Generate Requirement File for Python App for Meilix-Generator

Meilix-Generator is based upon Flask (a Python framework) which has several dependencies to fulfill before actually running the app properly. This article will guide you through the way I used it to automatically generate the requirement file for Meilix Generator app so that one doesn’t have to manually type all the requirements.

An app powered by Python always has several dependencies to fulfill to run the app successfully. The app root directory contains a file named as requirements.txt which contains the name of the dependency and their version. There are features ways to generate the requirement file for an app but the one which I will demonstrate is the best one. So I used this idea to generate the requirement file for webapp Meilix Generator.

Ways to get the requirement.txt

The internet has a featured way through which one has just to run a command to get a list of all the different dependencies within an app.

pip freeze > requirements.txt

This way will generate a bunch of dependencies that we not even required.

Why do we really require to generate a requirement file?

Yes, one may even ask that we can even write the dependency in the requirements.txt file. Why do we need a command to generate it?

Since because it will take care of two important things:
1. It will ensure that all the dependencies have been included, from user input one may forget to find some of the dependency and to include that.

  1. It will also take care of the Python Package Version Pinning which is really important. People use to version pinning for Python requirements as “>=” style. It’s important to follow “==” style because If we want to install the program in one year in the future, the required packages should be pinned to assure that the API changes in the installed packages do not break the program. Please read here for more info.

The way mentioned below will ensure to provide both these features.

How I generated it for Meilix Generator?

Meilix Generator run on Flask that require a requirement.txt file to fulfill the dependencies. Let’s get straight to the way to generate it for the project.

First we will simply create a file in which we will simply mention all the dependencies in a simple way:


Now we will use a command to latest packages:

pip install --upgrade -r

#Note that if you would like to change the requirements, please edit the file and run this command to update the dependencies

Then type this command to generate the requirements.txt file from

pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt

#fix the versions that definitely work for an eternity.
This will generate a file something as:

click==6.7                # via flask
itsdangerous==0.24        # via flask
Jinja2==2.9.6             # via flask
MarkupSafe==1.0           # via jinja2
Werkzeug==0.12.2          # via flask

Now you generated a perfect requirements.txt file with all the dependencies satisfied with proper python package pinning.

The meilix-generator repo which uses this:

Continue ReadingGenerate Requirement File for Python App for Meilix-Generator

Heroku Deployment through Travis for Meilix-Generator

This article will tell the way to deploy the Meilix Generator on Heroku with the help of Travis. A successful deployment will help as a test for a good PR. Later in the article, we’ll see the one-button deployment on Heroku.

We will here deploy Meilix Generator on Heroku. The way to deploy the project on Heroku is that one should connect its Github account and deploy it on Heroku. The problem arises when one wants to deploy the project on each and every commit. This will help to test that the commits are passing or not. Here we will see that how to use Travis to deploy on Heroku on each and every commit. If the Travis test passed which means that the changes made in the commit are implemented.
We used the same idea to test the commits for Meilix Generator.

Idea behind it

Travis (.travis.yml) will be helpful to us to achieve this. We will use this deploy build to Heroku on each commit. If it gets successfully deployed then it proves that the commit made is working.

How to implement it

I will use Meilix Generator repository to tell the way to implement this. It is as simple as editing the .travis.yml file. We just have to add few lines to .travis.yml and hence it will get deployed.

  provider: heroku
    secure: "YOUR ENCRYPTED API KEY"     # explained below
  app: meilix-generator                    # write the name of the app
    repo: fossasia/meilix-generator                # repo name
    branch: master                        # branch name

Way to generate the api key:
This is really a matter of concern since if this gets wrong then the deployment will not occur.


  • cd into the repository which you want to deploy on Heroku.
  • Login Heroku CI and Travis CI into your terminal and type the following.

travis encrypt $(heroku auth:token) --add deploy.api_key

This will automatically provide the key inside the .travis.yml file.

You can also configure manually using

travis heroku setup

That it, you are done, test the build.

Things are still left:

But we are still left with the test of the PR.
For this we have to create a new app.json file as:

    "name": "Meilix-Generator",
    "description": "A webapp which generates iso for you",
    "repository": "",
    "logo": "",
    "keywords": [
    "env": {
        "APP_SECRET_TOKEN": {
            "generator": "secret"
        "ON_HEROKU": "true",
        "FORCE_SSL": "true",
        "INVITATION_CODE": {
            "generator": "secret"
    "buildpacks": {
            "url": "heroku/python"        # this is the only place of concern

This code should be put in a file in the root of the repo with the name as app.json.
In the buildpacks : the url should be the one which contains the code base language used.

This can be helpful in 2 ways:

  1. Test the commit made and deploy it on Heroku
    2. One-click deployment button which will deploy the app on Heroku
  • Test the deployment through the URL:

  • Way to add the button:


How can this idea be helpful to a developer

A developer can use this to deploy its app on Heroku and test the commit automatically and view the quality and status of PR too.

Useful repositories and link which uses this:

I have used the same idea in my project. Do have a look:
deployment on Heroku
one-click deployment
app.json file schema   

Continue ReadingHeroku Deployment through Travis for Meilix-Generator

Adding a Scroll To Bottom button in SUSI WebChat

SUSI Web Chat now has a scroll-to-bottom button which helps the users to scroll the app automatically to the bottom of the scroll area on button click. When the chat history is lengthy and the user has to scroll down manually it results in a bad UX. So the basic requirements of this scroll-to-bottom button are:

  1. The button must only be displayed when the user has scrolled up the message section
  2. On clicking the scroll-to-bottom button, the scroll area must be automatically scrolled to bottom.

Let’s visit SUSI Web Chat and try this out.

The button is not visible until there are enough messages to enable scrolling and the user has scrolled up. On clicking the button, the app automatically scrolls to the bottom pointing to the most recent message.

How was this implemented?

We first design our scroll-to-bottom button using Material UI  Floating Action Button and SVG Icons.

import FloatingActionButton from 'material-ui/FloatingActionButton';
import NavigateDown from 'material-ui/svg-icons/navigation/expand-more';

The button needs to be styled to be displayed at a fixed position on the bottom right corner of the message section. Positioning it on top of MessageSection above the MessageComposer, the button is also aligned with respect to the edges.

const scrollBottomStyle = {
  button : {
    float: 'right',
    marginRight: '5px',
    marginBottom: '10px',
  backgroundColor: '#fcfcfc',
  icon : {
    fill: UserPreferencesStore.getTheme()==='light' ? '#90a4ae' : '#7eaaaf'

The button must only be displayed when the user has scrolled up. To implement this we need a state variable showScrollBottom which must be set to true or false accordingly based on the scroll offset.

{this.state.showScrollBottom &&
  <div className='scrollBottom'>
    <FloatingActionButton mini={true}
      <NavigateDown />

Now we have to set our state variable showScrollBottom corresponding to the scroll offset. It must be set to true is the user has scrolled up and false if the scrollbar is already at the bottom. To implement this we need to listen to the scrolling events. We used react-custom-scrollbars for the scroll area wrapping the message section. We can listen to the scrolling events using the onScroll props. We also need to tag the scroll area using refs to access the scroll area instead of using findDOMNode as it is being deprecated.

import { Scrollbars } from 'react-custom-scrollbars';

  ref={(ref) => { this.scrollarea = ref; }}

Now, whenever a scroll action is performed, the onScroll() function is triggered. We now have to know if the scroll bar is at the bottom or not. We make use of the scroll area’s props to get the scroll offsets. The getValues() function returns an object containing different scroll offsets and scroll area dimensions. We are interested in which tells about the scroll-top’s progress from 0 to 1 i.e when the scroll bar is at the top most point is 0 and when its on the bottom most point, is 1. So whenever is 1, showScrollBottom is false else true.

onScroll = () => {
  let scrollarea = this.scrollarea;
    let scrollValues = scrollarea.getValues();
    if( === 1){
        showScrollBottom: false,
    else if(!this.state.showScrollBottom){
        showScrollBottom: true,

Finally, we need to scroll the chat app to the bottom on button click. Whenever showScrollBottom is updated, the state is changed, so componentDidUpdate is triggered which calls the _scrollToBottom() function. But we should change this to avoid scrolling to bottom on showScrollBottom update and the user is intending to scroll here. We use the function forcedScrollToBottom to be triggered on clicking the scroll-to-bottom button, which resets the scrollTop value to the height of the scroll area, thus pointing the scrollbar to the bottom.

forcedScrollToBottom = () => {
  let ul = this.scrollarea;
  if (ul) {

We don’t have to worry about resetting showScrollBottom on forced scroll to bottom as the scrolling will trigger the onScroll function where the showScrollBottom state is handled accordingly.

This is how the scroll to bottom button has been implemented in SUSI Web Chat. The entire code can be found at SUSI Web Chat Repository.



Continue ReadingAdding a Scroll To Bottom button in SUSI WebChat

Implementing Rich Responses in SUSI Action on Google Assistant

Google Assistant is a personal assistant. This tutorial will tell you how to make a SUSI action on Google, which can only respond to text messages. However, we also need rich responses such as table and rss responses from SUSI API. We can implement following types of rich responses:

  • List
  • Carousel
  • Suggestion Chip

A list will give the user multiple items arranged vertically. In SUSI webchat table type responses are handled with a list and it looks like this:

Now in order to show to list from SUSI Action on Google, we will use first key (i.e Recipe Name in above screenshot) as a title for each item in the list and rest of keys as a description for that item. For building we will use the following code:

   .addSimpleResponse('Any text you want to send before list'),
   // Build a list
   assistant.buildList(‘Title of the list here’)
   // First item in list
   // Second item in list
   // Third item in carousel

In .addItems we will add the object after populating it from data that we will get from SUSI API and we will populate it with following code:

for (var i = 0; i < metadata.count; i++) {
   list[i] = assistant.buildOptionItem('ID for item', ['keyword','keyword','keyword'])
       .setTitle('title of your item in the list here')
       .setDescription('description of item in list')

A list should have at least two items in it. List title and descriptions are optional and title of the item in the list is compulsory. We can also set image for list items in following way.

.setImage('link for the image here', 'Image alternate text')

Setting image in the list is optional and image size will be 48×48 pixels.

Carousel messages are cards that we can scroll horizontally. In SUSI webchat RSS type responses are handled with the list and it looks like this:

In order to show carousel from SUSI Action on Google we will use the following code:

   .addSimpleResponse('Any text you want to send before carousel'),
   // Build a list
   // First item in carousel
   // Second item in carousel
   // Third item in carousel

Again we will populate .addItems() just like we did for the list. Carousel should have at least two tiles. Just like in the list, the title is compulsory and description and image are optional. Image size in the carousel is 128dp x 232dp. You can set image same as we have set image in the list above.

Suggestion Chip:
Suggestion chip is used to add a hint to a response i.e if you want to give the user a list of suggested responses, we can use suggestion chip. To add suggestion chip to any response you just have to add .addSuggestions([Hint1, Hint2, Hint3, Hint4]) to your response code after .addSimpleResponse()  

See how SUSI Action on Google replies to table and RSS type responses in this video and If you want to learn more about Actions on Google refer to

Actions on Google:

Continue ReadingImplementing Rich Responses in SUSI Action on Google Assistant

Checking Whether Migrations Are Up To Date With The Sqlalchemy Models In The Open Event Server

In the Open Event Server, in the pull requests, if there is some change in the sqlalchemy model, sometimes proper migrations for the same are missed in the PR.

The first approach to check whether the migrations were up to date in the database was with the following health check function:

from subprocess import check_output
def health_check_migrations():
   Checks whether database is up to date with migrations, assumes there is a single migration head
   head = check_output(["python", "", "db", "heads"]).split(" ")[0]
   if head == version_num:
       return True, 'database up to date with migrations'
   return False, 'database out of date with migrations'


In the above function, we get the head according to the migration files as following:

head = check_output(["python", "", "db", "heads"]).split(" ")[0]

The table alembic_version contains the latest alembic revision to which the database was actually upgraded. We can get this revision from the following line:

version_num = (db.session.execute('SELECT version_num from alembic_version').fetchone())['version_num']


Then we compare both of the given heads and return a proper tuple based on the comparison output.While this method was pretty fast, there was a drawback in this approach. If the user forgets to generate the migration files for the the changes done in the sqlalchemy model, this approach will fail to raise a failure status in the health check.

To overcome this drawback, all the sqlalchemy models were fetched automatically and simple sqlalchemy select queries were made to check whether the migrations were up to date.

Remember that a raw SQL query will not serve our purpose in this case as you’d have to specify the columns explicitly in the query. But in the case of a sqlalchemy query, it generates a SQL query based on the fields defined in the db model, so if migrations are missing to incorporate the said change proper error will be raised.

We can accomplish this from the following function:

def health_check_migrations():
   Checks whether database is up to date with migrations by performing a select query on each model
   # Get all the models in the db, all models should have a explicit __tablename__
   classes, models, table_names = [], [], []
   # noinspection PyProtectedMember
   for class_ in db.Model._decl_class_registry.values():
   for table in db.metadata.tables.items():
       if table[0] in table_names:

   for model in models:
           return False, '{} model out of date with migrations'.format(model)
   return True, 'database up to date with migrations'


In the above code, we automatically get all the models and tables present in the database. Then for each model we try a simple SELECT query which returns the first row found. If there is any error in doing so, False, ‘{} model out of date with migrations’.format(model) is returned, so as to ensure a failure status in health checks.


Continue ReadingChecking Whether Migrations Are Up To Date With The Sqlalchemy Models In The Open Event Server

Implementing Health Check Endpoint in Open Event Server

A health check endpoint was required in the Open Event Server be used by Kubernetes to know when the web instance is ready to receive requests.

Following are the checks that were our primary focus for health checks:

  • Connection to the database.
  • Ensure sql-alchemy models are inline with the migrations.
  • Connection to celery workers.
  • Connection to redis instance.

Runscope/healthcheck seemed like the way to go for the same. Healthcheck wraps a Flask app object and adds a way to write simple health-check functions that can be used to monitor your application. It’s useful for asserting that your dependencies are up and running and your application can respond to HTTP requests. The Healthcheck functions are exposed via a user defined flask route so you can use an external monitoring application (monit, nagios, Runscope, etc.) to check the status and uptime of your application.

Health check endpoint was implemented at /health-check as following:

from healthcheck import HealthCheck
health = HealthCheck(current_app, "/health-check")


Following is the function for checking the connection to the database:

def health_check_db():
   Check health status of db
       db.session.execute('SELECT 1')
       return True, 'database ok'
       return False, 'Error connecting to database'


Check functions take no arguments and should return a tuple of (bool, str). The boolean is whether or not the check passed. The message is any string or output that should be rendered for this check. Useful for error messages/debugging.

The above function executes a query on the database to check whether it is connected properly. If the query runs successfully, it returns a tuple True, ‘database ok’. sentry.captureException() makes sure that the sentry instance receives a proper exception event with all the information about the exception. If there is an error connecting to the database, the exception will be thrown. The tuple returned in this case will be return False, ‘Error connecting to database’.

Finally to add this to the endpoint:


Following is the response for a successful health check:

   "status": "success",
   "timestamp": 1500915121.52474,
   "hostname": "shubham",
   "results": [
           "output": "database ok",
           "checker": "health_check_db",
           "expires": 1500915148.524729,
           "passed": true,
           "timestamp": 1500915121.524729

If the database is not connected the following error will be shown:

           "output": "Error connecting to database",
           "checker": "health_check_db",
           "expires": 1500965798.307425,
           "passed": false,
           "timestamp": 1500965789.307425


Continue ReadingImplementing Health Check Endpoint in Open Event Server

Designing a Remote Laboratory with PSLab using Python Flask Framework

In the introductory post about remote laboratories, a general set of tools to create a framework and handle its various aspects was also introduced. In this blog post, we will explore the implementation of several aspects of the backend app designed with python-flask, and the frontend based on EmberJS. A clear separation of the frontend and backend facilitates minimal disruption of either sections due to the other.

Implementing API methods in Python-Flask

In the Flask web server, page requests are handled via ‘routes’ , which are essentially URLs linked to a python function. Routes are also capable of handling payloads such as POST data, and various return types are also supported.

We shall use an example to demonstrate how a Sign-Up request sent from the sign-up form in the remote lab frontend for PSLab is handled.

def signUp():
	"""Sign Up for Virtual Lab

	POST: Submit sign-up parameters. The following must be present:
	 inputName : The name of your account. does not need to be unique
	 inputEmail : e-mail ID used for login . must be unique.
	 inputPassword: password .
	Returns HTTP 404 when data does not exist.
	# read the posted values from the UI
	_name = request.form['inputName']
	_email = request.form['inputEmail']
	_password = request.form['inputPassword']

	# validate the received values
	if _name and _email and _password:
		_hashed_password = generate_password_hash(_password)
		newUser = User(_email, _name,_hashed_password)
			return json.dumps({'status':True,'message':'User %s created successfully. e-mail:%s !'%(_name,_email)})
		except Exception as exc:
			reason = str(exc)
			return json.dumps({'status':False,'message':str(reason)})


In this example, the first line indicates that all URL requests made to <domain:port>/signUp will be handled by the function signUp . During development, we host the server on localhost, and use the default PORT number 8000, so sign-up forms must be submitted to .

For deployment on a globally accessible server, a machine with a static IP, and a DNS record must be used. An example for such a deployment would be the heroku subdomain where pslab-remote is automatically deployed ;

A closer look at the above example will tell you that POST data can be accessed via the request.form dictionary, and that the sign-up routine requires inputName,inputEmail, and inputPassword. A password hash is generated before writing the parameters to the database.

Testing API methods using the Postman chrome extension

The route described in the above example requires form data to be submitted along with the URL, and we will use a rather handy developer tool called Postman to help us do this. In the frontend apps , AJAX methods are usually employed to do such tasks as well as handle the response from the server.


The above screenshot shows Postman being used to submit form data to /signUp on our API server running at localhost:8000 . The fields inputName, inputDescription, and inputPassword are also posted along with it.

In the bottom section, one can see that the server returned a positive status variable, as well as a descriptive message.

Submitting the sign up form via an Ember controller.
  • Setting up a template
    We first need to set up a template that we shall call sign-up.hbs , and add the following form to it. This form contains the details essential for signing up , and its submit action is linked to an action called `signMeUp` . This action will be defined in the controller which we shall explore shortly

<form class="form-signin" {{action "signMeUp" on="submit"}} >
        <label for="inputName" class="sr-only">Your Name</label>
        {{input value=inputName type="text" name="inputName" id="inputName" class="form-control" placeholder="name" required=true autofocus=true}}
        <label for="inputEmail" class="sr-only">Email address</label>
        {{input value=inputEmail type="email" name="inputEmail" id="inputEmail" class="form-control" placeholder="Email address" required=true autofocus=true}}
        <label for="inputPassword" class="sr-only">Password</label>
        {{input value=inputPassword type="password" name="inputPassword" id="inputPassword" class="form-control" placeholder="Password" required=true autofocus=true}}
        <button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" type="submit">Sign Up</button>


  • Defining the controller
    The controller contains the actions and variables that the template links to. In this case, we require an action called signMeUp. The success, failure, and error handlers are hidden for clarity.

import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
    signMeUp() {
        var request = Ember.$.post("/signUp",
        request.then(this.success.bind(this), this.failure.bind(this),

The signMeUp action submits the contents of the form to the signUp route on the API server, and the results are handled by functions called success, failure, or error depending on the type of response from the backend server.



Continue ReadingDesigning a Remote Laboratory with PSLab using Python Flask Framework

How SUSI AI Web Chat Custom Theme Settings are Stored in Server

We had a feature in SUSI Web Chat to make custom themes but those themes were not storing on the server. We needed to store those theme data on server. In this post I discuss how we implemented that feature. This is the PR that I sent to solve this issue.

Previously we had two theme options. According to the user’s choice it changes theme colors. Since we needed to store custom themes and use them without any conflicts with existing “light” and “dark” themes we made another theme option called “custom”. After user clicks on the custom theme it automatically changes to “custom” mode.

This is how we did it in “onClick” of the custom theme .

     let currSettings = UserPreferencesStore.getPreferences();
     let settingsChanged = {};
     if(currSettings.Theme !=='custom'){
       settingsChanged.Theme = 'custom';

Then after we collected all the chosen color values to a variable. While we store our color values on a variable we avoid the “#” letter which is at very first of the color value. Because we can’t send that value to the server with “#” character.


After selecting color values user have to press the save button to push those selected values to server. We execute below method on click of the save button.

 saveThemeSettings = () => {
    let customData='';
    Object.keys(this.customTheme).forEach((key) => {
    let currSettings = UserPreferencesStore.getPreferences();
    let settingsChanged = {};
    if(currSettings.Theme !=='custom'){
      settingsChanged.Theme = 'custom';

Using this method we derived those data that we added into the variable and made a single string array. Then after we executed the action that we needed to execute to store data on the server.
It is “Actions.customThemeChanged(customData);”.
This action is defined in “Settings.actions.js” file.

export function customThemeChanged(customTheme) {
    type: ActionTypes.CHANGE_CUSTOM_THEME,

We used this Action name constant “CHANGE_CUSTOM_THEME” in “ChatConstant.js” file

We defined this “pushCustomThemeToServer”  function on “API.actions.js” file. here

export function pushCustomThemeToServer(customTheme){
    cookies.get('loggedIn')===undefined) {
       url = BASE_URL+'/aaa/changeUserSettings.json?'

Here we check whether user is logged in or not. If user is logged in we get the access token from cookies and attach it to the request URL and execute the “makeServerCall” function that we defined previously.

Now our data are saved on server. Use this url to check what settings you have in your user account.
Now we can use stored values. First we need to update state. For that we got theme values from server like this

  var themeValue=[];


Here we got data from server and put it to the array.

Then after we set it to state. While adding custom theme settings to state we set the “#” character before each colour value.  Here is the code

    header: themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[0]:'#4285f4',
    pane: themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[1]:'#f5f4f6',
    body: themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[2]:'#fff',
    composer: themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[3]:'#f5f4f6',
    textarea:  themeValue.length>4?'#'+themeValue[4]:'#fff',


Now we have to use these data with our JSX elements. This is how we did this.

We checked the current theme mode. If it is “custom” we used the values we got from server. Otherwise we used corresponding colors for other “light” and “dark” theme. Here is the full code.


var bodyColor;
    var TopBarColor;
    var composerColor;
    var messagePane;
    var textArea;
  case 'custom':{
    bodyColor = this.state.body;
    TopBarColor = this.state.header;
    composerColor = this.state.composer;
    messagePane = this.state.pane;
    textArea = this.state.textarea;

You can use these variables wherever you need to show colors. As an example this is how we passed header color to top bar.

 <TopBar  header={TopBarColor} >

This is how we stored and fetched custom theme data from store.


  • How to store and receive data from SUSI server using HTTP requests.
  • How Flux Architecture works:
Continue ReadingHow SUSI AI Web Chat Custom Theme Settings are Stored in Server

Displaying Multiple Markers on Map

Connfa and Open Event Android app provide the facility to see the locations on Google map by displaying the marker on places where the sessions will be taking place. As there are many sessions in a conference we need to display marker for each location. In this blog, we learn how to display multiple markers on a map using Google map API with the reference of Connfa app.
First, you need to set up the Google map API in your app. Find the detailed tutorial for that here where you can follow to get an API key and you’ll need a Gmail account for that. Then you can define a fragment like this in your XML layout where the map will appear.

   android:background="@android:color/white" />

Now you can define the in the fragment to make map in this FrameLayout named “fragmentHolder”,

private void replaceMapFragment() {
   CustomMapFragment mapFragment = CustomMapFragment.newInstance(LocationFragment.this);
           .replace(, mapFragment)

We receive the data about locations in a List containing longitude, latitude, name and room number of the locations. Find the sample result in Open Event format. Here is how we fill in the locations,

for (int i = 0; i < locations.size(); i++) {
   Location location = locations.get(i);
   LatLng position = new LatLng(location.getLat(), location.getLon());
   mGoogleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(position));

   if (i == 0) {
       CameraPosition camPos = new CameraPosition(position, ZOOM_LEVEL, TILT_LEVEL, BEARING_LEVEL);

The CameraPostition defines the properties like Zoom level which can be adjusted by changing the parameters. You can define the like this,

private static final int ZOOM_LEVEL = 15;
private static final int TILT_LEVEL = 0;
private static final int BEARING_LEVEL = 0;

Find the complete implementation here. Here is the screenshot for the final result.


  • Google Map APIs Documentation –
Continue ReadingDisplaying Multiple Markers on Map

Advanced functionality in SUSI Tweetbot

SUSI AI is integrated to Twitter (blog). During the initial phase, SUSI Tweetbot had basic UI and functionalities like just “plain text” replies. Twitter provides with many more features like quick replies i.e. presenting to the user with some choices to choose from or visiting SUSI server repository by just clicking buttons during the chat etc.

All these features are provided to enhance the user experience with our chatbot on Twitter.

This blog post walks you through on adding these functionalities to the SUSI Tweetbot:

  1. Quick replies
  2. Buttons

    Quick replies:

    This feature provides options to the user to choose from.

    The user doesn’t need to type the next query but rather select a quick reply from the options available. This speeds up the process and makes it easy for the user. Also, it helps developers know all the possible queries which can come next, from the user. Hence, it helps in efficient coding on how to handle those queries.In SUSI Tweetbot this feature is used to welcome a new user to the SUSI A.I.’s chat window, as shown in the image above. The user can select any option among “Get started” and “Start chatting”.The “Get started” option is basically for introduction of SUSI A.I. to the user. While, “Start chatting” when clicked shows the user of what all queries the user can try.Let’s come to the code part on how to show these options and what events happen when a user selects one of the options.

    To show the Welcome message, we call SUSI API with the query as string “Welcome” and store the reply in message variable. The code snippet used:

var queryUrl = '';
var message = '';
    url: queryUrl,
    json: true
}, function (err, response, data) {
    if (!err && response.statusCode === 200) {
        message = data.answers[0].actions[0].expression;
    else {
        // handle error

To show options with the message:

var msg =  {
        "welcome_message" : {
                    "message_data": {
                        "text": message,
                        "quick_reply": {
                              "type": "options",
                              "options": [
                                  "label": "Get started",
                                  "metadata": "external_id_1"
                                  "label": "Start chatting",
                                  "metadata": "external_id_2"
       };'direct_messages/welcome_messages/new', msg, sent);

The line makes a POST request to the Twitter API, to register the welcome message with Twitter for our chatbot. The return value from this request includes a welcome message id in it corresponding to this welcome message.

We set up a welcome message rule for this welcome message using it’s id. By setting up the rule is to set this welcome message as the default welcome message shown to new users. Twitter also provides with custom welcome messages, information about which can be found in their official docs.

The welcome message rule is set up by sending the welcome message id as a key in the request body:

var welcomeId =;
var welcomeRule = {
            "welcome_message_rule": {
                "welcome_message_id": welcomeId
};'direct_messages/welcome_messages/rules/new', welcomeRule, sent);

Now, we are all set to show the new users with a welcome message.


Let’s go a bit further. If the user clicks on the option “Get started”, we want to show a basic introduction of SUSI A.I. to the user. Along with that we provide some buttons to visit the SUSI A.I. repository or experience chatting with SUSI A.I. on the web client.

The procedure followed to show buttons is almost the same as followed in case of options.This doc by Twitter proves to be helpful to get familiar with buttons.

As soon as a person clicks on “Get started” option, Twitter sends a message to our bot with the query as “Get started”.

For the message part, we call SUSI API with the query as string “Get started” and store the reply in a message variable. The code snippet used:

var queryUrl = '';
var message = '';
    url: queryUrl,
    json: true
}, function (err, response, data) {
    if (!err && response.statusCode === 200) {
        message = data.answers[0].actions[0].expression;
    else {
        // handle error

Both the buttons to be shown with the message should have a corresponding url. So that after clicking the button a person is redirected to that url in a new browser tab.

To show buttons a simple message won’t help, we need to create an event. This event constitutes of our message and buttons. The buttons are referred to as call-to-action i.e. CTAs by Twitter dev’s. The maximum number of buttons in an event can not be more than three in number.

The code used to make an event in our case:

var msg = {
        "event": {
                "type": "message_create",
                "message_create": {
                              "target": {
                                "recipient_id": sender
                              "message_data": {
                                "text": message,
                                "ctas": [
                                    "type": "web_url",
                                    "label": "View Repository",
                                    "url": ""
                                    "type": "web_url",
                                    "label": "Chat on the web client",
                                    "url": ""
        };'direct_messages/events/new', msg, sent);

The line makes a POST request to the Twitter API, to send this event to the concerned recipient guiding them on how to get started with the bot.


  1. Speed up customer service with quick replies and welcome messages by Ian Cairns from Twitter blog.
  2. Drive discovery of bots and other customer experiences in direct messages by Travis Lull from Twitter blog.
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