This blog will illustrate how to add a new section to admin dashboard of Open Event Frontend which allows admin to add event types. For this we need modals to display a form by which we can edit or add a new event type and we need to create a new route admin/content/events. To create a new route we use ember CLI command:
ember g route admin/content/events
The primary end point of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for creating a new event type or topic is:
This model is very basic and contains only name and slug and a relationship to event model. Next we want to fetch the existing event types and display them in table. We write queries which fetches data in event-type model in the route file admin/content/events.js.
This will fetch the data in our model. Next we need to display this data in a template for which we define a table that will display each event type.
<buttonclass="ui blue button {{ifdevice.isMobile'fluid'}}"{{action'openNewEventTypeModal'}}>{{t'Add New Event Type'}}</button><tableclass="ui celled table"><tbody>{{#eachmodel.eventTypesas|eventType|}}<tr><td>{{}}</td></tr>{{/each}}</tbody></table>
We have two buttons that are used to edit or delete a event type. Both buttons open up a modal to achieve this functionality. We also have a “Add new Event Type” button at the top. This buttons opens up a modal and sends out a action to its controller when user successfully fills up the name of the event type. Let us take a look at the code of our controller that saves/deletes our event type to server.
In addNewEventType() function we take the data from the form and save the model, which eventually sends POST request to save the new Event Type on server. This returns a JavaScript promise and we handle it via then and catch. It goes to then block if promise resolves and goes to catch is promise rejects/fails.
Similarly in delete function we take the eventType which is passed as model of event-type object and call destroyRecord() function which eventually sends out a DELETE request to server and data gets deleted. Here also we handle the response via resolve and reject depicted with then and catch respectively.
This blog post will illustrate how to add edit route to access code to allow organizers editing an access code. Editing access codes deals with the following API on Open Event Server.
PATCH /v1/access-codes/{id}
First of all we need to add a route to allow editing of access codes. Our route will be /events/{event_id}/tickets/access-codes/edit/{access_code_id}. To generate a new route we need to run the command
ember g route events/view/tickets/access-codes/edit
This will generate new routes files and templates. Also this will add this route in router.js. In router.js we need to specify what we are passing as a parameter to route. For this we specify access_code_id to let ember know that this parameter will be passed with the URL. This is done so as to know which access code to update. Our route should look something like this /events/{event_id}/tickets/access-codes/edit/{access_code_id}. Final router.js file for access-codes part is given below:
Next we need to pass model (data) to our edit route template. In our model we will be looking for a particular access code with an id and event tickets. After we get our event tickets, we then look for the event tickets which are already present in that access code. This is done so as to check the tickets in the template which are already present in that access code. So for this in afterModel hook we loop over all event tickets and whichever ticket is included in the access code tickets array we mark its isChecked property as true. This helps us to mark those tickets as checked in multiple select checkboxes of template.
The information about multiple select checkboxes in frontend has been discussed in this blog post. Now after we are done setting our edit route we need to redirect user to edit page when he/she clicks on the edit button in access code list. For this we define the necessary actions in template which will be triggered when user clicks on the icon. Code for the edit icon in access code list is given below.
After clicking on the edit icon user is redirected to edit route where he/she can edit access code choosen. We use the same component that we chose for creating access code. To know more about create access code template component refer to this blog. Finally when saving the edited access code we call save action. This action is defined in the controllers. The action looks something like this.
// controllers/events/view/tickets/access-codes/edit.jsexportdefaultController.extend({actions:{save(accessCode){>{this.get('notify').success(this.get('l10n').t('Access code has been successfully updated.'));this.transitionToRoute('');}).catch(()=>{this.get('notify').error(this.get('l10n').t('An unexpected error has occured. Discount code cannot be created.'));});}}});
After the access code is saved. We redirect user back to access code list.
In this blog we will see the implementation of custom form for session and speakers form. Since every event organiser requires different fields required to be filled by speakers for their sessions, for ex. Some event organiser may need GitHub profile whereas other may need LinkedIn profile so, we implemented custom form for session and speaker form in Open Event Frontend so that every organiser can choose fields he/she requires to be filled by his speakers who are filling their proposal. Custom form allows following features:
Allows organiser to choose whether he wants a particular field or not.
Organiser can make a field compulsory, so that no speaker can submit his proposal without filling that field.
So, to get started we define our getCustomForm() method in mixins and it looks something like this:
Here we define all the possible fields with their properties. Every field has different properties that enables us to identify whether to choose or reject them. So to enable this these fields to be chosen by organiser we need to feed them into model.
In our session-speakers-step.js in components we assign these fields to our model thorugh this:
This hook gets called when our component is rendered and custom form fields gets assigned to data.event.customForms in our model.
In our handlebars template we create sliders to enable organiser to choose whether he wants to enable a field or not.
In our template logic we write a loop that renders these sliders for each fields and manipulate them as organiser slides any slider for a field. Let’s take a look at the template code block:
This blog article will illustrate how the UI for the edit user modal is implemented and Users API has been integrated into it in Open Event Frontend.
The admin can make any user the admin, sales admin or the marketer of the app. In the route admin/users there is an ember table where all the users are listed. In the table there exists a column named ‘Action Buttons’.
When the edit action button is clicked a modal appears on the screen. Them template of the modal is as follows:
<buttonclass="ui teal right floated submit button update-changes">{{t'Save'}}</button></div></div>
For the API integration the users model is used. The attributes isAdmin, isSalesAdmin, isMarketer from the model are used to send a patch request to the server. The modal has basically to parts. The first part consists of radio buttons through which the super admin has the rights to create a user an admin of the app or to remove his role as the admin. The second part consists of checkboxes through which the user can get the custom system role to be the sales admin or the marketer. A get request is sent to the user’s model in the server and the initial values of the modal are decided.
If the admin changes some value, he clicks on the save button in the modal and a patch request is sent to the server. The save function is written in the modal’s component.
This blog article will illustrate how the User settings API has been integrated into the admin users route Open Event Frontend. The admin can change the contact info of some user, details about the email preferences for different events created by the user and the third party authentication details entered by the user.
To make the settings user link in the user link column of the users table functional new sub routes are added to the app’s user route as follows:
The template for the index route which redirects to each of the settings route is:
Interestingly, the routes admin/users/view and admin/users/list are both dynamic and expect a parameter after /users/ hence, the app cannot distinguish between them on it’s own, thus explicit handling of the dynamic parameter of the routes was implemented, differentiating them on the basis of the route’s state as follows:
Thus if the dynamic portion of the route doesn’t contain the parameters all, deleted or active, then it must be referring to a user’s events or sessions and the route needs to be replaced with the desired events or sessions route accordingly.
The server is queried to fetch the details of a given user like the email, contact, various events created by the user to get the email and notification preferences. For getting each detail the current users model is returned and the values in the model are returned to the form.
For the contact-info sub route the values like the email and the contact number are fetched and are shown in the form. There is a save button in the form too. The admin can change this information and send a patch request to the server by clicking this button.
updateContactInfo(){this.set('isLoading',true);letcurrentUser=this.get('model.user');>{this.get('notify').success(this.get('l10n').t('Your Contact Info has been updated'));}).catch(()=>{this.get('notify').error(this.get('l10n').t('An unexpected error occurred'));}).finally(()=>{this.set('isLoading',false);});}
For the email-preferences sub route the model has attributes like sessionSchedule, nextEvent etc.and the admin has the access to change the email-notifications for any event created by any user. The client side has checkboxes to show the data to the user. The states of the checkboxes are determined by the data that we receive from the API. We also let the admin change the preferences of the email-notifications so that he can customise the notifications and keep the ones he wants some user to receive.
This blog article will illustrate how the Events API has been integrated into the admin users route Open Event Frontend, as well as how the action buttons are added to view, edit or delete the events of any user in the list by the admin.
To make the events user link in the user link column of the users table functional a new sub route is added to the app’s user route as follows:
The newly added route further contains a dynamic sub route called list. This nested route fulfills the requirement of filtering the various events of a given user according to their states. Interestingly, the routes admin/users/view and admin/users/list are both dynamic and expect a parameter after /users/ hence, the app cannot distinguish between them on it’s own, thus explicit handling of the dynamic parameter of the routes was implemented, differentiating them on the basis of the route’s state as follows:
Thus if the dynamic portion of the route doesn’t contain the parameters all, deleted or active, then it must be referring to a user’s events or sessions and the route needs to be replaced with the desired events or sessions route accordingly.
The server is queried to fetch the events of a given user by making use of the hasMany relationship a user has with his sessions. They are loaded in the route admin/users/view/events/list.js
After fetching the the events from the server, a proper ember table is called in the template file of this route, and all the actions like viewing and editing an event are declared in the template.
This blog article will describe how the sessions are listed in the public pages of an event in Open Event Frontend, which allows the user to view all the sessions of an event. The sessions are filtered as per date. The primary end point of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the the users details is GET /v1/events/{event_identifier}/sessions
The route of the public page fetches all the sessions of a particular events and filters them as per the criteria selected by the user. The user can view the sessions of a particular day, week or month. The user can also view the list of all the sessions. The query written in the route is:
The view route is located at app/e/{event_identifier}/sessions/all. This route will show all the sessions of the selected event. Similarly /week will show the sessions of a week and /month will show the sessions of a month.Four joint buttons are used in the UI of the public page to redirect to these routes.
To list the sessions ember component of session cards is used to include a session in a card with the details of the session like the time, abstract etc and also the session’s track and the details of the speakers like the name, information and social media accounts. In the template of the route this component is called and used in the UI within an ember component. In case there are no sessions that exist between a given time period, a helper text is displayed stating “No sessions exist for the given period”.
This blog article will describe how the users can add multiple session proposals and edit them through the Call for Speakers modal in Open Event Frontend. The logged in user first adds himself as the speaker through the modal then he can add multiple sessions. The user will be added as the speaker for all the sessions he adds through the CFS modal.
To submit the sessions the user first has to add himself as a speaker of that event in the route: e/{event_identifier}/cfs
After the user registers himself as the speaker of that event whose Call for Speakers is open he can add multiple sessions and also edit those sessions.
When Add Session Details button is clicked the user gets redirected to a form with the route
On this route there is a session form where the user can add details like title, short abstract, comments, track etc. Once he clicks on the save button after entering the details post request is sent to the server and that session is added to the list of sessions of that event and the user is added as the speaker of that session.
The user can add another session or edit the sessions previously entered by him. When Edit session is clicked the user gets redirected to the route e/{event_identifier}/cfs/edit/{session_id}
On this route the user can change the details of the session he had entered before. On clicking save a patch request is sent to the server and the new details are saved.
Badgeyay project is divided into two parts i.e front-end with Ember JS and back-end with REST-API programmed in Python.
Badgeyay has many features related to enhancement in generation of badges. It gives choice of uploading data entries i.e by CSV or manually. There are options available for choosing Badge Background and font specifications. Now the next important thing from User perspective is that there should be a feature in My badges panel where user can see all badges & other details and should be able to edit them if he want to, so moving forward with this feature I have implemented Badge Name update functionality in the frontend.
In this blog, I will be discussing how I implemented Update Badge Name functionality in my Pull Request so that the User can change his Badge Name at any point of time in my badges panel.
Let’s get started and understand it step by step.
Step 1:
Create Badge Name component with Ember CLI.
$ ember g component badge-name
Step 2:
Make changes in Handlebar of Badge Name. We will be using semantic UI form for making the changes in Handlebars.
The Badgeyay Ember JS frontend has many features like Login and Sign up features and Login with OAuth and most important, the badge generation feature is also up and running. Now the next important thing from User perspective is that there should be a settings panel where user can see its account details like username, Email & password and he should be able to change them if he want to.
I have implemented the setting panel in Badgeyay where user can see his account details. In this blog, I will be discussing how I implemented Update Password functionality in my Pull Request so that the User can change his Password at any point of time.
Let’s get started and understand it step by step.
Step 1:
Generate User Password component with help of ember cli.
Step 2:
Make changes in Handlebar of User Password. We will be using semantic UI form for making the changes in Handlebars.
<h2class="ui header">Password</h2><h5class="ui dividing header">Change your password.</h5><formclass="ui form"{{action'updateUserPassword'on="submit"}}>
</div></div><buttontype="submit"class="ui basic orange button"tabindex="0">
Save Changes
We have used action on submitting the Form for changing and updating the Password in Database and Firebase.
Step 3:
We will now define the action in user component JS file. We will also add the validations in Form so that empty form cannot be submitted to the server.
import Component from '@ember/component';
exportdefault Component.extend({
init() {
actions: {
updateUserPassword() {
let password =this.get('newPassword');
didRender() {
inline :true,
delay :false,
fields : {
newPassword: {
identifier :'newPassword',
rules : [
type :'empty',
prompt :'Please enter a password'
type :'minLength[6]',
prompt :'Your password must have at least {ruleValue} characters'
newPasswordVerify: {
identifier :'newPasswordVerify',
rules : [
type :'match[newPassword]',
prompt :'Passwords do not match'
Step 4:
We will now configure the controller to customize the action that we have defined above.
We have configured the frontend for sending the details to backend. Now, we have to edit the endpoint so that if Password changes in params, It should change the password and send the response with the updated user schema.
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