill in double quotes
  • Name of skill
  • Short description of skill

Now to get all these, we make an ajax call to the following endpoint:'+ this.state.modelValue + '&group=' + this.state.groupValue + '&language=' + this.state.languageValue


  • this.state.modelValue: This is the model of the skill, stored in state of component
  • this.state.groupValue: This represents the group to which skill belongs to. For example Knowledge, Communication, Music, and Audio, etc.
  • this.state.languageValue: This represents the ISO language code of language in which skill is defined

Now the response is in JSONP format and it looks like:

Now we parse the response to get the information needed and return the following Card(Material UI Component):

<Link key={el}
        pathname: '/' + self.state.groupValue + '/' + el + '/' + self.state.languageValue,
            state: {
                        url: url,
                        element: el,
                        name: el,
                        modelValue: self.state.modelValue,
                        groupValue: self.state.groupValue,
                        languageValue: self.state.languageValue,
           <Card style={styles.row} key={el}>
                <div style={styles.right} key={el}>
                       {image ? <div style={styles.imageContainer}>
                        <img alt={skill_name}
                          style={styles.image} />
                          </div> :
                         <CircleImage name={el} size='48' />}
                             <div style={styles.titleStyle}>{examples}</div>
                             <div style={styles.details}>
                                 <h3 style={}>{skill_name}</h3>
                                 <p style={styles.description}>{description}</p>

Now the information that leads to non-uniformity in these cards is the skill description. Now to solve this we decided to put a certain limit to the description length and if that limit is crossed, then we will show the following dots: “”. The height and width of the cards were fixed according to screen size and we modified the description as follows:

if (skill.descriptions) {
      if (skill.descriptions.length > 120) {
          description = skill.descriptions.substring(0, 119) + '...';
      else {
          description = skill.descriptions;

This way no content was being cut and all the skill cards looks identical:


Continue ReadingMaking Skill Display Cards Identical in SUSI.AI Skill CMS

Implementing Author’s Skill Page in SUSI.AI CMS

SUSI.AI Skill CMS is improving every day and we keep adding new features to it. Recently a feature was added to display all the skills by an author. This feature only showed the list of skills. The user might want to visit the skill page to see the description so we linked the skills on the list to skill page. The list looked like this:

We need to link skill name and image to respective skill page. Now since this is react based app, we do not have different URL for different skills due to SPA. The description, images and other relevant details of skills were being passed as props. We needed to have routes through which we can directly access the skill. This was done by implementing child routes for Skill CMS. Earlier the description, images, and other relevant data was being passed as props from the BrowseSkill component, but now we need to derive this from the URL:

let baseUrl = '';           
let modelValue = "general"; = this.props.location.pathname.split('/')[2];
this.groupValue = this.props.location.pathname.split('/')[1];
this.languageValue = this.props.location.pathname.split('/')[3];
url = baseUrl + '?model=' + modelValue + '&group=' + this.groupValue +        '&language=' + this.languageValue + '&skill=' +;

We now make an ajax call to this URL for fetching the data:

               url: url,
               jsonpCallback: 'pc',
               dataType: 'jsonp',
               jsonp: 'callback',
               crossDomain: true,
               success: function (data) {

This updates the skill page with the description, image, author and other relevant details of the skills. Now all left to do is link the skills on the list to their respective links. This is done by following code:

We define skillURL as:

let skillURL = '' + parse[6] + '/' + parse[8].split('.')[0] + '/' + parse[7];

Here parse is an array which contains model, group and ISO language code of the skill. We updated the Image and text component as:

   href={skillURL} >
     unloader={<CircleImage name={name} size="40"/>}
   className="effect-underline" >

Now after proper styling, we had the following looking skill list by author:


Continue ReadingImplementing Author’s Skill Page in SUSI.AI CMS

Adding Fallback Images in SUSI.AI Skill CMS

SUSI.AI Skill CMS shows image of a every skill. Here we are going to talk about a special case, where we handle the case when image is not found. We will be discussing the author’s skill component(all the skills by an author) and how we added fallback image in order to handle all the cases. For displaying image in table displaying all skills of author, we provide the path of image in SUSI Skill Data repository. The path is provided as follows :

let image = ''+ parse[6]+'/'+parse[7]+'/images/'+parse[8].split('.')[0];

parse is the array which contains the models, language ISO code, and the name of the skill. This is obtained after parsing JSON from this endpoint :

"" + author;
  • parse[6]: This represents a model of the skill. There are currently six models Assistants, Entertainment, Knowledge, Problem Solving, Shopping and Small Talks.
  • parse[7]: This represents ISO language code of the skill.
  • parse[8]: This represents the name of the skill.

Now the image variable just needs the file extension. We have .jpg and .png extensions in images in our skill data repository. So we made two images :

let image1 = image + '.png';
let image2 = image + '.jpg';

The img tag only takes one attribute in src and we can only add a string in alt tag. Now we needed to check which image exists and add proper src. This can be solved by following methods:

We can use Jquery to solve this:

        .done(function() { 
                // image exists
        }).fail(function() { 
                // Image doesn't exist

This will result in more code and and also this does not handles the case where no image is found and we need to show the Circle Image component which takes first two letters of skill and make a circular component. After researching the internet we found a perfect solution to our problem. There is an npm package named react-image, which is an alternative to default img tag. Features of react-image package helpful to us are:

  • We can provide multiple fallback images in an array as source which will be used in order of index of array. This feature solves our problem of extensions, we add provide image with all extensions.
  • We can show a fallback element in case no images are loaded. This solves our second problem where we needed to show Circle Image component.

Code looks like this:

  unloader={<CircleImage name={name} size="40"/>}


Continue ReadingAdding Fallback Images in SUSI.AI Skill CMS

Getting skills by an author in SUSI.AI Skill CMS

The skill description page of any skill in SUSI.AI skill cms displays all the details regarding the skill. It displays image, description, examples and name of author. The skill made by author can impress the users and they might want to know more skills made by that particular author.

We decided to display all the skills by an author. We needed an endpoint from server to get skills by author. This cannot be done on client side as that would result in multiple ajax calls to server for each skill of user. The endpoint used is :

"" + author

Here the author is the name of the author who published the particular skill. We make an ajax call to the server with the endpoint mentioned above and this is done when the user clicks the author. The ajax call response is as follows(example) :

 0:       "/home/susi/susi_skill_data/models/general/Entertainment/en/creator_info.txt",
 1: "/home/susi/susi_skill_data/models/general/Entertainment/en/flip_coin.txt",
 2: "/home/susi/susi_skill_data/models/general/Assistants/en/websearch.txt",
session: {
identity: {
type: "host",
name: "",
anonymous: true

The response contains the list of skills made by author. We parse this response to get the required information. We decided to display a table containing name, category and language of the skill. We used map function on object keys to parse information from every key present in JSON response. Every value corresponding to a key represents a response of following type:



  • Category: There are currently six categories Assistants, Entertainment, Knowledge, Problem Solving, Shopping and Small Talks. Each skill falls under a different category.
  • language: This represents the ISO language code of the language in which skill is written.
  • name: This is the name of the skill.

We want these attributes from the string so we have used the split function:

let parse = data[skill].split('/');

data is JSON response and skill is the key corresponding to which we are parsing information. We store the array returned by split function in variable parse. Now we return the following table in map function:

return (
                         unloader={<CircleImage name={name} size="40"/>}

Here :

    • name: The name of skill converted into Title case by the following code :
let name = parse[8].split('.')[0];
name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
  • parse[6]: This represents the category of the skill.
  • isoConv(parse[7]): parse[7] is the ISO code of the language of skill and isoConv is an npm package used to get full form of the language from ISO code.
  • CircleImage: This is a fallback option in case image at the URL is not found. This takes first two words from the name and makes a circular component.

After successful execution of the code, we have the following looking table:


Continue ReadingGetting skills by an author in SUSI.AI Skill CMS

Parsing SUSI.AI Blog Feed

Our SUSI.AI web chat is improving every day.Recently we decided to add a blog page to our SUSI.AI web chat to show all the latest blogs related to SUSI.AI. These blogs are written by our developer team. We have the following feed from which we need to parse the information of blogs and display:

This feed is in RSS (Really Simple Syndication) format. We decided to use Google feed API service to parse this RSS content, but that service is now deprecated. Then we decided to convert this RSS into JSON format and then we will parse the information.
We have used the rss2json API for converting our RSS content into JSON. We make an ajax call to this API for fetching the JSON content:

        url: '',
        method: 'GET',
        dataType: 'json',
        data: {
            'rss_url': '',
            'api_key': api_key: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', // put your api key here,
            'count': 50
        }).done(function (response) {
            if(response.status !== 'ok'){ throw response.message; }
            this.setState({ posts: response.items, postRendered: true});


  • URL: This is base URL of API to which we are making calls in order to fetch JSON data.
  • rss_url: This is the URL of RSS feed which needs to be converted into JSON format.
  • api_key: This is the key, which can be generated after making an account on the website
  • count: Count of feed items to return, the default is 20.

The converted JSON response looks like:

This can be checked here.

Now we have used cards of material-ui to show the content of this JSON response. On the success of our ajax call, we update the array(named as posts) present in the initial state of our component with response.items( an array containing information of blogs).

We map through each element in an array named posts and return the corresponding card, containing relevant information in it. We parsed the following information from JSON:

  • Name of the author:
  • Title of the blog: posts.title
  • Link to blog on WordPress:

Publish date of the blog:
The publish date is in this format: “2017-08-05 09:05:27” (example), we need to format this date. We used following code to do that:

let date = posts.pubDate.split(' ');
let d = new Date(date[0]);
dateFormat(d, 'dddd, mmmm dS, yyyy') // dateFormat is an npm package

This converts “2017-08-05 09:05:27” to “Saturday, August 5th, 2017”.

Description and Featured Images of the blog:
We needed to show a short description of the blog and a featured image. There is an element in our posts array with name description that contains HTML, starting from featured image and followed by a short description. We needed to convert this HTML into simple text for using this. I used htmlToText npm package for this purpose:
let description = htmlToText.fromString(posts.description).split(‘…’);
description variable now contains simple text. A simple example :

[×442.png] Our SUSI.AI Web Chat has many static pages like Overview, Devices, Team and Support.We have separate CSS files for each component. Recently, we faced a problem regarding design pattern where CSS files of one component were affecting another component. This blog is all about solving this issue and we take an example of distortion

Now, this text contains both link for featured image and our short description text. For getting the link for featured image, I have used regex(Regular Expression) in the following code and saved the link in the variable image and for short description I have used the split function :

let text = description[0].split(']');
let image = susi // temporary image for initialisation
let regExp = /\[(.*?)\]/;
let imageUrl = regExp.exec(description[0]);
if(imageUrl) {
   image = imageUrl[1]

After successfully parsing this information from JSON, we can have cards with details and card looks like this:

As we need all this to be rendered when the component mounts, so we put our ajax call inside componentDidMount() function of our react component.


Continue ReadingParsing SUSI.AI Blog Feed

How SUSI AI Web Chat Custom Theme Settings are Stored in Server

We had a feature in SUSI Web Chat to make custom themes but those themes were not storing on the server. We needed to store those theme data on server. In this post I discuss how we implemented that feature. This is the PR that I sent to solve this issue.

Previously we had two theme options. According to the user’s choice it changes theme colors. Since we needed to store custom themes and use them without any conflicts with existing “light” and “dark” themes we made another theme option called “custom”. After user clicks on the custom theme it automatically changes to “custom” mode.

This is how we did it in “onClick” of the custom theme .

     let currSettings = UserPreferencesStore.getPreferences();
     let settingsChanged = {};
     if(currSettings.Theme !=='custom'){
       settingsChanged.Theme = 'custom';

Then after we collected all the chosen color values to a variable. While we store our color values on a variable we avoid the “#” letter which is at very first of the color value. Because we can’t send that value to the server with “#” character.


After selecting color values user have to press the save button to push those selected values to server. We execute below method on click of the save button.

 saveThemeSettings = () => {
    let customData='';
    Object.keys(this.customTheme).forEach((key) => {
    let currSettings = UserPreferencesStore.getPreferences();
    let settingsChanged = {};
    if(currSettings.Theme !=='custom'){
      settingsChanged.Theme = 'custom';

Using this method we derived those data that we added into the variable and made a single string array. Then after we executed the action that we needed to execute to store data on the server.
It is “Actions.customThemeChanged(customData);”.
This action is defined in “Settings.actions.js” file.

export function customThemeChanged(customTheme) {
    type: ActionTypes.CHANGE_CUSTOM_THEME,

We used this Action name constant “CHANGE_CUSTOM_THEME” in “ChatConstant.js” file

We defined this “pushCustomThemeToServer”  function on “API.actions.js” file. here

export function pushCustomThemeToServer(customTheme){
    cookies.get('loggedIn')===undefined) {
       url = BASE_URL+'/aaa/changeUserSettings.json?'

Here we check whether user is logged in or not. If user is logged in we get the access token from cookies and attach it to the request URL and execute the “makeServerCall” function that we defined previously.

Now our data are saved on server. Use this url to check what settings you have in your user account.
Now we can use stored values. First we need to update state. For that we got theme values from server like this

  var themeValue=[];


Here we got data from server and put it to the array.

Then after we set it to state. While adding custom theme settings to state we set the “#” character before each colour value.  Here is the code

    header: themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[0]:'#4285f4',
    pane: themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[1]:'#f5f4f6',
    body: themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[2]:'#fff',
    composer: themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[3]:'#f5f4f6',
    textarea:  themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[4]:'#fff',


Now we have to use these data with our JSX elements. This is how we did this.

We checked the current theme mode. If it is “custom” we used the values we got from server. Otherwise we used corresponding colors for other “light” and “dark” theme. Here is the full code.


var bodyColor;
    var TopBarColor;
    var composerColor;
    var messagePane;
    var textArea;
  case 'custom':{
    bodyColor = this.state.body;
    TopBarColor = this.state.header;
    composerColor = this.state.composer;
    messagePane = this.state.pane;
    textArea = this.state.textarea;

You can use these variables wherever you need to show colors. As an example this is how we passed header color to top bar.

 <TopBar  header={TopBarColor} >

This is how we stored and fetched custom theme data from store.


  • How to store and receive data from SUSI server using HTTP requests.
  • How Flux Architecture works:
Continue ReadingHow SUSI AI Web Chat Custom Theme Settings are Stored in Server

Implementing Proper CSS for Static Pages in SUSI.AI Web Chat

Our SUSI.AI Web Chat has many static pages like Overview, Devices, Team and Support. We have separate CSS files for each component. Recently, we faced a problem regarding design pattern where CSS files of one component were affecting another component. This blog is all about solving this issue and we take an example of distortion in our team’s page.

The current folder structure looks like this :

We can see that there are separate CSS files for all components. When the build of our react web app is complete, all the CSS files are loaded at once. So if CSS files contain classes with similar names, then this can disturb the original intended design of a particular component.

Our Team Page after merging of recent pull requests looked like this :

The Card component holding the images had extended vertically. The card component has following code:

<Card className='team-card' key={i}>
  <CardMedia className="container" >
    <img src={serv.avatar} alt={} 
      className="image" />
      <div className="overlay" >
        <div className="text">
         <FourButtons member={serv} />
  <CardTitle title={} subtitle={serv.designation} />

The CardMedia component is having className = “container”. This was defined in Team.css file. The CSS for this component is as follows :

.container {
  position: relative;
.container:hover .overlay {
  bottom: 0;
  height: 100%;

After inspecting through Chrome’s developer’s tool, it was found that these CSS properties were overwritten by another component having the same className as container. To resolve this issue there are multiple approaches:

  • Find the component with the same className and change the className of that component.
  • Change the className of current component.
  • Change the name of both components to resolve conflicts in future.

All the approaches will do the job for us. Here the easiest task was to change the className of the current component. This will save us time and we would not be adding extra lines of code. This is an efficient solution. So we decided to change the className to “container_div”. Then the CSS files will look like this:

.container_div {
  position: relative;
.container_div:hover .overlay {
  bottom: 0;
  height: 100%;

We also have to update the className in our CardMedia to “container_div”. After doing these changes. The cards were back to intended design:

To avoid such conflicts in future, it is recommended to name your CSS classes uniquely and after you’re done with making any component, recheck through developer’s tool that your component’s className does not have any conflicts with other components.


CSS best practises:–net-6741

Code for Team’s Page:

Team Page:

Continue ReadingImplementing Proper CSS for Static Pages in SUSI.AI Web Chat

Use of Flux Architecture to Switch between Themes in SUSI Web Chat

While we were developing the SUSI Web Chat we got a requirement to build a dark theme. And to build a way that user can switch between dark and light theme.

SUSI Web Chat application is made according to the Flux architecture, So we had to build sub components according to that architecture.

What is flux:

Flux is not a framework. It is an Architecture/pattern that we can use to build applications using react and some other frameworks. Below figure shows the way how that architecture works and how it communicate.

How flux works:

Flux has four types of components. Those are views, actions, dispatcher and stores. We use JSX to build and integrate views into our JavaScript code.

When someone triggers an event from view, it triggers an action and that action sends particular action details  such as Actiontype, action name  and data to dispatcher. Dispatcher broadcasts those details to every store which are registered with the particular dispatcher. That means every store gets all the action details and data which are broadcasting from dispatchers which they are registered.

Let’s say we have triggered an action from view that is going to change the value of the store. Those action details are coming to dispatcher. Then dispatcher broadcasts those data to every store that registered with it. Matching action will trigger and update its value. If there is any change happened in store, view automatically updates corresponding view.

How themes are changing:

We have a store called “SettingStore.js”. This “SettingStore” contains theme values like current theme. We store other settings of the application such as: Mic input settings, Custom server details, Speech Output details, Default Language, is responsible to provide these details to corresponding view.

let CHANGE_EVENT = 'change';
class SettingStore extends EventEmitter {
   constructor() {
       this.theme = true; 

We use “this.theme = true” in constructor to switch light theme as the default theme.

getTheme() { //provides current value of theme
       return this.theme;

This method returns the value of the current theme when it triggers.

   changeTheme(themeChanges) {
       this.theme = !this.theme;

We use “changeTheme” method to change the selected theme.

   handleActions(action) {
       switch (action.type) {
           case ActionTypes.THEME_CHANGED: {
           default: {
               // do nothing

This switch case is the place that store gets actions distributed from the dispatcher and executes relevant method.

const settingStore = new SettingStore();
export default settingStore;

Here we registered our store(SettingStore) to “ChatAppDispatcher” .

This is how Store works.
Now we need to get the default light theme to the view. For that we have to call ”getTheme()” function. We can use the value it returns to update the state of the application.
Now we are going to change the theme. To do that we have to trigger “changeTheme” method of “Settingstrore” from view ( MessageSection.react.js ).
We trigger below method on click of the “Change Theme” button. It triggers the action called “themeChanged”.

 themeChanger(event) {

Previous method executes “themeChanged()” function of the actions.js file.

export function themeChanged(theme) {
   type: ActionTypes.THEME_CHANGED,
   theme //data came from parameter

In above function we collect data from the view and send those data, method details to dispatcher.
Dispatcher sends those details to each and every registered store. In our case we have “SettingStore” and update the state to new dark theme.
This is how themes are changing in SUSI AI Web Chat application. Check this link to see the preview.


  • Read About Flux:
  • GitHub repository:
  • Live Web Chat:
Continue ReadingUse of Flux Architecture to Switch between Themes in SUSI Web Chat

Implementing a Collapsible Responsive App Bar of SUSI Web Chat

In the SUSI Web Chat application we wanted to make few static pages such as: Overview, Terms, Support, Docs, Blog, Team, Settings and About. The idea was to show them in app bar. Requirements were  to have the capability to collapse on small viewports and to use Material UI components. In this blog post I’m going to elaborate how we built the responsive app bar Using Material UI components.

First we added usual Material UI app bar component  like this.

             <header className="nav-down" id="headerSection">
title={<a href={this.state.baseUrl} ><img src="susi-white.svg" alt="susi-logo"  className="siteTitle"/></a>}
               iconElementRight={<TopMenu />}

We added SUSI logo instead of the text title using below code snippet and linked it to the home page like this.

title={<a href={this.state.baseUrl} ><img src="susi-white.svg" alt="susi-logo"  className="siteTitle"/></a>}

We have defined “this.state.baseUrl” in constructor and it gets the base url of the web application.

this.state = {
       openDrawer: false, 
baseUrl: window.location.protocol + '//' + + '/'

We need to open the right drawer when we click on the button on top left corner. So we have to define two methods to open and close drawer as below.

   handleDrawer = () => this.setState({openDrawer: !this.state.openDrawer});
   handleDrawerClose = () => this.setState({openDrawer: false});

Now we have to add components that we need to show on the right side of the app bar. We connect those elements to the app bar like this. “iconElementRight={}”

We defined “TopMenu” Items like this.

   const TopMenu = (props) => (
     <div className="top-menu">
     <FlatButton label="Overview"  href="/overview" style={{color:'#fff'}} className="topMenu-item"/>
     <FlatButton label="Team"  href="/team" style={{color:'#fff'}} className="topMenu-item"/>

We added FlatButtons to place links to other static pages. After all we needed a FlatButton that gives IconMenu to show login and signup options.

     <IconMenu {...props} iconButtonElement={
         <IconButton iconStyle={{color:'#fff'}} ><MoreVertIcon /></IconButton>
     <MenuItem primaryText="Chat" containerElement={<Link to="/logout" />}

After adding all these correctly you will see this kind of an app bar in your application.

Now our app bar is ready. But it does not collapse on small viewports.
So we planned to hide flat buttons on small sized screens and show the menu button. For that we used media queries.

@media only screen and (max-width: 800px){
   .topMenu-item{ display: none !important;  }
   .topAppBar button{ display: block  !important; }

This is how we built the responsive app bar using Material UI components. You can check the preview from this url. If you are willing to contribute to SUSI Web Chat here is the GitHub repository.


  • Material UI Components:
  • Learn More about media queries:
Continue ReadingImplementing a Collapsible Responsive App Bar of SUSI Web Chat

Getting Response Feedback In SUSI.AI Web Chat

The SUSI.AI Web Chat provides responses for various queries, but the quality of responses it not always the best possible. Machine learning and deep learning algorithms will help us to solve this step by step. In order to implement machine learning, we need feedback mechanisms. The first step in this direction is to provide users with a way to give feedback to responses with a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”. In this blog, I explain how we fetch the feedback of responses from the server.

On asking a query like tell me a quote, Susi responses with following message:

Now the user can rate the response by pressing thumbs up or thumbs down button. We store this response on the server. For getting this count of feedback we use the following endpoint:



  • BASE_URL: Base URL of our server:
  • model: Model of the skill from which response is fetched. For example “general”.
  • group: The group of the skill from which response is fetched. For example “entertainment”.
  • skill: name of the skill from which response is fetched. For example “quotes”.

We make an ajax call to the server to fetch the data:

          url: getFeedbackEndPoint,
          dataType: 'jsonp',
          crossDomain: true,
          timeout: 3000,
          async: false,
          success: function (data) {
            if(data.accepted) {
              let positiveCount = data.skill_rating.positive;
              let negativeCount = data.skill_rating.negative;
              receivedMessage.positiveFeedback = positiveCount;
              receivedMessage.negativeFeedback = negativeCount;


In the success function, we receive the data, which is in jsonp format. We parse this to get the desired result and store it in variable positiveCount and negativeCount. An example of data response is :

In the client, we can get value corresponding to positive and negative key as follows :

let positiveCount = data.skill_rating.positive;
let negativeCount = data.skill_rating.negative;

This way we can fetch the positive and negative counts corresponding to a particular response. This data can be used in many ways, for example:

  • It can be used to display the number of positive and negative count next to the thumbs:

  • It can be used in machine learning algorithms to improve the response that SUSI.AI provides.


Testing Link:

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