In Susper, we faced a unique problem. Every time the image tab was opened, and the user scrolled through the images, all the other tabs in the search engine, such as All, Videos etc, would stop working. They would continue to display image results as shown:
Since this problem occurred only when the infinite scroll action was called in the image tab, I diagnosed that the problem probably was in the url parameters being set.
The url parameters were set in the onScroll() function as shown:
let urldata = Object.assign({}, this.searchdata);
this.resultDisplay = ‘images’;
urldata.start = (this.startindex) + urldata.rows;
urldata.fq = ‘url_file_ext_s:(png+OR+jpeg+OR+jpg+OR+gif)’;
urldata.resultDisplay = this.resultDisplay;
urldata.append = true;
urldata.nopagechange = true; queryactions.QueryServerAction(urldata));
The parameters append and nopagechange were to ensure that the images are displayed in the same page, one after the other.
To solve this bug I first displayed the query call each time a tab is clicked on the web console.
Here I noticed that for the tab videos, nopagechange and append attributes still persisted, and had not been reset. The start offset had not been set to 0 either.
So adding these few lines before making a query call from any tab, would solve the problem.
urldata.nopagechange = false;
urldata.append = false;
Now the object is displayed as follows:
Now videos are displayed in the videos tab, text in the text tab and so on.
Please refer to results.component.ts for the entire code.
- On how to dispatch queries to the store:
- Tutorial on the ngrx suite: