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Adding Send Button in SUSI.AI webchat

Our SUSI.AI web chat app is improving day by day. One such day it looked like this: 

It replies to your query and have all the basic functionality, but something was missing. When viewed in mobile, we realised that this should have a send button.

Send buttons actually make chat apps look cool and give them their complete look.

Now a method was defined in MessageCompose Component of React App, which took the target value of  textarea and pass it as props.


     let text = this.state.text.trim();
     if (text) {
       Actions.createMessage(text, this.props.threadID);
     this.setState({text: ''});

Now this method was to be called in onClick Action of our send Button, which was included in our div rendered by MessageComposer Component.

This method will also be called on tap on ENTER key on keyboard. Implementation of this method has also been done, this can be seen here.

Why wrap textarea and button in a div and not render as two independent items ?

Well in react you can only render single components, so wrapping them in a div is our only option.

Now since we had our functionality running, It was time for styling.

Our team choose to use and it’s components for styling.

We chose to have FloatingActionButton as send button.

Now to use components of material ui in our component, several importing was to be done. But to enable these feature we needed to change our render to DOM to :-

import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider';
 const App = () => (
     <ChatApp />
   <App /> ,

Imports in our MessageComposer looked like this :-

import Send from 'material-ui/svg-icons/content/send';
import FloatingActionButton from 'material-ui/FloatingActionButton';
import injectTapEventPlugin from 'react-tap-event-plugin';

The injectTapEventPlugin is very important method, in order to have event handler’s in our send button, we need to call this method and method which handles onClick event  is know as onTouchTap.

The JSX code which was to be rendered looked like this:

<div className="message-composer">
           ref={(textarea)=> { this.nameInput = textarea; }}
           placeholder="Type a message..."
           backgroundColor=' #607D8B'
           <Send />

Styling for button was done separately and it looked like:

const style = {
     mini: true,
     top: '1px',
     right: '5px',
     position: 'absolute',

Ultimately after successfully implementing all of this our SUSI.AI web chat had a good looking FloatingAction send Button.

This can be tested here.

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