Integrating an Image Editing Page in Phimpme Android

The main aim of the Phimpme is to develop image editing and sharing application as an alternative to proprietary solutions like Instagram. Any user can choose a photo from the gallery or click a picture from the camera and upload it on the various social media platform including Drupal and wordpress. As most of the image editor applications in the app store currently my team and I discussed and listed down the basic functionality of the Image editing activity. We have listed down the following features for image Editing activity:

  • Filters.
  • Stickers
  • Image tuning

Choosing the Image Editing Application

There are number of existing Open Source projects that we went through to check how they could be integrated into Phimpme. We looked into those projects which are licensed under the  MIT Licence. As per the MIT Licence the user has the liberty to modify the use the code, modify it, merge, publish it without any restrictions. Image-Editor Android is one such application which has MIT Licence. The Image-Editor Android has extensive features for manipulating and enhancing the image. The features are as follows:

  • Edit Image by drawing on it.
  • Applying stickers on the image.
  • Applying filters.
  • Crop.
  • Rotating the image.
  • Text on the image.

It is an ideal application to be implemented in our project.

The basic flow of the application

First, getting the image either by gallery or camera. The team has implemented leafPic and openCamera. Second, redirecting the image from the leafPic gallery to the Image editing activity by choosing edit option from the popup menu.

Populating the Menu in the popup menu in XML:

<menu> tag is the root node, which contains ites in the popup menu. The following code is used to populate the menu:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android="">
    <item android:id="@+id/action_edit"
    <item android:id="@+id/action_use_as"
          android:title="@string/useAs" />

Setting up the Image Editing Activity

Image-Editor Android application contains two main sections.

  • MainActivity (To get the image).
  • imageeditlibrary(To edit the image)

We need to import imageeditlibrary module. Android studios gives easy method to import a module from any other project using GUI. This can be done as follows: File->new->import module then choosing the module from the desired application.

Things to remember after importing any module from any other project:

  • Making sure that the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion in the gradle of the imported module and the current working project is same. In Phimpme the minSdkVersion is 16 and tagetSdkVersion is 25, which is used as standard SDK version.
  • Importing all the classes in the used in the imageeditlibrary module before using them in the leadPic gallery.

Sending Image to Image Editing Activity

This includes three tasks:

  • Handling onclick listeners.
  • Sending the image from the leafPic Activity
  • Receiving the the image in EditImageActivity.

Handling onClick Listener:

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        switch (item.getItemId()) {
// setOnclick listener here.

Sending Image to EditImageActivity:

First we need to get the path of the image to be send. For this we need FileUtils class to handle the source address of the image. In FileUtils we use the function getEditFile().

public static File genEditFile(){
        return FileUtils.getEmptyFile("croppedImage"
                + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".png");

Which calls the function getEmptyFile(String name):

public static File getEmptyFile(String name) {
        File folder = FileUtils.createFolders();
        if (folder != null) {
            if (folder.exists()) {
                File file = new File(folder, name);
                return file;
        return null;

After getting the path of the file we need to send the path of the file to the EditImageActivity:

Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(new File(getAlbum().getCurrentMedia().getPath()));
                File outputFile = FileUtils.genEditFile();

Receiving the image in EdtiImageActivity:

This is done by calling getdata() function in onCreate function.

private void getData() {
        filePath = getIntent().getStringExtra(FILE_PATH);
        saveFilePath = getIntent().getStringExtra(EXTRA_OUTPUT);

EditImageActivity Layout:


When integrating files from another activity we have to keep the API version of both the projects same. The best way to send an image to another activity is to save the image internally and then call the image path from the other activity.

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