In the SUSI Web Chat application we got a requirement to build a responsive app bar for static pages and there was another requirement to show and hide the app bar when user scrolls. Basically this is how it should work: The app bar should be hidden after user scrolls down to a certain extent. When user scrolls up, It should appear again.
First we tried readymade node packages to do this task. But these packages are hard to customize. So we planned to make this feature from the sketch. We used Jquery for this. This is how we built this.
First we installed jQuery package using this command.
npm install jquery
Next we imported it on top of the application like this.
import $ from 'jquery'
We have discussed about this app bar and how we made it in previous blog post. Our app bar is like this.
<header className="nav-down" id="headerSection"> <AppBar className="topAppBar" title={<img src="susi-white.svg" alt="susi-logo" className="siteTitle"/>} style={{backgroundColor:'#0084ff'}} onLeftIconButtonTouchTap={this.handleDrawer} iconElementRight={<TopMenu />} /> </header>
We have to use these HTML elements to write jQuery code. But we can’t refer HTML elements before it renders. So we have to define it soon after the render method executes. We can do it using “React LifeCycle” method. We have to add our code into the “componentDidMount()” method.
This is how we used jQuery inside the “componentDidMount()” lifeCycle method. Here we assigned the height of the App Bar using “$(‘header’).outerHeight();”
componentDidMount(){ var didScroll; var lastScrollTop = 0; var delta = 5; var navbarHeight = $('header').outerHeight();
Here we assigned the height of the app bar to “navbarHeight” variable.
$(window).scroll(function(event){ didScroll = true; });
In this part we checked whether the user has scrolled or not. If user scrolled we set the value of “didScroll” to “true”.
Now we have to define what to do if user has scrolled.
function hasScrolled() { var st = $(window).scrollTop(); if(Math.abs(lastScrollTop - st) <= delta){ return; }
Here we get the absolute scrolled height. If the height is less than the delta value we defined, it does not do anything. It just returns.
if (st > lastScrollTop && st > navbarHeight){ $('header').removeClass('nav-down').addClass('nav-up'); } else if(st + $(window).height() < $(document).height()) { $('header').removeClass('nav-up').addClass('nav-down'); } lastScrollTop = st; }
Here we hide the app bar after user scrolled down more than the height of the app bar. If we need to change the height which app bar should disappear, we just need to add a value to the condition like this.
if (st > lastScrollTop && st > navbarHeight + 200){
If the user scrolled down more than that value we change the class name of the element “nav-down” to “nav-up”.
And we change the className “nav-up” to “nav-down” when user is scrolling up.
We defined CSS classes in the stylesheet to do these things and the animations of action.
header { background: #f5b335; height: 40px; position: fixed; top: 0; transition: top 0.5s ease-in-out; width: 100%; } .nav-up { top: -100px; }
We have defined the things which we need to do when user scrolls.
Now we have to call this function if user has scrolled
setInterval(function() { if (didScroll) { hasScrolled(); didScroll = false; } }, 2500); }
If the “didcroll” is “true” we execute the “hasScrolled()” function. And set 2500 millisecond time interval. Because of that app bar does not hide right after user scrolls. It triggers the function after 2.5 seconds later.
This is how we built the scroll bar hiding feature using react JS and jQuery.
- Learn more about React LifeCycle Methods
- Use jQuery in React component: