In Yaydoc’s, documentation will be generated by typing the URL of the git repository to the input box from where user can generate documentation for any public repository, they can see the preview and if they have access, they can push the documentation to the github pages on one click. But In Yaydoc CI user can register the repository only if he has access to the specific repository, so I decided to show the list to the repository where user can select from the list but then it also has one problem that Github won’t give us all the user repository data in one api hit and then I made a search bar in which user can search repository and can register to the Yaydoc CI.
var search = function () { var username = $("#orgs").val().split(":")[1]; const searchBarInput = $("#search_bar"); const searchResultDiv = $("#search_result"); searchResultDiv.empty(); if (searchBarInput.val() === "") { searchResultDiv.append('<p class="text-center">Please enter the repository name<p>'); return; } searchResultDiv.append('<p class="text-center">Fetching data<p>'); $.get(`${username}+fork:true+${searchBarInput.val()}`, function (result) { searchResultDiv.empty(); if (result.total_count === 0) { searchResultDiv.append(`<p class="text-center">No results found<p>`); styles.disableButton("btnRegister"); } else { styles.disableButton("btnRegister"); var select = '<label class="control-label" for="repositories">Repositories:</label>'; select += '<select class="form-control" id="repositories" name="repository" required>'; select += `<option value="">Please select</option>`; result.items.forEach(function (x){ select += `<option value="${x.full_name}">${x.full_name}</option>`; }); select += '</select>'; searchResultDiv.append(select); } }); }; $(function() { $("#search").click(function () { search(); }); });
In the above snippet I have defined search function which will get executed when user clicks the search button. The search function will get the search query from input box, if the search query is empty it’ll show the message as “Please enter repository name”, if it is not empty it’ll hit the GitHub API to fetch user repositories. If the GitHub returns empty array it’ll show “No results found”. In between searching time “Fetching data” will be shown.
$('#search_bar').on('keyup keypress', function(e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which; if (keyCode === 13) { search(); } }); $('#ci_register').on('keyup keypress', function(e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which; if (keyCode === 13) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } });
Still we faced some problem, like on click enter button form is automatically submitting. So I’m registering event listener. In that listener I’m checking whether the key code is 13 or not. Key code 13 represent enter key, so if the key code is 13 then i’ll prevent the form from submitting. You can see the working of the search bar in the Yaydoc CI.