FOSSASIA Internship Program 2018
Are you interested to participate in the development of Open Source projects in a summer internship? Build up your developer profile with FOSSASIA and spend your summer coding on an open source project. Contribute to SUSI.AI, Open Event, Badgeyay, Yaydoc, Meilix or PSLab and join us at a workshop week and Jugaadfest in India. Please find the details below and submit your application to our form. Be sure to check out FOSSASIA’s program guidelines.
1. Program Details
- Sign up on our dedicated form at (Interns need to become members of the org and sign up on its social channels)
- Internships are 3 months with monthly evaluations
- plus preparation onboarding after acceptance
- Eligible are contributors above 18 years of age. Any contributor is eligible including students, professionals, university staff etc. Prefered are contributors who have participated in the community previously.
- Benefits of the program include Shirts, Swag, certificates. All participants who pass the final evaluation will be eligible to participate in a workshop week and Jugaadfest in September 2018 in Hyderabad. Travel grants and accommodation will be provided.
- The program is intended as a full-time program. However, if contributors would like to participate who have a day job, they can still join and pass the program if they fulfill all program requirements. All contributors who pass the program will be able to receive funding for workshops and Jugaadfest participation.
2. Timeline
- Application period ongoing until May 12
- Acceptance ongoing until May 12
- Start of pre-period: May
- Start of Internship: 1st June
- Evaluation 1: July
- Evaluation 2: August
- Evaluation 3: September
- End of Internship: September, 2018
- Issuing of Certificates: September 2018
- FOSSASIA Workshop Week /Jugaadfest: September/October
3. Deliverables
- Daily scrum email to project mailing list answering three questions: What did I do yesterday? What is my plan for today? Is there anything preventing me from achieving my goals, e.g. blockers?
- Work according to pull requests and issues (submit code on Github and match it with issues)
- Daily code submissions (software, hardware)
- Documentation: Text, YouTube videos
- 1 technical blog post a month with details on solving a problem in a FOSSASIA project (Monthly – 1: by Monday of second week)
- Design items (in open formats, e.g. XCF, SVG, EPS)
4. Participating Projects
5. Best Practices
Please follow best practices as defined here:
6. Participant Benefits/Support
Participants will receive Swag, certificates and travel support to the FOSSASIA Workshop week and Jugaadfest.
- Evaluation 1: July, 2018: Successful Participants receive a FOSSASIA Tshirt (sent out together with bag in evaluation 2)
- Evaluation 2: August: Successful Participants receive a beautiful FOSSASIA bag
- Evaluation 3: September: Successful Participants receive the following support to participate in the FOSSASIA India Workshop Week and Jugaadfest:
- 100 SGD travel support from within India and 200 SGD support if coming from outside India
- One week accommodation in Hyderabad (organized by FOSSASIA)
- Catering during workshops
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