Implementing Users API to Display the Users at Admin Route in Open Event Frontend

This article will illustrate how the users are displayed and updated on the /admin/users route, their roles, user links etc. using the users API in Open Event Frontend. The primary end point of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the users is

GET /v1/users

First, we need to create a model for the user, which will have the fields corresponding to the API, so we proceed with the ember CLI command:

ember g model user

Next, we need to define the model according to the requirements. The model needs to extend the base model class. As a user can have multiple notifications, orders and  sessions etc. so we have to use ember data relationships “hasMany”. Hence, the model will have the following format.

import ModelBase from 'open-event-frontend/models/base';
import { hasMany } from 'ember-data/relationships';

export default ModelBase.extend({
  email        : attr('string'),
  password     : attr('string'),
  isVerified   : attr('boolean', { readOnly: true }),
  isSuperAdmin : attr('boolean', { readOnly: true }),
  isAdmin      : attr('boolean', { readOnly: true }),
  firstName : attr('string'),
  lastName  : attr('string')

The complete code for the model can be seen here

Now, we need to load the data from the API using the above model, so we will send a GET request to the API to fetch the users. This can be easily achieved using this.

return this.get('store').query('user', {'page[size]': 10 });

The above line is querying for the users from the store which is place where cache of all of the records that have been loaded by our application is there. If a route asks for a record, the store can return it immediately if it is there in the cache and we want to display only 10 users in a page so defined how many number of users has to be loaded at a time.

Now we need to filter the users based on whether they are active or they have deleted their accounts. For this purpose, we need to pass filter to the query which will tell what type of users to be loaded at once.

The next thing we need to do is to display the above data fetched from the API into an ember table. Ember table helps in allowing us to render very large data sets by only rendering the rows that are being displayed. For this, we defined a controller class which will help in letting the table know what all columns will be required to display and the attribute values they correspond in the API. We can also define the template for each column. The code for the controller class looks like this.

import Ember from 'ember';

const { Controller } = Ember;
export default Controller.extend({
  columns: [
      propertyName     : 'first-name',
      title            : 'Name',
      disableSorting   : true,
      disableFiltering : true
      propertyName     : 'email',
      title            : 'Email',
      disableSorting   : true,
      disableFiltering : true
      propertyName     : 'last-accessed-at',
      title            : 'Last Accessed',
      template         : 'components/ui-table/cell/admin/users/cell-last-accessed-at',
      disableSorting   : true,
      disableFiltering : true

In the above code, we can see a field called ‘disableSorting’ which is true if we don’t want to sort the table based on that column. Since we want the last-accessed-at column to be customized, so we have separately added a template for the column which will ensure how it will look in the column. The complete code for the other columns which are there in table apart from these can be found here.

Now to display the ember table we will write the following code.

{{events/events-table columns=columns data=model

In the above piece of code, we are calling the same ember table as we used in case of events to reduce the code duplication. We are passing the columns and data in the table which remains unique to the table. Next, we are ensuring that our page shows the amount of data we’re fetching at one go, allows the filtering the table based on the columns.

The UI of the users page for the above code snippets look like this.

Fig 1: The UI of the users table under admin/users route

The entire code for implementing the users API can be seen here.

To conclude, this is how we efficiently fetched the users using the Open-Event-Orga users API, ensuring that there is no unnecessary API call to fetch the data and no code duplication using the same ember table again.


Continue ReadingImplementing Users API to Display the Users at Admin Route in Open Event Frontend

Backend Scraping in Loklak Server

Loklak Server is a peer-to-peer Distributed Scraping System. It scrapes data from websites and also maintain other sources like peers, storage and a backend server to scrape data. Maintaining different sources has it’s benefits of not engaging in costly requests to the websites, no scraping of data and no cleaning of data.

Loklak Server can maintain a secondary Loklak Server (or a backend server) tuned for storing large amount of data. This enables the primary Loklak Server fetch data in return of pushing all scraped data to the backend.

Lately there was a bug in backend search as a new feature of filtering tweets was added to scraping and indexing, but not for backend search. To fix this issue, I had backtracked the backend search codebase and fix it.

Let us discuss how Backend Search works:-

1) When query is made from search endpoint with:

a) source=all

When source is set to all. The first TwitterScraper and Messages from local search server is preferred. If the messages scraped are not enough or no output has been returned for a specific amount of time, then, backend search is initiated

b) source=backend

SearchServlet specifically scrapes directly from backend server.

2) Fetching data from Backend Server

The input parameters fetched from the client is feeded into DAO.searchBackend method. The list of backend servers fetched from config file. Now using these input parameters and backend servers, the required data is scraped and output to the client.

In DAO.searchOnOtherPeers method. the request is sent to multiple servers and they are arranged in order of better response rates. This method invokes method for sending request to the mentioned servers.

List<String> remote = getBackendPeers();
if (remote.size() > 0) {
    // condition deactivated because we need always at least one peer
    Timeline tt = searchOnOtherPeers(remote, q, filterList, order, count, timezoneOffset, where, SearchServlet.backend_hash, timeout);
    if (tt != null) tt.writeToIndex();
    return tt;


3) Creation of request url and sending requests

The request url is created according to the input parameters passed to method. Here the search url is created according to input parameters and request is sent to the respective servers to fetch the required messages.

   // URL creation
    urlstring = protocolhostportstub + "/api/search.json?q="
           + URLEncoder.encode(query.replace(' ', '+'), "UTF-8") + "&timezoneOffset="
           + timezoneOffset + "&maximumRecords=" + count + "&source="
           + (source == null ? "all" : source) + "&minified=true&shortlink=false&timeout="
           + timeout;
    if(!"".equals(filterString = String.join(", ", filterList))) {
       urlstring = urlstring + "&filter=" + filterString;
    // Download data
    byte[] jsonb = ClientConnection.downloadPeer(urlstring);
    if (jsonb == null || jsonb.length == 0) throw new IOException("empty content from " + protocolhostportstub);
    String jsons = UTF8.String(jsonb);
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsons);
    if (json == null || json.length() == 0) return tl;
    // Final data fetched to be returned
    JSONArray statuses = json.getJSONArray("statuses");


Continue ReadingBackend Scraping in Loklak Server

Configuring Youtube Scraper with Search Endpoint in Loklak Server

Youtube Scraper is one of the interesting web scrapers of Loklak Server with unique implementation of its data scraping and data key creation (using RDF). It couldn’t be accessed as it didn’t have any url endpoint. I configured it to use both as separate endpoint (api/youtubescraper) and search endpoint (/api/search.json).


  1. YoutubeScraper Endpoint: /api/youtubescraperExample:
  2. SearchServlet Endpoint: /api/search.json


The configurations added in Loklak Server are:-

1) Endpoint

We can access YoutubeScraper using endpoint /api/youtubescraper endpoint. Like other scrapers, I have used BaseScraper class as superclass for this functionality .

2) PrepareSearchUrl

The prepareSearchUrl method creates youtube search url that is used to scrape Youtube webpage. YoutubeScraper takes url as input. But youtube link could also be a shortened link. That is why, the video id is stored as query. This approach optimizes the scraper and adds the capability to add more scrapers to it.

Currently YoutubeScraper scrapes the video webpages of Youtube, but scrapers for search webpage and channel webpages can also be added.

URIBuilder url = null;
String midUrl = "search/";
    try {
       switch(type) {
           case "search":
               midUrl = "search/";
               url = new URIBuilder(this.baseUrl + midUrl);
               url.addParameter("search_query", this.query);
           case "video":
               midUrl = "watch/";
               url = new URIBuilder(this.baseUrl + midUrl);
               url.addParameter("v", this.query);
           case "user":
               midUrl = "channel/";
               url = new URIBuilder(this.baseUrl + midUrl + this.query);
               url = new URIBuilder("");
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
       DAO.log("Invalid Url: baseUrl = " + this.baseUrl + ", mid-URL = " + midUrl + "query = " + this.query + "type = " + type);
       return "";


3) Get-Data-From-Connection

The getDataFromConnection method is used to fetch Bufferedreader object and input it to scrape method. In YoutubeScraper, this method has been overrided to prevent using default method implementation i.e. use type=all

public Post getDataFromConnection() throws IOException {
    String url = this.prepareSearchUrl(this.type);
    return getDataFromConnection(url, this.type);


4) Set scraper parameters input as get-parameters

The Map data-structure of get-parameters fetched by scraper fetches type and query. For URL, the video hash-code is separated from url and then used as query.

this.query = this.getExtraValue("query");
this.query = this.query.substring(this.query.length() - 11);


5) Scrape Method

Scrape method runs the different scraper methods (in YoutubeScraper, there is only one), iterate it using PostTimeline and wraps in Post object to the output. This simple function can improve flexibility of scraper to scrape different pages concurrently.

Post out = new Post(true);
Timeline2 postList = new Timeline2(this.order);
postList.addPost(this.parseVideo(br, type, url));
out.put("videos", postList.toArray());



Continue ReadingConfiguring Youtube Scraper with Search Endpoint in Loklak Server

Adding EditText With Google Input Option While Sharing In Phimpme App

In Phimpme Android App an user can share images on multiple platforms. While sharing we have also included caption option to enter description about the image. That caption can be entered by using keyboard as well Google Voice Input method. So in this post, I will be explaining how to add edittext with google voice input option.

Let’s get started

Step-1 Add EditText and Mic Button in layout file

       android:scaleType="fitCenter" />

Caption Option in Share Activity in Phimpme

In Phimpme we have material design dialog box so right now I am using getTextInputDialogBox(). It will prompt the material design dialog box to enter caption to share image on multiple platform.


Now we can get caption from edittext easily using the following code.

if (!captionText.isEmpty()) {
  caption = captionText;
} else {
  caption = null;

Step – 3 (Now add option Google Voice input option)

To use google input option I have added a global function in Utils class. To use that method just call that method with proper arguments.

public static void promptSpeechInput(Activity activity, int requestCode, View parentView, String promtMsg) {
  Intent intent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH);
  intent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL, RecognizerIntent.LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM);
  intent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE, Locale.getDefault());
  intent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_PROMPT, promtMsg);
  try {
      activity.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);
  } catch (ActivityNotFoundException a) {,activity.getString(R.string.speech_not_supported));


Just pass the request code to receive the speech text in onActvityResult() method and passs promt message which will be visible to user.

Step – 4 (Set text to caption )

if (requestCode == REQ_CODE_SPEECH_INPUT && data!=null){
       ArrayList<String> result = data.getStringArrayListExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_RESULTS);
       String voiceInput = result.get(0);
       caption = voiceInput;


Now we can set the text in caption string right now I am adding text in existing caption i.e If the user enter some text using edittext and after that user clicked on mic button then the extra text will be added after the previous text.

So this is how I have used Google voice input method and made the function globally.


Continue ReadingAdding EditText With Google Input Option While Sharing In Phimpme App

Store Log History for Repositories Registered to Yaydoc

Yaydoc, our automatic documentation generation and deployment project, generates and deploys documentation for each of its registered repository. For every commit made to the registered repository, there is a corresponding build process running at Yaydoc. These build processes have their own logs which are stored as text files. However, until now, these commits were never visible to the user. So, if there would have been a failed build process, the user would never know the reason behind, rendering the user unable to rectify the error.

Hence, there was a need to make these logs available to users. The initial thought was to store only the latest log overriding all the previous logs for the repository. However, it was unanimously decided by the developers to store a history of logs for the repository. The main motive behind this was to enable users to compare logs between different commits.

The content from the log files created is stored in a MongoDB collection. Following is the schema defined for the build logs.

const BuildLog = mongoose.model(‘BuildLog’, mongoose.Schema({
  repository: String,  // `full_name` of the repository
  buildNumber: {       // Incrementing number for each build
    type: Number,
    default: 0,
  generate: {
    data: Buffer,      // Generate Logs content
    datetime: Date,    // Date time of generate log creation
  ghpages: {
    data: Buffer,      // Github Pages Logs content
    datetime: Date,    // Date time of github pages log creation

The repository collection is also updated, adding a builds key storing the number of times the build process was triggered for a given repository. This key is incremented on every new build and the new value is stored along with the builds as buildNumber.

The build process involves a documentation generation and a documentation deployment script. The process of incrementing the build number in the repository occurs when we store the documentation generation logs. After that, Github pages logs are stored when the documentation deployment process is completed.

Since the logs are stored in a text file at the location temp/<email>/<filename>.txt, we had to read the file using NodeJS File system. The file is read synchronously using the fs.readFileSync(filename) function and then stored in the MongoDB collection.

 * Store logs created while generating docs for a given repository
 * @param name: `full_name` of the repository
 * @param filepath: file path of the generate logs
 * @param callback
module.exports.storeGenerateLogs = function (name, filepath, callback) {
  Repository.incrementBuildNumber(name, function (error, repository) {
    var buildlog = new BuildLog({
      repository: name,
      buildNumber: repository.builds,
      generate: {
        data: fs.readFileSync(filepath),
        datetime: new Date()
    }); (error, repository) {
      callback(error, repository);

 * Store logs created while deploying docs for a given repository
 * @param name: `full_name` of the repository
 * @param filepath: file of the ghpages deploy logs
 * @param callback
module.exports.storeGithubPagesLogs = function (name, filepath, callback) {
  Repository.getRepositoryByName(name, function (error, repository) {
    if (error) {
    } else {
      BuildLog.getParticularBuildLog(, repository.builds, 
      function (error, buildLog) { = fs.readFileSync(filepath);
        buildLog.ghpages.datetime = new Date(); (error, buildLog) {
          callback(error, buildLog);

The stored logs can then be retrieved at two different routes, with /:owner/:name/logs showing a list to logs generated in at most 10 builds and /:owner/:name showing the latest log. Similar to logs generated by Travis, accessing these routes doesn’t require the user to login to Yaydoc.

 * Get a single repository with a log history of 10
 * @param name: `full_name` of the repository
 * @param callback
module.exports.getRepositoryWithLogs = function (name, callback) {
    { $match: {name: name}},
      $lookup: {
        from: ‘buildLogs’,
        localField: ‘name’,
        foreignField: ‘repository’,
        as: ‘logs’
    { $unwind: ‘$logs’ },
    { $sort: { ‘logs.buildNumber’: -1 } },
    { $limit: 10 }
  ]).exec(function (error, results){
    callback(error, results);

In order to retrieve a repository along with its logs, we perform an aggregation in MongoDB which is similar to a Left Join in SQL. This is the $lookup aggregation and it performs a left outer join to an unsharded collection in the same database to filter in documents from the “joined” collection for processing. A similar method is used to retrieve the latest log by setting the limit aggregation to 1.


  1. MongoDB Aggregation Lookup:
  2. Mongoose Aggregate Constructor:
  3. NodeJS File System:
Continue ReadingStore Log History for Repositories Registered to Yaydoc

Including a Graph Component in the Remote Access Framework for PSLab

The remote-lab software of the pocket science lab enables users to access their devices remotely via the Internet. It includes an API server designed with Python Flask, and a web-app designed with EmberJS that allows users to access the API and carry out various tasks such as writing and executing Python scripts. In a series of blog posts, various aspects of this framework such as  remote execution of function strings, automatic deployment on various domains, creating and submitting python scripts which will be run on the remote server etc have already been explored.  This blog post deals with the inclusion of a graph component in the webapp that will be invoked when the user utilises the `plot` command in their scripts.

The JQPLOT library is being used for this purpose, and has been found to be quite lightweight and has a vast set of example code .

Task list for enabling the plotting feature
  • Add a plot method to the codeEvaluator module in the API server and allow access to it by adding it to the evalGlobals dictionary
  • Create an EmberJS component for handling plots
    • Create a named div in the template
    • Invoke the Jqplot initializer from the JS file and pass necessary arguments and data to the jqplot instance
  • Add a conditional statement to include the jqplot component whenever a plot subsection is present in the JSON object returned by the API server after executing a script
Adding a plot method to the API server

Thus far, in addition to the functions supported by the instance of PSLab, users had access to print, print_, and button functions. We shall now add a plot function.

def plot(self,x,y,**kwargs):


The X,Y datasets provided by the user are stacked in pairs because jqplot requires [x,y] pairs . not separate datasets.

We also need to add this to evalGlobals, so we shall modify the __init__ routine slightly:

Building an Ember component for handling plots

First, well need to install jqplot:   bower install –save jqplot

And this must be followed by including the following files using app.import statements in ember-cli-build.js

  • bower_components/jqplot/jquery.jqplot.min.js
  • bower_components/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.cursor.js
  • bower_components/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.highlighter.js
  • bower_components/jqplot/plugins/jqplot.pointLabels.js
  • bower_components/jqplot/jquery.jqplot.min.css

In addition to the jqplot js and css files, we have also included a couple of plugins we shall use later.

Now we need to set up a new component : ember g component jqplot-graph

Our component will accept an object as an input argument. This object will contain the various configuration options for the plot

Add the following line in templates/components/jqplot-graph.hbs:

style="solid gray 1px;" id="{{}}">

The JS file for this template must invoke the jqplot function in order to insert a complete plot into the previously defined <div> after it has been created. Therefore, the initialization routine must override the didInsertElement routine of the component.


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  didInsertElement () {
        title: this.title,

        axes: {
          xaxis: {
            tickInterval: 1,
            rendererOptions: {
            minorTicks: 4
        highlighter: {
          show: true, 
          showLabel: true, 

          tooltipAxes: 'xy',
          sizeAdjust: 9.5 , tooltipLocation : 'ne'
        legend: {
          show: true,
          location: 'e',
          rendererOptions: {
            numberColumns: 1,
          show: true,


Our component is now ready to be used , and we must make the necessary changes to user-home.hbs in order to include the plot component if the output JSON of a script executed on the server contains it.

The following excerpt from the results modal shows how the plot component can be inserted

{{#each codeResults as |element|}}
	{{#if (eq element.type 'text')}}
	{{#if (eq element.type 'plot')}}
		{{jqplot-graph data=element}}

Most of the other components such as buttons and spans have been removed for clarity. Note that the element object is passed to the jqplot-graph component as an argument so that the component may configure itself accordingly.

In conclusion, the following screencast shows what we have created. A simple plot command creates a fancy plot in the output which includes data point highlighting, and can be easily configured to do a lot more. In the next blog post we shall explore how to use this plot to create a persistent application such as an oscilloscope.



Continue ReadingIncluding a Graph Component in the Remote Access Framework for PSLab

Creating Sajuno Filter in Editor of Phimpme Android

What is Sajuno filter?

Sajuno filter is an image filter which we used in the editor of Phimpme Android application for brightening the skin region of a portrait photo.

How to perform?

Generally in a portrait photo, the dark regions formed due to shadows or low lightning conditions or even due to tanning of skin contains more darker reds than the greens and blues. So, for fixing this darkness of picture, we need to find out the area where reds are more dominant than the greens and blues. After finding the region of interest, we need to brighten that area corresponding to the difference of the reds and other colors.

How we implemented in Phimpme Android?

In Phimpme Android application, first we created a mask satisfying the above conditions. It can be created by subtracting blues and greens from red. The intensity can be varied by adjusting the intensity of reds. The condition mentioned here in programmatical way is shown below.

bright = saturate_cast<uchar>((intensity * r - g * 0.4 - b * 0.4));

In the above statement, r,g,b are the reds, greens and blues of the pixels respectively. The coefficients can be tweaked a little. But these are the values which we used in Phimpme Android application. After the above operation, a mask is generated as below.


This mask has the values that correspond to the difference of reds and greens and difference of reds and blues. So, we used this mask directly to increase the brightness of the dark toned skin of the original image. We simply need to add the mask and the original image. This results the required output image shown below.


As you can see the resultant image has less darker shades on the face than the original image. The way of implementation which we used in Phimpme Android editor is shown below.

double intensity = 0.5 + 0.35 * val;     // 0 < val < 1
dst = Mat::zeros(src.size(), src.type());
uchar r, g, b;
int bright;

for (y = 0; y < src.rows; y++) {
   for (x = 0; x < src.cols; x++) {
       r =<Vec3b>(y, x)[0];
       g =<Vec3b>(y, x)[1];
       b =<Vec3b>(y, x)[2];

       bright = saturate_cast<uchar>((intensity * r - g * 0.4 - b * 0.4));<Vec3b>(y, x)[0] =
               saturate_cast<uchar>(r + bright);<Vec3b>(y, x)[1] =
               saturate_cast<uchar>(g + bright);<Vec3b>(y, x)[2] =
               saturate_cast<uchar>(b + bright);


Continue ReadingCreating Sajuno Filter in Editor of Phimpme Android

Showing sample queries in SUSI.AI Bots

We need to give the user a good start to their chat with SUSI.AI. Engaging the users with some good skills at the start of the conversation, can leave a good impression about SUSI.AI. In SUSI messenger bots, we show up with some sample queries to try, during the conversation with SUSI.AI. In this blog, SUSI_Tweetbot and SUSI_FBbot are used as examples.

These queries are shown as quick replies i.e. the user can click on any of these sample queries and get an answer from SUSI.AI.  


When the user clicks on the “Start chatting” button, we send a descriptive message on what can the user ask to SUSI.AI .

Code snippet used for this step is:

var queryUrl = ''+'Start+chatting';
var startMessage = '';
// Wait until done and reply
        url: queryUrl,
        json: true
}, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
        startMessage = body.answers[0].actions[0].expression;
    startMessage = errMessage;
sendTextMessage(sender, startMessage, 0);

Just a text message is not much engaging. To further enhance the experience of the user, we show some quick reply options to the user. We have finalized some skills to show to the user:

Due to the character limit for the text shown on buttons, we try to show short queries as shown in the above picture. This way the user gets an idea about what type of queries can be asked.

Generic template, help us achieve this feature in SUSI_FBbot.

The code snippet used:

var messageT = {
               "type": "template",
               "payload": {
                "template_type": "generic",
                "elements": [{
                                    "title": 'You can try the following:',
                                    "buttons": [{                                               
                                               "title":"What is FOSSASIA?",                                  
                                               "payload":"What is FOSSASIA?"            
sendTextMessage(sender, messageT, 1);

As seen in the code above, each button has a corresponding postback text. So that whenever that button is clicked the postback text is sent to our chat automatically:

This postback text acts as a query to SUSI API which fetches the response from the server and shows it back to the user.


As SUSI.AI bots must be generic among all the messenger platforms available , we will inculcate the same skills available in SUSI_FBbot to SUSI_Tweetbot. The quick reply feature provided by Twitter devs help us to accomplish this task at hand.

As in SUSI_FBbot a descriptive message is shown to the users first and then some quick reply options following it.

Message_create event helps in adding quick replies:

var msg = {
               "event": {
               "type": "message_create",
               "message_create": {
                   "target": {
                       "recipient_id": senderId
                    "message_data": {
                        "text": "You can try the following:",
                        "quick_reply": {
                            "type": "options",
                            "options": [{
                                "label": "What is FOSSASIA?",
                                "metadata": "external_id_4"
    };'direct_messages/events/new', msg, sent);

One thing to keep in mind while coding is to send the quick reply message after the initial descriptive message i.e. the code used to send quick replies should be written inside the function, which sends the descriptive message first and aafter that step is complete it runs the code for quick replies. If we accidentally write quick reply code outside that function, it’s highly likely to find bugs in the replies by SUSI.AI.


  1. Speed up customer service with quick replies and welcome messages by Ian Cairns from Twitter blog.
  2. Link Ads to Messenger, Enhanced Mobile Websites, Payments and More by Seth Rosenberg from Facebook developers blog
Continue ReadingShowing sample queries in SUSI.AI Bots

Live Feeds in loklak Media wall using ‘source=twitter’

Loklak Server provides pagination to provide tweets from Loklak search.json API in divisions so as to improve response time from the server. We will be taking advantage of this pagination using parameter `source=twitter` of the search.json API on loklak media wall. Basically, using parameter ‘source=twitter’ in the API does real time scraping and provides live feeds. To improve response time, it returns feeds as specified in the count (default is 100).

In the blog, I am explaining how implemented real time pagination using ‘source = twitter’ in loklak media wall to get live feeds from twitter.


First API Call on Initialization

The first API call needs to have high count (i.e. maximumRecords = 20) so as to get a higher number of feeds and provide a sufficient amount of feeds to fill up the media wall. ‘source=twitter’ must be specified so that real time feeds are scraped and provided from twitter.


If feeds are received from the server, then the next API request must be sent after 10 seconds so that server gets sufficient time to scrap the data and store it in the database. This can be done by an effect which dispatches WallNextPageAction(‘’) keeping debounceTime equal to 10000 so that next request is sent 10 seconds after WallSearchCompleteSuccessAction().

= this.actions$
.map(([action, state]) => {
return new wallPaginationAction.WallNextPageAction();

Consecutive Calls

To implement pagination, next consecutive API call must be made to add new live feeds to the media wall. For the new feeds, count must be kept low so that no heavy pagination takes place and feeds are added one by one to get more focus on new tweets. For this purpose, count must be kept to one.

this.searchServiceConfig.count = queryObject.count;
this.searchServiceConfig.maximumRecords = queryObject.count;return this.apiSearchService.fetchQuery(queryObject.query.queryString, this.searchServiceConfig)
.map(response => {
return new wallPaginationAction.WallPaginationCompleteSuccessAction(response);
.catch(() => of(new wallPaginationAction.WallPaginationCompleteFailAction()));


Here, count and maximumRecords is updated from queryObject.count which varies between 1 to 5 (default being 1). This can be updated by user from the customization menu.

Next API request is as follows:


Now, as done above, if some response is received from media wall, next request is sent after 10 seconds after WallPaginationCompleteSuccess() from an effect by keeping debounceTime equal to 10000.

In the similar way, new consecutive calls can be made by keeping ‘source = twitter’ and keeping count low for getting a proper focus on new feed.


Continue ReadingLive Feeds in loklak Media wall using ‘source=twitter’

Implementing Sessions API for the event in Open Event Frontend

This article will illustrate how the sessions are displayed and updated on the events/{event_id}/sessions route to display the sessions available for a particular event using the sessions API in Open Event Frontend. The primary end point of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the sessions is

GET /v1/sessions/{session_id}

First, we need to create a model for the sessions, which will have the fields corresponding to the API, so we proceed with the ember CLI command:

ember g model session

Next, we need to define the model according to the requirements. The model needs to extend the base model class. As a session can have multiple speakers and a session always belongs to an event, so we have to use ember data relationships “hasMany” and “belongsTo”. Hence, the model will have the following format.

import ModelBase from 'open-event-frontend/models/base';
import { belongsTo, hasMany } from 'ember-data/relationships';

export default ModelBase.extend({
  title         : attr('string'),
  subtitle      : attr('string'),

  speakers      : hasMany('speaker'),
  event         : belongsTo('event')

Complete code for the model can be seen here

Now, we need to load the data from the API using the above model, so we will send a GET request to the API to fetch the sessions corresponding to a particular event. This can be easily achieved using this.

return this.modelFor('events.view').query('sessions');

The above line is asking for getting the current model that is on the route events.view and query for the sessions property from that model.

Now we need to filter the sessions based on their sessions whether they have been accepted or confirmed or pending or rejected and display them on different pages. For this purpose, we need to pass filter and pages to the query which will tell what type and now of sessions to be loaded at once. Also, we need to display the speakers associated with session and event details. For this case, the above query will be formatted like this.

return this.modelFor('events.view').query('sessions', {
      include      : 'event,speakers',
    filter       : filterOptions,
      'page[size]' : 10

In the above query, the filterOptions are designed in such a way which check for what type of sessions user is querying for. The code can be found here.

The next thing we need to do is to display the above data fetched from the API into an ember table. For this, we need to have a controller class which will help in letting the table know what all columns will be required to display and the attribute values they correspond in the API. We can also define the template for each column. The code for the controller class looks like this.

export default Controller.extend({
  columns: [
      propertyName   : 'state',
      title          : 'State',
      disableSorting : true,
      template       : 'components/ui-table/cell/events/view/sessions/cell-session-state'
      propertyName : 'title',
      title          : 'Title'
      propertyName    : 'speakers',
      template       : 'components/ui-table/cell/cell-speakers',
      title          : 'Speakers',
      disableSorting  : true

In the above code, we can see a field called ‘disableSorting’ which is true if we don’t want to sort the table based on that column. Since we want the state column to be customized, so we have separately added a template for the column which will ensure how it will look in the column. The complete code for the other columns which are there in table apart from the state, title and speakers can be found here.

Now to display the ember table we will write the following code.

{{events/events-table columns=columns data=model

In the above piece of code, we are calling the same ember table as we used in case of events to reduce the code duplication. We are passing the columns and data in the table which remains unique to the table. Next, we are ensuring that our page shows the amount of data we’re fetching at one go, allows the filtering the table based on the columns.

The UI of the sessions page for the above code snippets look like this.

Fig 1: The UI of the session table under events/{event_id}/session route

The entire code for implementing the sessions API can be seen here.

To conclude, this is how we efficiently fetched the sessions details using the Open-Event-Orga sessions API, ensuring that there is no unnecessary API call to fetch the data and no code duplication using the same ember table again.


Continue ReadingImplementing Sessions API for the event in Open Event Frontend