Implementing dynamic forms to edit a speaker using Custom Forms in Open Event Frontend
Open Event Frontend allows the organizer of an event to customise the sessions and speakers form using the custom form API. While creating the event the organiser can select the form fields which he wants to place in the sessions and speakers form. This blog will illustrate how a form to edit the details of a speaker is created. Only those fields are included which were included by the person who created the event during the sessions and speakers creation section.
The first step is to retrieve the fields of the form. Each event has custom form fields which can be enabled on the sessions-speakers page, where the organiser can include/exclude the fields for speakers & session forms.
A query is written in the javascript file of the route admin/speakers/edit to retrieve the required details and create a form. The second query helps to determine the speaker id and include the model of speaker and the attribute values of the speaker with that specific id.
import Route from '@ember/routing/route'; import AuthenticatedRouteMixin from 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/authenticated-route-mixin'; export default Route.extend(AuthenticatedRouteMixin, { titleToken(model) { var speakerName = model.get('name'); return this.get('l10n').t('Edit Speaker-'.concat(speakerName)); }, async model(params) { const eventDetails = this.modelFor('events.view'); return { event : eventDetails, form : await eventDetails.query('customForms', { 'page[size]' : 50, sort : 'id' }), speaker: await this.get('store').findRecord('speaker', params.speaker_id) }; } }); |
In the frontend we call the form of session and speakers. With the speaker-id being passed from the route, a form is created with the values entered by the user during the speaker creation and the other attributes marked included in the session-speakers wizard.
{{forms/session-speaker-form fields=model.form data=model save=(action 'save') isSpeaker=true includeSpeaker=true isSessionSpeaker=true isLoading=isLoading}} |
Finally whenever user edits a speaker and clicks on the save button patch endpoint of the speakers API is called and the new details are saved.
- Official Ember Model Table docs:
- Official Ember Data documentation:
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