In Open Event Frontend, we give the organizer a facility to create a copy of the event by copying it and making the modifications he wants to a particular event. Thus, it is easy for the organizer to create multiple events with same sponsors, sessions, etc. For this, we implemented the event copy API in frontend.
We achieved the copy of events as follows:
Since the event copy API is application/json type, we used the simple GET and POST requests to copy the event rather than using the ember data. For this, we use the loader service which is injected throughout the app. To copy the event we have given a “Copy” button which looks as follows:
<button class="ui button {{if isCopying 'loading'}}" {{action 'copyEvent'}} disabled={{isCopying}}>
<i class="copy icon"></i>
{{t 'Copy'}}
Thus, we trigger an action ‘copyEvent’ on clicking the Copy button. The action is defined in controller as follows:
copyEvent() {
this.set('isCopying', true);
.post(`events/${this.get('')}/copy`, {})
.then(copiedEvent => {
this.transitionToRoute('events.view.edit', copiedEvent.identifier);
this.get('notify').success(this.l10n.t('Event copied successfully'));
.catch(() => {
this.get('notify').error(this.l10n.t('Copying of event failed'));
.finally(() => {
this.set('isCopying', false);
The endpoint to copy the event as defined in our API is:
POST : /v1/events/{identifier}/copy
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Authorization: JWT <Auth Key>
Request body: {}
Thus, we make a post request to the given URL by passing the event id of the event to be copied and the request body to be an empty object. Thus, on successful response from the server, we get the new event id for which the event info is same. We then redirect the user to the edit details route where he can change the info he wants.
Thus, we copy the event in Open Event Frontend.
Resources: Docs on loader service in Ember JS