In Open Event Organizer Android App we decided to add database migrations for every change in database while development. Two of the reasons behind this –
- The users have some version of the app installed and then during development the developers had to modify the database, let’s say, add a table or modify existing ones. This makes the existing database incompatible with the new app. On adding database migration the upgradation of database takes place automatically and prevent the situation of reinstalling the app.
- Migrations makes it possible to rollback or upgrade to some particular database state. Thus, help in debugging certain changes in isolation.
Let’s discuss the implementation details. Consider the scenario when a user adds a new table named SpeakersCall. For creating migration for this change we need to add migration class inside OrgaDatabase class annotated with @Database. We will break it down to look closely at each step.
- Use @Migration annotation in DbFlow library and specify the new database version (by incrementing the existing version) and the database class.
- Extend BaseMigration and override migrate method.
- The logic used inside the migrate method can be different for different tasks. In the present case we first need to delete any existing table (if exists) with the name SpeakersCall and then recreate that table in database.
- Create an array of java classes which are created/modified.
- We wrap the SQL query inside a Database Wrapper class which prevents it from running recursively.
- FlowManager uses reflection to look up and construct the generated database holder class used in defining the structure for all databases used in this application. So we will getModelAdapter for the class to be recreated and use creation query returned by Model Adapter and execute it.
@Migration(version = 15, database = OrgaDatabase.class) public static class MigrationTo15 extends BaseMigration { @Override Class<?>[] recreated = new Class[] {SpeakersCall.class}; for (Class<?> recreate: recreated) { |
Similarly, we can write migration for changing a column of table(s).