As the Phimpme Android is scaling very fast on its features, code gets redundant sometimes. Some of the widely used design widgets in Android are Progress Bar and Snack Bar. Progress Bar is shown to user when some process is happening in the background. Snackbar is a feedback operation to user of its recent process. In other words we can say Snackbar is the new toast in Android with a cool feature of setting action on them. So that User can interact with the feedback received on the process.
As In Phimpme lots of account Login and Logout progress happens. Uploading success and failure required Snackbar to show to the Users. So to remove the redundancy of the boilerplate of these codes, I added two Utilities class one is Phimpme ProgressbarHandler and other is SnackbarHandler in the app. Below is one by one code and explanation of both.
Progress Bar Handler
In the constructor I passed Context as parameter. Created a ViewGroup object and set view of android. Setting the progress bar style and length using Android core attributes such as progressBarStyleLarge and duration to setIndeterminate true.
private ProgressBar mProgressBar; public PhimpmeProgressBarHandler(Context context) { ViewGroup layout = (ViewGroup) ((Activity) context).findViewById( .getRootView(); mProgressBar = new ProgressBar(context, null, android.R.attr.progressBarStyleLarge); mProgressBar.setIndeterminate(true); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); RelativeLayout rl = new RelativeLayout(context); rl.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); rl.addView(mProgressBar); layout.addView(rl, params); hide(); }
Next is used dynamically created Relative Layout object and setup the parameters for width and height as MATCH_PARENT. Setting gravity of the layout to center and added the progress bar view on it using the addView method. So basically we have a progress bar ready and we dynamically created a relative layout and added the view over it.
The function used in setting up the views and progress bar are from AOSP only.
After that a Progressbar is set, we now need functions to show and hide the progress bar in the code. Created two functions show() and hide().
public void show() { mProgressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } public void hide() { mProgressBar.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); }
These functions set the visibility of the the progress bar.
Now in any class we can create object of our Progressbar handler class pass the context on it and use the show() and hide() methods wherever we want to show this and hide. Below is the code snippet to show the illustration.
phimpmeProgressBarHandler = new PhimpmeProgressBarHandler(this);; phimpmeProgressBarHandler.hide();
Snackbar Handler
To do this, I created a separate class as Snackbar Handler. What we can do is to create a static function show() and inside the declaration, we can create an object of Snackbar and apply the styles to that.
As you can see in the code snippet below, I Created a static function with parameters such as View (to take the view instance), String (to show the message) and duration of the Snackbar. Set Up the text, textsize and action on the snackbar. An “OK” action is predefined in the function only.
public static void show(View view, String text, int duration) { final Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar.make(view, text, duration); View sbView = snackbar.getView(); TextView textView = (TextView)sbView.findViewById(android; textView.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); textView.setTextSize(12); snackbar.setAction("OK", new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { snackbar.dismiss(); } });; }
To use this directly call the show method pass the view and String of the message which you want to show on Snackbar. There are overloaded methods as well in which you can pass the durations. See the below code as example., getString(R.string.no_account_signed_in));
- ProgressBar Documentation:
- SnackBar Documentation:
- StackOverflow: