Deploying Yacy with Docker on Different Cloud Platforms

To make deploying of yacy easier we are now supporting Docker based installation.

Following the steps below one could successfully run Yacy on docker.

  1. You can pull the image of Yacy from or buid it on your own with the docker file present at

One could pull the docker image using command:

docker pull nikhilrayaprolu/yacygridmcp


2) Once you have an image of yacygridmcp you can run it by typing

docker run <image_name>


You can access the yacygridmcp endpoint at localhost:8100

Installation of Yacy on cloud servers:

Installing Yacy and all microservices with just one command:

  • One can also download,build and run Yacy and all its microservices (presently supported are yacy_grid_crawler, yacy_grid_loader, yacy_grid_ui, yacy_grid_parser, and yacy_grid_mcp )
  • To build all these microservices in one command, run this bash script
    • `bash build` will install all required dependencies and build microservices by cloning them from github repositories.
    • `bash run` will run all services and starts them.
    • Right now all repositories are cloned into ~/yacy and you can make customisations and your own changes to this code and build your own customised yacy.

The related PRs of this work are and and


Continue ReadingDeploying Yacy with Docker on Different Cloud Platforms

Deploying loklak Server on Kubernetes with External Elasticsearch

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Kubernetes is an awesome cloud platform, which ensures that cloud applications run reliably. It runs automated tests, flawless updates, smart roll out and rollbacks, simple scaling and a lot more.

So as a part of GSoC, I worked on taking the loklak server to Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform. In this blog post, I will be discussing the approach followed to deploy development branch of loklak on Kubernetes.

New Docker Image

Since Kubernetes deployments work on Docker images, we needed one for the loklak project. The existing image would not be up to the mark for Kubernetes as it contained the declaration of volumes and exposing of ports. So I wrote a new Docker image which could be used in Kubernetes.

The image would simply clone loklak server, build the project and trigger the server as CMD

FROM alpine:latest


WORKDIR /loklak_server

RUN apk update && apk add openjdk8 git bash && \
    git clone /loklak_server && \
    git checkout development && \
    ./gradlew build -x test -x checkstyleTest -x checkstyleMain -x jacocoTestReport && \
    # Some Configurations and Cleanups

CMD ["bin/", "-Idn"]


This image wouldn’t have any volumes or exposed ports and we are now free to configure them in the configuration files (discussed in a later section).

Building and Pushing Docker Image using Travis

To automatically build and push on a commit to the master branch, Travis build is used. In the after_success section, a call to push Docker image is made.

Travis environment variables hold the username and password for Docker hub and are used for logging in –



We needed checks there to ensure that we are on the right branch for the push and we are not handling a pull request –

# Build and push Kubernetes Docker image
if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "development" ]; then
    docker build -t loklak_server_kubernetes kubernetes/images/development
    docker tag loklak_server_kubernetes $KUBERNETES_BRANCH
    docker push $KUBERNETES_BRANCH
    docker push $KUBERNETES_COMMIT
elif [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" ]; then
    # Build and push master
    echo "Skipping Kubernetes image push for branch $TRAVIS_BRANCH"


Kubernetes Configurations for loklak

Kubernetes cluster can completely be configured using configurations written in YAML format. The deployment of loklak uses the previously built image. Initially, the image tagged as latest-kubernetes-development is used –

apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: server
  namespace: web
  replicas: 1
        app: server
      - name: server
        image: loklak/loklak_server:latest-kubernetes-development


Readiness and Liveness Probes

Probes act as the top level tester for the health of a deployment in Kubernetes. The probes are performed periodically to ensure that things are working fine and appropriate steps are taken if they fail.

When a new image is updated, the older pod still runs and servers the requests. It is replaced by the new ones only when the probes are successful, otherwise, the update is rolled back.

In loklak, the /api/status.json endpoint gives information about status of deployment and hence is a good target for probes –

    path: /api/status.json
    port: 80
  initialDelaySeconds: 30
  timeoutSeconds: 3
    path: /api/status.json
    port: 80
  initialDelaySeconds: 30
  timeoutSeconds: 3


These probes are performed periodically and the server is restarted if they fail (non-success HTTP status code or takes more than 3 seconds).

Ports and Volumes

In the configurations, port 80 is exposed as this is where Jetty serves inside loklak –

- containerPort: 80
  protocol: TCP


If we notice, this is the port that we used for running the probes. Since the development branch deployment holds no dumps, we didn’t need to specify any explicit volumes for persistence.

Load Balancer Service

While creating the configurations, a new public IP is assigned to the deployment using Google Cloud Platform’s load balancer. It starts listening on port 80 –

- containerPort: 80
  protocol: TCP


Since this service creates a new public IP, it is recommended not to replace/recreate this services as this would result in the creation of new public IP. Other components can be updated individually.

Kubernetes Configurations for Elasticsearch

To maintain a persistent index, this deployment would require an external Elasticsearch cluster. loklak is able to connect itself to external Elasticsearch cluster by changing a few configurations.

Docker Image and Environment Variables

The image used for Elasticsearch is taken from pires/docker-elasticsearch-kubernetes. It allows easy configuration of properties from environment variables in configurations. Here is a list of configurable variables, but we needed just a few of them to do our task –

  value: /var/run/secrets/
      fieldPath: metadata.namespace
- name: "CLUSTER_NAME"
  value: "loklakcluster"
  value: "elasticsearch"
  value: "true"
- name: NODE_DATA
  value: "true"
  value: "true"


Persistent Index using Persistent Cloud Disk

To make the index last even after the deployment is stopped, we needed a stable place where we could store all that data. Here, Google Compute Engine’s standard persistent disk was used. The disk can be created using GCP web portal or the gcloud CLI.

Before attaching the disk, we need to declare a volume where we could mount it –

- mountPath: /data
  name: storage


Now that we have a volume, we can simply mount the persistent disk on it –

- name: storage
    pdName: data-index-disk
    fsType: ext4


Now, whenever we deploy these configurations, we can reuse the previous index.

Exposing Kubernetes to Cluster

The HTTP and transport clients are enabled on port 9200 and 9300 respectively. They can be exposed to the rest of the cluster using the following service –

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  - name: http
    port: 9200
    protocol: TCP
  - name: transport
    port: 9300
    protocol: TCP


Once deployed, other deployments can access the cluster API from ports 9200 and 9300.

Connecting loklak to Kubernetes

To connect loklak to external Elasticsearch cluster, TransportClient Java API is used. In order to enable these settings, we simply need to make some changes in configurations.

Since we enable the service named “elasticsearch” in namespace “elasticsearch”, we can access the cluster at address elasticsearch.elasticsearch:9200 (web) and elasticsearch.elasticsearch:9300 (transport).

To confine these changes only to Kubernetes deployment, we can use sed command while building the image (in Dockerfile) –

sed -i.bak 's/^\(elasticsearch_transport.enabled\).*/\1=true/' conf/ && \
sed -i.bak 's/^\(elasticsearch_transport.addresses\).*/\1=elasticsearch.elasticsearch:9300/' conf/ && \


Now when we create the deployments in Kubernetes cluster, loklak auto connects to the external elasticsearch index and creates indices if needed.

Verifying persistence of the Elasticsearch Index

In order to see that the data persists, we can completely delete the deployment or even the cluster if we want. Later, when we recreate the deployment, we can see all the messages already present in the index.

I  [2017-07-29 09:42:51,804][INFO ][node                     ] [Hellion] initializing ...
I  [2017-07-29 09:42:52,024][INFO ][plugins                  ] [Hellion] loaded [cloud-kubernetes], sites []
I  [2017-07-29 09:42:52,055][INFO ][env                      ] [Hellion] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/data (/dev/sdb)]], net usable_space [84.9gb], net total_space [97.9gb], spins? [possibly], types [ext4]
I  [2017-07-29 09:42:53,543][INFO ][node                     ] [Hellion] initialized
I  [2017-07-29 09:42:53,543][INFO ][node                     ] [Hellion] starting ...
I  [2017-07-29 09:42:53,620][INFO ][transport                ] [Hellion] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}
I  [2017-07-29 09:42:53,633][INFO ][discovery                ] [Hellion] loklakcluster/cJtXERHETKutq7nujluJvA
I  [2017-07-29 09:42:57,866][INFO ][cluster.service          ] [Hellion] new_master {Hellion}{cJtXERHETKutq7nujluJvA}{}{}{master=true}, reason: zen-disco-join(elected_as_master, [0] joins received)
I  [2017-07-29 09:42:57,955][INFO ][http                     ] [Hellion] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}
I  [2017-07-29 09:42:57,955][INFO ][node                     ] [Hellion] started
I  [2017-07-29 09:42:58,082][INFO ][gateway                  ] [Hellion] recovered [8] indices into cluster_state

In the last line from the logs, we can see that indices already present on the disk were recovered. Now if we head to the public IP assigned to the cluster, we can see that the message count is restored.


In this blog post, I discussed how we utilised the Kubernetes setup to shift loklak to Google Cloud Platform. The deployment is active and can be accessed from the link provided under wiki section of loklak/loklak_server repo.

I introduced these changes in pull request loklak/loklak_server#1349 with the help of @niranjan94, @uday96 and @chiragw15.


Continue ReadingDeploying loklak Server on Kubernetes with External Elasticsearch

Calibrating the PSLab’s Analog Features for Maximum Accuracy

The hardware design of the PSLab aims to achieve the maximum possible performance from a very conservative bill of materials. There are several analog components such as Op-amps, voltage dividers, and level-shifters involved in input signal processing that have inherent offsets and slopes that must be corrected in order get the best results. Similarly, some analog output signals from the PSLab are also modified by buffers, amplifiers, and level shifting circuits.

One way to improve the initial accuracy is to choose high performance analog components that are factory calibrated , and do not require any additional correction to achieve error margins that are less than the least count of the PSLab’s measurement capabilities. However, such components such as laser trimmed resistor pairs, and low-offset Op-Amps are quite expensive, and we must instead use software based correction methods to achieve similar performance from affordable parts.

Identifying a suitable calibrator for analog signals

In order to calibrate a device, we must first own a similar device whose measurements we can trust, and which has a finer resolution that the PSLab itself. Calibration is a one-time task that will quantify and store the gain and offset errors, and these errors are not expected to behave very differently unless a significant change in temperature, or mechanical stress is experienced.

Such a device may be as expensive as 24-bit, research-grade multimeters which generally cost upwards of $500 , or can be inexpensive analog to digital convertors that might require some expertise to extract data from them, but can still be used for calibration.

Fortunately, we have been able to identify a cheaply available device that puts the calibration process within the reach and capabilities of the end user. The ADS1115 16-bit ADC is a 4-channel, 0-3.3V ADC that can be interfaced via I2C. Typical initial accuracy of the internal voltage reference 0.01% and data rates higher than 500SPS are possible. It is cost effective, and is available in convenient module formats that can be directly plugged into the PSLab itself. It can be purchased through various vendors ( A , B , C )

Therefore, it appears to be most suited to calibrate individual PSLab devices.

Basic requirements for the calibration process

The process to calibrate the analog inputs and outputs involves looping them externally , and monitoring the actual values via the external calibrator.

We’re killing two birds with one stone by calibrating inputs and outputs in tandem, and it makes for a faster calibration process. The complete calibration process for  Digital to Analog converter outputs has enough complexity to warrant a separate blog post.

Let’s take an example; PV1 ( an analog output that can be set between -5V and +5V) can be connected to CH1 (An analog input which can read voltage values between -16 and +16 Volts) with a small segment of wire, and various voltage values can be set on PV1, and read back by CH1 . At the same time, the external calibration utility will also monitor this voltage, and store the error in PV1 (Set Voltage – Actual Voltage) as well as the error in CH1 ( Read Voltage – Actual Voltage ) .

In a similar manner , PV2 can be connected to CH2, and the second channel of the ADS1115 calibrator can be used to monitor the real value, and so on .

Deviations of various analog input channels and their different voltage ranges from the actual values. As is evident from the graph, errors can be as much as 40mV in a full scale range of +/-16,000mV . But since these errors are quite repeatable, we can apply a calibration polynomial to correct these.


Integral Non-linearity of the ADC

In addition to the overall slope and offset, you have probably observed in the previous image, a sawtooth pattern with an amplitude as small as the least count of the analog inputs superimposed on them. This error arises from the integral non-linearity (INL) of the analog to digital convertor of the PIC, and affects all analog inputs uniformly. While in principle we can ignore this for all practical purposes, in order to further improve the analog accuracy, we can also store this INL error of the ADC, and apply this correction to any channel after its slope and offset has been corrected.

The overall slope and offset are caused by the analog references and components, and can be corrected with a simple 3-degree polynomial. However, the sawtooth pattern is characteristics of the INL, and must be stored in a correction array with 4096 elements ( Each element represents the error of the corresponding ADC code of the 12-bit ADC )
The yellow trace represents the error in readings from the ADC after applying polynomial and table based correction. There appears to be a small offset that can be attributed to a change in ambient temperature , but can be neglected as it is in the order of 100uV


The following utilities and code are necessary for this process
  • An I2C communication library for ADS1115 must be present in order to acquire data from it via the PSLab
  • The library should be able to handle the following tasks
    • read single ended , and differential voltage values from any of the channels
    • Enable selection of voltage range and voltage reference
  • A graphical interface with the following features and algorithms will be required:
    • Vary the output voltages from PV1,2,3 in small, definite intervals
    • Store the errors in the analog outputs and inputs as a function of the actual voltage
    • Generate Cubic interpolation functions for each input and output channel
    • The Programmable Current Source can be calibrated using a measured Load resistor, and calibrated analog channel. Its interpolation function must also be stored.
    • Write all calibration constants into flash memory after assigning a timestamp
    • Store raw calibration data in a client-side folder
Testing of the analog inputs after applying calibration polynomials. It can be observed that the accuracy has been brought within a +/-5mV range for the wide input channels. For CH3, a +/-1mV accuracy is achieved.
Continue ReadingCalibrating the PSLab’s Analog Features for Maximum Accuracy

Scraping Concurrently with Loklak Server

At Present, SearchScraper in Loklak Server uses numerous threads to scrape Twitter website. The data fetched is cleaned and more data is extracted from it. But just scraping Twitter is under-performance.

Concurrent scraping of other websites like Quora, Youtube, Github, etc can be added to diversify the application. In this way, single endpoint search.json can serve multiple services.

As this Feature is under-refinement, We will discuss only the basic structure of the system with new changes. I tried to implement more abstract way of Scraping by:-

1) Fetching the input data in SearchServlet

Instead of selecting the input get-parameters and referencing them to be used, Now complete Map object is referenced, helping to be able to add more functionality based on input get-parameters. The dataArray object (as JSONArray) is fetched from DAO.scrapeLoklak method and is embedded in output with key results

    // start a scraper
    inputMap.put("query", query);
    DAO.log(request.getServletPath() + " scraping with query: "
           + query + " scraper: " + scraper);
    dataArray = DAO.scrapeLoklak(inputMap, true, true);


2) Scraping the selected Scrapers concurrently

In, the useful get parameters of inputMap are fetched and cleaned. They are used to choose the scrapers that shall be scraped, using getScraperObjects() method.

Timeline2.Order order= getOrder(inputMap.get("order"));
Timeline2 dataSet = new Timeline2(order);
List<String> scraperList = Arrays.asList(inputMap.get("scraper").trim().split("\\s*,\\s*"));


Threads are created to fetch data from different scrapers according to size of list of scraper objects fetched. input map is passed as argument to the scrapers for further get parameters related to them and output data according to them.

List<BaseScraper> scraperObjList = getScraperObjects(scraperList, inputMap);
ExecutorService scraperRunner = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(scraperObjList.size());

    for (BaseScraper scraper : scraperObjList)
        scraperRunner.execute(() -> {


} finally {

    try {
        scraperRunner.awaitTermination(24L, TimeUnit.HOURS);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) { }


3) Fetching the selected Scraper Objects in

Here the variable of abstract class BaseScraper (SuperClass of all search scrapers) is used to create List of scrapers to be scraped. All the scrapers’ constructors are fed with input map to be scraped accordingly.

List<BaseScraper> scraperObjList = new ArrayList<BaseScraper>();
BaseScraper scraperObj = null;

if (scraperList.contains("github") || scraperList.contains("all")) {
    scraperObj = new GithubProfileScraper(inputMap);



Continue ReadingScraping Concurrently with Loklak Server

Customizing Firefox in Meilix using skel

We had a problem of customizing the Firefox browser configuration using Meilix generator so we used the skel folder in Linux. The /etc/skel directory contains files and directories that are automatically copied over to a new user’s home directory when such user is created by the useradd program.

Firefox generally reads its settings from ~/.mozilla/firefox folder present in Linux home of the user, which is changed when user modifies his settings like changing the homepage or disabling the bookmarks. To add these changes for every new user we can copy these configurations into skel folder.

Which we have done with Meilix which have these configurations in it and can be modified by using Meilix generator.

If you are going to look in your ~/.mozilla/firefox folder you will find a random string followed by .default folder this will contain the default settings of your Firefox browser and this random string is created uniquely for every user. The profile name will be different for all users but should always end with .default so if we use skel the .default will be same for everyone and we may choose any name for that like we have used meilix.default in below script.

For example to change the default homepage URL we can create a script that can be used by Meilix generator to modify the URL in Meilix.


set -eu   	 
# firefox
preferences_file="`echo meilix-default-settings/etc/skel/.mozilla/firefox/meilix.default/user.js`"
if [ -f "$preferences_file" ]
	echo "user_pref(\"browser.startup.homepage\", \"${event_url}\");" >> $preferences_file


Here the ${event_url} is the environment variable sent by Meilix generator to be added to configuration of Firefox that is added to skel folder in Meilix.

We can similarly edit more configuration by editing the file pref.js file it contains the configuration for Firefox like bookmarks, download location, default URL etc.


Continue ReadingCustomizing Firefox in Meilix using skel

Email and Password Validation in Open Event Android

The Open Event API Server exposes a well documented JSONAPI compliant REST API that can be used in The Open Even Android and Frontend. The Open Event API Server enables the Android and web clients to add the user authentication (sign up/login) in the project. In the process of signing up or logging in user it is needed to validate email and password entered by the user and show the error to give better user experience. In this post I explain how to validate email and password entered by the user using TextInputLayout.

1. Add TextInputLayout

TextInputLayout wraps an EditText (or descendant) to show a floating label when the hint is hidden due to the user inputting text. Add TextInputLayout for email field in the layout as given below.


                android:inputType="textEmailAddress" />

Here the hint attribute is used to display hint in the floating label. Specify the input type so the system displays the appropriate soft input method (such as an on-screen keyboard) for the field. For email EditText we are using textEmailAddress input type. Similarly add TextInputLayout for the password field. The input type for the password is textPassword.

2.  Create and initialize object

Now in the activity create and initialize TextInputLayout and EditText objects for email and password.

TextInputLayout mTextInputLayoutEmail;
TextInputLayout mTextInputLayoutPassword;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    private AppCompatEditText mEditTextEmail = (AppCompatEditText) mTextInputLayoutEmail.getEditText();
    private AppCompatEditText mEditTextPassword = (AppCompatEditText) mTextInputLayoutPassword.getEditText();

Here we are using ButterKnife for binding views with fields. The getEditText() method returns the EditText view used for text input inside the TextInputLayout.

3.  Create validate() method

Create validate() method which takes two arguments. The first is email and the second password. It will return true if the email and password are valid else false.

private boolean validate(String email, String password) {

        // Reset errors.

        if (Utils.isEmpty(email)) {
            mTextInputLayoutEmail.setError("Email is required");
            return false;
        } else if (!Utils.isEmailValid(email)) {
            mTextInputLayoutEmail.setError("Enter a valid email");
            return false;

        if (Utils.isEmpty(password)) {
            mTextInputLayoutPassword.setError("Password is required");
            return false;
        } else if (!Utils.isPasswordValid(password)) {
            mTextInputLayoutPassword.setError("Password must contain at least 6 characters");
            return false;

        return true;

Here it first resets the error for the TextInputLayout by setting it to null. Then it checks email string if it is empty then it will show “Email is required” error using setError() method.

4.  Create isEmailValid() and isPasswordValid() method

Now create isEmailValid() and isPasswordvalid() method which is used by validate() method. The isEmailValid() method should take email string as an argument and return boolean indicating whether the email is valid or not. The isEmailValid() method uses Pattern and Matcher class to determine if the pattern of input is email or not. The isPasswordValid() method should take password string as an argument and return true if the password is satisfying minimum condition. Here in our case length of the password should be minimum 6.

public static boolean isEmailValid(String email){
        Pattern pattern = Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS;
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(email);
        return matcher.matches();

//Check password with minimum requirement here(it should be minimum 6 characters)
public static boolean isPasswordValid(String password){
        return password.length() >= 6;

5.  Use validate() method

Now we are ready to use validate() method when signing up or logging in the user. The getText() method of EditText will return text input.

String email = mEditTextEmail.getText().toString();
String password = mEditTextPassword.getText().toString();

if (validate(email, password)) {
    //Sign up or login User


Using TextInputLayout with floating hint label and error handling gives awesome UI and UX.

Continue ReadingEmail and Password Validation in Open Event Android

Working with Activity API in Open Event API Server

Recently, I added the Activities API with documentation and dredd tests for the same in
Open Event API Server. The Activity Model in the Open Event Server is basically a log of all the things that happen while the server is running, like – event updates, speaker additions, invoice generations and other similar things. This blogpost explains how to implement Activity API in the Open Event API Server’s nextgen branch. In the Open Event Server, we first add the endpoints, then document these so that the consumers ( Open Event Orga App, Open Event Frontend) find it easy to work with all the endpoints.

We also test the documentation against backend implementation to ensure that a end-developer who is working with the APIs is not misled to believe what each endpoint actually does in the server.

We also test the documentation against backend implementation to ensure that a end-developer who is working with the APIs is not misled to believe what each endpoint actually does in the server.
The Activities API endpoints are based on the Activity database model. The Activity table has four columns – 
id, actor, time, action, the names are self-explanatory. Now for the API schema, we need to make fields corresponding these columns.
Since id is auto generated, we do not need to add it as a field for API. Also the activity model’s __init__ method stamps time with the current system time. So this field is also not required in the API fields. We are left with two fields- actor and action.

Defining API Schema

Next, we define the API Schema class for Activities model. This will involve a Meta class and fields for the class.The Meta class contains the metadata of the class. This includes details about type_,

self_view, self_view_kwargs and an inflect parameter to dasherize the input fields from request body.

We define the four fields – id, actor, time and action according to marshmallow fields based on the data type and parameters from the activities model. Since id, actor and action are string columns and time is a DateTime column, the fields are written as following:

The id field is marked as dump only because it is a read-only type field. The other fields are marked with allow_none as they are all non-required field.

ActivityList Class:
The activity list class will provide us with the endpoint: “/v1/activities”

This endpoint will list all the activities. Since we wanted only GET requests to be working for this, so defined method = [‘GET’, ] for ResourceList. The activities are to be internally created based on different actions like creating an event, updating an event, adding speakers to sessions and likewise. Since the activities are to be shown only to the server admin, 
is_admin permission is used from the permission manager.

ActivityDetail Class:

The activity detail gives methods to work with an activity based on the activity id.
The endpoint provided is :  ‘/v1/activity/<int:activity_id>’

Since this is also an admin-only accessible GET only endpoint the following was written:

Writing Documentation:

The documentation is written using API Blueprint. Since we have two endpoints to document : /v1/activities and /v1/activities/<int:activity_id> both GET only.

So we begin by defining the ‘Group Activities’ , under which we first list  ‘Activity Collection’ which essentially is the Activity List class.

For this class, we have the endpoint:  /v1/activities. This is added for GET request. The parameters – actor, time and action are described along with description, type and whether they are required or not.

The request headers are written as part of the docs followed by the expected response.

Next we write the ‘Activity Details’ which represents the ActivityDetail class. Here the endpoint /v1/activities/<int:activity_id> is documented for GET. The parameter here is activity_id, which is the id of the activity to get the details of.

Writing DREDD Test for Documentation

To imitate the request responses, we need a faker script which creates an object of the the class we are testing the docs for then makes the request. For this we use FactoryBoy and dredd hooks to insert data into the database.

Defining Factory Model for Activity db model

The above is the factory model for activity model. It is derived from

factory.alchemy.SQLAlchemyModelFactory. The meta class defines the db model and sqlalchemy session to be used. The actor and action have dummy strings as part of the request body.

Writing Hooks
Now to test these endpoints we need to add objects to the database so that the GET requests have an object to fetch. This is done by dredd hooks. Before each request, an object of the corresponding factory class is initialised and committed into the database. Thus a dummy object is available for dredd to test on. The request is made and the real output is compared with the expected output written in the API Blueprint documentation.

This is what the hooks look like for  this endpoint: GET /activities

Now if the expected responses and actual responses match, the dredd test successfully passes. This dredd test in run on each build of the project on Travis to ensure that documented code does exactly what is says!

This concludes the process to write an API right from Schema to Resources and Documentation and Dredd tests.

Additional Resources:

Continue ReadingWorking with Activity API in Open Event API Server

Using Lombok to Reduce Boilerplate Code in Open Event Android App

The Open Even App Android project contains data/model classes like Event, Track, Session, Speaker etc which are used to fetch data from the server and store data in the database. Each model contains private fields, getters, setters and toString() method which are used to change data of the object, access data of the object, logging and debugging. Adding all these methods manually makes the code boilerplate.

In this blog post I explain how to use Lombok to reduce boilerplate code in the model class.

Add dependency

To set up Lombok for your application you have to add the dependency in your app module’s build.gradle file.

dependencies {
	provided   "org.projectlombok:lombok:1.16.18"

Install Lombok plugin

In addition to setting up your gradle project correctly, you need to add the Lombok IntelliJ plugin to add Lombok support to Android Studio

  1. Go to File > Settings > Plugins
  2. Click on Browse repositories
  3. Search for Lombok Plugin
  4. Click on Install plugin
  5. Restart Android Studio

Write model class

Lombok has annotations to generate Getters, Setters, Constructors, toString(), Equal() and hashCode() methods.

@Getter,  @Setter, @ToString, @EqualsAndHashCode

@Data is a shortcut annotation that bundles the features of @Getter, @Setter, @ToString and @EqualsAndHashCode

Here I am only defining track model because of its simplicity and less complexity.

public class Track {

    private int id;
    private String name;
    private String description;
    private String color;
    private String fontColor;
    private RealmList<Session> sessions;

Create and use object

After defining models you can create an instance of the object and you will notice that you can access all the getters and setters.

Track track = new Track();

String name = track.getName(); // here value of name will be "Android" 

You can also specify which fields to include and exclude in the toString(), equals() and hashCode() methods using @ToString, @EqualsAndHashCode annotation.

@ToString(of={"id", "name"})


@EqualsAndHashCode(of={"id", "name"})

@EqualsAndHashCode(exclude={"color", "fontColor"})


Lombok has three methods to generator constructors

  • @NoArgsConstructor: It generates constructor with no parameters
  • @RequiredArgsConstructor: It generates a constructor with 1 parameter for each field that requires special handling.
  • @AllArgsConstructor: It generates a constructor with 1 parameter for each field in your class.


As you can see, Lombok uses succinct annotations to generate methods such as getters, setters, and constructors. It can easily help you get rid of hundreds of lines of boilerplate code. Lombok also allows you to make your code more expressive, concise and can help you avoid some bugs. To learn more about Lombok project follow the links given below.

Continue ReadingUsing Lombok to Reduce Boilerplate Code in Open Event Android App

Zooming Feature in the Phimpme Android’s Camera

The Phimpme Android application comes with a complete package of camera, Edit images, sharing and gallery functionalities. It has a well featured and fully functional camera with all the capabilities that a user expects from a camera application. One such feature in the Phimpme Android application is the zooming functionality. It provides the user the option to zoom in using the pinch gesture of the fingers or the user can select the settings to zoom in from the volume buttons. In this tutorial, I will be explaining how I achieved the zooming functionality in the Phimpme Android app.

Step 1

The first thing we need to do is to check whether the device will support the zoom in functionality or not to avoid random crashes while runtime of the application and while performing the zoom action in case the camera of the device doesn’t support this feature. This can be done by the following lines of code:

Camera.Parameters params = mCamera.getParameters();
Boolean supports = params.isZoomSupported();

Step 2

Now after getting the camera parameters and checking whether the camera supports the zoom in functionality, we need to add the touch listener to the surface view of the camera so that we can get the touch locations and the finger spacing of the user to get the pinch to zoom in functionality. This can be done using the following line of code.


Whenever the user touches the screen this touch listener gives a callback to the overridden onTouchEvent method and passes the MotionEvent to the function. The motion event object in Android handles the movement reports. Now in the onTouchEvent method, we calculate the finger spacing between the two fingers and calculate the approximate amount by which the user wants to zoom in. The finger spacing can be calculated using the following lines of code.

float x = event.getX(0) - event.getX(1);
   float y = event.getY(0) - event.getY(1);
   return FloatMath.sqrt(x * x + y * y);

After getting the finger spacing we need to cancel the auto focus of the camera before performing the zoom action so that the application does not crash. This can be achieved by a single line of code below.


Step 3

The final step is to set the zoom level in the camera application by calculating the zoom level by using the finger spacing. For this, first we need to get the max zoom level supported by the device so that we do not apply the zoom level that is not supported by the device. The calculation of max zoom level and setting of the desired zoom level by the user can be performed by using the following lines of code.

int maxZoom = params.getMaxZoom();
   int zoom = params.getZoom();
   float newDist = getFingerSpacing(event);
   if (newDist > mDist) {
       //zoom in
       if (zoom < maxZoom)
   } else if (newDist < mDist) {
       //zoom out
       if (zoom > 0)
   mDist = newDist;

This is how we have achieved the functionality of zooming in and clicking pictures in the Phimpme Android application. To get the full source code and to know how to use the volume control buttons to zoom in/out, please refer to the Phimpme Android repository.


  1. GitHub – Open camera source code :
  2. Android developer’s guide – MotionEvents in Android :
  3. StackOverflow – Pinch to zoom functionality :
  4. GitHub – Phimpme Android repository :
Continue ReadingZooming Feature in the Phimpme Android’s Camera

Creating Different Shades of a Color in Phimpme Android

Getting different shades of a particular color is very much useful when setting color to layouts which are just adjacent to each other. It maintains the uniformity of the theme and also creates a distinction between those layouts. In Phimpme Android application we used this method for setting colors for the status bar, navigation bar and few other foreground elements.

Use of different shades of a color

As per the normal theme of the application, we assigned the primary color of the theme to the  background color of the action bar in Phimpme Android application. The status bar will be present just above the action bar. So if we assign the same primary color to the status bar also, then there will be no distinction between both the views and it is not visibly attractive. For getting the distinction between both the views, we created a dark shade of the primary color of the current theme and set it as the background color of the status bar.


In Phimpme Android application we used a bottomnavigationview widget for navigating between activities in the application. It is placed at the bottom of the application window i.e. just above the system navigation bar. So, even here, for creating the distinction between both the views, we used the similar approach of getting the darker shade of the color, assigning it to the system navigation bar and normal shade to the bottomnavigationview of Phimpme Android application.


In the splash screen of the Phimpme Android application, the primary color of the theme is set as the main background. A progress bar also gets displayed on the screen. Its color should match the theme and should also get distinguished from the background. We could’ve used darker shade for this too, but a lighter foreground object would be visibly much better. So, we created a lighter shade of the primary color and used it as the color filter for the progress bar.


In Phimpme Android, this is implemented by getting the color coordinates in HSV space corresponding to the given coordinates (here – primary color of theme) in RGB space and changing the luminance in that HSV space and remapping it back to RGB space. By this we get almost any shade of the color.

The implementation for getting darker shade of a color which we used for status bar in Phimpme application is shown below.

public int getDarkerShadeColor(int c){
   float[] hsv = new float[3];
   int color = c;
   Color.colorToHSV(color, hsv);
   hsv[2] *= 0.80f; 
   color = Color.HSVToColor(hsv);
   return color;

Generally 20% darker color would be enough for distinguishing from original color. So, we reduced the luminosity to 80% of its previous value and created darker color in the above function.

The implementation for getting lighter color is also almost same. It is given below

public int getLighterShadeColor(int c){
   float[] hsv = new float[3];
   int color = c;
   Color.colorToHSV(color, hsv);
   hsv[2] *= 1.35f; 
   color = Color.HSVToColor(hsv);
   return color;

As you can see that both functions are almost same except the multiplier. If the multiplier is less than 1 then the function returns darker shade of the original color and if the multiplier is greater than 1 then the function returns lighter shade of the color. So by using this function, one can produce any shade of a color dynamically without the need hard code in xml files.


Continue ReadingCreating Different Shades of a Color in Phimpme Android