In Open Event Frontend, under the ‘admin/sessions’ route, the admin can track the record of the sessions. The info which is shown along with the sessions is the speakers for the session, its title, submitted date, start time, end time. So to integrate the sessions API, we followed the following approach:
Firstly, we add a sessions model and establish its relationship with the speakers model since we need speaker names also:
export default ModelBase.extend({
title : attr('string'),
subtitle : attr('string'),
startsAt : attr('moment'),
endsAt : attr('moment'),
sessionType : belongsTo('session-type'),
microlocation : belongsTo('microlocation'),
track : belongsTo('track'),
speakers : hasMany('speaker'),
event : belongsTo('event'), // temporary
After creating the model for sessions, we do the query to get the sessions.
Since, the sessions here are classified into the sections like ‘pending’, ‘accepted’, ‘rejected’, ‘deleted’, etc, we need to filter the response returned by the query:
if (params.sessions_state === 'pending') {
filterOptions = [
name : 'state',
op : 'eq',
val : 'pending'
} else if (params.sessions_state === 'accepted') {
filterOptions = [
name : 'state',
op : 'eq',
val : 'accepted'
Above code shows how we filter the response on the server side itself. Hence we pass the filterOptions array to the query as follows:
return this.get('store').query('session', {
include : 'event,speakers',
filter : filterOptions,
'page[size]' : 10
Once we get data from the query, we just pass it to our controller to implement the columns.
Once we retrieve data from the query, we just pass it to our controller to implement the columns. Since, we are using a different way to render the ember data in the column, the approach goes as follows:
In our controller we do:
export default Controller.extend({
columns: [
propertyName : '',
title : 'Event Name',
disableSorting : true
propertyName : 'title',
title : 'Title'
propertyName : 'speakers',
template : 'components/ui-table/cell/cell-speakers',
title : 'Speakers',
disableSorting : true
I have shown here only limited columns, there are others too. Here, we are mapping the propertyName to the attribute returned by the server. Also the ‘title’ indicates the column name. We can also create a custom template(as a component) if we want customization while rendering the data in the rows and columns. For example, if we want to iterate the multiple speaker names for a session, we can do:
<div class="ui list">
{{#each record.speakers as |speaker|}}
<div class="item">
As a result, we can make custom templates for a particular property. Another example of formatting the response is:
{{moment-format record.startsAt 'MMMM DD, YYYY - HH:mm A'}}
{{moment-format record.endsAt 'MMMM DD, YYYY - HH:mm A'}}
Thus, we get the following view after integration of API: