Implementing API keys on SUSI.AI server

The clients of SUSI.AI need config keys to work with some APIs like captcha, maps and blog and these keys are stored in the server of SUSI and the clients fetch them using API calls to the server. The admins can add or delete api keys from the server using the



API. This API stores the API keys in a json format in the apiKeys.json file in the system_keys_dir directory which is in the data directory on the susi server.

For the clients to fetch these API keys and use them in their respective APIs, they need to use

Continue ReadingImplementing API keys on SUSI.AI server

Ember Controller for Badge Generation In Badgeyay

Badgeyay is an open source project developed by FOSSASIA Community. This project aims towards giving a platform for badge generation using several customizations options. Current structure of project is in two parts to maintain modularity, which are namely backend, developed in flask, and frontend, developed in ember.

After refactoring the frontend and backend API we need to create a controller for the badge generation in frontend. Controller will help the components to send and receive data from them and prepare the logic for sending request to API so that badges can be generated and can receive the result as response from the server. Particularly we need to create the controller for badge generation route, create-badges.

As there are many customizations option presented to user, we need to chain the requests so that they sync with each other and the logic should not break for the badge generation.


  1. Creating the controller from the ember-cli
ember g controller create-badge


  1. After the component generation, we need to create actions that can be passed to components. Let’s build action to submit form and then chain the different actions together for the badge generation.
submitForm() {
  const _this = this;
  const user = _this.get(‘store’).peekAll(‘user’);
  let uid;
  user.forEach(user_ => {
    uid = user_.get(‘id’);
  if (uid !== undefined && uid !== ) {
    _this.set(‘uid’, uid);

  let badgeData = {
    uid     : _this.uid,
    badge_size : ‘A3’

  if (_this.csvEnable) {
    badgeData.csv = _this.csvFile;
  if (_this.defFontColor !== && _this.defFontColor !== undefined) {
    badgeData.font_color = ‘#’ + _this.defFontColor;
  if (_this.defFontSize !== && _this.defFontSize !== undefined) {
    badgeData.font_size = _this.defFontSize.toString();
  if (_this.defFont !== && _this.defFont !== undefined) {
    badgeData.font_type = _this.defFont;

  _this.send(‘sendManualData’, badgeData);



  1. As we can see in the above code snippet that _this.send(action_name, arguments) is calling another action sendManualData. This action then sends a network request to the backend if the Manual data is selected as input source otherwise will go with the CSV upload. If no option is chosen then it will show an error on the user screen, notifying him to select one input source.
sendManualData(badgeData) {
    const _this = this;
    if (_this.manualEnable) {
      let textEntry = _this.get(‘store’).createRecord(‘text-data’, {
        uid   : _this.uid,
        manual_data : _this.get(‘textData’),
        time   : new Date()
      }); => {
        _this.set(‘csvFile’, record.filename);
        badgeData.csv = _this.csvFile;
        _this.send(‘sendDefaultImg’, badgeData);
        _this.get(‘notify’).success(‘Text saved Successfully’);
      }).catch(err => {
        let userErrors = textEntry.get(‘errors.user’);
        if (userErrors !== undefined) {
          _this.set(‘userError’, userErrors);
    } else if (_this.csvEnable) {
      if (_this.csvFile !== undefined && _this.csvFile !== ) {
        badgeData.csv = _this.csvFile;
        _this.send(‘sendDefaultImg’, badgeData);
    } else {
      // No Input Source specified Error


The above code will choose the manual data if the manual data boolean flag is set else not, and then does a network request and wait for the promise to be resolved. As soon as the promise is resolved it calls another action to for the default image.

  1. After selecting the input source, now the background for the badge has to be selected. It will look for the boolean flags of the defaultImage, backgroundColorImage, customImage and will make the network request accordingly.
sendDefaultImg(badgeData) {
    const _this = this;
    if (_this.defImage) {
      let imageRecord = _this.get(‘store’).createRecord(‘def-image-upload’, {
        uid    : _this.uid,
        defaultImage : _this.defImageName
        .then(record => {
          _this.set(‘custImgFile’, record.filename);
          badgeData.image = _this.custImgFile;
          _this.send(‘sendBadge’, badgeData);
        .catch(error => {
          let userErrors = imageRecord.get(‘errors.user’);
          if (userErrors !== undefined) {
            _this.set(‘userError’, userErrors);
    } else if (_this.custImage) {
      if (_this.custImgFile !== undefined && _this.custImgFile !== ) {
        badgeData.image = _this.custImgFile;
        _this.send(‘sendBadge’, badgeData);
    } else if (_this.colorImage && _this.defColor !== undefined && _this.defColor !== ) {
      let imageRecord = _this.get(‘store’).createRecord(‘bg-color’, {
        uid : _this.uid,
        bg_color : _this.defColor
        .then(record => {
          badgeData.image = record.filename;
          _this.send(‘sendBadge’, badgeData);
        .catch(error => {
          let userErrors = imageRecord.get(‘errors.user’);
          if (userErrors !== undefined) {
            _this.set(‘userError’, userErrors);
    } else {
      // Inflate error for No Image source.


After the promise resolvement, the final action is called to send badge data payload to backend api for badge generation.

  1. After the complete preparation of the payload, now it’s time to send the payload to the backend api for the badge generation and after the promise resolvement showing the respective downloadable link in the frontend.
sendBadge(badgeData) {
    const _this = this;
    let badgeRecord = _this.get(‘store’).createRecord(‘badge’, badgeData);
      .then(record => {
        _this.set(‘badgeGenerated’, true);
        _this.get(‘notify’).success(‘Badge generated Successfully’);
      .catch(err => {


Now after the promise resolvement the local variable badgGenerated is set to true so that the success message can be shown in the frontend for successful badge generation along with the link.

Link to respective PR – Link

Topics Involved

  • Chaining of actions and requests
  • Manipulating DOM on the conditional statements
  • Component bindings
  • Ember data
  • Promise resolvement


  • Link to ember data for the API requests and promise resolvement – Link
  • Implementing Controllers in Ember – Link
  • Chaining actions together in ember – Link
Continue ReadingEmber Controller for Badge Generation In Badgeyay

Integrating Firebase Cloud Functions In Badgeyay

Badgeyay is an open source project developed by FOSSASIA Community for generating badges for conferences and events. The Project is divided into two parts frontend, which is in ember, and backend, which is in flask. Backend uses firebase admin SDK (Python) and Frontend uses firebase javascript client with emberfire wrapper for ember. Whenever an user signs up on the website, database listener that is attached to to the Model gets triggered and uses flask-mail for sending welcome mail to the user and in case of email and password signup, verification mail as well.

Problem is sending mail using libraries is a synchronous process and takes a lot of processing on the server. We can use messaging queues like RabbitMQ and Redis but that will be burden as server cost will increase. The workaround is to remove the code from the server and create a firebase cloud function for the same task.

Firebase cloud functions lets you run backend code on the cloud and can be triggered with HTTP events or listen for the events on the cloud, like user registration.


  1. Firebase uses our Gmail ID for login, so make sure to have a Gmail ID and on the first sight we will be greeted with Firebase console, where we can see our created or imported firebase apps.

  2. Create the app by clicking on the Add Project Icon and write the name of the application (e.g. Test Application) and select the region, in my case it is India. Firebase will automatically generated an application ID for the app. Click on Create Project to complete creation of project

  3. After Completion, click on the project to enter into the project. You will be greeted with an overview saying to integrate firebase with your project. We will click on the Add Firebase to web App and save the config as JSON in a file as clientKey.json for later use.

  4. Now we need to install the firebase tools on our local machine so for that execute
    npm i -g firebase-tools
    1. Now login from the CLI so that firebase gets token for the Gmail ID of the user and can access the firebase account of that Gmail ID.
    firebase login
    1. After giving permissions to the firebase CLI from your Gmail account in the new tab opened in browser, create a folder named cloud_functions in the project directory and in that execute
    firebase init
    1. Select only functions from the list of options by pressing space.

    2. After this select the project from the list where you want to use the cloud function. You can skip the step if you later want to add the cloud function to project by selecting don’t setup a default project and can later be used by command
      firebase use –add

    3. Choose the language of choice

    4. If you want, you can enforce eslint on the project and after this the cloud function is set up and the directory structure looks as follows.

    5. We will write our cloud function in index.js. So let’s take a look at index.js
      const functions = require(‘firebase-functions’);

      // // Create and Deploy Your First Cloud Functions
      // //
      // exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
      //  response.send(“Hello from Firebase!”);
      // });

      As we can see there is a sample function already given, we don’t need that sample function so we will remove it and will write the logic for sending mail. Before that we need to acquire the key for service accounts so that admin functionality can be accessed in the cloud function. So for that go to project settings and then service accounts and click on Generate New Private Key  and save it as serviceKey.json

    6. Now the directory structure will look like this after adding the clientKey.json and serviceKey.json

    7. We will use node-mailer for sending mails in cloud functions and as there is a limitation on the gmail account to send only 500 mails in a day, we can use third party services like sendGrid and others for sending mails with firebase. Configure node-mailer for sending mails as
      const nodemailer = require(‘nodemailer’);

      const gmailEmail = functions.config();
      const gmailPassword = functions.config().gmail.password;
      const mailTransport = nodemailer.createTransport({
       service: ‘gmail’,
       auth: {
      user: gmailEmail,
      pass: gmailPassword

      Also set the environment variables for the cloud functions like email and password:

      firebase functions:config:set“Email ID” gmail.password=“Password”
      1. Logic for sending Greeting Mail on user registration
      exports.greetingMail = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => {
       const email =;
       const displayName = user.displayName;

       return sendGreetingMail(email, displayName);

      function sendGreetingMail(email, displayName) {
       const mailOptions = {
      from: `${APP_NAME}<>`,
      to: email,

       mailOptions.subject = `Welcome to Badgeyay`;
       mailOptions.text = `Hey ${displayName || ”}! Welcome to Badgeyay. We welcome you onboard and pleased to offer you service.`;
       return mailTransport.sendMail(mailOptions).then(() => {
      return console.log(‘Welcome mail sent to: ‘, email)
       }).catch((err) => {

      Function will get triggered on creation of user in firebase and calls the greeting mail function with parameters as the email id of the registered user and the Display name. Then a default template is used to send mail to the recipient and Logged on successful submission.

      1. Currently firebase admin sdk doesn’t support the functionality to send verification mail but the client SDK does. So the approach which is followed in badgeyay is that admin SDK will create a custom token and client sdk will use that custom token to sign in and them send verification mail to the user.
      exports.sendVerificationMail = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => {
       const uid = user.uid;
       if (user.emailVerified) {
      console.log(‘User has email already verified: ‘,;
      return 0;
       } else {
      return admin.auth().createCustomToken(uid)
        .then((customToken) => {
          return firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(customToken)
        .then((curUser) => {
          return firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user_) => {
            if (!user.emailVerified) {
              return console.log(‘Verification mail sent: ‘,;
            } else {
              return console.log(‘Email is already verified: ‘,;
        .catch((err) => {
      1. Now we need to deploy the functions to firebase.
      firebase deploy –only functions

      Link to the respective PR  : Link

      Topics Involved

      • Firebase Admin SDK
      • Configuring Gmail for third party apps
      • Token Verification and verification mail by client SDK
      • Nodemailer and Express.js


      • Firebase Cloud functions – Link
      • Extending authentication with cloud function – Link
      • Custom Token Verification – Link
      • Nodemailer message configuration – Link
      • Issue discussion on sending verification mail with admin SDK – Link
Continue ReadingIntegrating Firebase Cloud Functions In Badgeyay

Adding event to overview site of Open Event Webapp

Open Event Web app has two components: The generator used for generating event website and the generic web application for any event. The overview site showcases the example events generated using web app generator. The event added to the overview site keeps on updating with every new feature added. The samples on overview site updates whenever Travis build is triggered. This blog will illustrate how to add an event to overview site.

Adding event name and links to overview site

The event to be shown on overview site is added to the ‘index’ page of overview site with the link to event and a link to image as shown below.

<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-12 col-sm-6 event-holder">
   <div class="thumbnail">
       <a href='./SparkSummit2017/index.html' target='_blank'>
           <img src='./SparkSummit17.jpg' onerror="imgError(this, true);">
           <div class="caption">
               <h4 class="name">Spark Summit 2017</h4>

Adding event image

The event image is chosen and added to the same directory containing the index page for overview site. Following is the image selected for Spark Summit 2017 sample.

Copying the event image to event directory

The samples are kept updated by generating the samples with the modified changes using travis-ci. Therefore, the static files for samples are copied to event folder which is pushed to github later for build. Following is the helper function used for copying the files. The counter keeps track for number of files copied.

it('should copy all the static files', function (done) {
 let staticPath = __dirname + '/../src/backend/overviewSite/';
 let totalFiles = 17;
 let counter = 0;

 function copyStatic(fileName) {
   fs.readFile(staticPath + fileName, function (err, data) {
     if (err) {
     fs.writeFile(dist.distPath + '/' + fileName, data, function (err) {
       if (err) {
       if (counter === totalFiles) {

Adding tests for the event and regenerating on every build

The sample is rebuilt on every modified change in the project, so every feature added is reflected in the samples present on the overview site. The generator procedure ‘createDistDir’ is called with the required data being passed to it. Following is an example for generating Spark Summit 2017 sample and testing the sample generation in event directory.

it('should generate the Spark Summit 2017 event', function (done) {
 let data = {};

 data.body = {
   "email": '',
   "theme": 'light',
   "sessionMode": 'expand',
   "apiVersion": 'api_v2',
   "datasource": 'eventapi',
   "apiendpoint": '',
   "assetmode": 'download'

 generator.createDistDir(data, 'Socket', function (appFolder) {
   assert.equal(appFolder, "");



Continue ReadingAdding event to overview site of Open Event Webapp

Implementing Search User Feature for Admins

The users tab of admin panel of SUSI.AI provides a list of all users registered on SUSI. This helps admins to get an overview of users and also provides the admins option like change user roles and delete accounts. The list of users is displayed in a table which also uses pagination to handle larger number of users. But to find a particular user can be a difficult task if the user base is large. Therefore a feature to search for users by their email has been implement which searches for users on SUSI server and then sends the searched users to the client. In this post we will discuss both about the server and client side implementation of this feature.

Continue ReadingImplementing Search User Feature for Admins

Device wise Usage Statistics of a Skill in SUSI.AI

The device wise usage distribution in SUSI.AI helps in understanding what kind of skills are used more on which type of devices, so that the skill creator can harness the core features of that device to enhance the skills or make the user experience smoother. For example, music playing skill may be used mostly on Smart Speakers whereas Android devices may have higher usage of alarm setting skill.

Sending the device type (ex, web client)

  1. Send the device type parameter as “Web Client” along with the query while fetching reply from SUSI server in chat.json API. The parameter is device_type.

// Add the type of device in the query
url += '&device_type=Web Client';

Storage of Device Wise Skill Usage Data on SUSI Server

  1. Create a deviceWiseSkillUsage.json file to store the device wise skill usage stats and make a JSONTray object for that in src/ai/susi/ file. The JSON file contains the device type and the usage count on that type of device (like Android, iOS, Web Client, Smart Speaker and others).
  2. Modify the src/ai/susi/server/api/susi/ file to fetch device_type from the query parameters and pass them SusiCognition constructor.

public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query post, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization user, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException {
	String deviceType = post.get("device_type", "Others");
	SusiCognition cognition = new SusiCognition(q, timezoneOffset, latitude, longitude, countryCode, countryName, language, deviceType, count, user.getIdentity(), minds.toArray(new SusiMind[minds.size()]));
  1. Modify the src/ai/susi/mind/ file to accept the deviceType in the constructor parameters. Check which skill is being currently used for the response and update the skill’s usage stats for the current device in deviceWiseSkillUsage.json. Call the function updateDeviceWiseUsageData() to update the skill usage data.

List<String> skills = dispute.get(0).getSkills();
for (String skill : skills) {
    updateDeviceWiseUsageData(skill, deviceType);

The updateDeviceWiseUsageData() function accepts the skill path and type of device. It parses the skill path to get the skill metadata like its model name, group name, language etc. The function then checks if the device already exists in the JSON file or not. If it exists then it increments the usage count by 1 else it creates an entry for the device in the JSON file and initializes it with the usage count 1.

for (int i = 0; i < deviceWiseUsageData.length(); i++) {
  deviceUsage = deviceWiseUsageData.getJSONObject(i);
  if (deviceUsage.get("device_type").equals(deviceType)) {
    deviceUsage.put("count", deviceUsage.getInt("count") + 1);

API to access the Device Wise Skill Usage Data

  1. Create file to return the usage stats stored in deviceWiseSkillUsage.json

public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) {        
  ...  // Fetch the query parameters
  JSONArray deviceWiseSkillUsage = languageName.getJSONArray(skill_name);
  result.put("skill_name", skill_name);
  result.put("skill_usage", deviceWiseSkillUsage);
  result.put("accepted", true);
  result.put("message", "Device wise skill usage fetched"); 
  return new ServiceResponse(result);    
  1. Add the API file to src/ai/susi/server/api/susi/

services = new Class[]{

	//Skill usage data


Endpoint : /cms/getDeviceWiseSkillUsage.json


  • model
  • group
  • language
  • Skill

Sample query: /cms/getDeviceWiseSkillUsage.json?model=general&group=Knowledge&language=en&skill=aboutsusi

Sample response:

      "device_type": "Web Client",
      "count": 1
        "device_type": "Android",
        "count": 4
        "device_type": "iOS",
        "count": 2
        "device_type": "Smart Speaker",
        "count": 1
        "device_type": "Others",
        "count": 2
   "message":"Device wise skill usage fetched"


Continue ReadingDevice wise Usage Statistics of a Skill in SUSI.AI

Setting up environment to build PSLab Android app using Fdroid Build

Fdroid is a place for open source enthusiasts and developers to host their Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for free and get more people onboard into their community. In order to host an app in their repository, one has to go through a several steps of builds and tests. This is to ensure that the software provided by them are as quality and safe as they can ever be. They are not allowing proprietary libraries or tools to integrate into any app or they will  be published outside the Fdroid main repository (fdroid-data) so that the users will know what they are downloading.

In a normal Linux computer where we are developing Android apps and have setup Android Studio will not be able to run the build command using:

$ fdroid build -v -l org.fossasia.pslab

The reason behind this is that we have not installed gradle and build tools required by the “fdroid build” because they are not useful in our day today activities for standalone activities. First thing we need to do is, install gradle separately. This will include adding gradle to $PATH as well.

Download the latest gradle version zip file or the version your project is using with the following command. In PSLab Android app, we are using 4.5.1 version and the snippet below include that version.

$ wget

Next step is to install this in a local folder. We can select any path we want, but /opt/ folder is generally used in such scenarios.

sudo mkdir /opt/gradle
sudo unzip -d /opt/gradle

Then we can add gradle to our $PATH variable using the following command:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gradle/gradle-4.5.1/bin

Now we are all set with gradle settings. Next step is to verify that the fdroid server is properly configured and up to date. When you run the build command after setting up the gradle in PC, it will throw an error similar to “failed to find any output apks”. This causes if the installed fdroid server version is old.

Fdroid server is running on python 3 and it will require some additional libraries pre-installed to properly function.

$ sudo apt-get install vagrant virtualbox git python3-certifi python3-libvirt python3-requestbuilder python3-yaml python3-clint python3-vagrant python3-paramiko python3-pyasn1 python3-pyasn1-modules

Once these libraries are installed, remove the previous instance of fdroidserver by using the following command:

$ sudo apt-get remove fdroidserver

Then we can reinstall the latest version of fdroid server from git using the following command:

$ git clone
export PATH="$PATH:$PWD/fdroidserver"

Now we are all set to do a brand new lint build on our PC to make our app ready to be published in Fdroid repository!


  1. Install gradle :
  2. Gradle versions :
  3. Setting up Fdroid-server :

Installing fdroidserver :

Continue ReadingSetting up environment to build PSLab Android app using Fdroid Build

Using external UART modules to debug PSLab operations

Pocket Science Lab by FOSSASIA is a compact tool that can be used for circuit analytics and debugging. To make things more interesting, this device can be accessed via the user interface using an Android app or also a desktop app. Both these apps use the UART protocol (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) to transmit commands to the PSLab device from mobile phone or PC and receive commands vice versa. The peculiar thing about hardware is that the developer cannot simply log data just like developing and debugging a software program. He needs some kind of an external mechanism or a tool to visualize those data packets travelling through the wires.

Figure 1: UART Interface in PSLab

PSLab has a UART interface extracted out simply for this reason and also to connect external sensors that use the UART protocol. With this, a developer who is debugging any of the Android app or the desktop app can view the command and data packets transmitted between the device and the user end application.

This  requires some additional components. UART interface has two communication related pins: Rx(Receiver) and Tx(Transmitter). We will need to monitor both these pin signals for input and output data packets. It should be kept in mind that PSLab is using 3.3V signals. This voltage level is important to mention here because if someone uses 5V signals on these pins, it will damage the main IC. There are FTDI modules available in market. FTDI stands for Future Technology Devices International which is a company name and their main product is this USB transceiver chip. These chips play a major role in electronic industry due to product reliability and multiple voltage support. PSLab uses 3.3V USB Tx Rx pins and modules other than FTDI wouldn’t support it.

Figure 2: FTDI Module from SparkFun

The module shown in Fig.2 is a FTDI module which you can simply plug in to computer and have a serial monitor interface. There are cheaper versions in shopping websites like eBay or Alibaba and they will also work fine. Both Tx and Rx pins will require two of these modules and connectivity is as follows;

PSLab [Rx Pin] → FTDI Module 1 [Rx Pin]
PSLab [Tx Pin] → FTDI Module 2 [Rx Pin]

This might look strange because everywhere we see a UART module is connected Rx → Tx and Tx → Rx. Notice that our idea is to monitor data packets. Not communicate with PSLab device directly. We want to see if our mobile phone Android app is sending correct commands to PSLab device or not and if PSLab device is transmitting back the expected result or not. This method helped a lot when debugging resistance measurement application in PSLab Android app.

Monitoring these UART data packets can be done simply using a serial monitor. You can either download and install some already built serial monitors or you can simply write a python script as follows which does the trick.

import serial

ser = serial.Serial(

while 1 :
    data = ''
    while ser.inWaiting() > 0:
        data +=

    if data != '':
        print ">>" + data

Once you are getting commands and responses, it will look like debugging a software using console.


  1. PySerial Library :
  2. UART Protocol :
  3. FTDI :
Continue ReadingUsing external UART modules to debug PSLab operations

Adding Logs for Request Status in Open Event Web app

Open Event Web app handles multiple requests from the client using task queue, every request from client is put in the job queue and handled one at a time. The only log shown to client was either ‘waiting’ or ‘processing’, so we need to show additional logs like request waiting number as well. The logs are shown in real time using sockets.

How to add logs?

The logs of any request are shown to the client in real time using socket emit and listener events. Whenever any data is to be displayed inside the logs, the server emits an event with the data. The socket listens to the event and appends the data received to the logs section of the view.

Creating helper for emitting data

The helper function named ‘logger’ is created which emits the event ‘buildLog’ whenever it is called with the data being passed as arguments. Every time a message is passed to this procedure, it adds it to array of objects containing the data.

'use strict';

// eslint-disable-next-line no-var
var exports = module.exports = {};
const buildLog = [];
let obj = {};
let emit, largeMsg, message;

exports.addLog = function(type, smallMessage, socket, largeMessage) {
 if (typeof largeMessage === 'undefined') {
   largeMsg = smallMessage;

 buildLog.push({'type': type, 'smallMessage': smallMessage, 'largeMessage': largeMsg});
 message = largeMsg.toString();
 obj = {'type': type, 'smallMessage': smallMessage, 'largeMessage': message};
 emit = false;

 if ( === 'Socket') {
   emit = true;
 if (emit) {
   socket.emit('buildLog', obj);

Updating logs in real time

The helper created above emits the event ‘buildLog’, the socket on listening this event appends the data inside logs division with the data received from the helper while emitting the event.

socket.on('buildLog', function(data) {
   const spanElem = $('<span></span>'); // will contain the info about type of statement
   const spanMess = $('<span></span>'); // will contain the actual message
   const aElem = $('<button></button>'); // Button to view the detailed error log
   const divElem = $('

); // Contain the detailed error log
   const paragraph = $('<p></p>'); // Contain the whole statement

  //Code for styling the logs division

     updateStatusAnimate(data.smallMessage, 200, 'red');
     $('#btnGenerate').prop('disabled', false);
     $('input[ type = "radio" ]').attr('disabled', false);
     $('#email').prop('disabled', false);

Add request waiting number

Whenever a new request is received from the client the server emits the event ‘waiting’ if any other job is currently being processed. The helper above is used to add request waiting number to the logs.

const jobs = await queue.getJobs('waiting', {start: 0, end: 25});
const activeJob = await queue.getJobs('active', {start: 0, end: 25});
const jobIds = =>;

if (jobIds.indexOf(currJobId) !== -1) {
 logger.addLog('Info', 'Request waiting number: ' + (currJobId - activeJob[0].id), socket);

Add status in logs

On listening the event named ‘waiting’ the status is updated to ‘waiting’ in the view and is shown to the client.

socket.on('waiting', function() {
 updateStatusAnimate('Request status: Waiting');

Update request waiting number

Whenever a job is started being processed from the queue, the waiting number of all the requests in the ready queue is updated. The socket connection for corresponding request is obtained from the main socket object(socketObj) which updates whenever a new request comes from the client.

const jobs = new Promise(function(resolve) {
 resolve(queue.getJobs('waiting', {start: 0, end: 25}));

generator.createDistDir(, socketObj[processId], done);
jobs.then(function(waitingJobs) {
 waitingJobs.forEach(function(waitingJob) {
   logger.addLog('Info', 'Request waiting number: ' + ( -, socketObj[]);



Continue ReadingAdding Logs for Request Status in Open Event Web app

Implementation of Delete Skill Feature for Admins in SUSI.AI

The admin panel of SUSI.AI has an admin panel to manage its users and skills and it also provides the admins to delete skills and restore the deleted ones. In this post we will discuss about how this works on the server and client side.

On the server side there are three APIs associated with this feature. One is to delete a skill, one to restore the skills and another to display the list of deleted skills. The following servlets are responsible for the above APIs and we will discuss about them in detail.

Continue ReadingImplementation of Delete Skill Feature for Admins in SUSI.AI