Creating New Groups in Engelsystem

User roles determine the access level or permissions of a person authorized (by an Administrator) to use the Engelsystem. If a user (other than admin) have access to only a specific set of pages and features that are assigned to the Group to which the user belongs.


In Engelsystem, the Privileges to specific pages and features can be set through GroupRights. There are initially 7 groups present in the Engelsystem namely:

  1. Guest
  2. Engel
  3. Shift Coordinator
  4. Team Co-ordinator
  5. Burokrat
  6. Developer
  7. Shirt Manager

Each user role is capable of everything that a less powerful role is capable of. All of these 7 groups have different Privileges assigned to them. When a user registers on Engelsystem, it is initially assigned to Group-2 i.e Engel by default, then admin can add a user to different groups according to the requirements.


There was a problem with this feature.


If the user was added to the group with some Admin Privileges, he/she was able to sign up for restricted shifts as well.


Added a new page to Engelsystem for creating new Groups with specific privileges which can be that can be provided by the Admin to that group.

Create Groups page


New groups can be created by Admin, with default Privileges set to privileges as provided to the Engel group.These Privileges can be set while creating a group or can be edited in the GroupRights shown as follow:

Edit Privileges in GroupRights

The group is successfully created and can be viewed in GroupRights page, where the Admin can edit the Privileges of this and the other groups.

New group in GroupRights

Providing Privileges to user other than Admin is important as it ease the workload of admin, plus there’ll be other users who’ll be handling different tasks in an Event which is important in managing an Event.

We are developing new feature for Engelsystem and we will be applying this WordPress like update system toEngelsystem in the upcoming weeks. Developers who are interested in contributing can work with us.

Development:             Issues/Bugs:

Continue ReadingCreating New Groups in Engelsystem

Integrating Stripe in the Flask web framework

{ Repost from my personal blog @ }

Stripe is a developer and a user-friendly payment infrastructure provider. Stripe provides easy to use SDKs in different programming languages allowing us to easily collect payments on our website or mobile application.

Flask is a web microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2. Flask makes building web applications in python a breeze.

Make sure you have your Flask app ready. Let’s start with installing the required dependency. The Stripe python SDK. You can get it by running.

pip install stripe

Don’t forget to add the same in your requirements.txt. (if you have one that is.)

Now, head over to Stripe: Register and create a new Stripe account to get your test keys. If you don’t wish to create an account at this time, you can use the following test keys, but you’ll not be able to see the payments in the stripe dashboard.

  • Publishable Key: pk_test_6pRNASCoBOKtIshFeQd4XMUh
  • Secret Key: sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2

We’ll need to set the secret key in the SDK.

import stripe

STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = 'sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2'

stripe.api_key = STRIPE_SECRET_KEY

Let’s create a page with a form for us to handle the Stripe payment.

<!DOCTYPE html>  
    <title>Pay now</title>
    <h4>Pay $250.00 by clicking on the button below.</h4>
    <form action="/payment" method="POST">
        <script src="" 
                data-description="A payment for the Hello World project"

We’re using Stripe’s Checkout library to get the payment details from the user and process. Also, keep in mind that the checkout library has to be loaded directly from Downloading it and serving locally will not work.

The script tag, accepts a lot of parameters. A few important ones are,

  • data-key – The Publishable Key.
  • data-amount – The amount to be charged to the user in the lowest denomination of the currency. (For example, 5 USD should be represented as 500 cents)
  • data-name – The name of your site or company that will be displayed to the user.
  • data-image – The path to an image file (maybe a logo) that you’d like to be displayed to the user.

More configuration options can be seen at Stripe: Detailed Checkout Guide.

This script would automatically create a Pay with Card button which would open the stripe Checkout lightbox when clicked by the user.

Once the payment process is completed the following parameters are submitted to the form’s action endpoint (the form inside which this script is located), along with any other elements that were in the form.

  • stripeToken – The ID of the token representing the payment details
  • stripeEmail – The email address the user entered during the Checkout process

Along with the Billing address details and Shipping address details if applicable and enabled

We’ll need to write a Flask method to handle the input that were submitted by Stripe to proceed with the transaction and charge the user.

Let’s add a new Flask route to respond when submitting the form.

@app.route('/payment', methods=['POST'])
def payment_proceed():  
    # Amount in cents
    amount = 25000

    customer = stripe.Customer.create(

    charge = stripe.Charge.create(
        description='A payment for the Hello World project'

    return render_template('payment_complete.html')

We’re now creating a new Stripe customer along with the stripeToken as the source parameter. The card details are stored by stripe as a token. And using this token ID, Stripe will be able to retrieve it to make the charge.

We’re creating a charge object with the amount in the lowest denomination of the currency, the currency name, the customer ID, and an optional description. This will charge the customer. On a successful transaction, a charge object would be returned. Else, an exception will be thrown.

For more information regarding the Charge object and the various other APIs available fro consumption in Stripe, checkout the Stripe API Guide.

Continue ReadingIntegrating Stripe in the Flask web framework

PSLab Communication Function Calls

Prerequisite reading:

Interfacing with the hardware of PSLab, fetching the data and plotting it is very simple and straight forward. Various sensors can be connected to PSLab and data can be fetched with a simple python code as shown in the following example…

>>> from PSL import sciencelab
>>> I = sciencelab.connect()     # Initializing: Returns None if device isn't found. The initialization process connects to tty device and loads calibration values.
# An example function that measures voltage present at the specified analog input
>>> print I.get_average_voltage('CH1')
# An example to capture and plot data
>>> I.set_gain('CH1', 3) # set input CH1 to +/-4V range 
>>> I.set_sine1(1000) # generate 1kHz sine wave on output W1 
>>> x,y = I.capture1('CH1', 1000, 10) # digitize CH1 1000 times, with 10 usec interval 
>>> plot(x,y) 
>>> show()
# An example function to get data from magnetometer sensor connected to PSLab
>>> from PSL.SENSORS import HMC5883L #A 3-axis magnetometer >>> M = HMC5883L.connect() >>> Gx,Gy,Gz = M.getRaw() 

The module contains all the functions required for communicating with PSLab hardware. It also contains some utility functions. The class ScienceLab() contains methods that can be used to interact with the PSLab.

After initiating this class, all the features built into the device can be accessed  using various function calls.

Capture1 : for capturing one trace

capture1(ch, ns, tg)


  • ch  : Channel to select as input. [‘CH1′..’CH3′,’SEN’]
  • ns  :  Number of samples to fetch. Maximum 10000
  • tg   :  Time gap between samples in microseconds
#Example >>> x,y = I.capture1('CH1', 1000, 10) # digitize CH1 1000 times, with 10 usec interval

Returns : Arrays X(timestamps),Y(Corresponding Voltage values)

Capture2 : for capturing two traces

capture2(ns, tg, TraceOneRemap='CH1')


  • ns :  Number of samples to fetch. Maximum 5000
  • tg  :  Time gap between samples in microseconds
  • TraceOneRemap :   Choose the analogue input for channel 1 (Like MIC OR SEN). It is connected to CH1 by default. Channel 2 always reads CH2.
>>> x,y1,y2 = I.capture2(1600,1.75,'CH1') # digitize CH1 and CH2, 1600 times, with 1.75 usec interval

Returns: Arrays X(timestamps),Y1(Voltage at CH1),Y2(Voltage at CH2)

Capture4 : for capturing four taces

capture4(ns, tg, TraceOneRemap='CH1')


  • ns:   Number of samples to fetch. Maximum 2500
  • tg :   Time gap between samples in microseconds. Minimum 1.75uS
  • TraceOneRemap :   Choose the analogue input for channel 1 (Like MIC OR SEN). It is connected to CH1 by default. Channel 2 always reads CH2, channel 3 always reads CH3 and MIC is channel 4 (CH4)
>>> x,y1,y2,y3,y4 = I.capture4(800,1.75) # digitize CH1-CH4, 800 times, with 1.75 usec interval

Returns: Arrays X(timestamps),Y1(Voltage at CH1),Y2(Voltage at CH2),Y3(Voltage at CH3),Y4(Voltage at CH4)

Capture_multiple : for capturing multiple traces

capture_multiple(samples, tg, *args)


  • samples:   Number of samples to fetch. Maximum 10000/(total specified channels)
  • tg :   Time gap between samples in microseconds.
  • *args :   channel names
# Example 
>>> from pylab import * 
>>> I=interface.Interface() 
>>> x,y1,y2,y3,y4 = I.capture_multiple(800,1.75,'CH1','CH2','MIC','SEN') 
>>> plot(x,y1) 
>>> plot(x,y2) 
>>> plot(x,y3) 
>>> plot(x,y4) 
>>> show()

Returns: Arrays X(timestamps),Y1,Y2 …

Capture_fullspeed : fetches oscilloscope traces from a single oscilloscope channel at a maximum speed of 2MSPS

capture_fullspeed(chan, amples, tg, *args)


  • chan:   channel name ‘CH1’ / ‘CH2’ … ‘SEN’
  • tg :   Time gap between samples in microseconds. minimum 0.5uS
  • *args :   specify if SQR1 must be toggled right before capturing. ‘SET_LOW’ will set it to 0V, ‘SET_HIGH’ will set it to 5V. if no arguments are specified, a regular capture will be executed.
# Example
>>> from pylab import *
>>> I=interface.Interface()
>>> x,y = I.capture_fullspeed('CH1',2000,1)
>>> plot(x,y)               
>>> show()

Returns: timestamp array ,voltage_value array

Set_gain : Set the gain of selected PGA

set_gain(channel, gain)


  • channel:   ‘CH1’ , ‘CH2’
  • gain :   (0-7) -> (1x,2x,4x,5x,8x,10x,16x,32x)

Note: The gain value applied to a channel will result in better resolution for small amplitude signals.

# Example
>>> I.set_gain('CH1',7)  #gain set to 32x on CH1

Get_average_voltage : Return the voltage on the selected channel
get_average_voltage(channel_name, **kwargs)

  • channel_name:    ‘CH1’,’CH2’,’CH3’, ‘MIC’,’IN1’,’SEN’
  • **kwargs :   Samples to average can be specified. eg. samples=100 will average a hundred readings
# Example 
>>> print I.get_average_voltage('CH4')

Get_freq : Frequency measurement on IDx. Measures time taken for 16 rising edges of input signal. returns the frequency in Hertz

get_average_voltage(channel='Fin', timeout=0.1)

  • channel :    The input to measure frequency from. ‘ID1’ , ‘ID2’, ‘ID3’, ‘ID4’, ‘Fin’
  • timeout :   This is a blocking call which will wait for one full wavelength before returning the calculated frequency. Use the timeout option if you’re unsure of the input signal. returns 0 if timed out
# Example
>>> I.sqr1(4000,25)
>>> print I.get_freq('ID1')

Return float: frequency

Get_states : Gets the state of the digital inputs. returns dictionary with keys ‘ID1’,’ID2’,’ID3’,’ID4’
>>> print get_states()
{'ID1': True, 'ID2': True, 'ID3': True, 'ID4': False}

Get_state : Returns the logic level on the specified input (ID1,ID2,ID3, or ID4)

  • input_id :    The input channel ‘ID1’ -> state of ID1 ‘ID4’ -> state of ID4
>>> print I.get_state(I.ID1)

Set_state : Set the logic level on digital outputs SQR1,SQR2,SQR3,SQR4

  • **kwargs :    SQR1,SQR2,SQR3,SQR4 states(0 or 1)
>>> I.set_state(SQR1=1, SQR2=0) #sets SQR1 HIGH, SQR2 LOw, but leave SQR3,SQR4 untouched.

Continue ReadingPSLab Communication Function Calls

Sending mails using Sendgrid on Nodejs

The open-event webapp generator project needs to send an email to the user notifying him whenever generating the webapp is finished, containing the links to the preview and zip download.

For sending emails, the easiest service we found we could use was SendGrid  which provides upto 15000 free emails a month for students who have a Github Education Pack. (It anyway provides 10000 free emails to all users).

To use sendgrid, it’s best to use the sendgrid npm module that SendGrid officially builds. To get that installed just use the following command –

npm install --save sendgrid

Also, once you have made an account on Sendgrid, create an API key, and save it as an environment variable (so that your API key is not exposed in your code). For example in our project, we save it in the environment variable SENDGRID_API_KEY
To make it permanent you can add it to your ~/.profile file

export SEDGRID_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The actual sending takes place in the mailer.js script in our project.

Basically we are using the mail helper class provided in the sendgrid module, and the bare minimum code required to send a mail is as follows

  var helper = require('sendgrid').mail
  from_email = new helper.Email('')
  to_email = new helper.Email('')
  subject = 'Hello World from the SendGrid Node.js Library!'
  content = new helper.Content('text/plain', 'Hello, Email!')
  mail = new helper.Mail(from_email, subject, to_email, content)
  var sg = require('sendgrid')(process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY);
  var request = sg.emptyRequest({
    method: 'POST',
    path: '/v3/mail/send',
    body: mail.toJSON()
  sg.API(request, function(error, response) {

You need to replace the to and from emails to your requirements.

Also as you can see in our project’s code, if you want to send HTML formatted data, you can change the content type from text/plain to text/html and then add any html content (as a string) into the content.

Continue ReadingSending mails using Sendgrid on Nodejs

Science Hack Day Singapore Nov 11 – 12, 2016

We are happy to announce our upcoming Science Hack Day Singapore! The event will take place on Nov 11 – 12, 2016 at Suntec Convention Centre Hall 401 as a part of the ICM Youth Festival.


Registration is now open at Eventbrite.

There are limited seats for participants intending to take part in the programme for 2 days. Visitors to the ICM youth festival are welcome to visit the space and give their hands where required.

Add your hack ideas here 

Do not miss this opportunity to explore the wonder of Science, to team up with inspiring people around you and to enjoy the amazing working facilities at Suntec City. Join our event on facebook for further announcement. 

What is Science Hack Day?  

Science Hack Day is a two-day event where anyone excited about making weird, silly or serious things with science comes together in the same physical space to see what they can prototype. Designers, developers, scientists and anyone who is excited about making things with science are welcome to attend – no experience in science or hacking is necessary, just an insatiable curiosity. Recommended age is 13 and up, though younger students are welcome to attend, with parental accompaniment.


The mission of Science Hack Day is to get excited and make things with science! People organically form multidisciplinary teams over the course of a weekend: particle physicists team up with designers, marketers join forces with open source rocket scientists, writers collaborate with molecular biologists, and developers partner with school kids. By collaborating on focused tasks during this short period, small groups of hackers are capable of producing remarkable results.

Tentative program 

Day 1 Friday Nov 11, 2016
11:00  Arrive and check-in
11:30 Welcome & introduction
11:45 Pitches and team building
12:15 Hack begins
13:30 Lunch break
14:30 Hacking continues
19:00 Door closes

Day 2 Saturday Nov 12, 2016 
11:00 Doors open
13:00 Lunch Break
15:00 Hack stops
15:30 Hack demos begin! (Typically 2-3 minutes per demo)
17:00 Winning teams announced 


Science Hack Day Singapore is organised by Science Centre Singapore and FOSSASIA. Venue is sponsored by IDA

Continue ReadingScience Hack Day Singapore Nov 11 – 12, 2016

Writing Installation Script for Github Projects

I would like to discuss how to write a bash script to setup any github project and in particular PHP and mysql project. I would like take the example of engelsystem for this post.

First, we need to make a list of all environments and dependencies for our github project. For PHP and mysql project we need to install LAMP server.

The script to install all the dependencies for engelsystem are

echo "Update your package manager"
apt-get update

echo "Installing LAMP"
echo "Install Apache"
apt-get install apache2

echo "Install MySQL"
apt-get install mysql-server php5-mysql

echo "Install PHP"
apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt

echo "Install php cgi"
apt-cache search php5-cgi

We can even add echo statements with instructions.

Once we have installed LAMP. We need to clone the project from github. We need to install git and clone the repository. Script for installing git and cloning github repository are

echo "Install git"
apt-get install git
cd /var/www/html
echo "Cloning the github repository"
git clone --recursive
cd engelsystem

Now we are in the project directory. Now we need to set up the database and migrate the tables. We are creating a database engelsystem and migrating the tables in install.sql and update.sql.

echo "enter mysql root password"
# creating new database engelsystem
echo "create database engelsystem" | mysql -u root -p
echo "migrate the table to engelsystem database"
mysql -u root -p engelsystem < db/install.sql
mysql -u root -p engelsystem < db/update.sql

Once we are done with it. We need to copy config-sample.default.php to config.php and add the database and password for mysql.

echo "enter the database name username and password"
cp config/config-sample.default.php config/config.php

Now edit the config.php file. Once we have done this we need to restart apache then we can view the login page at localhost/engelsystem/public

echo "Restarting Apache"
service apache2 restart
echo "Engelsystem is successfully installed and can be viewed on local server localhost/engelsystem/public"

We need to add all these instructions in file.

Now steps to execute a bash file.

Change the permissions of file

$ chmod +x

Now run the file from your terminal by executing the following command

$ ./

Developers who are interested in contributing can work with us.



Continue ReadingWriting Installation Script for Github Projects

Programmer principles

As programmers we develop our programming skills and learn something every single day. We write code and solve many troubles. But is our aim to simply write code? I am sure it is not. I think writing code just for doing it is not interesting, and it’s definitely not Open Event team’s objective. Personally, I like reading code like a poem. We should always try to eliminate bad practises and ugly code. There are a few principles how to do it. Let me share them with you now.

SOLID principle

SOLID  is a mnemonic acronym introduced by Michael Feathers, and it simply means five basic principles of object oriented programming. These principles, when applied together, make it more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to maintain and extend over time. They are guidelines that can be applied while working on software to remove code smells by causing the programmer to refactor the software’s source code.  It is also a part of an overall strategy of agile. So, here they are:

S – Single responsibility principle

This principle means that there should never be more than one reason for a class to change.

In other words, a class should have only one potential change in a software’s specification. You should not add everything into your class. The best practise here is to check if the logic you are introducing should be in this class or not. Responsibility is the heart of this principle, so to rephrase there should never be more than one responsibility per class. Use layers for a help. And try to divide big classes into smaller ones.

O – Open/closed principle

Software entities like classes, module and functions should be open for extension, but closed for modification.

All of them should be private by default.

To make an object behaving differently without modifying it use abstractions, or place behavior(responsibility) in derivative classes. If properties of the abstracted class need to be compared or organized together, another abstraction should handle this. This is the basis of the “keep all object variables private” argument.

L – Liskov substitution principle

Functions that use pointers or references to base classes have to be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing/alerting the correctness of a program

A great example you can find here. If you are using a method defined at a base class upon an abstracted class, the function must be implemented properly on the subtype class. A great example provided here  you can find below.

“ A rectangle is a plane figure with four right angles. It has a width, and a height. Now, take a look at the following pseudo-code:

rect = new Rectangle();

rect.width  = 10;
rect.height = 20;

assert 10 == rect.width
assert 20 == rect.height

We simply set a width and a height on a Rectangle instance, and then we assert that both properties are correct. So far, so good.

Now we can improve our definition by saying that a rectangle with four sides of equal length is called a square. A square is a rectangle so we can create aSquare class that extends the Rectangle one, and replace the first line above by the one below:

rect = new Square();

According to the definition of a square, its width is equal to its height. Can you spot the problem? The first assertion will fail because we had to change the behavior of the setters in the Square class to fit the definition “

I – Interface segregation principle

Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface.

Implementing methods that you don’t use is not recommended in this way. The idea here is to keep your components focused and try to minimize the dependencies between them. Enforcing that principle gives you low coupling, and high cohesion.

D – Dependency inversion principle

This means that “one should depends upon abstractions, do not depend upon concretions”

Interfaces should depend on other interfaces. Don’t add concrete classes to method signatures of an interface. However, use interfaces in your class methods.

So, we can also say that rather than working with classes that are tight coupled, use interfaces. This reduces dependency on implementation specifics and makes code more reusable.


I hope all of you understand the importance of using SOLID principles in your everyday code practise. Finally, let me underline again the main arguments why you should starting following them now. The most important thing is that thanks to them you can create easy to maintain software, then you can reuse your code, and finally it helps you to test easier. Do you need anymore to be  persuaded  to do it? I think it’s that’s crucial advantages and they are enough.


Continue ReadingProgrammer principles

Creating an API in PHP

One of the key components of my GSoC Project was to have a POST API for the Android App generator.

This was required so that the app generator could be plugged into the server and can be called directly instead of someone manually visiting the webpage and entering his/her details.

It takes in a JSON input and compiles and emails the app to the organizer based on his email address in the input JSON.

The input to the API will look something like this :

“email”: “”,
“app_name”: “MyApp”,
“endpoint”: “

Once the data is sent, on the server I have a php file which intercepts the requests and performs an action based on the request.

function sendResponse($data) {
    header('Content-type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($data);
/* If the request isn't a POST request then send an error message*/
        "message"=>"Method Not Allowed",
/* Store the input received in a variable named body */
$body = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
/* If the user is nissing any important input parameters, don't process the request */
if (!array_key_exists('email', $body) || !array_key_exists('app_name', $body) || !array_key_exists('endpoint', $body)) {
        "message"=>"Unprocessable entity",
$uid = mt_rand(1000,9999). "_" .time();  //A random User ID
/* Extracting variables from the body */
$email = escapeshellcmd($body['email']);
$appName = escapeshellcmd($body["app_name"]); 
$endpoint = escapeshellcmd($body["endpoint"]);

/* Run a script based on the input parameters */
exec("sudo python /var/www/html/api/ $email $appName $endpoint");

The code above is pretty much self explanatory.

So basically, first we check for a valid request (GET/POST) and throw an error if it is invalid.

Next up, for a valid request we store the body into a variable and then execute a followup script as per our needs using data from this response.

This PHP file should be located in the public-html (/var/www/data) of the server so as to be accessible from outside of the server.

You can test out this API by calling it directly by prepending the server’s ip address to the name of php file containing this code.

Something like :

You can also use Postman for Chrome or RESTClient for Firefox for making API calls easily.

Well, that’s it then!

You can easily modify the PHP code provided and modify it to suite your needs for making you own API.

Let me know your thoughts and your queries in the “response” 😉 below.

Until next time.

Continue ReadingCreating an API in PHP

Mark Notifications Read on Click

Screenshot from 2016-08-01 07:31:22

Notification has become a really important way of informing users about the various activities related to them in web apps. There are different types of notification such as web app notification, email notification, desktop notification, push notification, etc. We are going to primarily talk about web app notification and mainly about how to mark them as read.

Create Notification

Creating a notification is plain and simple. You have a json or an object which stores the notification message corresponding to a particular activity. Whenever that activity occurs in the backend, you call the send notification module, which adds the information to the database and shows it in the notification page. As simple as that.

Screenshot from 2016-08-01 07:48:08

Marking Notification as Read

The main functioning of this is plain and simple as well. You have a URL, which on getting a request from the user, marks the notification as read in the database. That’s it.

Screenshot from 2016-08-01 07:48:17

We know how to do this using a button or a link. But the question here is how to mark a notification as read on clicking any part of the notification?? The obvious answer is, well, put the entire notification inside an anchor tag and you are done, right? Well, it would work in many cases. But what if the design structure is such that this doesn’t work somehow. Somehow enclosing the notification inside a particular anchor tag doesn’t solve the purpose. What do we do then?

Identify Whether Inside a DIV

The main problem here actually is how to identify whether the click is inside the enclosing div or somewhere else. Once we solve this problem, we can send an ajax request to the mark read URL and our job is done.

Screenshot from 2016-08-01 07:52:58

So, to identify that a click is indeed inside a div, we use the property of the event clicked. The target event property returns the element that triggered the event. So we check whether has the “notification” class in our case. If it does not have the “notification” class we check in all it’s parent nodes. We get the parent nodes using the “parent()” function and check whether any of that has notification. If either of the 2 occurs, we consider that the click is inside the div. And thus mark the notification as read.

Screenshot from 2016-08-01 07:51:09

So, once this is done, we mark the notification as read in the backend and our job is done…

Continue ReadingMark Notifications Read on Click

UI Testing in Android

Testing in android is something that most people simply don’t do. When I first started with developing android apps, I followed the same dev cycle :

  • Develop a feature
  • deploy to a device
  • manual testing for bugs and errors
  • fix these issues due to wrong implementation
  • then again deploy and manually test and so on……

Trust me it’s a tedious process and no one actually can test for the corner cases that may arise. You may be able to cover like 85% of the cases for each feature but when there are a ton of features you’ll collectively cover much less than 85% as well. So, We should definitely write tests for android. I’ll start with Espresso testing first.

Quote from the Android developer website:

“Testing user interactions within a single app helps to ensure that users do not encounter unexpected results or have a poor experience when interacting with your app. You should get into the habit of creating user interface (UI) tests if you need to verify that the UI of your app is functioning correctly.

The Espresso testing framework, provided by the Android Testing Support Library, provides APIs for writing UI tests to simulate user interactions within a single target app. Espresso tests can run on devices running Android 2.2 (API level 8) and higher. A key benefit of using Espresso is that it provides automatic synchronization of test actions with the UI of the app you are testing. Espresso detects when the main thread is idle, so it is able to run your test commands at the appropriate time, improving the reliability of your tests. This capability also relieves you from having to adding any timing workarounds, such as a sleep period, in your test code.

The Espresso testing framework is an instrumentation-based API and works with theAndroidJUnitRunner test runner.”

Getting started

We first need to setup espresso in android studio. That can be done by adding this to the app level build.gradle

dependencies {
    androidTestCompile ''

After adding this dependency and setting up testing on android, now we can move on to write some tests. We start by adding a new class in androidTest where we will actually write the tests. There are 3 parts to writing an espresso test :

  1. ViewMatchers: Find a view to act/assert upon something
  2. ViewActions: something to perform an action(click, type etc.)
  3. ViewAssertion: something to verify what you expect


  1. For writing tests in espresso we just have to use these three parts to see if the ui is working as it should.

    Let’s say we want to type some text in an edittext and see if the text we have typed is as we expect it to be.

    To start, we’ll see how we use viewMatchers. We need to find a view in ViewMatchers. For that, we will do something like this


    Now we perform a click on this eddittext


    Now we join the two by wrapping in onView()


    This will just type “Hello” in the edittext with the id eddittext_id, now we need to check if this is what was actually expected, for that we will have to further a viewAssertion on this like this :


    This is a cheatsheet that shows various methods that can be used in espresso.

    So this is how we can perform basic ui tests using espresso. Mainly people face the issue of deciding on the views that we have to perform this action on. Just think of the 3 components that we have previously talked about (View matching, View action and View assertions), if you think a view can have all three of these, then you can write a test for it. Go ahead and try it for yourself. Cheers!

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