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How Device Service Makes it Easy to Implement Responsive UI in Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the device service which has been used frequently in Open Event Frontend, works to make the UI responsive and render it selectively based on device side. To quote the official documentation,

An Ember.Service is a long-lived Ember object that can be made available in different parts of your application.

The device service is precisely that. It is available universally across the app  and its chief purpose is to provide an object through out the app, which allows us to actively determine the device size at the instant of rendering.  This allows us to have a very easy implementation of a highly responsive UI and also makes it redundant to use  css media queries to achieve similar results. The services allow us to maintain a persistent connection and has to be injected. Like all other ember entities, the boiler plate code of a service may be generated via simply using Ember CLI.

$ ember generate service device

To begin with we define the various breakpoints (in terms of width of the screen) that we want in our app. We will be keeping this outside the service object to keep it lean and faster to loop over. We need to ensure that these break points are exactly the same ones used for semantic UI. This is because we want to be aware of what device the current width represents according to semantic UI because various components of semantic UI behave according to these device sizes. For instance various fields of a form may be stackable only for mobiles, and not for tablets.

const breakpoints = {
mobile: {
  max : 767,
  min : 0
tablet: {
  max : 991,
  min : 768
computer: {
  max : 1199,
  min : 992
largeMonitor: {
  max : 1919,
  min : 1200
widescreen: {
  min: 1920

Our goal is to iterate over these breakpoints and compare the window width with them, and then assign the device type to the required variable. So we begin with the iterating loop, Also we will always need to keep track of the current screen width, hence we define currentWidth property, whereas the deviceType property will keep track of the current device using currentWidth and the breakpoints. These all will be defined inside the service object. The logic for deviceType property is basically to iterate over all the breakpoints and then it checks if the current width of the document lies within the range of a particular breakpoint.

export default Service.extend({

currentWidth: document.body.clientWidth,

deviceType: computed('currentWidth', function() {
  let deviceType = 'computer';
  const currentWidth = this.get('currentWidth');
  forOwn(breakpoints, (value, key) => {
    if (currentWidth >= value.min && (!value.hasOwnProperty('max') || currentWidth <= value.max)) {
      deviceType = key;
  return deviceType;


Now it is possible for us to use the deviceType property to calculate other useful properties for device type. For instance, we can add the following to the service object.The very point of using this service is the fact that, though semantic UI supports these breakpoints for devices of various sizes but it doesn’t allow us to use them as boolean properties on the basis of which we can decide, which content to render and which not. Also, since the breakpoints are exclusive, there is no possible overlapping of the properties by them being true simultaneously.Using equal operator is a safe way to compare a computed property.

isMobile       : equal('deviceType', 'mobile'),
isComputer     : equal('deviceType', 'computer'),
isTablet       : equal('deviceType', 'tablet'),
isLargeMonitor : equal('deviceType', 'largeMonitor'),
isWideScreen   : equal('deviceType', 'widescreen'),

One very important thing we should realise is, that even the the deviceType is observing currentWidth, however document.body.clientWidth is not binded, and thus currentWidth needs to be calculated, every time the window is resized, so we add an init() for the service. It will make sure that whenever the window is resized, the currentWidth object will be initialised.

init() {
$(window).resize(() => {
  debounce(this, () => {
    this.set('currentWidth', document.body.clientWidth);
  }, 200);

This completes the service, now we can see from the following example how will this service be used. In this example we try to make the menu responsive, by using an icon only menu for mobile devices where as a full menu for larger ones. The properties of the service may simply be used via device.<property>.

{{#if device.isMobile}}
 <.div class= ui grouped  icon buttons>
   <.div class=”ui button><.i class=”checkmark icon><./div>
   <.div class=”ui button><.i class=”cancel icon><./div>
 <.div class= ui grouped buttons>
   <.div class=”ui button>Apply<./div>
   <.div class=”ui button>Cancel<./div>


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GSOC 17 @ FOSSASIA | Full Stack Developer | Swimmer

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