Add Edit user Modal in Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the UI for the edit user modal is implemented  and Users API has been integrated into it in Open Event Frontend.

The admin can make any user the admin, sales admin or the marketer of the app. In the route admin/users there is an ember table where all the users are listed. In the table there exists a column named ‘Action Buttons’.

When the edit action button is clicked a modal appears on the screen. Them template of the modal is as follows:

class="ui form">

class="ui header">{{t 'Provide admin access?'}}

class="grouped inline fields">
class="field"> {{ui-radio name="isAdmin" label="Yes" value=true onChange=(action (mut isAdmin))}} {{ui-radio name="isAdmin" label="No" value=false onChange=(action (mut isAdmin))}}
</div> <h4 class="ui header">{{t 'Custom system roles'}}</h4>
class="field"> {{ui-checkbox label="Sales Admin" onChange=(action (mut checked))}} {{ui-checkbox label="Marketer" onChange=(action (mut checked))}}
<button class="ui teal right floated submit button update-changes"> {{t 'Save'}} </button> </div> </div>

For the API integration the users model is used. The attributes isAdmin, isSalesAdmin, isMarketer from the model are used to send a patch request to the server. The modal has basically to parts. The first part consists of radio buttons through which the super admin has the rights to create a user an admin of the app or to remove his role as the admin. The second part consists of checkboxes through which the user can get the custom system role to be the sales admin or the marketer. A get request is sent to the user’s model in the server and the initial values of the modal are decided.

If the admin changes some value, he clicks on the save button in the modal and a patch request is sent to the server. The save function is written in the modal’s component.

actions: {
saveRole(id) {
this.get('store').findRecord('user', id).then(function(user) {;
this.set('isOpen', false);
toggleSalesAdmin(user) {
toggleMarketer(user) {
createAdmin(user, isAdmin) {
user.set('isAdmin', isAdmin);


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Adding the User Settings Route in Admin User Route Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the User settings API has been integrated into the admin users route  Open Event Frontend. The admin can change the contact info of some user, details about the email preferences for different events created by the user and the third party authentication details entered by the user.

To make the settings user link in the user link column of the users table functional new sub routes are added to the app’s user route as follows:

  • /admin/users/<user_id>/settings/contact-info
  • /admin/users/<user_id>/settings/email-preferences
  • /admin/users/<user_id>/settings/applications

The template for the index route which redirects to each of the settings route is:

class="ui grid">
class="twelve wide column"> {{#tabbed-navigation}} {{#link-to '' class='item'}} {{t 'Contact Info'}} {{/link-to}} {{#link-to '' class='item'}} {{t 'Email-Preferences'}} {{/link-to}} {{#link-to 'admin.users.view.settings.applications' class='item'}} {{t 'Applications'}} {{/link-to}} {{/tabbed-navigation}}
</div> {{outlet}} </div>

Interestingly, the routes admin/users/view and admin/users/list are both dynamic and expect a parameter after /users/ hence, the app cannot distinguish between them on it’s own, thus explicit handling of the dynamic parameter of the routes was implemented, differentiating them on the basis of the route’s state as follows:

beforeModel(transition) {
const userState = transition.params[transition.targetName].users_status;
if (!['all', 'deleted', 'active'].includes(userState)) {
this.replaceWith('admin.users.view', userState);

Thus if the dynamic portion of the route doesn’t contain the parameters all, deleted or active, then it must be referring to a user’s events or sessions and the route needs to be replaced with the desired events or sessions route accordingly.

The server is queried to fetch the details of a given user like the email,  contact, various events created by the user to get the email and notification preferences. For getting each detail the current users model is returned and the values in the model are returned to the form.

For the contact-info sub route the values like the email and the contact number are fetched and are shown in the form. There is a save button in the form too. The admin can change this information and send a patch request to the server by clicking this button.

 updateContactInfo() {
this.set('isLoading', true);
let currentUser = this.get('model.user');
.then(() => {
this.get('notify').success(this.get('l10n').t('Your Contact Info has been updated'));
.catch(() => {
this.get('notify').error(this.get('l10n').t('An unexpected error occurred'));
.finally(() => {
this.set('isLoading', false);

For the email-preferences sub route the model has attributes like sessionSchedule, nextEvent etc.and the admin has the access to change the email-notifications for any event  created by any user. The client side has checkboxes to show the data to the user. The states of the checkboxes are determined by the data that we receive from the API. We also let the admin change the preferences of the email-notifications so that he can customise the notifications and keep the ones he wants some user to receive.

{{settings/email-preferences-section preferences=model}}

The sub route for email preferences:

export default Route.extend(AuthenticatedRouteMixin, {
titleToken() {
return this.get('l10n').t('Email Preferences');
model() {
const currentUser = this.modelFor('admin.users.view');
return currentUser.query('emailNotifications', { include: 'event' });

So, the admin has the access to change the information and the email notifications of a user.


Continue ReadingAdding the User Settings Route in Admin User Route Open Event Frontend

Events API Integration on Admin User Route Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the Events API has been integrated into the admin users route  Open Event Frontend, as well as how the action buttons are added to view, edit or delete the events of any user in the list by the admin.

To make the events user link in the user link column of the users table functional a new sub route is added to the app’s user route as follows:

this.route('users', function() {
     this.route('view', { path: '/:user_id' }, function() {
       this.route('events', function() {
         this.route('list', { path: '/:event_status' });

The newly added route further contains a dynamic sub route called list. This nested route fulfills the requirement of filtering the various events of a given user according to their states. Interestingly, the routes admin/users/view and admin/users/list are both dynamic and expect a parameter after /users/ hence, the app cannot distinguish between them on it’s own, thus explicit handling of the dynamic parameter of the routes was implemented, differentiating them on the basis of the route’s state as follows:

beforeModel(transition) {
const userState = transition.params[transition.targetName].users_status;
if (!['all', 'deleted', 'active'].includes(userState)) {
this.replaceWith('admin.users.view', userState);

Thus if the dynamic portion of the route doesn’t contain the parameters all, deleted or active, then it must be referring to a user’s events or sessions and the route needs to be replaced with the desired events or sessions route accordingly.

The server is queried to fetch the events of a given user by making use of the hasMany relationship a user has with his sessions. They are loaded in the route admin/users/view/events/list.js

model() {
const userDetails = this.modelFor('admin.users.view');
return'user',, {
include: 'events'

After fetching the the events from the server, a proper ember table is called in the template file of this route, and all the actions like viewing and editing an event are declared in the template.

moveToDetails=(action 'moveToDetails')
editEvent=(action 'editEvent')
openDeleteEventModal=(action 'openDeleteEventModal')

In the controller the columns of the table for events are defined and all the actions are defined.

moveToDetails(id) {
this.transitionToRoute('events.view', id);
editEvent(id) {
this.transitionToRoute('events.view.edit.basic-details', id);
deleteEvent() {
this.set('isLoading', true);'event', this.get('eventId'), { backgroundReload: false }).then(function(event) {

So, the admin can view the list of the events of a particular user and send a patch or delete request for any event.


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Filtering and Session API Integration on Admin User Route Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the Session API has been integrated into the admin users route  Open Event Frontend, as well as how it’s now possible to filter active and deleted users using the new filters implemented.

To make the sessions buttons on the users table functional a new sub route is added to the app’s user route as follows:

this.route('users', function() {
     this.route('view', { path: '/:user_id' }, function() {
       this.route('sessions', function() {
         this.route('list', { path: '/:session_status' });
     this.route('list', { path: '/:users_status' });

The newly added route further contains a dynamic sub route called list. This nested route fulfills the requirement of filtering the various sessions of a given user according to their states. Interestingly, the routes admin/users/view and admin/users/list are both dynamic and expect a parameter after /users/ hence, the app cannot distinguish between them on it’s own, thus explicit handling of the dynamic parameter of the routes was implemented, differentiating them on the basis of the route’s state as follows:

beforeModel(transition) {
const userState = transition.params[transition.targetName].users_status;
if (!['all', 'deleted', 'active'].includes(userState)) {
this.replaceWith('admin.users.view', userState);

Thus if the dynamic portion of the route doesn’t contain the parameters all, deleted or active, then it must be referring to a user’s sessions and the route needs to be replaced with the desired sessions route accordingly. Also, the template admin/users.hbs needs to be changed to display the navigation bar  only when required. It is efficiently handled by an IF condition as follows:

{{#if (and (not-includes session.currentRouteName ‘admin.users.user’) (not-includes session.currentRouteName ‘admin.users.view.sessions.list’))}}

The server is queried to fetch the sessions of a given user by making use of the hasMany relationship a user has with his sessions. They are loaded in the route admin/users/view/sessions/list.js

model() {
const userDetails = this.modelFor('admin.users.view');
return'user',, {
include: 'sessions'

After fetching the the sessions from the server, the existing session-card  component is reused in the route’s template to display the sessions.

{{#if model.sessions}}
{{#each model.sessions as |session|}}
{{session-card session=session}}


{{t ‘No session proposals found for the events’}}


Also, in the admin/users route the filtering of deleted users was not functional. Thus  the property deleted-at of the users model which stores the timestamp of the deletion of a user was utilised. deleted-at is null for a user which is active. Hence the active and deleted users can be filtered as :

if (params.users_status === 'active') {
filterOptions = [
name : 'deleted-at',
op : 'eq',
val  : null
} else if (params.users_status === 'deleted') {
filterOptions = [
name : 'deleted-at',
op : 'ne',
val  : null
return this.get('store').query('user', {
get_trashed  : true,
filter       : filterOptions,
'page[size]' : 10

It’s important to pass the get_trashed parameter as true in the query as the the deleted user records are actually soft deleted records and will be fetched only when explicitly queried for.


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Implementing Event Image Size and Speaker Image Size APIs in Open Event Frontend

This blog article will illustrate how the Image Sizes APIs concerning event and speaker images are integrated in  Open Event Frontend, which allows for dynamic configurations of storing speaker and event images. The primary end points of Open Event API with which we are concerned with for fetching the event and speaker image sizes are

GET /v1/event-image-sizes


GET /v1/speaker-image-sizes

These endpoints are accessible only to a user with has administrator privileges as the customisation of image sizes is possible only on the admin dashboard. The image sizes are independent in regards to relationships and don’t have any related fields.

The model for the admin image settings route is defined as follows:

export default ModelBase.extend(CustomPrimaryKeyMixin, {
 thumbnailSizeQuality     : attr('number'),
 type                     : attr('string'),
 smallSizeWidthHeight     : attr('number'),
 smallSizeQuality         : attr('number'),
 iconSizeQuality          : attr('number'),
 iconSizeWidthHeight      : attr('number'),
 thumbnailSizeWidthHeight : attr('number')

The form which allows user to select image sizes, is in a separate component, and initially both the speaker and event image sizes are passed onto the component as a part of the entire model, so they can be separated later as per the requirement.

{{forms/admin/settings/images-form image=model save=’saveImages’ isLoading=isLoading}}

Most of the fields specify the units in which the numerical input concerning the image dimensions will be interpreted by the server and standard min and max validations are applied to the fields to ensure genuine and legitimate values can pass through the frontend.

<h3 class=”ui header”>{{t ‘Large Size’}}</h3>

{{input type=’number’ name=’large_width’ value=image.eventImageSize.fullWidth min=1}}

{{input type=’number’ name=’large_height’ value=image.eventImageSize.fullHeight min=1}}

{{input type=’number’ name=’large_quality’ value=image.eventImageSize.fullQuality min=1}}


{{ui-checkbox label=(t ‘Standard aspect ratio is 13:5. Tick to maintain aspect ratio.’) class=’checkbox’ name=’large_ratio’ checked=image.eventImageSize.fullAspect onChange=(action (mut image.eventImageSize.fullAspect))}}

{{t ‘Standard Size of the available area is 1300px X 500px’}}
<p>{{t ‘Found in :’}}</p>

{{t ‘Background Header Image in Public Event Page’}}


Furthermore, to ensure a user does not accidentally change the values inside the form, an action is triggered while transitioning away from the route which rollbacks any unsaved changes to the image sizes.

actions: {
willTransition() {
this.get('controller.model').forEach(image => {


Continue ReadingImplementing Event Image Size and Speaker Image Size APIs in Open Event Frontend