Handlebars.js used in Open Event Web App

I recently started working in the Open Event Webapp project. One of the initial issues that I took up was a trivial UI bug. It was about adding sponsor names beneath sponsor images for better representation. The issue can be found here. On reading up the code base and exploring the project a bit, I came across a new template – Handlebars.js. Handlebars is a template which has it’s base with the Mustache templating language. One of the early discoveries that I made with Handlebars.js was the use of {{ }} and {{{ }}} and the basic difference between them. In general, all Handlebar.js expressions, just like in Mustache templating, are written between {{ }} or {{{ }}} type of brackets. That is how I learned to identify and distinguish Handlebars from core HTML, even though they are inter-linked. The official Handlebars documentation describes Handlebars expressions in the following way:

A handlebars expression is a {{, some contents, followed by a }} ”

Getting started with Handlebars.js


For a basic Linux installation, type the following in your command line:

npm install --save handlebars

Including Handlebars in HTML:

<script src="handlebars-v4.0.10.js"></script>

Handlebars templates are often stored in .hbs files for better readability and accessibility. The Open Event Webapp project consists of a handlebars .hbs file for each of the tracks, events, rooms, schedule, sessions and speakers templates. These can be found here, that is under src/backend/templates folder.

Difference between {{ }} and {{{ }}}: 

Handlebars enables developers to print raw HTML tags or code with the help of {{{ }}}. On the contrary, if you don’t want to print HTML (which is usually the case), use {{ }}. For better understanding, let’s take an example.

If our JS has an object that looks something like:

$(function () {
   var templateScript = $("#title-template").html();

   var temp = Handlebars.compile(templateScript);

var Title= {
“title”: <a> Handlebars</a>

Then, HTML of the following kind will help to distinguish the {{ }} and {{{ }}} brackets.

<script id=”title-template” type=”text/x-handlebars-template”>

//the first line will contain an anchor tag with the name “Handlebars”
//the second line will contain “<a>Handlebars</a>”

Block helpers in Handlebars:

Block helpers are identified by a ‘ #’ and they help to define and access custom iterators.

Handlebars allow calling JavaScript functions with the help of ‘helpers’. It doesn’t allow direct JavaScript code in the HTML with templates. We can create our own helpers using Handlebars.registerHelper () in our JavaScript. We generally pass a function to the helper. A good example was provided in the Handlebars.js documentation:

Handlebars.registerHelper('noop', function(options) {
  return options.fn(this);

By default, Handlebars helpers take the current context as the context to pass(“this”). Other fields are overshadowed. Incase, we want to access one of the fields that is masked by the default “this” context, we have to use a path reference.

Iterations using helpers:

Helpers can be a great way  to iterate over lists or objects. I will demonstrate it with an example from the Open Event Webapp project. To display all the sponsors of an event in the home page of the event Webapp, we use the following handlebars code, where we iterate over the object list “sponsorpics” that we have. It looks something like this:

{'1': ['Oreilly', 'Amazon'], '2': ['Huawei', 'Google'],'3': ['RedHat', 'GitHub']}
{{#if eventurls.sponsorsection}}
<div class="sponsor-container">
       <section class="sponsorscont">
         <div class="row sponsor-row">
           <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12 text-center">
             <h1 class="section-header">Proudly supported by</h1><br>
         <div class="row">
           <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">

             <div class="row">
               {{#each sponsorpics}}
                 {{#each this}}
                   <div class="{{{divclass}}}">
                     <div class=" {{{sponsorimg}}} text-center">
                       <a href="{{{url}}}" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{{type}}}">
                         <img class="lazy centre {{{imgsize}}}" alt="{{{name}}}" data-original="{{{logo}}}">
             </div> <!-- sponsor-row -->

For your reference, you can view a sample Webapp for the OSCON 2017 event here.
For further information, please refer to Handlebars.js .
An interesting tutorial about Handlebars in 10 mins or less can be found here.

Continue ReadingHandlebars.js used in Open Event Web App

Implementing Registration API in Open Event Front-end

In this post I will discuss how I implemented the registration feature in Open Event Front-end using the Open-Event-Orga API. The project uses Ember Data for consumption of the API in the ember application. The front end sends POST request to Open Event Orga Server which verifies and creates the user.

We use a custom serialize method for trimming the request payload of the user model by creating a custom user serializer. Lets see how we did it.

Implementing register API

The register API takes username & password in the payload for a POST request which are validated in the register-form component using the semantic-ui form validation. After validating the inputs from the user we bubble the save action to the controller form the component.

submit() {
  this.onValid(() => {
    this.set('errorMessage', null);
    this.set('isLoading', true);

In controller we have `createUser()` action where we send a POST request to the server using the save() method, which returns a promise.

createUser() {
  var user = this.get('model');
    .then(() => {
      this.set('session.newUser', user.get('email'));
      this.set('isLoading', false);
    .catch(reason => {
      this.set('isLoading', false);
      if (reason.hasOwnProperty('errors') && reason.errors[0].status === 409) {
        this.set('errorMessage', this.l10n.t('User already exists.'));
      } else {
        this.set('errorMessage', this.l10n.t('An unexpected error occurred.'));

The `user.save()` returns a promise, therefore we handle it using a then-catch clause. If the request is successful, it executes the `then` clause where we redirect to the login route. If the request fails we check if the status is 409 which translates to a duplicate entry i.e the user already exists in the server.

Serializing the user model using custom serializer

Ember lets us customise the payload using serializers for models. The serializers have serialize function where we can trim the payload of the model. In the user serializer we check if the request is for record creation using `options.includeId`. If the request is for record creation we trim the payload using the lodash `pick` method and pick only email & password for payload for POST request.

serialize(snapshot, options) {
  const json = this._super(...arguments);
  if (options && options.includeId) {
    json.data.attributes = pick(json.data.attributes, ['email', 'password']);
  return json;

Thank you for reading the blog, you can check the source code for the example here.


Continue ReadingImplementing Registration API in Open Event Front-end

Adding Pinterest Integration in Phimpme Android

After establishing Facebook and Twitter share in Phimpme, our next goal was to integrate more social networking sites. Pinterest is an ideal website for us as it is widely used among various photography enthusiasts. Our goal was to share the image on the Pinterest website without the use of any other native android application.

Note: First, we added Phimpme app in the developer section https://developers.pinterest.com/apps/. This step is crucial as it generates APP ID and it is necessary for authentication.

Adding Pinterest option in Accounts Activity in Phimpme

In accounts activity, we have added a list of accounts that we have integrated in a Recyclerview. Currently, we have integrated Facebook and Twitter. We need to add Pinterest App icon and Pinterest option in the Recyclerview.

To add Pinterest app icon I downloaded the icon from iconfinder in SVG format. Using SVG format allows icon to resize itself according to the screen sizes of the users. We saved the icon file name as ic_pinterest_black.xml

Pinterest icon SVG:

<vector android:height="24dp" android:viewportHeight="32.0"
   android:viewportWidth="32.0" android:width="24dp" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
   <path android:fillColor="#231F20" android:pathData="M16,0.27C7.16,0.27 0,7.43 0,16.27c0,6.55 3.94,12.18 9.58,14.65c-0.05,-1.12 -0.01,-2.46 0.28,-3.67c0.31,-1.3 2.06,-8.72 2.06,-8.72s-0.51,-1.02 -0.51,-2.53c0,-2.37 1.37,-4.14 3.08,-4.14c1.46,0 2.16,1.09 2.16,2.4c0,1.46 -0.93,3.65 -1.41,5.68c-0.4,1.7 0.85,3.08 2.53,3.08c3.03,0 5.07,-3.89 5.07,-8.51c0,-3.51 -2.36,-6.13 -6.66,-6.13c-4.85,0 -7.88,3.62 -7.88,7.66c0,1.39 0.41,2.38 1.05,3.14c0.29,0.35 0.34,0.49 0.23,0.89C9.51,20.37 9.33,21.08 9.26,21.36c-0.11,0.4 -0.44,0.55 -0.8,0.4c-2.23,-0.91 -3.28,-3.36 -3.28,-6.11c0,-4.55 3.83,-9.99 11.44,-9.99c6.11,0 10.13,4.42 10.13,9.16c0,6.28 -3.49,10.97 -8.63,10.97c-1.73,0 -3.35,-0.93 -3.91,-1.99c0,0 -0.93,3.69 -1.13,4.4c-0.34,1.23 -1,2.46 -1.61,3.43C12.9,32.04 14.43,32.27 16,32.27c8.84,0 16,-7.16 16,-16S24.84,0.27 16,0.27z"/>

We made an array of all the accounts list in the Accounts Activity. I added Pinterest in the array list. This array list is inflated in the Accounts Activity.

public static String[] accountName = {"Facebook", "Twitter", "Drupal", "NextCloud", "Wordpress", "Pinterest"};

To add the icon the recyclerview, we have to get the resource id from the drawable folder and then set is in the recyclerview. We have done it dynamically so that we don’t have to fetch the id of every accounts icons.

Integer id = getContext().getResources().getIdentifier(context.getString(R.string.ic_) +
               (accountName[position].toLowerCase()) + "_black"
       , context.getString(R.string.drawable)
       , getContext().getPackageName());


Importing Pinterest SDK in Phimpme project

To import the Pinterest SDK in the project, please download the Pinterest SDK from the link: http://assets.pinterest.com/sdk/android-pdk.tar. Go to File->import new module->Import Gradle Project. Build the project, if there is any error resolve the error and then build Gradle again.

compile project(‘:pdk’)

Add APP ID in the manifest file of the project

We need to add the APP ID that was generated while making the app the Pinterest in the manifest folder of the Phimpme Android. In the case of Phimpme, we have added the APP ID in the intent filter in the Accounts Activity. This is necessary for the interaction of the Phimpme with the Pinterest website.

       <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
       <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
       <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
       <data android:scheme="pdk4910600717739247160" />

Establishing Pinterest authentication in Accounts Activity

First, we need to import all the necessary class from the Pinterest SDK. These class includes callback functions, PDKClient which manages the interface between the Phimpme app and the Pinterest website. We need to pass the APP ID in the PDKClient function as an argument and also the view in the onConnect function in PDKClient.

pdkClient = PDKClient.configureInstance(this, getResources().getString(R.string.pinterest_app_id));

Before signing In we need to check if we are already signed in or not. This is how we have done in  Phimpme app. If the app is already signed In a Toast will pop up showing that it already signed In.

if (accountPresenter.checkAlreadyExist(accountName[5])) {
   Toast.makeText(this, R.string.already_signed_in,

Authentication happens in these following steps:

Adding permissions in the List                                                                                These include the following permissions:

  • Read permission
  • Write permission
  • Read relationship
  • Write relationship
List scopes = new ArrayList<String>();

Passing the view, scope array and PDKCallback as arguments in the login function

I have passed the view, scope array list and PDKCallback as arguments in the login function in PDKClient class. This will initiate the authentication process and the user will be redirected to the Pinterest web page after the user has filled up the credentials properly and logged in to the Pinterest the user will be redirected to the Phimpme accounts page. If the user has logged In successfully onSuccess function with being called where PDKResponse will pass an argument. This response object can be used to fetch the username of the logged In user or the Pin and the BoardID of the user.

public void onSuccess(PDKResponse response) {
   Log.d(getClass().getName(), response.getData().toString());

   // Begin realm transaction

   // Creating Realm object for AccountDatabase Class
   account = realm.createObject(AccountDatabase.class,

   // Writing values in Realm database

   // Finally committing the whole data

   Toast.makeText(AccountActivity.this, R.string.success, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

If the user fails to log in to the account onFailure function will be called and a Toast will pop up.

public void onFailure(PDKException exception) {
   Log.e(getClass().getName(), exception.getDetailMessage());
   Toast.makeText(AccountActivity.this, R.string.fail, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Inserting the credentials to the Realm Database

We have used the Realm database to store all the accounts credentials in one place. This is necessary for the maintenance and to check if the user is logged or not. AccountName array holds the list of the name which is added to the database.

// Begin realm transaction

// Creating Realm object for AccountDatabase Class
account = realm.createObject(AccountDatabase.class,

// Writing values in Realm database

// Finally committing the whole data


Now, users can login into the Pinterest from the Accounts Activity. After authenticating the users, we can use the authentication to share the image from the app to the Pinterest website.



Continue ReadingAdding Pinterest Integration in Phimpme Android

Advanced configurations in Yaydoc’s Web UI

Yaydoc’s User Interface consists of a form with three required fields; the user’s email address, git repository’s URL, and a theme for the generated website. Specific values of these fields are the minimum requirement to generate documentation for a project. There are certain other configuration variables for whom we assumed default values. Among these, we assumed `docs/` directory or the directory specified in the `yaydoc.yml` configuration file as the default path for the documentation. Also, `Default Branch` is assumed as the branch to generate documentation website. However, this cannot guarantee the generation of docs for every other project. These configurations can have different values based on a project.

Thus, there was a need to include certain input values for advanced configuration. The addition of these configurations in the UI doesn’t compel the user to specify them. In our attempt to improve user’s experience, we show the default values to the user when they are specifying custom values for these configurations.

If the user doesn’t specify a value for the repository’s branch, a default value is retrieved from Github’s Repository Components API, taking repository’s URL from the required input as the input URL.

 * Setting the branch name with `default_branch` attriburte from
 * Github’s Repository Components API
 * @param gitUrl: URL of the github repository
setDefaultBranchName: function (gitUrl) {
  var owner = gitUrl.split(“/”)[3] || ‘’;
  var repository = gitUrl.split(“/”)[4] || ‘’).split(‘.’)[0] || ‘’;
  $.get(‘https://api.github.com/repos/’ + owner + ‘/’ + repository, {
    headers: {“User-Agent”: “Yaydoc”}
  }).complete(function (data) {

There are certain cases in which the design of the Web User Interface could have been confusing. Since we are displaying all the advanced configurations at once, it could’ve appeared to the users that they are specifying empty values for the other. Thus to handle this, inputs were enabled on toggle when a checkbox beside them was checked. This was achieved making following changes in the front end of the code.

 * Toggle editing of Branch Name input
$(“#btnEditBranch”).click(function () {

 * Toggle Enabling/Disabling an input tag
 * @param id: `id` attribute of input tag
toggleEditing: function (id) {
  const input = $(‘#’ + id);
  if (input.attr(‘disabled’)) {
    $(‘#checkbox_’ + id).removeClass(‘glyphicon-unchecked’).addClass(‘glyphicon-check’);
  } else {
    input.attr(‘disabled’, ‘disabled’);
    $(‘checkbox_’ + id).removeClass(‘glyphicon-check’).addClass(‘glyphicon-unchecked’);

Introducing advanced configurations to the User Interface has opened the possibility for even more projects to generate and deploy docs with much lesser constraints. One of our main aim for this project is to have a fairly simple UI and UX and we hope to bring further updated to achieve that.


  1. Github’s Repository API: https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/
  2. jQuery’s AJAX Requests: https://api.jquery.com/jquery.get
Continue ReadingAdvanced configurations in Yaydoc’s Web UI

Maintaining Aspect Ratio of Images while Uploading in Open Event Frontend

In Open Event Frontend, we are using the image-upload at many places such as the cover photo of the event on the create event page, also at the system images (in the admin routes) where the user gets to change the image uploaded by him earlier, and also at the ‘profile’ route where the user can change his photo. But at different places, different dimensions of photos are needed since we are keeping standard in Open Event Frontend.

Therefore the image needs to be in a size with the correct ratio at the time of uploading. We are using the cropper component  for achieving this. The cropper is a modal which pops up after the image upload modal so that a user can crop the image according to the aspect ratio kept specific for that purpose. It looks as follows:

While dealing with an issue in Open Event Frontend, we had to have change in aspect ratio for ‘avatar’ images, unlike the other images. So, we had to modify our cropper modal so as to have different aspect ratios for different images when needed.

We solved the above problem as follows:

In our image-modal, we pass the aspect ratio as a parameter. So in our case, we wanted to set the aspect ratio 1:1 for the ‘avatar’ images only. Following is the code snippet of what we wanted:

label=(t 'Update Image')
aspectRatio=(if (eq subTopic.name 'avatar') (array 1 1))
hint=(t 'Select Image')
helpText=(t 'For Cover Photos : 300x150px (2:1 ratio) image.
For Avatar Photos : 150x150px (1:1 ratio) image.')}}

Thus, we passed the ‘aspectRatio’ as a parameter to the ‘image-upload’ modal. The image-upload further calls the cropper modal and passes ‘aspectRatio’.

{{#if needsCropper}}
{{modals/cropper-modal isOpen=cropperModalIsShown imgData=imgData onImageCrop=(action 'imageCropped') aspectRatio=aspectRatio}}

Thus, we can use the passed param i.e ‘aspectRatio’ in our cropper to modify the logic for the aspect ratio. Following is what we did so as to obtain the aspect Ratio of 1:1 for ‘avatar’ images only. The default aspect ratio for all other images is 2:1.

onVisible() {
let viewPort = {};
let factor = 150;
const aspectRatio = this.getWithDefault('aspectRatio', [2, 1]);
viewPort.width = aspectRatio[0] * factor;
viewPort.height = aspectRatio[1] * factor;
viewPort.type = 'square';
this.$('.content').css('height', '300px');
customClass : 'croppie',
viewport : viewPort,
boundary : {
height: 250

As shown above, we have kept a multiplying factor which is fixed. According to the aspect ratio specified, we calculate and set the width and height in the viewport object.

Thus, following is the thing (Aspect Ratio 1:1 ) we achieved for the ‘avatar’ images:

Official Ember JS guide: https://guides.emberjs.com/v1.10.0/templates/actions/

Blog on making our own modals: http://ember.guru/2014/master-your-modals-in-ember-js

Source code: https://github.com/sumedh123/open-event-frontend/tree/system-images

Continue ReadingMaintaining Aspect Ratio of Images while Uploading in Open Event Frontend

Uploading images to Dropbox from the Phimpme App

The Phimpme Android application along with the camera, gallery and image editing features offers the option to upload images to many social media and cloud storages without having to install several other applications. As we can see from the screenshot below, Phimpme application contains a user-friendly accounts screen to connect to the accounts using a username and password so that we can upload photos from the share screen to that particular account later on.

One such famous cloud storage is the Dropbox and in this tutorial, I am explaining how I implemented the account authentication and image uploading feature to Dropbox in the Phimpme Android application.

Step 1

The first thing we need to do is to create an application in the Dropbox application console and to get the app key and the API secret key which we will require later on for the authentication purposes. To create an application on the Dropbox application console page,

  1. Go to this link. It will open a page as depicted in the screenshot below:
  2. Now click on the Dropbox API option.
  3. Click on App folder – access to a single folder created specifically for your app.
  4. Write the name of your application and press the create app button.

After this, we will be redirected to the page which will contain all the keys required to authenticate and upload photos.

Step 2

After getting the keys, the next thing we need to do is install the Dropbox SDK. To do this:

  1. Download the Android SDK from this link and extract it.
  2. Copy the dropbox-android-sdk-1.6.3.jar and json_simple-1.1.jar file to the libs folder.
  3. Click on the add as library button by right clicking on the jar files added.
  4. Copy the below-mentioned code in the AndroidManifest.xml file which defines the dropbox login activity within a new activity tag.
     <!-- Change this to be db- followed by your app key -->
         <data android:scheme="db-app_key" />
         <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

In the 7th line of the code snippet, replace the app_key with the key you received from following the step 1.

Step 3

After setting up everything, we need to extract the access token for the user to upload the photos in that particular account. To do this, we can make use of the below code snippet, which uses the dropbox SDK we installed in step 2 to create an object named mDBApi and initialises it to authenticate the user.

private DropboxAPI<AndroidAuthSession> mDBApi;AppKeyPair appKeys = new AppKeyPair(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET);
AndroidAuthSession session = new AndroidAuthSession(appKeys);
mDBApi = new DropboxAPI<AndroidAuthSession>(session);

After initialisation in the onCreate method of the activity, we can authenticate the user using the following line of code.


This will open up a window where the user will be prompted to login to their dropbox account. After the login is finished, we will be taken back to the activity which made the authentication call, so in the onResume method, we need to get the access token of the user which will be used later on to upload the images using the following code snippet provided below:

String accessToken = mDBApi.getSession().getOAuth2AccessToken();

After we have stored the access token, we can upload the selected image to the Dropbox using the following line of code.

File file = new File("working-draft.jpg");
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
Entry response = mDBApi.putFile("/magnum-opus.jpg", inputStream,
                              file.length(), null, null);

For more information on uploading and retrieving data from the Dropbox account, you can go to the dropbox developer guide and for working example refer to the Phimpme Android repository in the resources below.


  1. Phimpme Repo : Phimpme Android github repository.
  2. Dropbox official documentation : https://www.dropbox.com/developers-v1/core/start/android
  3. Dropbox application console : https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps
  4. Stackoverflow example to upload image on Dropbox : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10827371/upload-photo-to-dropbox-by-android
Continue ReadingUploading images to Dropbox from the Phimpme App

Face detection in Phimpme Android’s Camera

The Phimpme Android application comes with a well-featured camera application which offers almost all the functionality an advanced camera user searches for. It comes with a wide range of options to apply different scene modes in the camera and also to detect the faces using the front or the back camera of the device. In this tutorial, I will be discussing how we achieved the face detection functionality in Phimpme.

In the Phimpme application, we have the option in the settings to enable the face detection just as depicted in the screenshot below. After enabling it the Camera starts detecting the faces and draws rectangular boxes on the number of faces detected by the camera.

I will be explaining step by step to achieve this using some code snippets.

Step 1

First, we have to check whether our device supports the face detection functionality to avoid unnecessary application crashes using the Android’s Camera.Parameters class.

After the check we have to create a new class named My FaceDetectionListener which will be implementing the Android’s Camera.FaceDetectionListener. The face detection class overrides the function onFaceDetection and passes the array of Faces detected and the camera as the parameter to this function.

class MyFaceDetectionListener implements CameraController.FaceDetectionListener {
  public void onFaceDetection(CameraController.Face[] faces) { 
    faces_detected = new CameraController.Face[faces.length];     System.arraycopy(faces, 0, faces_detected, 0, faces.length);

Step 2

After creating this class, we need to start the camera of the application to set the face detection listener to it. This can be done by the code snippet provided below

camera = Camera.open(cameraId);

We can open the front camera and the back camera by simply changing the cameraId. If we want to open the front camera, then we need to set the camera Id value as 1 and if we want the back camera to open up we can set the camera Id to be 0.
After this, we can set the face detection listener in the camera. This can be done using the below code snippet.


The set face detection listener function takes in the object of the class we created in step 1 as the parameter and calls the Android’s pre defined function to start the face detection. The object of the class we created in step 1 can be created and initialised with the help of code snippet below.

MyFaceDetectionListener fDListener = new MyFaceDetectionListener();

After we have set the detection listener in the camera, as soon as it detects the face, it will call the overridden function onFaceDetection but how do the user know if the face has been detected or not. For this we have to create a rectangular box of size approximately that of the face detected. This can be done with the following code snippet.

int l = faces[i].rect.left;
               int r = faces[i].rect.right;
               int t = faces[i].rect.top;
               int b = faces[i].rect.bottom;
               Rect uRect = new Rect(l0, t0, r0, b0);

To get the full source code, please check out the Phimpme Android github repository.


  1. Phimpme Android Github repository
  2. Complete tutorial on face detection in Android
  3. Leafpic github repository
  4. Android Camera API Google developer page
Continue ReadingFace detection in Phimpme Android’s Camera

Multiple Color Effects in Phimpme Camera

The Phimpme Android’s camera comes with an option to switch between various color effects along with various other functionalities. To select different color modes, we have added a toggle button at the top right corner of the camera interface and which switches from the range of color effect available and on long clicking the toggle button, it resets the effect to normal. To show the functionality of the toggle button we have made use of the Showcase view in the application which displays all the functionality of the toggle button on the first run of the application.

In this tutorial, I will be discussing how we implemented the color effects feature in the Phimpme Android application with the help of some code snippets.

Step 1

Firstly we have to create a toggle button in the camera interface and have to set the onclicklistener on it to change the various color effects on the button click. This can be done with the following code snippet.

toggle.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
  public void onClick(View v) {
       //Actions here

Similarly, we have to set the long click listener on the toggle button which will handle the reset color effects function in the application.

Step 2

The next thing we need is to extract all the color modes supported by the device and to create an Arraylist of it so that we can call the respective values by just increasing the index on toggle button click. This can be done with the help of the following code snippet.

Now we have all the supported color modes along with the normal mode stored in the values list. For instance,

  1. Mono
  2. Negative
  3. Solarize
  4. Sepia
  5. Neon

Hence on button click, we have to get the color values using the list index and we have to set the value to the camera parameter from where we extracted the supported color effects.

For this, we can make use of a static variable named colorNum and initialise it with 0 and on button click we can just increment this variable by 1 and can set the color effect using the code snippet provided below

final String color = colorEffect.get(colorNum);
CameraController.SupportedValues supported_values = camera_controller.setColorEffect(color);
if (supported_values != null) {
    color_effects = supported_values.values;

And on the long click listener method of the camera, we can set the value of the variable to be 0 and can set the color values accordingly.

To get the full source code on changing the color effects in the camera and to know about adding the showcase view which we have used in this to show the functionality. Please refer to the Phimpme Android repository.


  1. Open camera Github repository
  2. Color effects in Android camera
  3. Camera API developer page
  4. Amlcurran Showcaseview


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Authentication in SUSI.AI

Authentication is a part of AAA system which stands for Authentication, Authorization and Accounting System. In this blog, we will see how SUSI.AI authenticates its client. Let’s first see what each term of AAA means

  • Authentication : Authentication means identifying individual user with some unique information. Susi uses email addresses for non-anonymous identity and  anonymous identity users  are identified by their host name.
  • Authorization : It refers to identifying the access rights of the user and granting permissions depending on the user’s authorization level. In Susi we have BaseUserRole as   
    • ANONYMOUS  users who have not logged in
    • USER                  logged in Users
    • PRIVILEGED       users with special rights, like. moderators
    • ADMIN              maximum right, that user is allowed to do everything . Depending on the useroles, permissions are specified.
  • Accounting : Accounting is referred as keeping track of user’s activity. Susi Server uses DAO in which accounting object is stored as JSONTray. Susi also remembers the chat log of a user.

Now that we have basic idea about AAA, let’s check how Susi authenticates its user.

public class ClientIdentity extends Client {
    public enum Type {
        email(true), // non-anonymous identity
        host(false); // anonymous identity users which do not authentify; they are identified by their host name
        private final boolean persistent;


Susi has ClientIdentity class which extends to base class Client, which has a string sufficient to identify an user. The user are represented with Objects of this class. The client identification string is defined as <typeName: untypedId> pair where <typeName> denotes an authentication method and <untypedId> a name within that authentication domain.

public class Authentication {

    private JsonTray parent;
    private JSONObject json;
    private ClientCredential credential;

This credential is used as key in DAO.authentication. Parent is used for the storage object , it is null if there is no parent file (no persistency). The DAO uses credential key and implements methods like getAuthentication, getAuthorization,getAccounting taking Non null parameter ClientIdentity and returns the object of respective classes. The method setExpireTime sets an expire time for anonymous users and tokens after end of duration in time seconds passed as parameter the Authentication expires.

public class DAO {
// AAA Schema for server usage
    private static JsonTray authentication;
    private static JsonTray authorization;
    private static JsonTray accounting;
    public  static UserRoles userRoles;

The JsonTray is class to hold the volume as <String,JsonObject> pairs as a Json file. The UserRequests  class holds all the user activities. The ClientIdentity class extend the base class Client and provides an Identification String for authentication of users.

public abstract class AbstractAPIHandler extends HttpServlet implements APIHandler {
    public abstract BaseUserRole getMinimalBaseUserRole();


The AbstractAPIHandler checks the permissions of the user using the userroles of and comparing it with the value minimum base role of each servlet. Thus to specify the user permission for a servlet one just need to extend servlet to AbstractAPIHandler and  Override the getMinimalBaseUserRole method.

 public static ClientIdentity getIdentity(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Query query) {

if(authentication.getIdentity() != null && authentication.checkExpireTime())   // check if login cookie is set
return authentication.getIdentity();
else if(request.getSession().getAttribute("identity") != null){ // check session is set
return (ClientIdentity) request.getSession().getAttribute("identity");
else if (request.getParameter("access_token") != null){ // check if access_token is valid
 return authentication.getIdentity();
 return getAnonymousIdentity(query.getClientHost());

It also implements method getIdentity()  which checks a request for valid login data, an existing session, a cookie or an access token and returns user identity if some login is active, otherwise the anonymous identity.  

This is how Susi uses credential to authenticate users and use it for accounting and authorization. The endpoints provided by server are used by Android and web clients. Susi accounts service is at  http://accounts.susi.ai. For more details do visit code repository and join gitter chat channel for discussions.


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Adding Unit Test For Local JSON Parsing in Open Event Android App

The Open Event project uses JSON format for transferring event information like tracks, sessions, microlocations and other. The event exported in the zip format from the Open Event server also contains the data in JSON format. The Open Event Android application uses this JSON data. Before we use this data in the app, we have to parse the data to get Java objects that can be used for populating views. There is a chance that the model and the JSON format changes in future. It is necessary that the models are able to parse the JSON data and the change in the model or JSON format don’t break JSON parsing.  In this post I explain how to unit test local JSON parsing so that we can ensure that the models are able to parse the local JSON sample data successfully.

Firstly we need to access assets from the main source set into the unit test. There is no way to directly access assets from main source set. We need to first add assets in test/resources directory. If assets are present in test/resources directory then we can use it using ClassLoader in the unit test. But we can’t just copy assets from the main source set to resources directory. If there is any change in sample JSON then we need to maintain both resources and it may make the sample inconsistent. We need to make assets shared.

Add the following code in the app level build.gradle file.

android {
    sourceSets.test.resources.srcDirs += ["src/main/assets"]

It will add src/main/assets as a source directory for test/resources directory.So after building the project the test will have access to the assets.

Create readFile() method

Now create a method readFile(String name) which takes a filename as a parameter and returns data of the file as a string.

private String readFile(String name) throws IOException {
        String json = "";
        try {
            InputStream inputStream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(name);
            int size = inputStream.available();
            byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
            json = new String(buffer, "UTF-8");
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return json;

Here the getResourceAsStream() function is used to open file as a InputStream. Then we are creating byte array object of size same as inputStream data. Using read function we are storing data of file into byte array. After this we are creating a String object using a byte array.

Create ObjectMapper object

Create and initialize an ObjectMapper object in the Test class.

private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    public void setUp() {
        objectMapper = OpenEventApp.getObjectMapper();
        objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, true);

Here setting DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES to true is very important. It will fail the test for any unrecognized fields in the sample.

Create doModelDeserialization() method

In the Open Event Android App we are using Jackson for JSON serialization and deserialization. Converting JSON data to java is called deserialization or parsing.

Now create doModelDeserialization() method which takes three parameters,

  • Class<T> type: Model Class type of the data
  • String name: Name of the JSON data file
  • boolean isList: true if JSON string contains the list of object else false

This method returns true if parsing is successful and false if there is any error in parsing.

private <T> boolean doModelDeserialization(Class<T> type, String name, boolean isList) throws IOException {
        if (isList) {
            List<T> items = objectMapper.readValue(readFile(name), objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, type));
            if (items == null)
                return false;
        } else {
            T item = objectMapper.readValue(readFile(name), type);
            if (item == null)
                return false;
        return true;

Here ObjectMapper is doing the main work of parsing data and returns parsed object using readValue() method.

Add Test

Now all the setup is done we just need to assert value returned by doModelDeserialization() method by passing appropriate parameters.

public void testLocalJsonDeserialization() throws IOException {
        assertTrue(doModelDeserialization(Event.class, "event", false));
        assertTrue(doModelDeserialization(Microlocation.class, "microlocations", true));
        assertTrue(doModelDeserialization(Sponsor.class, "sponsors", true));
        assertTrue(doModelDeserialization(Track.class, "tracks", true));
        assertTrue(doModelDeserialization(SessionType.class, "session_types", true));
        assertTrue(doModelDeserialization(Session.class, "sessions", true));
        assertTrue(doModelDeserialization(Speaker.class, "speakers", true));

Here only event JSON file doesn’t have a list of the objects so passing false as isList parameter for others we are passing true because its data contains a list of objects.


Running unit tests after every build helps you to quickly catch and fix software regressions introduced by code changes to your app

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