FOSSASIA‘s Open Event Frontend uses the Open Event Server as the REST API backend. The user can create an event using the Frontend. He can add sessions, tickets speakers etc. and all this updates the database tables in Open Event Server. The server provides certain endpoints for the user to access and/or update the information. It is important that the user is aware of the expected response from the server for his API request. Let’s see how this is displayed in the frontend.
In the event-view page of the frontend, which is accessible to the organizers, there is an Export tab, along with Overview, Tickets, Scheduler, Sessions, Speakers.
This tab has an Access Event Information via REST API section which displays the URL to be used by the user and the expected response. It looks as follows :
The user can choose between various options which he can include or exclude. The GET URL is modified accordingly and the appropriate response is shown to the user.
Example of this –
How is this implemented in Code?
We maintain two variables baseUrl and displayUrl to display the URL. baseUrl is the URL which is common in all requests, ie, till the include tag.
baseUrl: computed('eventId', function() { return `${`${ENV.APP.apiHost}/${ENV.APP.apiNamespace}/events/`}${this.get('eventId')}`; })
displayUrl is the variable which stores the URL being displayed on the webpage. It is initialized to the same as baseUrl.
displayUrl: computed('eventId', function() { return `${`${ENV.APP.apiHost}/${ENV.APP.apiNamespace}/events/`}${this.get('eventId')}`; })
To store the value of the toggle switches we use toggleSwitches as follows:
toggleSwitches: { sessions : false, microlocations : false, tracks : false, speakers : false, sponsors : false, tickets : false }
Whenever any of the switches are toggled, an action checkBox is called. This method updates the value of toggleSwitches, calls the method to update the displayUrl and make the corresponding API request to update the displayed response. The code looks like this :
makeRequest() { this.set('isLoading', true); this.get('loader') .load(this.get('displayUrl'), { isExternal: true }) .then(json => { json = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2); this.set('json', htmlSafe(syntaxHighlight(json))); }) .catch(() => { this.get('notify').error(this.get('l10n').t('Could not fetch from the server')); this.set('json', 'Could not fetch from the server'); }) .finally(() => { this.set('isLoading', false); }); }, buildDisplayUrl() { let newUrl = this.get('baseUrl'); const include = []; for (const key in this.get('toggleSwitches')) { if (this.get('toggleSwitches').hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.get('toggleSwitches')[key] && include.push(key); } } this.set('displayUrl', buildUrl(newUrl, { include: include.length > 0 ? include : undefined }, true)); }, actions: { checkboxChange(data) { this.set(`toggleSwitches.${data}`, !this.get(`toggleSwitches.${data}`)); this.buildDisplayUrl(); this.makeRequest(); } }
The above code uses some utility methods such as buildUrl and this.get(‘loager’).load(). The complete codebase is available here -> Open Event Frontend Repository.