Binding Images Dynamically in Open Event Orga App

In Open Event Orga App (Github Repo), we used Picasso to load images from URLs and display in ImageViews. Picasso is easy to use, lightweight, and extremely configurable but there has been no new release of the library since 2015. We were using Picasso in binding adapters in order to dynamically load images using POJO properties in the layout XML itself using Android Data Binding. But this configuration was a little buggy.

The first time the app was opened, Picasso fetched the image but it was not applied to the ImageView. When the device was rotated or the activity was resumed, it loaded just fine. This was a critical issue and we tried many things to fix it but none of it quite fit our needs. We considered moving on to other Image Loading libraries like Glide, etc but it was too heavy on the size and functionality for our needs. The last resort was to update the library to develop version using Sonatype’s snapshots Repository. Now, the Picasso v2.6.0-SNAPSHOT is very stable but not released to the maven central repository, and a newer develop version v3.0.0-SNAPSHOT was launched too. So we figured we should use that. This blog will outline the steps to include the develop version of Picasso, configuring it for our needs and making it work with Android Data Binding.

Setting up Dependencies

Firstly, we need to include the sonatype repository in the repositories block of our app/build.gradle

repositories {
   maven { url '' }


Then we need to replace the Picasso dependency entry to this:

compile 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT'


Note that if you used Jake Wharton’s OkHttp3 Downloader for Picasso, you won’t need it now, so you need to remove it from the dependency block

And you need to use this to import the downloader

import com.squareup.picasso.OkHttp3Downloader;


Next, we set up our Picasso DI this way

Picasso providesPicasso(Context context, OkHttpClient client) {
   Picasso picasso = new Picasso.Builder(context)
       .downloader(new OkHttp3Downloader(client))
   return picasso;


Set the singleton instance in our application:



And we are ready to use it.

Creating Adapters

Circular Image Adapter

We show event logos as circular images, so we needed to create a binding adapter for that:

public static void bindCircularImage(ImageView imageView, String url) {
   if(TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) {

       .transform(new CircleTransform())


If the URL is empty, we just show the default photo, and otherwise we load the image into the view using standard CircleTransform

Note that there is no context argument in the with method. This was implemented in Picasso recently where they removed the need for context for loading images. Now, they use a Dummy ContentProvider to get application context, which is inspired by how Firebase does it.

Now, we can just normally use this binding in layout to load the event thumbnail like this

   app:circleImageUrl="@{event.thumbnailImageUrl}" />


This gives us a layout like this:

Next we need to load the header image with a deafult image.

Default Image Adapter

For this, we write a very simple adapter without CircleTransform

@BindingAdapter(value = { "imageUrl", "placeholder" }, requireAll = false)
public static void bindDefaultImage(ImageView imageView, String url, Drawable drawable) {
   if(TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) {
       if (drawable != null)

   RequestCreator requestCreator = Picasso.with().load(Uri.parse(url));

   if (drawable != null) {



As imageUrl or placeholder can be null, we check for both, and setting correct images if they are not. We use this in our header layout with both the url and default image we need to show:

   app:imageUrl="@{ event.largeImageUrl }"
   app:placeholder="@{ @drawable/header }"
   android:contentDescription="@string/event_background" />


And this gives us a nice dynamic header like this:

This wraps up the blog on Picasso’s latest develop version and Binding Adapters. If you want to know more about Picasso and Android Data Binding, check these links:

Continue ReadingBinding Images Dynamically in Open Event Orga App

Caching Elasticsearch Aggregation Results in loklak Server

To provide aggregated data for various classifiers, loklak uses Elasticsearch aggregations. Aggregated data speaks a lot more than a few instances from it can say. But performing aggregations on each request can be very resource consuming. So we needed to come up with a way to reduce this load.

In this post, I will be discussing how I came up with a caching model for the aggregated data from the Elasticsearch index.

Fields to Consider while Caching

At the classifier endpoint, aggregations can be requested based on the following fields –

  • Classifier Name
  • Classifier Classes
  • Countries
  • Start Date
  • End Date

But to cache results, we can ignore cases where we just require a few classes or countries and store aggregations for all of them instead. So the fields that will define the cache to look for will be –

  • Classifier Name
  • Start Date
  • End Date

Type of Cache

The data structure used for caching was Java’s HashMap. It would be used to map a special string key to a special object discussed in a later section.


The key is built using the fields mentioned previously –

private static String getKey(String index, String classifier, String sinceDate, String untilDate) {
    return index + "::::"
        + classifier + "::::"
        + (sinceDate == null ? "" : sinceDate) + "::::"
        + (untilDate == null ? "" : untilDate);


In this way, we can handle requests where a user makes a request for every class there is without running the expensive aggregation job every time. This is because the key for such requests will be same as we are not considering country and class for this purpose.


The object used as key in the HashMap is a wrapper containing the following –

  1. json – It is a JSONObject containing the actual data.
  2. expiry – It is the expiry of the object in milliseconds.

class JSONObjectWrapper {
    private JSONObject json; 
    private long expiry;


The timeout associated with a cache is defined in the configuration file of the project as “classifierservlet.cache.timeout”. It defaults to 5 minutes and is used to set the eexpiryof a cached JSONObject –

class JSONObjectWrapper {
    private static long timeout = DAO.getConfig("classifierservlet.cache.timeout", 300000);

    JSONObjectWrapper(JSONObject json) {
        this.json = json;
        this.expiry = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;


Cache Hit

For searching in the cache, the previously mentioned string is composed from the parameters requested by the user. Checking for a cache hit can be done in the following manner –

String key = getKey(index, classifier, sinceDate, untilDate);
if (cacheMap.keySet().contains(key)) {
    JSONObjectWrapper jw = cacheMap.get(key);
    if (!jw.isExpired()) {
        // Do something with jw
// Calculate the aggregations

But since jw here would contain all the data, we would need to filter out the classes and countries which are not needed.

Filtering results

For filtering out the parts which do not contain the information requested by the user, we can perform a simple pass and exclude the results that are not needed.

Since the number of fields to filter out, i.e. classes and countries, would not be that high, this process would not be that resource intensive. And at the same time, would save us from requesting heavy aggregation tasks from the user.

Since the data about classes is nested inside the respective country field, we need to perform two level of filtering –

JSONObject retJson = new JSONObject(true);
for (String key : json.keySet()) {
    JSONArray value = filterInnerClasses(json.getJSONArray(key), classes);
    if ("GLOBAL".equals(key) || countries.contains(key)) {
        retJson.put(key, value);

Cache Miss

In the case of a cache miss, the helper functions are called from to get results. These results are then parsed from HashMap to JSONObject and stored in the cache for future usages.

JSONObject freshCache = getFromElasticsearch(index, classifier, sinceDate, untilDate);
cacheMap.put(key, new JSONObjectWrapper(freshCache));

The getFromElasticsearch method finds all the possible classes and makes a request to the appropriate method in ElasticsearchClient, getting data for all classifiers and all countries.


In this blog post, I discussed the need for caching of aggregations and the way it is achieved in the loklak server. This feature was introduced in pull request loklak/loklak_server#1333 by @singhpratyush (me).


Continue ReadingCaching Elasticsearch Aggregation Results in loklak Server

Implementing Tweet Search feature in Loklak Wok Android

Loklak Wok Android is a peer harvester that posts collected tweets to the Loklak Server. Along with that tweets can be searched using the app. This post describes how search API endpoint and TabLayout is used to implement the tweet searching feature.

Adding Dependencies to the project

This feature uses Retrofit2, Reactive extensions(RxJava2, RxAndroid and Retrofit RxJava adapter) and RetroLambda (for Java lambda support in Android).

In app/build.gradle:

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'me.tatarka.retrolambda'

android {
   packagingOptions {
       exclude 'META-INF/'

dependencies {
   compile ''

   compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.3.0'
   compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.3.0'
   compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava2:2.3.0'

   compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.0.5'
   compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.0.1'


In build.gradle project level:

dependencies {
   classpath ''
   classpath 'me.tatarka:gradle-retrolambda:3.2.0'



The search API endpoint is defined in LoklakApi interface which would provide the tweet search result.

public interface LoklakApi {

   Observable<Search> getSearchedTweets(
           @Query("q") String query,
           @Query("filter") String filter,
           @Query("count") int count);


The POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) for the result of search API endpoint are obtained using jsonschema2pojo, Gson uses POJOs to convert JSON to Java objects and vice-versa.

The REST client is created by Retrofit2 and is implemented in RestClient class. The Gson converter and RxJava adapter for retrofit is added in the retrofit builder. create method is called to generate the API methods(retrofit implements LoklakApi Interface).

public class RestClient {

   private RestClient() {

   private static void createRestClient() {
       sRetrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
               // gson converter
               // retrofit adapter for rxjava

   private static Retrofit getRetrofitInstance() {
       if (sRetrofit == null) {
       return sRetrofit;

   public static <T> T createApi(Class<T> apiInterface) {
       // create method to generate API methods
       return getRetrofitInstance().create(apiInterface);



As search API endpoint provides filter parameter which can be used to filter out tweets containing images and videos. So, the tweets are displayed in three categories i.e. latest, images and videos.

The tweets of different category are displayed using a ViewPager. The fragments in ViewPager are inflated by a class that extends FragmentPagerAdapter. SearchFragmentPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter, at least two methods getItem and getCount needs to be overridden. Going by the name of methods, getItem provides ith fragment to the  ViewPager and based on the value returned by getCount number of tabs are inflated in TabLayout, a ViewGroup to display fragments in ViewPager in an elegant way. For better UI, the names (here the category of tweets) are displayed, for which we override getPageTitle method.

public class SearchFragmentPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {

   private List<Fragment>  mFragmentList = new ArrayList<>();
   private List<String> mFragmentNameList = new ArrayList<>();

   public SearchFragmentPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {

   public Fragment getItem(int position) {
       return mFragmentList.get(position);

   public int getCount() {
       return mFragmentList.size();

   public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
       return mFragmentNameList.get(position);

   public void addFragment(Fragment fragment, String pageTitle) {


For easy understanding an analogy with RecyclerView can be made. The TabLayout here functions as a RecyclerView, ViewPager does the work of LayoutManager and FragmentPagerAdapter is analogous to RecyclerView.Adapter.

Now, the fragments which contain the categorical tweets are inflated in the parent fragment. Firstly, the ViewPager of TabLayout is set. Then fragments and their names are added to the FragmentPagerAdapter using the addFragment method implemented in SearchFragmentAdapter class above and finally the created adapter is set as the adapter of ViewPager, which is implemented in setupWithViewPager method.

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                        Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   // Inflate the layout for this fragment
   View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_search, container, false);
   ButterKnife.bind(this, rootView);

   return rootView;

private void setupViewPager(ViewPager viewPager) {
   FragmentManager fragmentManager = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();
   SearchFragmentPagerAdapter pagerAdapter = new SearchFragmentPagerAdapter(fragmentManager);
   pagerAdapter.addFragment(SearchCategoryFragment.newInstance("", mQuery), "LATEST");
   pagerAdapter.addFragment(SearchCategoryFragment.newInstance("image", mQuery), "PHOTOS");
   pagerAdapter.addFragment(SearchCategoryFragment.newInstance("video", mQuery), "VIDEOS");


SearchCategoryFragment are child fragments displayed as tabs in TabLayout. These child fragments are created using newInstance method which takes two parameters, category of tweets and the tweet search query respectively, the reason a constructor with these parameters are not used is that during a orientation change only the default constructor i.e. with no parameters is restored by Android system. So, these parameters are stored in a data structure called Bundle, once the fragment object is created using the default parameter the arguments present in the bundle are passed to fragment using setArguments method. These parameter are retrieved in onCreate lifecycle callback method of fragment which are used to fetch search results.

public static SearchCategoryFragment newInstance(String category, String query) {
   Bundle args = new Bundle();
   // query and category stored in bundle
   args.putString(Constants.TWEET_SEARCH_SUGGESTION_QUERY_KEY, query);
   args.putString(TWEET_SEARCH_CATEGORY_KEY, category);
   // fragment with default constructor created
   SearchCategoryFragment fragment = new SearchCategoryFragment();
   // arguments in bundle are passed to fragment
   return fragment;

public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   Bundle bundle = getArguments();
   if (bundle != null) {
       // arguments retrieved
       mTweetSearchCategory = bundle.getString(TWEET_SEARCH_CATEGORY_KEY);
       mSearchQuery = bundle.getString(Constants.TWEET_SEARCH_SUGGESTION_QUERY_KEY);


As we have search query and category we can now obtain the search result and pass the obtained result – a List of type Status – to the adapter of RecyclerView which shows the tweets beautifully inside a CardView. The adapter and LayoutManager of RecyclerView are instantiated and set in onCreateView lifecycle callback method. Finally, network request is sent by calling fetchSearchedTweets method to obtain the search results.

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                        Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   // Inflate the layout for this fragment
   View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_search_category, container, false);
   ButterKnife.bind(this, view);

   mSearchCategoryAdapter = new SearchCategoryAdapter(getActivity(), new ArrayList<>());
   recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getActivity()));

   // request sent to obtain search result.

   return view;


The LoklakApi interface is implemented using the created Rest client and then getSearchedTweets method is invoked which takes in search query, category of tweets and maximum number of results in the mentioned order. If the network request is successful then setSearchResultView is invoked else setNetworkErrorView.

private void fetchSearchedTweets() {
   LoklakApi loklakApi = RestClient.createApi(LoklakApi.class);
   loklakApi.getSearchedTweets(mSearchQuery, mTweetSearchCategory, 30)
           .subscribeOn( // network request sent in a background thread
           .subscribe(this::setSearchResultView, this::setNetworkErrorView);


setSearchResultView displays the obtained result if any in RecyclerView else shows a message that there is no result for the search query.

private void setSearchResultView(Search search) {
   List<Status> statusList = search.getStatuses();
   if (statusList.size() == 0) { // request successful but no results

       Resources res = getResources();
       String noSearchResultMessage = res.getString(R.string.no_search_match, mSearchQuery); // no result matched message
       // no result message displayed
   } else { // there are some results, so display them in RecyclerView


In case of a failed network request, a TextView is displayed asking the user to check the network connections and click on it to retry.

private void setNetworkErrorView(Throwable throwable) {
   Log.e(LOG_TAG, throwable.toString());


When the TextView, networkErrorTextView, is clicked a network request is sent again and the visibility of networkErrorTextView is changed to GONE, as implemented in setOnClickNetworkErrorTextViewListner

public void setOnClickNetworkErrorTextViewListener() {




Continue ReadingImplementing Tweet Search feature in Loklak Wok Android

Adding Description to the Susi AI Skills

Susi skill CMS is an editor to write and edit skill easily. It follows an API-centric approach where the Susi server acts as API server and a web front-end act as the client for the API and provides the user interface. A skill is a set of intents. One text file represents one skill, it may contain several intents which all belong together. All the skills are stored in Susi Skill Data repository and the schema is as following.

Using this, one can access any skill based on four tuples parameters model, group, language, skill. To know what a skill is about we needed to add a !description operator which identifies the text as a description for the skill. Let’s check out how to achieve it.Susi Skill class provides parser methods for the set of intents, given as text files.

 public static JSONObject readEzDSkill(BufferedReader br) throws JSONException {}
if (line.startsWith("!") && (thenpos = line.indexOf(':')) > 0) {
        String head = line.substring(1, thenpos).trim().toLowerCase();
       String tail = line.substring(thenpos + 1).trim();
if (head.equals("description")) {
   description =tail;
 if (description.length() > 0) intent.put("description", description); 

The method readEzDSkill parses the skill txt file, it checks if a line starts with ‘!description’ (‘bang operator with description’) it then stores the content in string variable description.
If a description is found in a skill, it is recorded and put into Json Array of intents.

private final Map<String, Set<String>> skillDescriptions; 
 if (intent.getDescription() !=null) {
  Set<String> descriptions = this.skillDescriptions.get(intent.getSkill());
  if (descriptions == null) {
     descriptions = new LinkedHashSet<>();
     this.skillDescriptions.put(intent.getSkill(), descriptions);

SusiMind class  process this json and stores the description in a map of skill path and description. This map is used by DescriptionSkillService to list descriptions for all the skills given its model, group and language. For adding the description servlet we need to inherit the service class from AbstractAPIHandler and implement APIhandler interface.In Susi Server, an abstract class AbstractAPIHandler extending HttpServelets and implementing API handler interface is provided.

    public BaseUserRole getMinimalBaseUserRole() { return BaseUserRole.ANONYMOUS; }

    public JSONObject getDefaultPermissions(BaseUserRole baseUserRole) {
        return null;

    public String getAPIPath() {
        return "/cms/getDescriptionSkill.json";

The getAPIPath() methods sets the API endpoint path, it gets appended to base path which is for local host. The getMinimalBaseRole method tells the minimum Userrole required to access this servlet it can also be ADMIN, USER. In our case it is Anonymous. A User need not log in to access this endpoint.
Next, we implement serviceimpl method which gives us the desired response in JSON format.

    public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) {
        String model = call.get("model", "");
        String group = call.get("group", "");
        String language = call.get("language", "");
        JSONObject descriptions = new JSONObject(true);
            for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : DAO.susi.getSkillDescriptions().entrySet()) {
                String path = entry.getKey();
  if ((model.length() == 0 || path.indexOf("/" + model + "/") > 0) &&(group.length() == 0 || path.indexOf("/" + group + "/") > 0) &&(language.length() == 0 || path.indexOf("/" + language + "/") > 0)) {
      descriptions.put(path, entry.getValue());
            JSONObject json = new JSONObject(true)
                    .put("model", model)
                    .put("group", group)
                    .put("language", language)
                    .put("descriptions", descriptions);
        return new ServiceResponse(json);

We can get the required parameters through a call.get() method where the first parameter is the key for which we want to get the value and second parameter is the default value. If the path contains the desired language, group and model, we return it as a response otherwise an error message is displayed. To check the response go to or

This is how getDescriptionSkill service works. To add a description to the skill visit susi_skill_data, the storage place for susi skills. For more information and complete code take a look at Susi server and join gitter chat channel for discussions.


Continue ReadingAdding Description to the Susi AI Skills

Reducing Initial Load Time Of Susper

Susper used to take long time to load the initial page. So, there was a discussion on how to decrease the initial loading time of Susper.

Later on going through issues raised in official Angular repository regarding the time takento load angular applications, we found some of the solutions. Those include:

  • Migrating from development to production during build:
    • This shrinks vendor.js and main.js by minimising them and also removing all packages that are not required on production.
    • Enables inline html and extracting CSS.
    • Disables source maps.
  • Enable Ahead of Time (AoT) compilation.
  • Enable service workers.

After these changes we found the following changes in Susper:

File Name Before (content-length) After
vendor.js 709752 216764
main.js 56412 138361



Vendor file:



Vendor file:


Also we could see that all files are now initiated by service worker:

More about Service Workers could be read at Mozilla and Service Workers in Angular.


While deploying our application, we have added –prod and –aot as extra attributes to ng build .This enables angular to use production mode and ahead of time compilation.

For service workers we have to install @angular/service-worker module. One can install it by using:

npm install @angular/service-worker --save
ng set apps.0.serviceWorker=true

The whole implementation of this is available at this pull:




Continue ReadingReducing Initial Load Time Of Susper

Upload Images to OwnCloud and NextCloud in Phimpme Android

As increasing the stack of account manager in Phimpme Android. We have now two new items OwnCloud and NextCloud to add. Both are open source storage services. Provides complete source code of their official apps and libraries on Github. You can check below



This requires a hosting server, where you can deploy it and access it through their web app and Mobile apps. I added a feature in Phimpme to upload images directly to the server right from the app using their android-library.

Steps (How I did in Phimpme)

  • Add library in Application gradle file

Firstly, to work with, we need to add the android-library they provide.

compile "com.github.nextcloud:android-library:$rootProject.nextCloudVersion"

Check the new version from here and apply over it:

  • Login from Account Manager

As per our Phimpme app flow, User first connect itself from the account manager and then share image from app using these credentials. Added a new Login activity for OwnCloud and NextCloud both.


  • Saved credentials in Database

To use that further in android-library, I store the credentials in Realm database.

  • Uploading image using library

As per the official guide of OwnCloud, used Created an object of OwnCloudClient. Set the username and password.

private OwnCloudClient mClient;
mClient = OwnCloudClientFactory.createOwnCloudClient(serverUri, this, true);

Passed the image path which we are getting in the SharingActivity. Modified with adding the separator.

File fileToUpload = new File(saveFilePath);
String remotePath = FileUtils.PATH_SEPARATOR + fileToUpload.getName();

Used the UploadRemoteOperation Class and just need to pass the path, mimeType and timeStamp. The library have already defined functions to execute the upload operations.

UploadRemoteFileOperation uploadOperation =
       new UploadRemoteFileOperation(fileToUpload.getAbsolutePath(), remotePath, mimeType, timeStamp);
uploadOperation.execute(mClient, this, mHandler);

  • Setup Account using Docker and Digital Ocean

I have already a previous blog post on how to setup NextCloud or OwnCloud account on server using Digital Ocean and Docker.



  1. NextCloud Developer Mannual:
  2. OwnCloud Library installation:
  3. Examples:
Continue ReadingUpload Images to OwnCloud and NextCloud in Phimpme Android

Common Utility classes Progress Bar and Snack Bar in Phimpme Android

As the Phimpme Android is scaling very fast on its features, code gets redundant sometimes. Some of the widely used design widgets in Android are Progress Bar and Snack Bar. Progress Bar is shown to user when some process is happening in the background. Snackbar is a feedback operation to user of its recent process. In other words we can say Snackbar is the new toast in Android with a cool feature of setting action on them. So that User can interact with the feedback received on the process.

As In Phimpme lots of account Login and Logout progress happens. Uploading success and failure required Snackbar to show to the Users. So to remove the redundancy of the boilerplate of these codes, I added two Utilities class one is Phimpme ProgressbarHandler and other is SnackbarHandler in the app. Below is one by one code and explanation of both.

Progress Bar Handler

In the constructor I passed Context as parameter. Created a ViewGroup object and set view of android. Setting the progress bar style and length using Android core attributes such as progressBarStyleLarge and duration to setIndeterminate true.

private ProgressBar mProgressBar;

public PhimpmeProgressBarHandler(Context context) {
   ViewGroup layout = (ViewGroup) ((Activity) context).findViewById(

   mProgressBar = new ProgressBar(context, null, android.R.attr.progressBarStyleLarge);

   RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new

   RelativeLayout rl = new RelativeLayout(context);


   layout.addView(rl, params);



Next is used dynamically created Relative Layout object and setup the parameters for width and height as MATCH_PARENT. Setting gravity of the layout to center and added the progress bar view on it using the addView method. So basically we have a progress bar ready and we dynamically created a relative layout and added the view over it.

The function used in setting up the views and progress bar are from AOSP only.

After that a Progressbar is set, we now need functions to show and hide the progress bar in the code. Created two functions show() and hide().

public void show() {

public void hide() {

These functions set the visibility of the the progress bar.


Now in any class we can create object of our Progressbar handler class pass the context on it and use the show() and hide() methods wherever we want to show this and hide. Below is the code snippet to show the illustration.

phimpmeProgressBarHandler = new PhimpmeProgressBarHandler(this);;


Snackbar Handler

To do this, I created a separate class as Snackbar Handler. What we can do is to create a static function show() and inside the declaration, we can create an object of Snackbar and apply the styles to that.

As you can see in the code snippet below, I Created a static function with parameters such as View (to take the view instance), String (to show the message) and duration  of the Snackbar. Set Up the text, textsize and action on the snackbar. An “OK” action is predefined in the function only.

public static void show(View view, String text, int duration) {
   final Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar.make(view, text, duration);
   View sbView = snackbar.getView();
   TextView textView = (TextView)sbView.findViewById(android;
   snackbar.setAction("OK", new View.OnClickListener() {
       public void onClick(View view) {


To use this directly call the show method pass the view and String of the message which you want to show on Snackbar. There are overloaded methods as well in which you can pass the durations. See the below code as example., getString(R.string.no_account_signed_in));


Continue ReadingCommon Utility classes Progress Bar and Snack Bar in Phimpme Android

I2C Communication in PSLab

PSLab supports communication using the I2C protocol and both the Desktop App and the Android App have the framework set-up to use the I2C protocol. I2C protocol is mainly used by sensors which can be connected to PSLab. For supporting I2C communication, PSLab board has a separate block for I2C communication and has pins named 3.3V, GND, SCL and SDA. A brief overview of how I2C communication works and its advantages & limitations compared to SPI communication can be found here.

The PSLab Python and Java communication libraries have a class dedicated for I2C communication with numerous methods defined in them. The methods required for a particular I2C sensor may differ, however, in general most sensors utilise a certain common set of methods. The set of methods that are commonly used are listed below with their functions. For utilising the methods, the I2C bus is first notified using the HEADER byte (it is common to all the methods) and then a byte to uniquely determine the method in use.

The send method is used to send the data over the I2C bus. First the I2C bus is initialised and set to the correct slave address using I2C.start(address) followed by this method. The method takes the data to be sent as the argument.

def send(self, data):
        self.H.__sendByte__(data)  # data byte
        return self.H.__get_ack__() >> 4
    except Exception as ex:
        self.raiseException(ex, "Communication Error , Function : " + inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)


The read method reads a fixed number of bytes from the I2C slave. One can also use I2C.simpleRead(address,  numbytes) instead to read from the I2C slave. This method takes the length of the data to be read as argument.  It fetches length-1 bytes with acknowledge bits for each.

def read(self, length):
     data = []
        for a in range(length - 1):
    except Exception as ex:
       self.raiseException(ex, "Communication Error , Function : " + inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
   return data


The readBulk method reads the data from the I2C slave. This takes the I2C slave device address, the address of the device from which the data is to be read and the length of the data to be read as argument and the returns the bytes read in the form of a list.

def readBulk(self, device_address, register_address, bytes_to_read):
            data =
                return [ord(a) for a in data]
                print('Transaction failed')
                return False
        except Exception as ex:
           self.raiseException(ex, "Communication Error , Function : " + inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)


The writeBulk method writes the data to the I2C slave. It takes address of the particular I2C slave for which the data is to be written and the data to be written as arguments.

def writeBulk(self, device_address, bytestream):
            for a in bytestream:
        except Exception as ex:
  self.raiseException(ex, "Communication Error , Function : " + inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)


The scan method scans the I2C port for connected devices which utilise I2C as a communication mode. It takes frequency as an argument to set the frequency of the communication and is by default set to 100000. An array containing the addresses of the connected devices (which are integers) is returned.

def scan(self, frequency=100000, verbose=False):
        self.config(frequency, verbose)
        addrs = []
        n = 0
        if verbose:
            print('Scanning addresses 0-127...')
            print('Address', '\t', 'Possible Devices')
        for a in range(0, 128):
            x = self.start(a, 0)
            if x & 1 == 0:  # ACK received
                if verbose: print(hex(a), '\t\t', self.SENSORS.get(a, 'None'))
                n += 1
       return addrs


Additional Sources

  1. Learn more about the principles behind i2c communication
  2. A simple experiment to demonstrate use of i2c communication with Arduino
  3. Java counterpart of the PSLab I2C library
Continue ReadingI2C Communication in PSLab

Specifying Configurations for Yaydoc with .yaydoc.yml

Like many continuous integration services, Yaydoc also reads configurations from a YAML file. To get started with Yaydoc the first step is to create a file named .yaydoc.yml and specify the required options. Recently the yaydoc team finalized the layout of the file. You can still expect some changes as the projects continues to grow on but they shall not be major ones. Let me give you an outline of the entire layout before describing each in detail. Overall the file is divided into four sections.

  • metadata
  • build
  • publish
  • extras

For the first three sections, their intention is pretty clear from their names. The last section extras is meant to hold settings related to integration to external services.

Following is a description of config options under the metadata section and it’s example usage.

Key Description Default

The author of the repository. It is used to construct the copyright text.


The name of the project. This would be displayed on the generated documentation.

Name of the repository

The version of the project. This would be displayed alongside the project name

Current UTC date

If true, the logs generated would be a little more verbose. Can be one of true|false.


Whether inline math should be enabled. This only affects markdown documents.


This section contains various settings to control the behavior of the auto generated index. Use this to customize the starting page while having the benefit of not having to specify a manual index.

  author: FOSSASIA
  projectname: Yaydoc
  version: development
  debug: true
  inline_math: false

Following is a description of config options under the build section and it’s example usage.

Key Description Default

The theme which should be used to build the documentation. The attribute name can be one of the built-in themes or any custom sphinx theme from PyPI. Note that for PyPI themes, you need to specify the distribution name and not the package name. It also provides an attribute options to control specific theme options


This is the path which would be scanned for markdown and reST files. Also any static content such as images referenced from embedded html in markdown should be placed under a _static directory inside source. Note that the README would always be included in the starting page irrespective of source from the auto-generated index


The path to an image to be used as logo for the project. The path specified should be relative to the source directory.


The markdown flavour which should be used to parse the markdown documents. Possible values for this are markdown, markdown_strict, markdown_phpextra, markdown_github, markdown_mmd and commonmark. Note that currently this option is only used for parsing any included documents using the mdinclude directive and it’s unlikely to change soon.


Any python modules or packages which should be mocked. This only makes sense if the project is in python and uses autodoc has C dependencies.


If enabled, Yaydoc will crawl your repository and try to extract API documentation. It Provides attributes for specifying the language and source path. Currently supported languages are java and python.


This section can be used to include other repositories when building the docs for the current repositories. The source attribute should be set accordingly.


This section can be used to include various Github buttons such as fork, watch, star, etc.


This section can be used to include a Github ribbon linking to your github repo.

    name: sphinx_fossasia_theme
  source: docs
  logo: images/logo.svg
  markdown_flavour: markdown_github
    - numpy
    - scipy
    - language: python
      source: modules
    - language: java
    - url: <URL of Subproject 1>
      source: doc
    - url: <URL of subproject 2>

Following is a description of config options under the publish section and it’s example usage.

Key Description Default

It provides a attribute url whose value is written in a CNAME file while publishing to github pages.


It provides an app_name attribute which is used as the name of the heroku app. Your docs would be deployed at <app_name>

    app_name: yaydoc 

Following is a description of config options under the extras section and it’s example usage.

Key Description Default

This can be used to include swagger API documentation in the build. The attribute url should point to a valid swagger json file. It also accepts an additional parameter ui which for now only supports swagger.


It takes an attribute path and can include javadocs from the repository.

    ui: swagger
    path: 'src/' 


Continue ReadingSpecifying Configurations for Yaydoc with .yaydoc.yml