Imagine working on a large source code, and as a new developer you are not sure whether the available source code works properly or not, you are surrounded by questions like, Are all these methods invoked properly or the number of times they need to be invoked? Being new to source code and checking manually already written code is a pain. For cases like these unit-tests are written. Unit-tests check whether the implemented code works as expected or not. This blog post explains about implementation of unit-tests of Presenter in a Model-View-Presenter (MVP) architecture in Loklak Wok Android.
Adding Dependencies to project
In app/build.gradle file
defaultConfig { ... testInstrumentationRunner "" } dependencies { ... androidTestCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-android:2.8.47' androidTestCompile '' androidTestCompile '' }
Setup for Unit-Tests
The presenter needs a realm database and an implementation of LoklakAPI interface. Along with that a mock of the View is required, so as to check whether the methods of View are called or not.
The LoklakAPI interface can be mocked easily using Mockito, but the realm database can’t be mocked. For this reason an in-memory realm database is created, which will be destroyed once all unit-test are executed. As the presenter is required for each unit-test method we instantiate the in-memory database before all the tests start i.e. by annotating a public static method with @BeforeClass, e.g. setDb method.
@BeforeClass public static void setDb() { Realm.init(InstrumentationRegistry.getContext()); RealmConfiguration testConfig = new RealmConfiguration.Builder() .inMemory() .name("test-db") .build(); mDb = Realm.getInstance(testConfig); }
NOTE: The in-memory database should be closed once all unit-tests are executed. So, for closing the databasse we create a public static method annotated with @AfterClass, e.g. closeDb method.
@AfterClass public static void closeDb() { mDb.close(); }
Now, before each unit-test is executed we need to do some setup work like instantiating the presenter, a mock instance of API interface generated by using mock static method and pushing in some sample data into the database. Our presenter uses RxJava and RxAndroid which depend on IO scheduler and MainThread scheduler to perform tasks asynchronously and these schedulers are not present in testing environment. So, we override RxJava and RxAndroid to use trampoline scheduler in place of IO and MainThread so that our test don’t encounter NullPointerException. All this is done in a public method annotated with @Before e.g. setUp.
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { // mocking view and api mMockView = mock(SuggestContract.View.class); mApi = mock(LoklakAPI.class); mPresenter = new SuggestPresenter(mApi, mDb); mPresenter.attachView(mMockView); queries = getFakeQueries(); // overriding rxjava and rxandroid RxJavaPlugins.setIoSchedulerHandler(scheduler -> Schedulers.trampoline()); RxAndroidPlugins.setMainThreadSchedulerHandler(scheduler -> Schedulers.trampoline()); mDb.beginTransaction(); mDb.copyToRealm(queries); mDb.commitTransaction(); }
Some fake suggestion queries are created which will be returned as observable when API interface is mocked. For this, simply two query objects are created and added to a List after their query parameter is set. This is implemented in getFakeQueries method.
private List<Query> getFakeQueries() { List<Query> queryList = new ArrayList<>(); Query linux = new Query(); linux.setQuery("linux"); queryList.add(linux); Query india = new Query(); india.setQuery("india"); queryList.add(india); return queryList; }
After that, a method is created which provides the created fake data wrapped inside an Observable as implemented in getFakeSuggestionsMethod method.
private Observable<SuggestData> getFakeSuggestions() { SuggestData suggestData = new SuggestData(); suggestData.setQueries(queries); return Observable.just(suggestData); }
Lastly, the mocking part is implemented using Mockito. This is really simple, when and thenReturn static methods of mockito are used for this. The method which would provide the fake data is invoked inside when and the fake data is passed as a parameter to thenReturn. For example, stubSuggestionsFromApi method
private void stubSuggestionsFromApi(Observable observable) { when(mApi.getSuggestions(anyString())).thenReturn(observable); }
Finally, Unit-Tests
All the tests methods must be annotated with @Test.
Firstly, we test for a successful API request i.e. we get some suggestions from the Loklak Server. For this, getSuggestions method of LoklakAPI is mocked using stubSuggestionFromApi method and the observable to be returned is obtained using getFakeSuggestions method. Then, loadSuggestionFromAPI method is called, the one that we need to test. Once loadSuggestionFromAPI method is invoked, we then check whether the method of the View are invoked inside loadSuggestionFromAPI method, this is done using verify static method. The unit-test is implemented in testLoadSuggestionsFromApi method.
@Test public void testLoadSuggestionsFromApi() { stubSuggestionsFromApi(getFakeSuggestions()); mPresenter.loadSuggestionsFromAPI("", true); verify(mMockView).showProgressBar(true); verify(mMockView).onSuggestionFetchSuccessful(queries); verify(mMockView).showProgressBar(false); }
Similarly, a failed network request for obtaining is suggestions is tested using testLoadSuggestionsFromApiFail method. Here, we pass an IOException throwable – wrapped inside an Observable – as parameter to stubSuggestionsFromApi.
@Test public void testLoadSuggestionsFromApiFail() { Throwable throwable = new IOException(); stubSuggestionsFromApi(Observable.error(throwable)); mPresenter.loadSuggestionsFromAPI("", true); verify(mMockView).showProgressBar(true); verify(mMockView).showProgressBar(false); verify(mMockView).onSuggestionFetchError(throwable); }
Lastly, we test if our suggestions are saved in the database by counting the number of saved suggestions and asserting that, in testSaveSuggestions method.
@Test public void testSaveSuggestions() { mPresenter.saveSuggestions(queries); int count = mDb.where(Query.class).findAll().size(); // queries is the List that contains the fake suggestions assertEquals(queries.size(), count); }
- Mockito tutorial:
- Mocking Retrofit API interfaces: