Adding Sentry Integration in Open Event Orga Android App

Sentry is a service that allows you to track events, issues and crashes in your apps and provide deep insights with context about them. This blog post will discuss how we implemented it in Open Event Orga App (Github Repo).


First, we need to include the gradle dependency in build.gradle
compile ‘io.sentry:sentry-android:1.3.0’
Now, our project uses proguard for release builds which obfuscates the code and removes unnecessary class to shrink the app. For the crash events to make sense in Sentry dashboard, we need proguard mappings to be uploaded every time release build is generated. Thankfully, this is automatically handled by sentry through its gradle plugin, so to include it, we add this in our project level build.gradle in dependencies block

classpath 'io.sentry:sentry-android-gradle-plugin:1.3.0'


And then apply the plugin by writing this at top of our app/build.gradle

apply plugin: ''


And then configure the options for automatic proguard configuration and mappings upload

sentry {
   // Disables or enables the automatic configuration of proguard
   // for Sentry.  This injects a default config for proguard so
   // you don't need to do it manually.
   autoProguardConfig true

   // Enables or disables the automatic upload of mapping files
   // during a build.  If you disable this you'll need to manually
   // upload the mapping files with sentry-cli when you do a release.
   autoUpload false


We have set the autoUpload to false as we wanted Sentry to be an optional dependency to the project. If we turn it on, the build will crash if sentry can’t find the configuration, which we don’t want to happen.

Now, as we want Sentry to configurable, we need to set Sentry DSN as one of the configuration options. The easiest way to externalize configuration is to use environment variables. There are other methods to do it given in the official documentation for config

Lastly, for proguard configuration, we also need 3 other config options, namely:



For getting the auth token, you need to go to

Now, the configuration is complete and we’ll move to the code


First, we need to initialise the sentry instance for all further actions to be valid. This is to be done when the app starts, so we add it in onCreate method Application class of our project by calling this method

// Sentry DSN must be defined as environment variable
Sentry.init(new AndroidSentryClientFactory(getApplicationContext()));


Now, we’re all set to send crash reports and other events to our Sentry server. This would have required a lot of refactoring if we didn’t use Timber for logging. We are using default debug tree for debug build and a custom Timber tree for release builds.

if (BuildConfig.DEBUG)
   Timber.plant(new Timber.DebugTree());
   Timber.plant(new ReleaseLogTree());


The ReleaseLogTree extends Timber.Tree which is an abstract class requiring you to override this function:

protected void log(int priority, String tag, String message, Throwable throwable) {



This function is called whenever there is a log event through Timber and this is where we send reports through Sentry. First, we return from the function if the event priority is debug or verbose

if(priority == Log.DEBUG || priority == Log.VERBOSE)


If the event if if info priority, we attach it to sentry bread crumb

if (priority == Log.INFO) {
    Sentry.getContext().recordBreadcrumb(new BreadcrumbBuilder()


Breadcrumbs are stored and only send with an event. What event comprises for us is the crash event or something we want to be logged to dashboard whenever the user does it. But since info events are just user interactions throughout the app, we don’t want to crowd the issue dashboard with them. However, we want to understand what user was doing before the crash happened, and that is why we use bread crumbs to store the events and only send them attached to a crash event. Also, only the last 100 bread crumbs are stored, making it easier to parse through them.

Now, if there is an error event, we want to capture and send it to the server

if (priority == Log.ERROR) {
   if (throwable == null)


Lastly, we want to set Sentry context to be user specific so that we can easily track and filter through issues based on the user. For that, we create a new class ContextManager with two methods:

  • setOrganiser: to be called at login
  • clearOrganiser: to be called at logout

public void setOrganiser(User user) {
   Map<String, Object> userData = new HashMap<>();
   userData.put("details", user.getUserDetail());
   userData.put("last_access_time", user.getLastAccessTime());
   userData.put("sign_up_time", user.getSignupTime());

   Timber.i("User logged in - %s", user);
       new UserBuilder()


In this method, we put all the information about the user in the context so that every action from here on is attached to this user.

public void clearOrganiser() {


And here, we just clear the sentry context.

This concludes the implementation of our sentry client. Now all Timber log events will through sentry and appropriate events will appear on the sentry dashboard. To read more about sentry features and Timber, visit these links:

Sentry Java Documentation (check Android section)

Timber Library

Continue ReadingAdding Sentry Integration in Open Event Orga Android App

Implementing Attendee Detail BottomSheet UI in Open Event Orga App

In Open Event Orga App (Github Repo), we allow the option to check the attendee details before checking him/her in or out. Originally, a dialog was shown showing the attendee details, which did not contain much information about the attendee, ticket or the order. The disadvantage of such design was also that it was tied to only one view. We couldn’t show the check in dialog elsewhere in the app, like during QR scanning. So we had to switch back to the attendee view for showing the check in dialog. We decided to create a usable detached component in the form of a bottom sheet containing all required information. This blog will outline the procedure we employed to design the bottom sheet UI.

The attendee check in dialog looked like this:

So, first we decide what we need to show on the check in bottom sheet:

  • Attendee Name
  • Attendee Email
  • Attendee Check In Status
  • Order Status ( Completed, Pending, etc )
  • TIcket Type ( Free, Paid, Donation )
  • Ticket Price
  • Order Date
  • Invoice Number
  • Order ‘Paid Via’

As we are using Android Data Binding in our layout, we’ll start by including the variables required in the layout. Besides the obvious attendee variable, we need presenter instance to handle the check in and check out of the attendee and DateUtils class to parse the order date. Additionally, to handle the visibility of views, we need to include the View class too

   <import type="" />
   <import type="android.view.View" />

       type="" />

       type="" />


Then, we make the root layout to be CoordinatorLayout and add a NestedScrollView inside it, which contains a vertical linear layout in it. This vertical linear layout will contain our fields.

Note: For brevity, I’ll skip most of the layout attributes from the blog and only show the ones that correspond to the text

Firstly, we show the attendee name:

   android:text='@{attendee.firstName + " " + attendee.lastName }'
   tools:text="Name" />


The perks of using data binding can be seen here, as we are using string concatenation in layout itself. Furthermore, data binding also handles null checks for us if we add a question mark at the end of the variable name ( attendee.firstName? ).

But our server ensures that both these fields are not null, so we skip that part.

Next up, we display the attendee email

   android:text="@{ }"
   tools:text="" />


And then the check in status of the attendee

   android:text="@{ checkinAttendee.checkedIn ? @string/checked_in : @string/checked_out }"
   android:textColor="@{ checkinAttendee.checkedIn ? @color/light_green_500 : @color/red_500 }"
   tools:text="CHECKED IN" />


Notice that we dynamically change the color and text based on the check in status of the attendee

Now we begin showing the fields with icons to their left. You can use Compound Drawable to achieve this effect, but we use vector drawables which are incompatible with compound drawables on older versions of Android, so we use a horizontal LinearLayout instead.

The first field is the order status denoting if the order is completed or in transient state

<LinearLayout android:orientation="horizontal">

   <ImageView app:srcCompat="@drawable/ic_transfer" />
   <TextView android:text="@{ checkinAttendee.order.status }" />


Now, again for keeping the snippets relevant, I’ll skip the icon portion and only show the text binding from now on.

Next, we include the type of ticket attendee has. There are 3 types of ticket supported in Open Event API – free, paid, donation

   android:text="@{ checkinAttendee.ticket.type }"  />


Next, we want to show the price of the ticket, but only when the ticket is of paid type.

I’ll include the previously omitted LinearLayout part in this snippet because it is the view we control to hide or show the field

   android:visibility='@{ checkinAttendee.ticket.type.equalsIgnoreCase("paid") ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE }'>

   <ImageView app:srcCompat="@drawable/ic_coin" />
       android:text='@{ "$" + checkinAttendee.ticket.price }'
       tools:text="3.78" />


As you can see, we are showing this layout only if the ticket type equals paid

The next part is about showing the date on which the order took place

   android:text="@{ DateUtils.formatDateWithDefault(DateUtils.FORMAT_DAY_COMPLETE, checkinAttendee.order.completedAt) }" />


Here we are using internal DateUtils method to format the date into complete date time from the ISO 8601 standard date present in the order object

Now, we show the invoice number of the order

   android:text="@{ checkinAttendee.order.invoiceNumber }" />


Lastly, we want to show how the ticket was paid for via

   android:visibility='@{ checkinAttendee.order.paidVia.equalsIgnoreCase("free") ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE }'>

   <ImageView app:srcCompat="@drawable/ic_ray" />
   <TextView  android:text="@{ checkinAttendee.order.paidVia }" />


Notice that here too we are controlling the visibility of the layout container and only showing it if the ticket type is paid

This ends our vertical linear layout showing the fields about attendee detail. Now, we add a floating action button to toggle the check in status of attendee


       android:onClick="@{() -> presenter.toggleCheckIn() }"
       app:backgroundTint="@{ checkinAttendee.checkedIn ? @color/red_500 : @color/light_green_500 }"
       app:srcCompat="@{ checkinAttendee.checkedIn ? @drawable/ic_checkout : @drawable/ic_checkin }"
       app:tint="@android:color/white" />

       android:layout_gravity="center" />



We have used a FrameLayout to wrap a FAB and progress bar together in top end of the bottom sheet. The progress bar shows the indeterminate progress of the toggling of attendee status. And you can see the click binder on FAB triggering the presenter method toggleCheckIn() and how the background color and icon change according to the check in status of the attendee.

This wraps up our layout design. Now we just have to create a BottomSheetDialogFragment, inflate this layout in it and bind the attendee variable and we are all set. The result with all fields visible looks like this:

To learn more about bottom sheet and android data binding, please refer to these links:

Continue ReadingImplementing Attendee Detail BottomSheet UI in Open Event Orga App

Invalidating user login using JWT in Open Event Orga App

User authentication is an essential part of Open Event Orga App (Github Repo), which allows an organizer to log in and perform actions on the event he/she organizes. Backend for the application, Open Event Orga Server sends an authentication token on successful login, and all subsequent privileged API requests must include this token. The token is a JWT (Javascript Web Token) which includes certain information about the user, such as identifier and information about from when will the token be valid, when will it expire and a signature to verify if it was tampered.

Parsing the Token

Our job was to parse the token to find two fields:

  • Identifier of user
  • Expiry time of the token

We stored the token in our shared preference file and loaded it from there for any subsequent requests. But, the token expires after 24 hours and we needed our login model to clear it once it has expired and shown the login activity instead.

To do this, we needed to parse the JWT and compare the timestamp stored in the exp field with the current timestamp and determine if the token is expired. The first step in the process was to parse the token, which is essentially a Base 64 encoded JSON string with sections separated by periods. The sections are as follows:

  • Header ( Contains information about algorithm used to encode JWT, etc )
  • Payload ( The data in JWT – exp. Iar, nbf, identity, etc )
  • Signature ( Verification signature of JWT )

We were interested in payload and for getting the JSON string from the token, we could have used Android’s Base64 class to decode the token, but we wanted to unit test all the util functions and that is why we opted for a custom Base64 class for only decoding our token.

So, first we split the token by the period and decoded each part and stored it in a SparseArrayCompat

public static SparseArrayCompat<String> decode(String token) {
   SparseArrayCompat<String> decoded = new SparseArrayCompat<>(2);

   String[] split = token.split("\\.");
   decoded.append(0, getJson(split[0]));
   decoded.append(1, getJson(split[1]));

   return decoded;


The getJson function is primarily decoding the Base64 string

private static String getJson(String strEncoded) {
   byte[] decodedBytes = Base64Utils.decode(strEncoded);
   return new String(decodedBytes);

The decoded information was stored in this way

0={"alg":"HS256","typ":"JWT"},  1={"nbf":1495745400,"iat":1495745400,"exp":1495745800,"identity":344}

Extracting Information

Next, we create a function to get the expiry timestamp from the token. We could use GSON or Jackson for the task, but we did not want to map fields into any object. So we simply used JSONObject class which Android provides. It took 5 ms on average to parse the JSON instead of 150 ms by GSON

public static long getExpiry(String token) throws JSONException {
   SparseArrayCompat<String> decoded = decode(token);

   // We are using JSONObject instead of GSON as it takes about 5 ms instead of 150 ms taken by GSON
   return Long.parseLong(new JSONObject(decoded.get(1)).get("exp").toString());


Next, we wanted to get the ID of user from token to determine if a new user is logging in or an old one, so that we can clear the database for new user.

public static int getIdentity(String token) throws JSONException {
   SparseArrayCompat<String> decoded = decode(token);

   return Integer.parseInt(new JSONObject(decoded.get(1)).get("identity").toString());

Validating the token

After this, we needed to create a function that tells if a stored token is expired or not. With all the right functions in place, it was just a matter of comparing current time with the stored timestamp

public static boolean isExpired(String token) {
   long expiry;

   try {
       expiry = getExpiry(token);
   } catch (JSONException jse) {
       return true;

   return System.currentTimeMillis()/1000 >= expiry;


Since the token provides timestamp from epoch in terms of seconds, we needed to divide the current time in milliseconds by 1000 and the function returned true if current timestamp was greater than the expiry time of token.

After writing a few unit tests for both functions, we just needed to plug them in our login model at the time of authentication.

At the time of starting of the application, we use this function to check if a user is logged in or not:

public boolean isLoggedIn() {
   String token = utilModel.getToken();

   return token != null && !JWTUtils.isExpired(token);


So, if there is no token or the token is expired, we do not automatically login the user and show the login screen.

Implementing login

The next task were

  • Sequest the server to login
  • Store the acquired token
  • Delete database if it is a new user

Before implementing the above logic, we needed to implement a function to determine if the person logging in is previous user, or new one. For doing so, we first loaded the saved user from our database, if the query is empty, surely it is a new user logging in. So we return false, and if there is a user in the database, we match its ID with the logged in user’s ID:

public Single<Boolean> isPreviousUser(String token) {
   return databaseRepository.getAllItems(User.class)
       .map(user -> !user.equals(EMPTY) && user.getId() == JWTUtils.getIdentity(token));


We have added a default user EMPTY in the first operator so that RxJava returns it if there are no users in the database and then we simply map the user to a boolean denoting if they are same or different using the EMPTY user and getIdentity method from JWTUtils

Finally, we use all this information to implement our self contained login request:

   .login(new Login(username, password))
   .flatMapSingle(loginResponse -> {
       String token = loginResponse.getAccessToken();

       return isPreviousUser(token);
   .flatMapCompletable(isPrevious -> {
       if (!isPrevious)
           return utilModel.deleteDatabase();

       return Completable.complete();


Let’s see what is happening here. A request using username and password is made to the server which returns a login response containing a JWT, which we store for future use. Next, we flatMapSingle to the Single returned by the isPreviousUser method. And we finally clear the database if it is not a previous user.

Creating these self contained models help reduce complexity in presenter or view layer and all data is handled in one layer making presenter layer model agnostic.

To learn more about JWT and some of the Rx operators I mentioned here, please visit these links:

Continue ReadingInvalidating user login using JWT in Open Event Orga App

Upload image on Imgur account with user authentication in Phimpme

In Phimpme app we wanted to allow a user to upload an image into their personal Imgur account. To achieve this I have to authenticate the user Imgur account in our Phimpme android app and upload the image to their account. In this post, I will be explaining how to upload an image on Imgur from Phimpme Android app from user account using authentication token.

Let’s get started

Step – 1: Register your application on Imgur to receive your Client ID and Client Secret.

Register your application on Imgur from here and obtain the Client-Id and Client-Secret. Client-Id will be used to authenticate user account.

Step-2: Authenticate the user

Well, This is the tedious task as they haven’t provided any direct API for Java/Android or any other language to authenticate. So, I achieved it via WebView of Android, in  Phimpme app we asked user to login into their WebView and the we intercepted network calls and parsed URL to get the access token once the user logged in.

a.) Load below URL in WebView with your application’s client id.

WebView imgurWebView = (WebView) findViewById(;

imgurWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
  public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {

      if (url.contains(REDIRECT_URL)) {
          splitUrl(url, view);
      } else {

      return true;

b.)  Now, It will ask the user to enter the Imgur username and password after that it will redirect to the URL, which we added as a callback URL while adding our app in Imgur dashboard. In Phimpme I added https://org.fossaisa.phimpme as callback URL.

c.)  After logging in WebView it will redirect to the callback URL with the following parameters: access_token, refresh_token, authorization_code:

Step -3

To obtain the access token from the right URL we have to intercept each and every URL is getting loaded in webview and detect the right URL and parse it. For which I have overridden the shouldOverrideUrlLoading of webViewclient and pass on it to splitUrl method.

private void splitUrl(String url, WebView view) {
  String[] outerSplit = url.split("\\#")[1].split("\\&");
  String username = null;
  String accessToken = null;

  int index = 0;

  for (String s : outerSplit) {
      String[] innerSplit = s.split("\\=");

      switch (index) {
          // Access Token
          case 0:
              accessToken = innerSplit[1];

          // Refresh Token
          case 3:
              refreshToken = innerSplit[1];

          // Username
          case 4:
              username = innerSplit[1];



Now we have user access token of the user to access API to Imgur to do operations(read, write) for that particular user.

Note: Authentication token is valid for 28 days only, after 28 days you will have to get the new access token.

Step- 4: Upload image using authentication token

Now we are ready to upload images on Imgur on the behalf of user’s account and to upload we need to send requests to Imgur API to this URL with authentication header and body image. The body will contain the imageString, title and description.

When we post image on Imgur anonymously, we need to add header as Authorization Client-Id {client-id} but to upload image on imgur from an account, we need to add header Authorization Bearer with value equals to access-token and image data in base64 string as request body, as we did in our previous post on upload image on Imgur.

Imgur Account Image uploads

That’s it.

The problem I faced:

I have noticed that one token is valid for 28 days only, so after 28 you will need to ask the user to log in again in Imgur app.

To avoid this what I did is before 28 days I do send a request to get a new access token which is again valid for next 28 days.


Continue ReadingUpload image on Imgur account with user authentication in Phimpme

Persistence Layer in Open Event Organizer Android App

Open Event Organizer is an Event Managing Android App with the core features of Attendee Check In by QR Code Scan and Data Sync with the Open Event API Server. As an event can be large, so the app will be dealing with a large amount of a data. Hence to avoid repetitive network requests for fetching the data, the app maintains a local database containing all the required data and the database is synced with the server. Android provides android.database.sqlite package which contains the API needed to use the database on the Android. But it is really not a good practice to use the sqlite queries everywhere in the app. So there comes a persistence layer. A persistence layer works between the database and the business logic. Open Event Organizer uses Raizlabs’s DbFlow, an ORM based Android Database Library for the same. I will be talking about its implementation through the app in this blog.

First of all, you declare the base class of the database which is used to create the database by Android for the app. You declare all the base constants here. The class looks like:

   name = OrgaDatabase.NAME,
   version = OrgaDatabase.VERSION,
public class OrgaDatabase {
   public static final String NAME = "orga_database";
   public static final int VERSION = 2;

Initialise the database in the Application class using FlowManager provided by the library. Choose the Application class to do this to ensure that the library finds the generated code in the DbFlow.

   new FlowConfig.Builder(context)
           new DatabaseConfig.Builder(OrgaDatabase.class)

The database is created now. For tables creation, DbFlow uses model classes which must be annotated using the annotations provided by the library. The basic annotations are – @Table, @PrimaryKey, @Column, @ForeignKey etc.

For example, the Attendee class in the app looks like:

@Table(database = OrgaDatabase.class)
public class Attendee ... {

   public long id;

   public boolean checkedIn;
       onDelete = ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE,
       onUpdate = ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE)
   public Order order;

This will create a table named attendee with the columns and relationships annotated. Now comes the part of accessing data from the database. Open Event App uses RxJava’s support to the DbFlow library which enables async data accessing. The getItems method from DataBaseRepository looks like:

public <T> Observable<T> getItems(Class<T> typeClass, SQLOperator... conditions) {
   return RXSQLite.rx(
       .flattenAsObservable(items -> items);


The method returns an observable emitting the items from the result. For data saving, the method looks like:

DatabaseDefinition database = FlowManager.getDatabase(OrgaDatabase.class);
FastStoreModelTransaction<T> transaction = FastStoreModelTransaction


And for updating data, the method looks like:

ModelAdapter<T> modelAdapter = FlowManager.getModelAdapter(classType);

DbFlow provides DirectModelNotifier which is used to get notified of the database change anywhere in the app. Open Event App uses PublishSubjects to send notifications on database change event. The implementation of the DatabaseChangeListener in the app looks like:

public class DatabaseChangeListener<T> ... {
   private PublishSubject<ModelChange<T>> publishSubject = PublishSubject.create();
   private DirectModelNotifier.ModelChangedListener<T> modelModelChangedListener;
   public void startListening() {
       modelModelChangedListener = new DirectModelNotifier.ModelChangedListener<T>() {
           public void onTableChanged(@Nullable Class<?> aClass, @NonNull BaseModel.Action action) {
               // No action to be taken
           public void onModelChanged(@NonNull T model, @NonNull BaseModel.Action action) {
               publishSubject.onNext(new ModelChange<>(model, action));
       DirectModelNotifier.get().registerForModelChanges(classType, modelModelChangedListener);

The class is used in the app to get notified of the data change and to update the required local data fields using data from item emitted by the publishSubject of the class. This is used in the app where same data is accessed at more than one places. For example, There are two fragments – AttendeesFragment and AttendeeCheckInFragment from which an attendee’s check in status is toggled. So when the status is toggled from AttendeeCheckInFragment, the change must be updated in the AttendeesFragment’s attendees list. This is carried out using DatabaseChangeListener in the AttendeesPresenter which provides attendees list to the AttendeesFragment. And on the change in the attendee’s check in status, AttendeePresenter’s attendeeListener listens for the change and update the attendee in the list accordingly.

1. Raizlabs’s DbFlow , an ORM Android Database Library Github Repo Link
2. DbFlow documentation
3. Android database managing API android.database.sqlite

Continue ReadingPersistence Layer in Open Event Organizer Android App

Adding Text on an Image in Phimpme Android

As Phimpme Android is an image app which provides own custom camera, editing, and sharing images on multiple platforms, so we decided to introduce a new feature, where the user can write text on images.

Using this feature, a user can write text on images and share on multiple  platforms like Facebook, twitter, wordPress, drupal, pinterest, etc. In this post, I am going to explain how I implemented this feature.

Writing Text on image in Phimpme Android

How I implemented Text on Image in Phimpme

First, create an imageview and apply the original image bitmap or load with any image library by providing the local path of the image.


Once an image is loaded we will ask a user to enter text in editext and the text will be displayed above the image. The code for this is:

EditText inputBox = (EditText) layout.findViewById(;
String textString = inputBox.getText().toString();

Now we have textString variable that stores the text we wanted to display. To set this text we need to create a textview on the image, which can be done as follows:

TextView textView = new TextView(context);

We allow the user to drag the text over image to his/her desired location. This is done using setOnTouchListener() as follows

TextView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
    float lastX = 0, lastY = 0;
    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        switch (event.getAction()) {
            case (MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN):
                lastX = event.getX();
                lastY = event.getY();
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                float dx = event.getX() - lastX;
                float dy = event.getY() - lastY;
                float finalX = v.getX() + dx;
                float finalY = v.getY() + dy + v.getHeight();               v.setX(finalX;              
              return true;

Thus, we have set the text according to the user’s desired location.

Problem I faced

The text doesn’t appear to move from the desired position, instead, the text moves from some offset value. To solve this I have used two variable finalX and finaly. Now I am calculating the distance from the point to corner and adding the extra offset value to finalX and finalY. So this is how I achieve perfect image on text feature with point accuracy in Phimpme-Android.



Continue ReadingAdding Text on an Image in Phimpme Android

Selecting Best persistent storage for Phimpme Android and how to use it

As we are progressing in our Phimpme Android app. I added account manager part which deals with connecting all other accounts to phimpme. Showing a list of connected accounts.

We need a persistent storage to store all the details such as username, full name, profile image url, access token (to access API). I researched on various Object Relation mapping (ORMs) such as:

  1. DBFlow:
  2. GreenDAO:
  3. SugarORM:
  4. Requery:

and other NoSQL databases such as Realm Database :

After reading a lot from some blogs on the benchmarking of these ORMs and database, I came to know that Realm database is quite better in terms of Speed of writing data and ease of use.

Steps to integrate Realm Database:

  • Installation of Realm database in android

Following these steps quickly setup realm in android. Add

classpath "io.realm:realm-gradle-plugin:3.3.2"

in Project level build.gradle file and Add

apply plugin: 'realm-android' 

in app level build.gradle, That’s it for using Realm

  • Generating required Realm models

Firstly, make sure what you need to store in your database. In case of phimpme, I first go through the account section and noted down what needs to be there.  Profile image URL, username, full name, account indicator image name. Below image illustrate this better.

This is the Realm Model class I made in Kotlin to store name, username and access token for accessing API.

open class AccountDatabase(
       @PrimaryKey var name: String = "",
       var username: String = "",
       var token: String = ""
) : RealmObject()

  • Writing data in database

In Account manager, I create a add account option from where a dialog appear with a list of accounts. Currently, Twitter is working, when onSuccess function invoke in AccountPickerFragment I start a twitter session and store values in database. Writing data in database:

// Begin realm transaction

// Creating Realm object for AccountDatabase Class
account = realm.createObject(AccountDatabase.class,


Begin and commit block in necessary. There is one more way of doing this is using execute function in Realm

  • Use Separate Database Helper class for Database operations

It’s good to use a separate class for all the Database operations needed in the project. I created a DatabaseHelper Class and added a function to query the result needed. Query the database

public RealmResults<AccountDatabase> fetchAccountDetails(){
   return realm.where(AccountDatabase.class).findAll();

It give all of the results, stored in the database like below

  • Problems I faced with annotation processor while using Kotlin and Realm together

The Kotlin annotation processor not running due to the plugins wrong order. This issue helped me in solving that. I addded apply plugin: ‘kotlin-kapt’. In app gradle file and shift apply plugin: ‘realm-android’ In below the order.



Continue ReadingSelecting Best persistent storage for Phimpme Android and how to use it

Porting Phimpme Android to Kotlin

As we are going ahead in Phimpme Project we are now on verge to start our account manager which deals with sharing images to many platforms right from the app. The account manager will take care of logging In the user. Saving it’s important credentials such access token, username etc as required by the API.

Google IO ‘17 just passed, and we seen tons of new features, APIs and development tools. One of the them is official support for Kotlin in Android Studio.

As stated by the developers at the conference that one best way to work on Kotlin is add today in your project. Because it is compatible with Java, we can work together on both languages in the same project. It is not mandatory for you to shift your entire code to Kotlin to build a project. So starting with the account manager we decided to bring this to our code. It helps in reducing the boilerplate code for example in Phimpme, I created a model for Realm database.

open class AccountDatabase(

       @PrimaryKey var name: String = "",

       var username: String = "",

       var token: String = ""

) : RealmObject()

That’s all I need to create a model class, no need to create getter and setter property

This helps me to get details from getter methods and show on Account Manager Recycler View like below.

Step 1 : Upgrade to Android Studio Preview 3.0

Android Studio Preview 3.0 comes up with all new features and Kotlin support. We all upgraded to that. It has a great Android Profiler with advance features for debugging and logcat is now moved separately. This step is not mandatory, you can work on older version of Android Studio as well.

Step 2 : Configure Kotlin

It’s easy in Android Studio Preview 3.0 to configure Kotlin. Go to Tools → Kotlin → Configure Kotlin in project.

What in the configuration

  • It added a classpath dependency in project level build.gradle file
  • Added Kotlin plugin
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
  • Added kotlin std lib in app level build.gradle
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7:$kotlin_version"

Step 3: How to add Kotlin files

Now your project is ready for Kotlin. In Android Studio Preview 3.0 you can create new Kotlin files from the file menu.

Also by using Activity template you can select the source language as Java or Kotlin as per your preference.

Step 4 : Work with Kotlin

There are a lot new features in Kotlin to explore. Some of them are

  • Null Safety : In Kotlin, the type system distinguishes between references that can hold null (nullable references) and those that can not (non-null references). For example, a regular variable of type String cannot hold null.
var a: String = "abc"
a = null // compilation error

To allow nulls, we can declare a variable as nullable string, written String?:

 var b: String? = "abc"
 b = null // ok
  • Val and Var are two keywords in Kotlin to declare variables. Val gives you read only variable which is same as final modifier in Java, it is not changing. In other words it is immutable Data variables. Var is mutable data variable
  • Semicolons (;) are optional
  • No switch it’s when block in Kotlin. No need to write break and case: below is snippet from phimpme app
override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
        when (item.itemId) {
   -> {
                val fragmentManager = fragmentManager
                val accountsPicker = AccountPickerFragment().newInstance("Accounts Picker")
      , "Accounts Picker")
            else -> return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)
        return true


Continue ReadingPorting Phimpme Android to Kotlin

Hotword Detection in SUSI Android App using Snowboy

Hotword Detection is as cool as it sounds. What exactly is hotword detection? Hotword detection is a feature in which a device gets activated when it listens to a specific word or a phrase. You must have said “OK Google” or “Hey Cortana” or “Siri” or “Alexa” at least once in your lifetime. These all are hotwords which trigger the specific action attached to them. That specific action can be anything.

Implementing hotword detection from scratch in SUSI Android is not an easy task. You have to define language model, train the model and do various other processes before implementing it in Android. In short, not feasible to implement that along with the code of our Android app. There are many open source projects on hotword detection and speech recognition. They already have done what we need and we can make use of it. One such project is Snowboy. According to Snowboy GitHub repo “Snowboy is a DNN based hotword and wake word detection toolkit.”

Img src:

In SUSI Android App, we have used Snowboy for hotword detection with hotword as “susi” (pronounced as ‘suzi’). In this blog, I will tell you how Hotword detection is implemented in SUSI Android app. So, you can just follow the steps and you will be able to implement it in your application too or if you want to contribute in SUSI android app, it may help you a little in knowing the codebase better.

Pre Processing before Implementation

1. Generating Hotword Model

The start of implementation of hotword detection begins with creating a hotword model from snowboy website . Just log in and search for susi and then train it by saying “susi” thrice and download the susi.pmdl file.

There are two types of models:

  1. .pmdl : Personal Model
  2. .umdl : Universal Model

The personal model is specifically trained for you and is instantly available for you to download once you train the hotword by your voice. On the other hand, the Universal model is trained by minimum 500 hundred people and is only available once it is trained. So, we are going to use personal model for now since training of universal model is not yet completed.

Img src:

2. Adding some predefined native binary files in your app.

Once you have downloaded the susi.pmdl file and you need to copy some already written native binary file in your app.

    1. In your assets folder, make a directory named snowboy and add your downloaded susi.pmdl file along with this file in it.
    2. Copy this folder and add it in your  /app/src/main/java folder as it is. These are autogenerated swig files. So, don’t change it unless you know what you are doing.
    3. Also, create a new folder in your /app/src/main folder called jniLibs and add these files to it.

Implementation in SUSI Android App

Check out the implementation of Hotword detection in SUSI Android App here

You now have everything ready. Now you just need to implement some code in your MainActivity and you are good to go. Initiate Hotword detection in the app by using below written code snippet. The call initHotword() method from your onCreate method in MainActivity. Make sure you have given permission to RECORD_AUDIO and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.

private void initHotword() {
   if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this,
           Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED &&
           Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {

       recordingThread = new RecordingThread(new Handler() {
           public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
               MsgEnum message = MsgEnum.getMsgEnum(msg.what);
               switch(message) {
                   case MSG_ACTIVE:
                   case MSG_INFO:
                   case MSG_VAD_SPEECH:
                   case MSG_VAD_NOSPEECH:
                   case MSG_ERROR:
       }, new AudioDataSaver());

In the above code under case, MSG_ACTIVE add your code which needs to be executed once hotword is detected. Now, hotword detection is initiated and you just have to start recording and stop recording whenever you want.

To start recording : (can be written in onStart() method)

if(recordingThread !=null && !isDetectionOn) {
    isDetectionOn = true;

To stop recording : (can be written in onStop() method)

if(recordingThread !=null && isDetectionOn){
   isDetectionOn = false;

So, this this is the simple process to add hotword detection feature in your app.

Though this is great and will word wonderfully for you but it has a little problem and a solution which is discussed below.

Problems for now and future steps

As mentioned above, the susi.pmdl model is a personal model and only trained for your voice. So, it will work wonderfully for you and for people with a similar voice like you but not for everyone. There are two ways to make this solve this problem:

  1. Replace susi.pmdl with susi.umdl: This is very easy way to fix this problem. But to get the susi.umdl file at least 500 people have to train susi hotword on snowboy website. Once that target is achieved, you can download susi.umdl file and replace it with susi.pmdl file and you are good to go.
  2. Train and obtain susi.pmdl file for each user: Right now you trained and used your own personal model for everyone but there is a way you can use every user’s own personal model in the app. Now hotword will be trained by the user himself in the app. Snowboy provides a training API to train the hotword and getting personal model. Quoting snowboy docs “You can define truly customized hotword for each of your end customer. Just ask them to say the hotword 3 times and a model will be trained on the fly!”


  1. Official docs of Snowboy hotword detection
  2. Code for snowboy hotword detection. It contains readme files which give very nice description about the project.
  3. This readme file of snowboy which guides on how to set up snowboy in an android app
Continue ReadingHotword Detection in SUSI Android App using Snowboy

Adding Pinterest Integration in Phimpme Android

After establishing Facebook and Twitter share in Phimpme, our next goal was to integrate more social networking sites. Pinterest is an ideal website for us as it is widely used among various photography enthusiasts. Our goal was to share the image on the Pinterest website without the use of any other native android application.

Note: First, we added Phimpme app in the developer section This step is crucial as it generates APP ID and it is necessary for authentication.

Adding Pinterest option in Accounts Activity in Phimpme

In accounts activity, we have added a list of accounts that we have integrated in a Recyclerview. Currently, we have integrated Facebook and Twitter. We need to add Pinterest App icon and Pinterest option in the Recyclerview.

To add Pinterest app icon I downloaded the icon from iconfinder in SVG format. Using SVG format allows icon to resize itself according to the screen sizes of the users. We saved the icon file name as ic_pinterest_black.xml

Pinterest icon SVG:

<vector android:height="24dp" android:viewportHeight="32.0"
   android:viewportWidth="32.0" android:width="24dp" xmlns:android="">
   <path android:fillColor="#231F20" android:pathData="M16,0.27C7.16,0.27 0,7.43 0,16.27c0,6.55 3.94,12.18 9.58,14.65c-0.05,-1.12 -0.01,-2.46 0.28,-3.67c0.31,-1.3 2.06,-8.72 2.06,-8.72s-0.51,-1.02 -0.51,-2.53c0,-2.37 1.37,-4.14 3.08,-4.14c1.46,0 2.16,1.09 2.16,2.4c0,1.46 -0.93,3.65 -1.41,5.68c-0.4,1.7 0.85,3.08 2.53,3.08c3.03,0 5.07,-3.89 5.07,-8.51c0,-3.51 -2.36,-6.13 -6.66,-6.13c-4.85,0 -7.88,3.62 -7.88,7.66c0,1.39 0.41,2.38 1.05,3.14c0.29,0.35 0.34,0.49 0.23,0.89C9.51,20.37 9.33,21.08 9.26,21.36c-0.11,0.4 -0.44,0.55 -0.8,0.4c-2.23,-0.91 -3.28,-3.36 -3.28,-6.11c0,-4.55 3.83,-9.99 11.44,-9.99c6.11,0 10.13,4.42 10.13,9.16c0,6.28 -3.49,10.97 -8.63,10.97c-1.73,0 -3.35,-0.93 -3.91,-1.99c0,0 -0.93,3.69 -1.13,4.4c-0.34,1.23 -1,2.46 -1.61,3.43C12.9,32.04 14.43,32.27 16,32.27c8.84,0 16,-7.16 16,-16S24.84,0.27 16,0.27z"/>

We made an array of all the accounts list in the Accounts Activity. I added Pinterest in the array list. This array list is inflated in the Accounts Activity.

public static String[] accountName = {"Facebook", "Twitter", "Drupal", "NextCloud", "Wordpress", "Pinterest"};

To add the icon the recyclerview, we have to get the resource id from the drawable folder and then set is in the recyclerview. We have done it dynamically so that we don’t have to fetch the id of every accounts icons.

Integer id = getContext().getResources().getIdentifier(context.getString(R.string.ic_) +
               (accountName[position].toLowerCase()) + "_black"
       , context.getString(R.string.drawable)
       , getContext().getPackageName());


Importing Pinterest SDK in Phimpme project

To import the Pinterest SDK in the project, please download the Pinterest SDK from the link: Go to File->import new module->Import Gradle Project. Build the project, if there is any error resolve the error and then build Gradle again.

compile project(‘:pdk’)

Add APP ID in the manifest file of the project

We need to add the APP ID that was generated while making the app the Pinterest in the manifest folder of the Phimpme Android. In the case of Phimpme, we have added the APP ID in the intent filter in the Accounts Activity. This is necessary for the interaction of the Phimpme with the Pinterest website.

       <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
       <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
       <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
       <data android:scheme="pdk4910600717739247160" />

Establishing Pinterest authentication in Accounts Activity

First, we need to import all the necessary class from the Pinterest SDK. These class includes callback functions, PDKClient which manages the interface between the Phimpme app and the Pinterest website. We need to pass the APP ID in the PDKClient function as an argument and also the view in the onConnect function in PDKClient.

pdkClient = PDKClient.configureInstance(this, getResources().getString(R.string.pinterest_app_id));

Before signing In we need to check if we are already signed in or not. This is how we have done in  Phimpme app. If the app is already signed In a Toast will pop up showing that it already signed In.

if (accountPresenter.checkAlreadyExist(accountName[5])) {
   Toast.makeText(this, R.string.already_signed_in,

Authentication happens in these following steps:

Adding permissions in the List                                                                                These include the following permissions:

  • Read permission
  • Write permission
  • Read relationship
  • Write relationship
List scopes = new ArrayList<String>();

Passing the view, scope array and PDKCallback as arguments in the login function

I have passed the view, scope array list and PDKCallback as arguments in the login function in PDKClient class. This will initiate the authentication process and the user will be redirected to the Pinterest web page after the user has filled up the credentials properly and logged in to the Pinterest the user will be redirected to the Phimpme accounts page. If the user has logged In successfully onSuccess function with being called where PDKResponse will pass an argument. This response object can be used to fetch the username of the logged In user or the Pin and the BoardID of the user.

public void onSuccess(PDKResponse response) {
   Log.d(getClass().getName(), response.getData().toString());

   // Begin realm transaction

   // Creating Realm object for AccountDatabase Class
   account = realm.createObject(AccountDatabase.class,

   // Writing values in Realm database

   // Finally committing the whole data

   Toast.makeText(AccountActivity.this, R.string.success, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

If the user fails to log in to the account onFailure function will be called and a Toast will pop up.

public void onFailure(PDKException exception) {
   Log.e(getClass().getName(), exception.getDetailMessage());
   Toast.makeText(AccountActivity.this,, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Inserting the credentials to the Realm Database

We have used the Realm database to store all the accounts credentials in one place. This is necessary for the maintenance and to check if the user is logged or not. AccountName array holds the list of the name which is added to the database.

// Begin realm transaction

// Creating Realm object for AccountDatabase Class
account = realm.createObject(AccountDatabase.class,

// Writing values in Realm database

// Finally committing the whole data


Now, users can login into the Pinterest from the Accounts Activity. After authenticating the users, we can use the authentication to share the image from the app to the Pinterest website.



Continue ReadingAdding Pinterest Integration in Phimpme Android