Adding Tickets Relationship with Discount Codes in Open Event Server

Recently (as of this writing), it was discovered that the relationship between discount codes and tickets was not implemented yet in Open Event Server. It turns out that the server has two types of discount codes – discount codes for entire events and discount codes for individual tickets of a specific event. More information on how discount code themselves are implemented in the server can be found in this blog post from 2017 – Discount Codes in Open Event Server.

So, for implementing the relationship of discount codes with tickets, it was decided to be present only for discount codes that have the DiscountCodeSchemaTicket schema, since those are the discount codes that are used for individual tickets. As a first step, the `tickets` attribute of the discount code model was removed, as it was redundant. The already implemented used_for attribute did the same job, and with better validation. At the same time, discount code was added as an attribute.

In the ticket model file:

discount_code_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'))
discount_code = db.relationship('DiscountCode', backref="tickets")

Also, in the __init__ constructor:

def __init__(self, ..., discount_code_id=None, ...):
    self.discount_code_id = discount_code_id

After that, we added a discount_code_id field in the ticket schema file:

discount_code_id = fields.Integer(allow_none=True)

In this file, we also removed the redundant tickets field.

Now, we migrated the Open Event Server database via the following commands:

$ python db migrate


$ python db upgrade

Next, in the discount code schema file, we added the tickets relationship. Note that this is a one-to-many relationship. One discount code (for tickets) can be mapped to many tickets. Here is the code for that relationship, in the discount code schema file, under the DiscountCodeSchemaTicket class:

tickets = Relationship(attribute='tickets',
self_view_kwargs={'id': '<id>'},
related_view_kwargs={'discount_code_id': '<id>'},

For this, we, of course, imported the TicketSchemaPublic in this file first. After that, we created a DiscountCodeTicketRelationship class in the discount codes API file:

class DiscountCodeTicketRelationship(ResourceRelationship):
    DiscountCode Ticket Relationship
    decorators = (jwt_required,)
    methods = ['GET', 'PATCH']
    schema = DiscountCodeSchemaTicket
    data_layer = {'session': db.session, 'model': DiscountCode}

The next step was to add the query code to fetch the tickets related to a particular discount code from the database. For this, we added the following snippet to the query() method of the TicketList class in the tickets API file:

if view_kwargs.get('discount_code_id'):
    discount_code = safe_query(self, DiscountCode, 'id', view_kwargs['discount_code_id'], 'discount_code_id')
    # discount_code - ticket :: one-to-many relationship
    query_ = self.session.query(Ticket).filter_by(

The only thing that remains now is adding the API routes for this relationship. We do that in the project’s file:

api.route(TicketList, 'ticket_list', '/events/<int:event_id>/tickets',
'/events/<event_identifier>/tickets', '/ticket-tags/<int:ticket_tag_id>/tickets',
'/access-codes/<int:access_code_id>/tickets', '/orders/<order_identifier>/tickets',

api.route(DiscountCodeTicketRelationship, 'discount_code_tickets',


Many routes already map to TicketList, we added one for that comes from discount codes API. Now we can use Postman to check this relationship, and it indeed works as expected, as seen below!

Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 1.54.22 PM

Here’s the end:

Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 1.54.35 PM.png


Continue ReadingAdding Tickets Relationship with Discount Codes in Open Event Server

Implementing Session and Speaker Creation From Event Panel In Open Event Frontend

Open-Event Front-end uses Ember data for handling Open Event Orga API which abides by JSON API specs. It allows the user to manage the event using the event panel of that event. This panel lets us create or update sessions & speakers. Each speaker must be associated with a session, therefore we save the session before saving the speaker.
In this blog we will see how to Implement the session & speaker creation via event panel. Lets see how we implemented it?

Passing the session & speaker models to the form
On the session & speaker creation page we need to render the forms using the custom form API and create new speaker and session entity. We create a speaker object here and we pass in the relationships for event and the user to it, likewise we create the session object and pass the event relationship to it.

These objects along with form which contains all the fields of the custom form, tracks which is a list of all the tracks & sessionTypes which is a list of all the session types of the event is passed in the model.

return RSVP.hash({
  event : eventDetails,
  form  : eventDetails.query('customForms', {
    'page[size]' : 50,
    sort         : 'id'
  session: this.get('store').createRecord('session', {
    event: eventDetails
  speaker: this.get('store').createRecord('speaker', {
    event : eventDetails,
    user  : this.get('authManager.currentUser')
  tracks       : eventDetails.query('tracks', {}),
  sessionTypes : eventDetails.query('sessionTypes', {})

We bind the speaker & session object to the template which has contains the session-speaker component for form validation. The request is only made if the form gets validated.

Saving the data

In Open Event API each speaker must be associated with a session, i.e we must define a session relationship for the speaker. To accomplish this we first save the session into the server and once it has been successfully saved we pass the session as a relation to the speaker object.

  .then(session => {
    let speaker = this.get('model.speaker');
    speaker.set('session', session);
      .then(() => {
        this.get('notify').success(this.l10n.t('Your session has been saved'));
        this.transitionToRoute('events.view.sessions', this.get(''));

We save the objects using the save method. After the speakers and sessions are save successfully we notify the user by showing a success message via the notify service.

Thank you for reading the blog, you can check the source code for the example here.


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Implementing “Change Password” API in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, users can change the password for their account in the ‘Settings’ section. Changing one’s password will require the previous password of the same account which ensures the security. To implement change in password API, we created a REST endpoint here since the password cannot be included in the user model and thereby exposed to the client.

There is also a check on the server side of the old password. Thus, if the old password entered matches the one on the server, the post is successful and the server saves the new password. We achieve this as follows:

We have a change password form located at ‘settings/change-password’, which contains three input fields for old password, new password and confirm new password.

On submitting the form, we pass the action from the component to the controller.

Components consist of two parts: a template written in Handlebars, and a source file written in JavaScript that defines the component’s behavior.

Controllers behave like a specialized type of Component that is rendered by the router when entering a Route.

We could have handled this action in component itself. But, Ember JS’ main principle is DDAU i.e data down actions up. That is the main reason why we handle the action in out controller.

submit() {
      this.onValid(() => {
      this.sendAction('changePassword', this.getProperties('passwordCurrent', 'passwordNew'));

Thus, we handle the action in our controller as follows:

 changePassword(passwordData) {
      this.set('isLoading', true);
      let payload = {
        'data': {
          'old-password' : passwordData.passwordCurrent,
          'new-password' : passwordData.passwordNew
        .post('/auth/change-password', payload)
        .then(() => {
          this.get('notify').success(this.l10n.t('Password updated successfully'));
        .catch(error => {
          if (error.error) {
          } else {
            this.get('notify').error(this.l10n.t('Unexpected error. Password did not change.'));
        .finally(() => {
          this.set('isLoading', false);
          this.setProperties({ 'passwordCurrent': '', 'passwordNew': '', 'passwordRepeat': '' });

Here, we are getting the old password and the new password passed from the form and making a POST to the endpoint:


If the old password check goes successful on the server side, the server returns a successful response:

 "email": "",
 "id": "1",
 "name": "example",
 "password-changed": true

Thus, the user can change password in Open Event Frontend.
Resources: Docs on loader service in Ember JS

Continue ReadingImplementing “Change Password” API in Open Event Frontend

Implementing Event Copy API in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, we give the organizer a facility to create a copy of the event by copying it and making the modifications he wants to a particular event. Thus, it is easy for the organizer to create multiple events with same sponsors, sessions, etc. For this, we implemented the event copy API in frontend.
We achieved the copy of events as follows:
Since the event copy API is application/json type, we used the simple GET and POST requests to copy the event rather than using the ember data. For this, we use the loader service which is injected throughout the app. To copy the event we have given a “Copy” button which looks as follows:

 <button class="ui button {{if isCopying 'loading'}}" {{action 'copyEvent'}} disabled={{isCopying}}>
    <i class="copy icon"></i>
        {{t 'Copy'}}

Thus, we trigger an action ‘copyEvent’ on clicking the Copy button. The action is defined in controller as follows:

 copyEvent() {
      this.set('isCopying', true);
        .post(`events/${this.get('')}/copy`, {})
        .then(copiedEvent => {
          this.transitionToRoute('events.view.edit', copiedEvent.identifier);
          this.get('notify').success(this.l10n.t('Event copied successfully'));
        .catch(() => {
          this.get('notify').error(this.l10n.t('Copying of event failed'));
        .finally(() => {
          this.set('isCopying', false);

The endpoint to copy the event as defined in our API is:

POST : /v1/events/{identifier}/copy
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Authorization: JWT <Auth Key>
Request body: {}

Thus, we make a post request to the given URL by passing the event id of the event to be copied and the request body to be an empty object. Thus, on successful response from the server, we get the new event id for which the event info is same. We then redirect the user to the edit details route where he can change the info he wants.
Thus, we copy the event in Open Event Frontend.

Resources: Docs on loader service in Ember JS

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Implement Sessions API for the ‘admin/sessions’ Route in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, under the ‘admin/sessions’ route, the admin can track the record of the sessions. The info which is shown along with the sessions is the speakers for the session, its title, submitted date, start time, end time. So to integrate the sessions API, we followed the following approach:

Firstly, we add a sessions model and establish its relationship with the speakers model since we need speaker names also:

export default ModelBase.extend({
  title         : attr('string'),
  subtitle      : attr('string'),
  startsAt      : attr('moment'),
  endsAt        : attr('moment'),
  sessionType   : belongsTo('session-type'),
  microlocation : belongsTo('microlocation'),
  track         : belongsTo('track'),
  speakers      : hasMany('speaker'),
  event         : belongsTo('event'), // temporary

After creating the model for sessions, we do the query to get the sessions.
Since, the sessions here are classified into the sections like ‘pending’, ‘accepted’, ‘rejected’, ‘deleted’, etc, we need to filter the response returned by the query:

if (params.sessions_state === 'pending') {
      filterOptions = [
          name : 'state',
          op   : 'eq',
          val  : 'pending'
    } else if (params.sessions_state === 'accepted') {
      filterOptions = [
          name : 'state',
          op   : 'eq',
          val  : 'accepted'

Above code shows how we filter the response on the server side itself. Hence we pass the filterOptions array to the query as follows:

return this.get('store').query('session', {
      include      : 'event,speakers',
      filter       : filterOptions,
      'page[size]' : 10

Once we get data from the query, we just pass it to our controller to implement the columns.
Once we retrieve data from the query, we just pass it to our controller to implement the columns. Since, we are using a different way to render the ember data in the column, the approach goes as follows:
In our controller we do:

export default Controller.extend({
  columns: [
      propertyName   : '',
      title          : 'Event Name',
      disableSorting : true
      propertyName : 'title',
      title        : 'Title'
      propertyName   : 'speakers',
      template       : 'components/ui-table/cell/cell-speakers',
      title          : 'Speakers',
      disableSorting : true

I have shown here only limited columns, there are others too. Here, we are mapping the propertyName to the attribute returned by the server. Also the ‘title’ indicates the column name. We can also create a custom template(as a component) if we want customization while rendering the data in the rows and columns. For example, if we want to iterate the multiple speaker names for a session, we can do:

<div class="ui list">
  {{#each record.speakers as |speaker|}}
    <div class="item">

As a result, we can make custom templates for a particular property. Another example of formatting the response is:

  {{moment-format record.startsAt 'MMMM DD, YYYY - HH:mm A'}}
  {{moment-format record.endsAt 'MMMM DD, YYYY - HH:mm A'}}

Thus, we get the following view after integration of API:


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Customising URL Using Custom Adapters in Open Event Front-end

Open-Event Front-end uses Ember data for handling Open Event Orga API which abides by JSON API specs. The API has relationships which represent models in the database, however there are some API endpoints for which the URL is not direct. We make use of custom adapter to build a custom URL for the requests.
In this blog we will see how to Implement relationships which do not have a model in the API server. Lets see how we implemented the admin-statistics-event API using custom adapter?

Creating Order-statistics model
To create a new model we use ember-cli command:

ember g model admin-statistics-event

The generated model:

export default ModelBase.extend({
  draft     : attr('number'),
  published : attr('number'),
  past      : attr('number')

The API returns 3 attributes namely draft, published & past which represent the total number of drafted, live and past event in the system. The admin-statistics-event is an admin related model.
Creating custom adapter
To create a new adapter we use ember-cli command:

ember g adapter event-statistics-event

If we try to do a GET request the URL for the request will be ‘v1/admin-statistics-event’ which is an incorrect endpoint. We create a custom adapter to override the buildURL method.

buildURL(modelName, id, snapshot, requestType, query) {
  let url = this._super(modelName, id, snapshot, requestType, query);
  url = url.replace('admin-statistics-event', 'admin/statistics/event');
  return url;

We create a new variable url which holds the url generated by the buildURL method of the super adapter. We call the super method using ‘this._super’. We will now replace the ‘admin-statistics-event’ with ‘admin/statistics/event’ in url variable. We return the new url variable. This results in generation of correct URL for the request.
Thank you for reading the blog, you can check the source code for the example here.

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Handling Requests for hasMany Relationships in Open Event Front-end

In Open Event Front-end we use Ember Data and JSON API specs to integrate the application with the server. Ember Data provides an easy way to handle API requests, however it does not support a direct POST for saving bulk data which was the problem we faced while implementing event creation using the API.

In this blog we will take a look at how we implemented POST requests for saving hasMany relationships, using an example of sessions-speakers route to see how we saved the tracks, microlocations & session-types. Lets see how we did it.

Fetching the data from the server

Ember by default does not support hasMany requests for getting related model data. However we can use external add on which enable the hasMany Get requests, we use ember-data-has-many-query which is a great add on for querying hasMany relations of a model.

let data = this.modelFor('events.view.edit');
data.tracks = data.event.get('tracks');
data.microlocations = data.event.get('microlocations');
data.sessionTypes = data.event.get('sessionTypes');
return RSVP.hash(data);

In the above example we are querying the tracks, microlocations & sessionTypes which are hasMany relationships, related to the events model. We can simply do a to do a GET request for the related model.


In the above example we are retrieving the all the tracks of the event.

Sending a POST request for hasMany relationship
Ember currently does not saving bulk data POST requests for hasMany relations. We solved this by doing a POST request for individual data of the hasMany array.

We start with creating a `promises` array which contains all the individual requests. We then iterate over all the hasMany relations & push it to the `promises` array. Now each request is an individual promise.

let promises = [];

promises.push(this.get('model.event.tracks').toArray().map(track =>;
promises.push(this.get('model.event.sessionTypes').toArray().map(type =>;
promises.push(this.get('model.event.microlocations').toArray().map(location =>;

Once we have all the promises we then use RSVP to make the POST requests. We make use of all() method which takes an array of promises as parameter and resolves all the promises. If the promises are not resolved successfully then we simply notify the user using the notify service, else we redirect to the home page.

  .then(() => {
  }, function() {
    this.get('notify').error(this.l10n.t(Data did not save. Please try again'));

The result of this we can now retrieve & create new tracks, microlocations & sessionTypes on sessions-speakers route.

Thank you for reading the blog, you can check the source code for the example here.



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Adding JSON API support to ember-models-table in Open Event Front-end

Open Event Front-end project uses ember-models-table for handling all the table components in the application. Although ember-models-table is great for handling server requests for operations like pagination, sorting & filtering, but it does not support JSON API used in the Front-end project.

In this blog we will see how we integrated JSON API standards to ember-models-table. Lets see how we added support for JSON API to table and made requests to the Open Event Orga-server.

Adding JSON API support for filtering & sorting

The JSON API specs follow a strict structure for supporting meta data & filtering options, the server expects an array of objects for specifying the name of the field, operation and the value for filtering. The name attribute specifies the column for which we need to apply the filter. eg we use `name` for the events name in the. `op` attribute specifies the operation to be used for filtration, `val` attribute is used to provide a value for comparison. You can check the list of all the supported operations here.

For implementation of filter we will check if the column filter is being used i.e if the filter string is empty or not, if the string is not empty we add a filter object of the column using the specified specs, else we remove the filter object of the column.

if (filter) {
    name : filterTitle,
    op   : 'ilike',
    val  : `%${filter}%`
} else {
    name : filterTitle,
    op   : 'ilike',
    val  : `%${filter}%`

For sort functionally we need to pass a query parameter called `sort` which is a string value in the URL. Sorting can be done in ascending or descending order for which the server expects different values. We pass `sort=name` & `sort=-name` for sorting in ascending order & descending order respectively.

const sortSign = {
  none : '',
  asc  : '-',
  desc : ''
let sortedBy = get(column, 'sortedBy');
if (typeOf(sortedBy) === 'undefined') {
  sortedBy = get(column, 'propertyName');

Adding support for pagination

The pagination in JSON API is implemented using query parameters `page[size]` & `page[number]` which specify the size of the page & the current page number respectively eg


This will load the first ten events from the server in the application.

Once the data is loaded in the application we calculate the number of pages to be rendered. The response from the server has attached meta-data which contains the total number of the events in the following structure:

meta: {
  count: 100

We calculate the number of pages by dividing the total count by the size of the page. We check if the number of items is greater than the pageSize, and calculate the number of the pages using the formula `items / pagesize + (items % pagesize ? 1 : 0)`. If the items are less than the pageSize we do not have to calculate the pages and we simply hide the pagination in the footer.

if (pageSize > items) {
    display: 'none'
} else {
  pages = parseInt((items / pageSize));
  if (items % pageSize) {
    pages = pages + 1;

Adding dynamic routing support to ember-models-table

We may want to use the ember-models-table for dynamic routes like `events/list` route, where we load live, drafted & past events based on the current route. The ember-models-table by default do not support the dynamic routes. To add this we override the didReceiveAttrs() method of the component which is executed every time the component updates. We add reset the pageSize, currentPageNumber and the content of the table, as the routes change.

didReceiveAttrs() {
  set(this, 'pageSize', 10);
  set(this, 'currentPageNumber', 1);
  set(this, 'filteredContent', get(this, 'data'));

The result of this we now have tables supporting JSON API in the Open Event Front-end application

Thank you for reading the blog, you can check the source code for the example here.


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Customizing Serializers in Open Event Front-end

Open Event Front-end project primarily uses Ember Data for API requests, which handles sending the request to correct endpoint, serializing and deserializing the request/response. The Open Event API project uses JSON API specs for implementation of the API, supported by Ember data.

While sending request we might want to customize the payload using a custom serializer. While implementing the Users API in the project, we faced a similiar problem. Let’s see how we solved it.

Creating a serializer for model

A serializer is created for a model, in this example we will create a user serializer for the user model. One important thing that we must keep in mind while creating a serializer is to use same name as that of model, so that ember can map the model with the serializer. We can create a serializer using ember-cli command:

ember g serializer user

Customizing serializer

In Open Event Front-end project every serializer extends the base serializer application.js which defines basic serialization like omitting readOnly attributes from the payload.

The user serializer provides more customization for the user model on top of application model. We override the serialize function, which lets us manipulate the payload of the request. We use `` to differentiate between a create request & an update request. If `` exists then it is an update request else it is a create request.

While manipulation user properties like email, contact etc we do not need to pass ‘password’ in the payload. We make use of ‘adapterOptions’ property associated with the ‘save()’ method. If the adapterOptions are associated and the ‘includePassword’ is set then we add ‘password’ attribute to the payload.

import ApplicationSerializer from 'open-event-frontend/serializers/application';
import { pick, omit } from 'lodash';

export default ApplicationSerializer.extend({
  serialize(snapshot, options) {
    const json = this._super(...arguments);
    if ( {
      let attributesToOmit = [];
      if (!snapshot.adapterOptions || !snapshot.adapterOptions.includePassword) {
      } = omit(, attributesToOmit);
    } else if (options && options.includeId) { = pick(, ['email', 'password']);
    return json;

If we want to add the password in the payload we can simply add ‘includePassword’ property to the ‘adapterOptions’ and pass it in the save method for operations like changing the password of the user.{
  adapterOptions: {
    includePassword: true

Thank you for reading the blog, you can check the source code for the example here.

Learn more about how to customize serializers in ember data here

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Permission Manager in Open Event API Server

Open Event API Server uses different decorators to control permissions for different access levels as discussed here. Next challenging thing for permissions was reducing redundancy and ensuring permission decorators are independent of different API views. They should not look to the view for which they are checking the permission or some different logic for different views.

In API Server, we have different endpoints that leads to same Resource this way we maintain relationships between different entities but this leads to a problem where permission decorators has to work on different API endpoints that points to different or same resource and but to check a permission some attributes are required and one or more endpoints may not provide all attributes required to check a permission.

For instance, PATCH /session/id` request requires permissions of a Co-Organizer and permission decorator for this requires two things, user detail and event details. It is easy to fetch user_id from logged in user while it was challenging to get “event_id”. Therefore to solve this purpose I worked on a module named “” situated at “app/api/helpers/” in the codebase

Basic Idea of Permission Manager

Permission manager basically works to serve the required attributes/view_kwargs to permission decorators so that these decorators do not break

Its logic can be described as:

    1. It first sits in the middle of a request and permission decorator
    2. Evaluates the arguments passed to it and ensure the current method of the request (POST, GET, etc ) is the part of permission check or not.
    3. Uses two important things, fetch and fetch_as
      fetch => value of this argument is the URL parameter key which will be fetched from URL or the database ( if not present in URL )
      fetch_as => the value received from fetch will be sent to permission decorator by the name as the value of this option.
    4. If the fetch key is not there in URL, It uses third parameter model which is Model if the table from where this key can be fetched and then passes it to permission decorator
    5. Returns the requested view on passing access level and Forbidden error if fails

This way it ensures that if looks for the only specific type of requests allowing us to set different rules for different methods.

if 'methods' in kwargs:
        methods = kwargs['methods']

    if request.method not in methods:
        return view(*view_args, **view_kwargs)

Implementing Permission Manager

Implementing it was a simple thing,

  1. Firstly, registration of JSON API app is shifted from app/api/ to app/api/ so that this module can be imported anywhere
  2. Added permission manager to the app_v1 module
  3. Created in app/api/helpers
  4. Added it’s usage in different APIs

An example Usage:

decorators = (api.has_permission('is_coorganizer', fetch='event_id', fetch_as="event_id", methods="POST",
                                     check=lambda a: a.get('event_id') or a.get('event_identifier')),)

Here we are checking if the request has the permission of a Co-Organizer and for this, we need to fetch event_id  from request URI. Since no model is provided here so it is required for event_id in URL this also ensures no other endpoints can leak the resource. Also here we are checking for only POST requests thus it will pass the GET requests as it is no checking.

What’s next in permission manager?

Permission has various scopes for improving, I’m still working on a module as part of permission manager which can be used directly in the middle of views and resources so that we can check for permission for specific requests in the middle of any process.

The ability to add logic so that we can leave the check on the basis of some logic may be adding some lambda attributes will work.


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