The Eventyay system supports different type of roles for an event like Attendee, organizer, co-organizer, track-organizer, moderator and the registrar. Every role has certain set of permissions such as Create, Read, Update, Delete. The Admin of the system is allowed to change the permissions for any role. The interface for updating the even role permissions was already available on the server but was not integrated on the frontend. The system is now integrated with the API and allows admin to change event role permission for any role.
Adding model for event role permissions
The model for event role permissions is added to the models directory. The model contains the attributes like canDelete, canUpdate, canCreate, canRead and the relationship with event role and the service.
export default ModelBase.extend({ canDelete : attr('boolean'), canUpdate : attr('boolean'), canCreate : attr('boolean'), canRead : attr('boolean'), role : belongsTo('role'), service : belongsTo('service'), serviceName : computed.alias('') });
The above defined model ensures that every permission belongs to a role and service. An alias is declared in the model using the computed property which is later used in the controller to sort the permissions according to service name in lexicographical order.
Adding route for event roles
The route for event role is created which contains model returning an object containing the list of roles, services and permissions. The model is defined as async so that the execution is paused while fetching the data from the store by adding the await expression.
export default Route.extend({ titleToken() { return this.get('l10n').t('Event Roles'); }, async model() { return { roles : ['Attendee', 'Co-organizer', 'Moderator', 'Organizer', 'Track Organizer', 'Registrar'], services : await this.get('store').query('service', {}), permissions : await this.get('store').query('event-role-permission', { 'page[size]': 30 }) }; } });
The route created above queries the data for roles, services and permissions which is later used by the template for rendering of the data obtained.
Adding controller for event roles
The controller for event roles is added to the controllers/admin/permissions directory. The computed property is used to sort the services obtained from model lexicographically and the permissions are sorted by the help of alias created in the model.
services: computed('model', function() { return this.get('').sortBy('name'); }), sortDefinition : ['serviceName'], permissions : computed.sort('model.permissions', 'sortDefinition'), actions : { updatePermissions() { this.set('isLoading', true); this.get('model.permissions').save() .then(() => { // Notify success and add Error handler } } }
An action named updatePermissions is defined which is triggered when the admin updates and saves the permissions for any role where a PATCH request is made to the server in order to update the permissions.
Rendering data in the template
The data obtained from the model is manipulated in the controller and is rendered to the table in the event-roles template. Every role is fetched from the model and added to the template, all the permissions in sorted order are obtained from the controller and matched with the current role name. The relationship of permissions with role is used to check if its title is equal to the the current role. The permissions are updated accordingly, if the role title is equal to current role.
<tbody> {{#each model.roles as |role|}} <tr> <td>{{role}}</td> {{#each permissions as |permission|}} {{#if (eq permission.role.titleName role)}} <td> {{ui-checkbox label=(t 'Create') checked=permission.canCreate onChange=(action (mut permission.canCreate))}} <br> {{ui-checkbox label=(t 'Read') checked=permission.canRead onChange=(action (mut permission.canRead))}} <br> {{ui-checkbox label=(t 'Update') checked=permission.canUpdate onChange=(action (mut permission.canUpdate))}} <br> {{ui-checkbox label=(t 'Delete') checked=permission.canDelete onChange=(action (mut permission.canDelete))}} </td> {{/if}} {{/each}} </tr> {{/each}} </tbody>
After rendering the data as shown above, the checkbox for permissions of different services for different roles are checked or unchecked depending upon the bool value of corresponding permission. The admin can update the permissions by checking or unchecking the checkbox and saving the changes made.
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