This blog article will illustrate how the Events API has been integrated into the admin users route Open Event Frontend, as well as how the action buttons are added to view, edit or delete the events of any user in the list by the admin.
To make the events user link in the user link column of the users table functional a new sub route is added to the app’s user route as follows:
this.route('users', function() { this.route('view', { path: '/:user_id' }, function() { this.route('events', function() { this.route('list', { path: '/:event_status' }); }); });
The newly added route further contains a dynamic sub route called list. This nested route fulfills the requirement of filtering the various events of a given user according to their states. Interestingly, the routes admin/users/view and admin/users/list are both dynamic and expect a parameter after /users/ hence, the app cannot distinguish between them on it’s own, thus explicit handling of the dynamic parameter of the routes was implemented, differentiating them on the basis of the route’s state as follows:
beforeModel(transition) { this._super(...arguments); const userState = transition.params[transition.targetName].users_status; if (!['all', 'deleted', 'active'].includes(userState)) { this.replaceWith('admin.users.view', userState); } }
Thus if the dynamic portion of the route doesn’t contain the parameters all, deleted or active, then it must be referring to a user’s events or sessions and the route needs to be replaced with the desired events or sessions route accordingly.
The server is queried to fetch the events of a given user by making use of the hasMany relationship a user has with his sessions. They are loaded in the route admin/users/view/events/list.js
model() { const userDetails = this.modelFor('admin.users.view'); return'user',, { include: 'events' });
After fetching the the events from the server, a proper ember table is called in the template file of this route, and all the actions like viewing and editing an event are declared in the template.
{{events/events-table columns=columns useNumericPagination=true moveToDetails=(action 'moveToDetails') editEvent=(action 'editEvent') openDeleteEventModal=(action 'openDeleteEventModal') }}
In the controller the columns of the table for events are defined and all the actions are defined.
moveToDetails(id) { this.transitionToRoute('events.view', id); }, editEvent(id) { this.transitionToRoute('events.view.edit.basic-details', id); }, deleteEvent() { this.set('isLoading', true);'event', this.get('eventId'), { backgroundReload: false }).then(function(event) { event.destroyRecord(); })
So, the admin can view the list of the events of a particular user and send a patch or delete request for any event.