Implementation of Features in Generator UI

In the early stage of development, Meilix Generator only has wallpaper and event name customization. But today the webapp has bunch of customization and features list which enables an user to design its own customizable ISO.

Iteration in the form

Meilix Generator came across several changes in the form throughout the time.

At starting we only have an email part where the ISO get mailed, a name for the event so as to distinguish the ISO image and an image upload which will be set as the default desktop wallpaper in the ISO.

Then the user gets a link which get activated after 20 minutes. Till then user have to preserve the link to download the ISO.

Then we introduced a new field which contains event link and this link will be set as the homepage of the browser. And we change the basic UI of the webapp.

At the same we implemented SendGrid to send the user the email link in their mail. This decreases the burden of carrying the downloadable link till the ISO becomes ready.

Finally today Meilix Generator looks like this. It got some more customizable fields like providing default search engine, bookmark enabling or disabling and packages to include in the ISO.

It has a link on the footer from which the latest pre-build ISO can be downloaded instantly and another link which takes user to the releases page of Meilix.


SendGrid Email Delivery Service

SendGrid Email API

Continue ReadingImplementation of Features in Generator UI

Open Event Frontend – Implement Access Event API via REST API

FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Frontend uses the Open Event Server as the REST API backend. The user can create an event using the Frontend. He can add sessions, tickets speakers etc. and all this updates the database tables in Open Event Server. The server provides certain endpoints for the user to access and/or update the information. It is important that the user is aware of the expected response from the server for his API request. Let’s see how this is displayed in the frontend.

In the event-view page of the frontend, which is accessible to the organizers, there is an Export tab, along with Overview, Tickets, Scheduler, Sessions, Speakers.

This tab has an Access Event Information via REST API section which displays the URL to be used by the user and the expected response. It looks as follows :

The user can choose between various options which he can include or exclude. The GET URL is modified accordingly and the appropriate response is shown to the user.

Example of this –

How is this implemented in Code?

We maintain two variables baseUrl and displayUrl to display the URL. baseUrl is the URL which is common in all requests, ie, till the include tag.

baseUrl: computed('eventId', function() {
 return `${`${ENV.APP.apiHost}/${ENV.APP.apiNamespace}/events/`}${this.get('eventId')}`;

displayUrl is the variable which stores the URL being displayed on the webpage. It is initialized to the same as baseUrl.

displayUrl: computed('eventId', function() {
 return `${`${ENV.APP.apiHost}/${ENV.APP.apiNamespace}/events/`}${this.get('eventId')}`;

To store the value of the toggle switches we use toggleSwitches as follows:

toggleSwitches: {
 sessions       : false,
 microlocations : false,
 tracks         : false,
 speakers       : false,
 sponsors       : false,
 tickets        : false

Whenever any of the switches are toggled, an action checkBox is called. This method updates the value of toggleSwitches, calls the method to update the displayUrl and make the corresponding API request to update the displayed response. The code looks like this :

makeRequest() {
 this.set('isLoading', true);
   .load(this.get('displayUrl'), { isExternal: true })
   .then(json => {
     json = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2);
     this.set('json', htmlSafe(syntaxHighlight(json)));
   .catch(() => {
     this.get('notify').error(this.get('l10n').t('Could not fetch from the server'));
     this.set('json', 'Could not fetch from the server');
   .finally(() => {
     this.set('isLoading', false);

buildDisplayUrl() {
 let newUrl = this.get('baseUrl');
 const include = [];

 for (const key in this.get('toggleSwitches')) {
   if (this.get('toggleSwitches').hasOwnProperty(key)) {
     this.get('toggleSwitches')[key] && include.push(key);

 this.set('displayUrl', buildUrl(newUrl, {
   include: include.length > 0 ? include : undefined
 }, true));

actions: {
 checkboxChange(data) {
   this.set(`toggleSwitches.${data}`, !this.get(`toggleSwitches.${data}`));

The above code uses some utility methods such as buildUrl and this.get(‘loager’).load(). The complete codebase is available here -> Open Event Frontend Repository.


Continue ReadingOpen Event Frontend – Implement Access Event API via REST API

Integrating YaCy Grid Locally with Susper

The YaCy Grid is the second-generation implementation of YaCy, a peer-to-peer search engine.The search results can be improved to a great extent by using YaCy-Grid as the new backend for SUSPER. YaCy Grid is the best choice for distributed search topology. The legacy YaCy is made for decentralised and also distributed network. While both the networks are distributed,the YaCy-Grid is centralized and legacy YaCy is decentralized. YaCy Grid facilitates a lot with scaling that will be in our hand and can be done in all aspects​(loading, parsing, indexing) with computing power we choose. In YaCy,Solr is embedded. But in YaCy Grid,we will get elasticsearch cluster.​They are both built around the core underlying search library Lucene.But ​elasticsearch will help us to scale almost indefinitely. In this blog, I will show you how to integrate YaCy Grid with Susper locally and how to use it to fetch results.

Implementing YaCy Grid with Susper:

Before using YaCy Grid we need to first setup YaCy Grid and crawl to url using crawl start API, more information about that can be found here Implementing YaCy Grid with Susper and Setting up YaCy Grid locally.

So, once we are done with setup and crawling, we need to begin using its APIs in Susper. Following are some easy steps in which we can show results from YaCy Grid in a separate tab is Susper.

Step 1:

Creating a service to fetch results:

In order to fetch results from local YaCy Grid server we need to create a service to fetch results from local YaCy Grid server. Here is the class in grid-service.ts which fetches results for us.

export class GridSearchService {
 server = '';
 searchURL = this.server + '/yacy/grid/mcp/index/yacysearch.json?query=';
 constructor(private http: Http,
             private jsonp: Jsonp,
             private store: Store<fromRoot.State>) {
 getSearchResults(searchquery) { 
   return this.http
     .get(this.searchURL+searchquery).map(res =>


Step 2:

Modifying results.component.ts file

In order to get results from grid-service.ts in results.component.ts we must need to create an instance of the service and use this instance to get the results and store it in variables results.component.ts file and then use these variables to show results in results template. Following is the code that does this for us

ngOnInit() {


   this.resultDisplay = 'grid';
   this.gridmessage='About ' + this.totalgridresults + ' results';


Step 3:

Creating a New tab to show results from YaCy Grid:

Now we need to create a tab in the template where we can use local variables in results.component.ts to show the results following the current design pattern here is the code for that

<li [class.active_view]="Display('grid')" (click)="gridClick()">YaCy_Grid</li>

<!--YaCy Grid-->
 <div class="container-fluid">
     <div class="result message-bar" *ngIf="totalgridresults > 0 && Display('grid')">
     <div class="autocorrect">
       <app-auto-correct [hidden]="hideAutoCorrect"></app-auto-correct>
 <div class="grid-result" *ngIf="Display('grid')">
   <div class="feed container">
       <div *ngFor="let item of gridItems" class="result">
         <div class="title">
           <a class="title-pointer" href="{{}}" [style.color]="themeService.titleColor">{{item.title}}</a>
         <div class="link">
           <p [style.color]="themeService.linkColor">{{}}</p>
         <div class="description">
           <p [style.color]="themeService.descriptionColor">{{item.pubDate|date:'MMMM d, yyyy'}} - {{item.description}}</p>
 <!-- END -->


Step 4:

Starting YaCy Grid Locally:

Now all we need is to start YaCy Grid server locally. To start it go in yacy_grid_mcp folder and use

python bin/


This will start elasticsearch from its respective script.Next use

python bin/


This will start RabbitMQ server with the required configuration.Next useThis will start elasticsearch from its respective script.Next use

gradle run


To start YaCy Grid locally.

Now we are all done we just need to start Susper using

ng serve


command and type a search query and move to YaCy_Grid tab to see results from YaCy Grid Server.

Here is the image which shows results from YaCy Grid in Susper


Continue ReadingIntegrating YaCy Grid Locally with Susper

Implementing Event Image Size and Speaker Image Size APIs in Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the Image Sizes APIs concerning event and speaker images are integrated in  Open Event Frontend, which allows for dynamic configurations of storing speaker and event images. The primary end points of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the event and speaker image sizes are

GET /v1/event-image-sizes


GET /v1/speaker-image-sizes

These endpoints are accessible only to a user with has administrator privileges as the customisation of image sizes is possible only on the admin dashboard. The image sizes are independent in regards to relationships and don’t have any related fields.

The model for the admin image settings route is defined as follows:

export default ModelBase.extend(CustomPrimaryKeyMixin, {
 thumbnailSizeQuality     : attr('number'),
 type                     : attr('string'),
 smallSizeWidthHeight     : attr('number'),
 smallSizeQuality         : attr('number'),
 iconSizeQuality          : attr('number'),
 iconSizeWidthHeight      : attr('number'),
 thumbnailSizeWidthHeight : attr('number')

The form which allows user to select image sizes, is in a separate component, and initially both the speaker and event image sizes are passed onto the component as a part of the entire model, so they can be separated later as per the requirement.

{{forms/admin/settings/images-form image=model save=’saveImages’ isLoading=isLoading}}

Most of the fields specify the units in which the numerical input concerning the image dimensions will be interpreted by the server and standard min and max validations are applied to the fields to ensure genuine and legitimate values can pass through the frontend.

<h3 class=”ui header”>{{t ‘Large Size’}}</h3>

{{input type=’number’ name=’large_width’ value=image.eventImageSize.fullWidth min=1}}

{{input type=’number’ name=’large_height’ value=image.eventImageSize.fullHeight min=1}}

{{input type=’number’ name=’large_quality’ value=image.eventImageSize.fullQuality min=1}}


{{ui-checkbox label=(t ‘Standard aspect ratio is 13:5. Tick to maintain aspect ratio.’) class=’checkbox’ name=’large_ratio’ checked=image.eventImageSize.fullAspect onChange=(action (mut image.eventImageSize.fullAspect))}}

{{t ‘Standard Size of the available area is 1300px X 500px’}}
<p>{{t ‘Found in :’}}</p>

{{t ‘Background Header Image in Public Event Page’}}


Furthermore, to ensure a user does not accidentally change the values inside the form, an action is triggered while transitioning away from the route which rollbacks any unsaved changes to the image sizes.

actions: {
willTransition() {
this.get('controller.model').forEach(image => {


Continue ReadingImplementing Event Image Size and Speaker Image Size APIs in Open Event Frontend

Creating the View Route for Users in Open Event Frontend

This blog article will describe how the users view user route is created in Open Event Frontend, which allows the admin to view a user whenever view action button in the user table is clicked.

The primary end point of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the the users details is

GET /v1/users/{user_id}

The complete user information on the view route is displayed, which includes the name, email, details about the user. All these are the attributes of the model user. Thus the model for the route is defined as follows:

model(params) {
return'user', params.session_id);

The view route is located at app/admin/users/<user_id> and the parent route, app/users has another sub route within it called list. The list route shows all, active, deleted users. This list has a column of action buttons.

This list can only be accessed by the admin. Whenever the view button in the Actions column is clicked the admin gets redirected to the view users route.

actions: {
    moveToUserDetails(id) {
      this.transitionToRoute('admin.users.view', id);

The user profile form is:

label=(t ‘User Image’)
hint=(t ‘Select User Image’)
aspectRatio=(array 1 1)
helpText=(t ‘We recommend using at least a 1000x1000px (1:1 ratio) image’)}}

{{input type=’text’ id=’name’ value=user.firstName}}

{{input type=’text’ id=’last_name’ value=user.lastName}}

{{widgets/forms/rich-text-editor id=’details’ value=user.details}}

The view route shows the following information about the user: Name, Family name, Email, Image of the user, Details of the user. Thus the admin can view all the users registered in the application.


Continue ReadingCreating the View Route for Users in Open Event Frontend

Implementing the Feedback section on Skills CMS

In this blog post, we are going to implement the Skill feedback system on the Skills CMS. The features that are added by this implementation are displaying all the comments/feedbacks of the user, ability to add new feedback and also option to edit a previous feedback that was added.

The UI interacts with the back-end server via two APIs –

Detailed explanation of the implementation

  • The first task was to create a separate component for the feedback section – SkillFeedbackCard.js, along with the CSS file SkillFeedbackCard.css
  • Create ES6 function to get all the Feedbacks of a skill,namely getFeedback(), on the parent component, i.e, SkillListing.js
getFeedback = () => {
    let getFeedbackUrl = `${urls.API_URL}/cms/getSkillFeedback.json`;
    let modelValue = 'general';
    this.groupValue = this.props.location.pathname.split('/')[1];
    this.languageValue = this.props.location.pathname.split('/')[3];
    getFeedbackUrl = getFeedbackUrl + '?model=' + modelValue + '&group=' + this.groupValue + '&language=' + this.languageValue + '&skill=' +;

    let self = this;
    // Get skill feedback of the visited skill
        url: getFeedbackUrl,
        dataType: 'jsonp',
       crossDomain: true,
        jsonp: 'callback',
        success: function (data) {
        error: function(e) {

saveSkillFeedback = (feedback = []) => {
        skill_feedback: feedback


  • This above code contains the function getFeedback(), that makes an API call to the server for getting all the feedbacks. On successfully getting the response, the feedback array of the response is then passed to a function, saveSkillFeedback(), which in turn updates the skill_feedback state, which was declared in the constructor. This re-renders the components and displays the feedback in the UI.
  "feedback": [
      "feedback": "Awesome skill!",
      "email": "",
      "timestamp": "2018-06-12 19:28:39.297"
      "feedback": "Awesome skill!",
      "email": "",
      "timestamp": "2018-06-12 21:35:53.048"
  "session": {"identity": {
    "type": "host",
    "name": "",
    "anonymous": true
  "skill_name": "aboutsusi",
  "accepted": true,
  "message": "Skill feedback fetched"


  • Then, we go ahead and create the function that is responsible for posting new feedback and editing them as well.
postFeedback = (newFeedback) => {

    let baseUrl = urls.API_URL + '/cms/feedbackSkill.json';
    let modelValue = 'general';
    this.groupValue = this.props.location.pathname.split('/')[1];
    this.languageValue = this.props.location.pathname.split('/')[3];
    let postFeedbackUrl = baseUrl + '?model=' + modelValue + '&group=' + this.groupValue + '&language=' + this.languageValue + '&skill=' + + '&feedback=' + newFeedback + '&access_token='+cookies.get('loggedIn');

    let self = this;
        url: postFeedbackUrl,
        dataType: 'jsonp',
        jsonp: 'callback',
        crossDomain: true,
        success: function (data) {
        error: function(e) {


  • This above code snippet contains the function postFeedback(newFeedback), that takes the user feedback and make an API call to update it on the server.
  • All the required functions are ready. Now we add the SkillFeedbackCard.js component on the SkillListing.js component and pass useful data in the props.
  • The next step is creating the UI for the SkillFeedbackCard.js component. We have used standard Material-UI components for creating the UI, that includes List, ListItem, Divider, IconButton, etc.
  • Code snippet for the Feedback ListItem  –
    leftAvatar={<CircleImage name={} size='40' />}
    secondaryText={<p> {} </p>}


  • The next part of the UI implementation creating option to edit and post feedback.
  • Code snippet for the Post feedback section  –
className=“feedback-textbox”> id=“post-feedback” hintText=“Skill Feedback” defaultValue=“” errorText={this.state.errorText} multiLine={true} fullWidth={true} /> label=“Post” primary={true} backgroundColor={‘#4285f4’} style={{ margin: 10 }} onClick={this.postFeedback} />



  • For the edit section, I have used a Dialog box for it. Code snippet for the Edit feedback section  –
    title="Edit Feedback"
        hintText="Skill Feedback"


This was the implementation for the Skill Feedback System on the Skills CMS and I hope, you found the blog helpful in making the understanding of the implementation better.



Continue ReadingImplementing the Feedback section on Skills CMS

Adding Sessions and Events Statistics in the Admin Dashboard in Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the admin statistics API for events and sessions is integrated and how the values of different types of sessions and events is added to the admin dashboard in   Open Event Frontend.

The primary end point of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the statistics are

GET /v1/admin/statistics/events

GET /v1/admin/statistics/events

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

export default Route.extend({
 async model() {
   return {
     events: await this.get('store').queryRecord('admin-statistics-event', {
       filter: {
         name : 'id',
         op   : 'eq',
         val  : 1
sessions: await this.get('store').queryRecord('admin-statistics-session', {
       filter: {
         name : 'id',
         op   : 'eq',
         val  : 1

The route file helps to fetch the total count of each type of session and event through the queries written in the code. queryRecord is used instead of query because a single record is expected to be returned by the API. The view route is /admin.

The model needs to extend the base model class and all the attributes of the model will be number since the all the data obtained via these models from the API will be numerical statistics.

For Events:

import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import ModelBase from 'open-event-frontend/models/base';export default ModelBase.extend({
draft     : attr('number'),
published : attr('number'),
past      : attr('number')

For Sessions:

import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import ModelBase from 'open-event-frontend/models/base';export default ModelBase.extend({
confirmed : attr('number'),
accepted  : attr('number'),
submitted : attr('number'),
draft     : attr('number'),
rejected  : attr('number'),
pending   : attr('number')

Once we retrieve the values of the attributes from the queries written in the route file we display the values of pending, rejected, accepted sessions and published, draft, past events.

class="label"> {{t 'Accepted'}}
class="ui teal label"> {{model.sessions.accepted}}
</div> </div>
class="ui small statistic">
class="label"> {{t 'Draft'}}
class="ui yellow label"> {{model.sessions.pending}}
</div> </div>
class="ui small statistic">
class="label"> {{t 'Rejected'}}
class="ui red label"> {{model.sessions.rejected}}


Continue ReadingAdding Sessions and Events Statistics in the Admin Dashboard in Open Event Frontend

Creating the View Route for Sessions in Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the creation of the view route for sessions is done and how the sessions API is integrated with it on Open Event Frontend, which allows for the sessions and their associated data to be displayed. Also, it illustrates how the template for my-sessions is modified to make it possible to reuse it for the view route with desired changes.

The primary end point of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the the session details is

GET /v1/sessions/{session_identifier}

For displaying the complete session information on the view route, the session type,  speakers and session track are also required. All of these extra attributes have a relationship with a given session and hence can be fetched in a single query. Thus the model for the route is defined as follows:

model(params) {
return‘session’, params.session_id, {
include: ‘session-type,speakers,track’

The view route is located at app/routes/my-sessions/view and the parent route, app/routes/my-sessions has another sub route within it called list. The list route shows upcoming and past sessions to the user based on the params passed to it. Thus a navigation is required to alternate between those two routes. However, this navigation should not be present in the view route. Thus the template my-sessions.hbs is modified as follows:

{{#if (and (not-includes session.currentRouteName ‘my-sessions.view’))}}
<h1 class=”ui header”>{{t ‘My Sessions’}}</h1>

{{#link-to ‘my-sessions.list’ ‘upcoming’ class=’item’}}
{{t ‘Upcomming Sessions’}}
{{#link-to ‘my-sessions.list’ ‘past’ class=’item’}}
{{t ‘Past Sessions’}}


The session.currentRouteName property allows conditional rendering of the navigation component.

Finally the template for the view route is created:


{{#if (eq model.state ‘accepted’)}}

{{t ‘Accepted’}}

{{else if (eq model.state ‘pending’)}}

{{t ‘Pending’}}

{{else if (eq model.state ‘rejected’)}}

{{t ‘Rejected’}}


{{t ‘From ‘}}{{moment-format model.startAt ‘ddd, MMM DD HH:mm A’}}{{t ‘ to ‘}}{{moment-format model.endsAt ‘ddd, MMM DD HH:mm A’}}


{{#if model.shortAbstract}}
<p> <i>{{model.shortAbstract}}</i> </p>
<h3 class=”ui left aligned header”>Session Type</h3>
<h3 class=”ui left aligned header”>Track</h3>
{{#if model.slidesUrl}}
<h3 class=”ui left aligned header”>Slide</h3>
<a href=”{{model.slidesUrl}}”>{{t ‘Download’}}</a>

Based on the state property of the session, the label displaying the status is appropriately coloured wherein green, yellow and red colours denote accepted, pending and rejected sessions respectively. Since most of the fields of the session model are optional in nature, all of the them are subjected to conditional checks for existence.



Continue ReadingCreating the View Route for Sessions in Open Event Frontend

How does live preview work on SUSI AI chatbot wizard

Live preview is an important feature for the chatbot building process in SUSI.AI botbuilder. It tells the bot creator how the bot looks and behaves at any time.

We use iframe for creating a live preview.

What is iframe?

Frames allow browser window to be split into separate segments. All these segments can be used for displaying a different webpage within the browser window.

is an HTML tag. iframe stands for “inline frame”. It places another HTML document in a frame. The content of the element is used as an alternative text to be displayed if the browser does not support inline frames.

This was first introduced by Microsoft Internet Explorer in 1997, standardized in HTML 4.0 transitional and allowed in HTML5.


<iframe src=”URL”></iframe>

Some attributes:

  • Height
  • Width
  • Name
  • Id

Code used for preview of chatbot screen:

<iframe title="botPreview" name="frame-1" id="frame-1" src={locationBot} height="600px" style={styles.iframe}></iframe>

Code used for preview of chatbot avatar:

<iframe title="botAvatarPreview" name="frame-2" id="frame-2" src={locationAvatar} height="100px" style={styles.iframe}></iframe>

Preview bot fetches the current theme status and skill status from SUSI server and then applies it to the chatbot. Now, this details will be unique to the user logged in. Hence, we need to somehow identify the person logged in. This is done using access token stored in the cookies which is accessed through cookies.get(‘loggedIn’).

How to pass access token to iframe?

This is the major issue faced when creating preview using iframe because even though the HTML window in iframe is rendered on the same parent page, we can not access the elements of HTML page inside iframe. This is because iframe loads dynamically. There are few solutions for this problem.

One of them is to create a script in iframe that would run when iframe is loaded. Now this script can access the elements of parent window (the one containing iframe) using window.parent.document.getElementById(‘#target’)

The best solution is however to pass the access token in the URL of the source of iframe. Then this can be accessed by HTML page in frame using location.href .

Code sample to pass access token in url:

src = '/BotPreview.html?access='+cookies.get('loggedIn')

Now, we have to split this URL and get the access token. This can be easily done using the following script.

var url = location.href.split(‘?’)[1].split(‘=’);
var access_token = url[1];

Here in this example, the url variable firstly splits the URL at ‘?’. This creates an array with two elements.

[‘’, ‘access=abcdef123’]

Then we access the element on index 1, i.e. ‘access=abcdef123’ and split it at the ‘=’. This further creates an array of two elements.

[‘access’, ‘abcdef123’]

Now, we can access the access token which is at index 1 in this array.


Continue ReadingHow does live preview work on SUSI AI chatbot wizard