Sharing Images on Twitter from Phimpme Android App Using twitter4j

As sharing an image to the social media platform is an important feature in Phimpme android. In my previous blog, I have explained how to authenticate the Android application with Twitter. In this blog, I will discuss how to upload an image directly on Twitter from the application after successfully logging to Twitter.

To check if the application is authenticated to Twitter or not.

When the application is successfully authenticated Twitter issues a Token which tells the application if it is connected to Twitter or not. In the function isActive returns a boolean value. True if the Twitter token is successfully issued or else false.  

public static boolean isActive(Context ctx) {
        SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = ctx.getSharedPreferences(AppConstant.SHARED_PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        return sharedPrefs.getString(AppConstant.SHARED_PREF_KEY_TOKEN, null) != null;

We call isActive function from LoginActive class to check if the application is authenticated to Twitter or not. We call it before using the share function in sharingActivity:

if (LoginActivity.isActive(context)) {
                try {
                    // Send Image function
} catch (Exception ex) {
                    Toast.makeText(context, "ERROR", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

We have saved the image in the internal storage of the device and use saveFilePath to use the path of the saved image. In Phimpme we used HelperMethod class where our share function resides, and while the image is being shared an alert dialog box with spinner pops on the screen.

Sending the image to HelperMethod class


We need to get the image and convert it into Bitmaps. Since, the image captured by the phone camera is usually large to upload and it will take a lot of time we need to compress the Bitmap first. BitmapFactory.decodeFile(specify name of the file) is used to fetch the file and convert it into bitmap.

To send the data we used FileOutStream to the set the path of the file or image in this case. Bitmap.compress method is used to compress the image to desired value and format. In Phimpme we are converting it into PNG.  

Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(saveFilePath);
                    String filename = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + File.separator + "1.png";
                    Log.d("BITMAP", filename);
                    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(saveFilePath);
                    bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 90, out);

                    HelperMethods.postToTwitterWithImage(context, ((Activity) context), saveFilePath, caption, new HelperMethods.TwitterCallback() {

                        public void onFinsihed(Boolean response) {
                            Snackbar.make(parent, R.string.tweet_posted_on_twitter, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Post image function

To post the image on Twitter we will use ConfigurationBuilder class. We will create a new object of the class and then attach Twitter consumer key, consumer secret key, Twitter access token, and twitter token secret.

  • setOAuthConsumerKey() function is used to set the consumer key which is generated by the Twitter when creating the application in the Twitter development environment.
  • Similarly, setOAuthConsumerSecret() function is used to set the consumer secret key.
  • Specify the token key which generated after successfully connecting to twitter in setOAuthAcessToken() fuction and Token secret in setOAuthAcessTokenSecret() function.  
ConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();       configurationBuilder.setOAuthConsumerKey(context.getResources().getString(R.string.twitter_consumer_key));
        Configuration configuration =;
final Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory(configuration).getInstance();

Sending Image to twitter:

  • The image is uploaded to twitter using statusUpdate class specified in Twitter4j API.
  • Pass the image file name in status.setMedia(file).
  • Pass the caption in status.updateStatus(caption).
  • updateStatus is used to finally upload the image with the caption.
final File file = new File(imageUrl);

        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                boolean success = true;
                try {
                    if (file.exists()) {
                        StatusUpdate status = new StatusUpdate(message);
                        Log.d(TAG, "----- Invalid File ----------");
                        success = false;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    success = false;

 Conclusion:                                                                                                                      Using Twitter4j API allows sharing image on Twitter without leaving the  application and opening any additional view.



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Presenter Abstraction Layer in Open Event Organizer Android App

Open Event Organizer App design follows Model View Presenter (MVP) architecture which enables heavy unit testing. MVP is a trending architecture design followed these days. If you are not aware of MVP architecture, then please refer any of the tutorial (few links are given at the end of this blog) about it before reading this. In the design, the code becomes little repetitive as the application size increases due to so many presenters and views, which degrades the code readability. So to avoid this and keep the functionality code clean in the App, we have created a Presenter Abstraction Layer which contains the repetitive code and the layer is extended wherever required in the app. I will be talking about the Presenter Abstraction Layer implementation through the App in this blog.

First of all, create a base interface. The base interface contains methods which every presenter will have. The base interface for presenter in the App looks like:

public interface IBasePresenter {
   void start();
   void detach();


In the method start, presenter loads all the required data from the model and sends it to the view. And releases all the resources in detach. These two methods are required in all the presenters. This interface is extended by other two interfaces which will be actually used by the views. The relevant code is:

public interface IPresenter<V> extends IBasePresenter {
   void attach(V view);

public interface IDetailPresenter<K, V> extends IBasePresenter {
   void attach(K key, V view);


Method attach is used to attach view and the data id (if required) to the presenter. In the app, most of the presenters require an extra data which is used in loading data from the model. Hence two interfaces are extended from the base interface. Now comes the implementation part.

public abstract class BasePresenter<V> implements IPresenter<V> {
   private V view;
   private CompositeDisposable compositeDisposable;

   public void attach(V view) {
       this.view = view;
       this.compositeDisposable = new CompositeDisposable();

   public void detach() {
       view = null;

   protected V getView() {
       return view;

   protected CompositeDisposable getDisposable() {
       return compositeDisposable;


The App uses ReactiveX Observables for async operations which contain fragment/activity context hence these need to be disposed at some lifecycle of fragment/activity. detach nulls the view and disposes the compositeDisposable. This method is called at the onStop lifecycle of fragment/activity. The observable subscriptions are one of the major reasons for memory leaks if not disposed at correct lifecycle in Android. So the detach method is called at onStop lifecycle when activity goes into background or fragment is switched by FragmentTransaction. Another base presenter class looks like:

public  abstract class BaseDetailPresenter<K, V> extends BasePresenter<V> implements IDetailPresenter<K, V> {
   private K id;

   public void attach(K id, V view) {
       super.attach(view); = id;

   protected K getId() {
       return id;


This class extends the previous one except for the attach method. As the presenters extending this, require an extra data id which is passed through this method. So the id can be used in the presenter extending this class using getId. The presenters in the app extend one of these two classes. This helps in making a firm app structure and the development process easier. Abstraction layer should be used wherever same code is repeated. This increases code readability and decreases the chances of creating bugs especially when a team is working on the same project.

1. MVP for Android: how to organize the presentation layer, by Antonio Leiva
2. Android Code That Scales, With MVP, by Nathan Barraille
3. Ted Mosby – Software Architect, by Hannes Dorfmann

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Integrating Twitter Authenticating using Twitter4j in Phimpme Android Application

We have used Twitter4j API to authenticate Twitter in Phimpme application. Below are the following steps in setting up the Twitter4j API in Phimpme and Login to Twitter from Phimpme android application.

Setting up the environment

Download the Twitter4j package from For sharing images we will only need twitter4j-core-3.0.5.jar and twitter4j-media-support-3.0.5.jar files. Copy these files and save it in the libs folder of the application.

Go to build.gradle and add the following codes in dependencies:

dependencies {
compile files('libs/twitter4j-core-3.0.5.jar')
compile files('libs/twitter4j-media-support-3.0.5.jar')

Adding Phimpme application in Twitter development page

Go to>My apps-> Create new apps. Create an application window opens where we have to fill all the necessary details about the application. It is mandatory to fill all the fields. In website field, if you are making an android application then anything can be filled in website field for example But it is necessary to fill this field also.

After filling all the details click on “Create your Twitter application” button.

Adding Twitter Consumer Key and Secret Key

This generates twitter consumer key and twitter secret key. We need to add this in our string.xml folder.

<string name="twitter_consumer_key">ry1PDPXM6rwFVC1KhQ585bJPy</string>
<string name="twitter_consumer_secret">O3qUqqBLinr8qrRvx3GXHWBB1AN10Ax26vXZdNlYlEBF3vzPFt</string> 

Twitter Authentication

Make a new JAVA class say LoginActivity. Where we have to first fetch the twitter consumer key and Twitter secret key.

private static Twitter twitter;
    private static RequestToken requestToken;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        twitterConsumerKey = getResources().getString(R.string.twitter_consumer_key);
        twitterConsumerSecret = getResources().getString(R.string.twitter_consumer_secret);  

We are using a web view to interact with the Twitter login page.

twitterLoginWebView = (WebView)findViewById(;
        twitterLoginWebView.setWebViewClient( new WebViewClient(){
            public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url){

                if( url.contains(AppConstant.TWITTER_CALLBACK_URL)){
                    Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
                    return true;
                return false;

If the access Token is already saved then the user is already signed in or else it sends the Twitter consumer key and the Twitter secret key to gain access Token. ConfigurationBuilder function is used to set the consumer key and consumer secret key.

ConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
        configurationBuilder.setOAuthConsumerKey(twitterConsumerKey);     configurationBuilder.setOAuthConsumerSecret(twitterConsumerSecret);
        Configuration configuration =;
        twitter = new TwitterFactory(configuration).getInstance();

It is followed by the following Runnable thread to check if the request token is received or not. If authentication fails, an error Toast message pops.

new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    requestToken = twitter.getOAuthRequestToken(AppConstant.TWITTER_CALLBACK_URL);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    final String errorString = e.toString();
                    LoginActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, errorString, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

                LoginActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {


It offers seamless integration of Twitter in any application. Without leaving actual application, easier to authenticate. Further, it is used to upload the photo to Twitter directly from Phimpme Android application, fetch profile picture and username.




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Displaying Upcoming Sessions at a Microlocation Open Event Android

When I am attending a session in a room, I don’t get information on what is coming up.”

The issue that the user expressed was that he wanted to know what were the upcoming sessions at a microlocation. While I took up this issue in Open Event Android a few days back, I was thinking of ways about how this can be implemented. The app should be easy-to-use even for non-developers and thus, any new feature shouldn’t be too complex in its implementation. We decided upon doing the following:

  • Adding an “upcoming” option in the options menu of the Location activity.
  • This option’s purpose was to trigger the app to show information about the upcoming session in that microlocation.

Initial changes in

First of all, we added a new icon in the options menu of One of the things that we learnt there was to use ifRoom|collapseActionView option for the app:showAsAction  

attribute as frequently as possible. This option ensures that the title in the option’s menu is visible at all times irrespective of the options being visible along with their icons.

So in case, the title is too big and there is very little room for the options to appear individually, then instead of squeezing down the title, the “ifRoom” attribute will collapse the option icons and insert a 3-dotted drop-down option list with all the options appearing in the drop-down.

Something like this:

The icon’s XML element and UI looked something like this:


About the drawable icon that you see in the screenshot above, it was a tough find. Before I talk about how I came across this icon, I will talk about adding an icon in Android Studio.

How to add an icon in Android Studio?

Adding an item in Android studio means adding a drawable at a basic level. You can find all drawables under the app/src/main/res/drawable folder.

To add a new drawable, right-click on the drawable folder and go to new –>Vector asset. A window similar to what is shown below will appear.

Now, on selecting the “icon” option you will be taken to a huge list of icons that you can add in your app and then use them subsequently. But the problem here is that it is tough at times to find the icon that will be fit for your purpose. Like in my case, there was no direct icon for “upcoming”. This is when we had to do something more. We had to browse to this amazing site by Google: This site shows all the available icons in a much more interactive way and it was a lot more easier for me to come across the icon we wanted using this site.

The vector drawable file for the icon we chose looks like this:

<vector xmlns:android=""
       android:pathData="M23,8c0,1.1 -0.9,2 -2,2 -0.18,0 -0.35,-0.02 -0.51,-0.07l-3.56,3.55c0.05,0.16 0.07,0.34 0.07,0.52 0,1.1 -0.9,2 -2,2s-2,-0.9 -2,-2c0,-0.18 0.02,-0.36 0.07,-0.52l-2.55,-2.55c-0.16,0.05 -0.34,0.07 -0.52,0.07s-0.36,-0.02 -0.52,-0.07l-4.55,4.56c0.05,0.16 0.07,0.33 0.07,0.51 0,1.1 -0.9,2 -2,2s-2,-0.9 -2,-2 0.9,-2 2,-2c0.18,0 0.35,0.02 0.51,0.07l4.56,-4.55C8.02,9.36 8,9.18 8,9c0,-1.1 0.9,-2 2,-2s2,0.9 2,2c0,0.18 -0.02,0.36 -0.07,0.52l2.55,2.55c0.16,-0.05 0.34,-0.07 0.52,-0.07s0.36,0.02 0.52,0.07l3.55,-3.56C19.02,8.35 19,8.18 19,8c0,-1.1 0.9,-2 2,-2s2,0.9 2,2z"/>

What would the upcoming icon do?

Keeping in mind the necessity for the feature to be less complex, I decided that the upcoming icon will lead the user to a dialog box that shows the status of upcoming sessions in that micro location. The implementation for this feature involved 2 main things:

  1. Finding out the upcoming session from the list of sessions in the microlocation.
  2. Generate a dialog box that shows information about that session.

Finding position of upcoming session in Recycler View

Upcoming session will be a session whose starting time comes after the current time. So the approach was simple.

  1. Run a loop on a sorted list of all sessions in a microlocation.
  2. Find out every session’s start time.
  3. Compare the start time of every session with the current time.
  4. Find the first session whose start time comes after the current time.
  5. Store that session’s position, name, ID and other stuff like track name and track color.
  6. Break out of the loop.

This was the basic logic or algorithm, so to say. Here’s the implementation in the upcomingSession() function:

public void upcomingSession(){
   String upcomingTitle = "";
   String track = "";
   String color = null;
   Date current = new Date();
   for (Session sess:sortedSessions){
       try {
           Date start = DateUtils.getDate(sess.getStartsAt());
           if (start.after(current)){
               upcomingTitle = sess.getTitle();
               track = sess.getTrack().getName();
               color = sess.getTrack().getColor();
       } catch (ParseException e) {

Now, displaying a dialog box consisting of all the necessary information is an easy thing to do once you have the required information. So, I’ll just provide some code for it here without explaining much about it.

The initialisations:

public void upcomingSessionsInitial(){
   upcomingDialogBox = new Dialog(this);
           trackImageIcon = (ImageView)upcomingDialogBox.findViewById(;
           upcomingSessionText = (TextView) upcomingDialogBox.findViewById(;
           upcomingSessionTitle = (TextView) upcomingDialogBox.findViewById(;
           Button dialogButton = (Button) upcomingDialogBox.findViewById(;
           dialogButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
               public void onClick(View view) {

The calling:

switch (item.getItemId()){
           FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
           FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();

           Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
           bundle.putBoolean(ConstantStrings.IS_MAP_FRAGMENT_FROM_MAIN_ACTIVITY, false);
           bundle.putString(ConstantStrings.LOCATION_NAME, location);

           Fragment mapFragment = ((OpenEventApp)getApplication())
           fragmentTransaction.replace(, mapFragment, FRAGMENT_TAG_LOCATION).addToBackStack(null).commit();

           menu.setGroupVisible(, false);
           return true;
           return true;
           return true;
           return true;

Final result:

This is the final result or solution that we generated for the issue that was addressed by one of the users:

Some useful links are:

Continue ReadingDisplaying Upcoming Sessions at a Microlocation Open Event Android

Custom SeekBar in PSLab Android

By default Seekbar in Android only return integer values greater than zero. But there can be some situation where we need the SeekBar to return a float and negative values. To implement trigger functionality in the Oscilloscope activity of PSLab Android app, we require a SeekBar that sets a voltage level that should trigger the capture sequence. Since this voltage value ranges between -16.5 V to 16.5 V, default Seekbar don’t serve the purpose.

The solution is to create a custom SeekBar that returns float values. Let’s understand how to implement it.

Create a FloatSeekBar class which extends AppCompatSeekBar. Create a constructor for the class with Context, AttributeSet and defStyle as parameters. AttributeSet is the set of properties specified in an XML resource file whereas defStyle is default style to apply to this view.

public class FloatSeekBar extends {
   private double max = 0.0;
   private double min = 0.0;

   public FloatSeekBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
       super(context, attrs, defStyle);


Then define setters method which set the max and min values of the SeekBar. This method basically sets the range of the SeekBar.

public void setters(double a, double b)
   min = a;
   max = b;


getValue is a method that manipulates current progress of the SeekBar and returns the value. Here the equation used to determine the value is (max – min) * (getProgress() / getMax()) + min.

public double getValue() {
   DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
   Double value = (max - min) * ((float) getProgress() / (float) getMax()) + min;
   value = Double.valueOf(df.format(value));
   return value;


setValue method takes the double value, and accordingly set the progress of the SeekBar.

public void setValue(double value) {
   setProgress((int) ((value - min) / (max - min) * getMax()));

This creates a custom SeekBar, it can be used just like a normal SeekBar.

Now, set the range of custom SeekBar between -16.5 and 16.5.

seekBarTrigger = (FloatSeekBar) v.findViewById(;
seekBarTrigger.setters(-16.5, 16.5);


In order to get value of the custom SeekBar call getValue method.


In order to follow the entire code for custom SeekBar implementation in PSLab refer, Attr.xml and

A glimpse of custom SeekBar in PSLab Android.



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Comparing Different Graph View Libraries and Integrating Them in PSLab Android Application

There is a significant role of graphs in PSLab, they’re used for the following purpose:

For this, we need to implement real time graphs that stimulate real time data from the PSLab device efficiently. It is necessary to analyze each and every Graph View Library, compare them and integrate the best one in PSLab Android app.

Available Graph Libraries

The available Graph View libraries of Android are:

  1. MPAndroidChart
  2. Graph-View
  3. SciChart

Which one is the best with respect to the PSLab project?


Line Graph plotted using MPAndroidChart (image source)

It is an open source graph view library by Philipp Jahoda. The following are the features of MPAndroidChart

  • There are 8 different chart types
  • Scaling on both axes. Scaling can be done using pinch zoom gesture.
  • Dual Axes, we can have 2 Y-axis.
  • Real time support
  • Customizable axis ie we can define different labels to the axis
  • Save chart to SD-Card
  • Predefined color templates
  • Legends which are used to define which line depicts what.
  • Animations
  • Fully customizable, from background color to color of the lines and grids.

On trying MPAndroidChart, I found it to be a slightly difficult to implement.


Line Graph plotted using GraphView Library (image source)

It is also an open source graph view library by Jonas Gehring. The following are features of the Graph-View

  • Supports Line Chart, Bar Chart and Points.
  • Scrolling vertical and horizontal
  • Scaling on both axes.
  • Realtime Graph support
  • Draw multiple series of data. Let the diagram show more that one series in a graph. You can set a color and a description for every series.
  • Legends (as discussed in MPAndroidChart)
  • Custom labels
  • Manual Y axis limits can be set.


It is rich APIs for Axis Ranging, Label Formatting, Chart Modifiers (interaction) and Renderable Series. It is packed with features but unfortunately, it is not open sourced.

The Verdict

Both MPAndroidChart and Graph-View are good libraries, packed with a lot of features. GraphView is easier to implement as compared to MPAndroidChat (not that difficult either). Both of them have the features like pinch zoom. MPAndroidChart had the feature of scale adjustment even when the graph is being plotted. The rate of plotting was comparable in both but it was slightly faster in MPAndroidChart. So, finally GraphView is easier to implement but MPAndroidChart has slightly better performance. So, we integrated MPAndroidChart in PSLab Android application.

Integrating MPAndroidChart in PSLab Android App

In order to integrate MPAndroidChart in the Android project add the following code in the build.gradle of your project.


compile 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v3.0.1'

Creating Oscilloscope like graph

If we observe an Oscilloscope, it has a black/blue screen with grid lines. An oscilloscope is a voltage vs time graph hence the x axis represents the time elapsed and y axis the voltage of the signal at the instant of time. There are left and right y axis for different channels.

An Oscilloscope

In order to implement a graph similar to that of Oscilloscope in PSLab Android App using MPAndroidChart library, the graph needed to be customized.

The following step was taken to customized the graph in Oscilloscope Activity.

Background Color


This sets the background color of the graph as black. mChart is an object of the Line graph.


Legend l = mChart.getLegend();

Here we are setting the Legend form. There are many options available for the same like SQUARE, CIRCLE, and LINE. We are using LINE Legend form.  Also, we set the white color for the legend text.

X Axis Customization

x = mChart.getXAxis();

First, we create an object of XAxis and set the textcolor as white.


The above method draws the grid lines along the x axis.


Now we will set the range of x axis by setting minimum value as 0 and the maximum value is 875.

Y Axis  Customization

y1 = mChart.getAxisLeft();

This is similar to what we did in x axis formatting.

After performing the above steps we got the following results.

To follow the entire code for graph customization refer chartinit method in Oscilloscope Activity, PSLab Android repository.


Continue ReadingComparing Different Graph View Libraries and Integrating Them in PSLab Android Application

Plotting Digital Logic Lines In PSLab Android App

The PSLab device offers the Logic Analyzer functionality. A Logic Analyzer is a laboratory instrument that can capture and display digital signals from a digital system or circuit. It is similar to what an oscilloscope is for analog signals and is used to study timing relationship between different logic lines. It plots the logic lines/timing diagram which tells us the information about the state of the Digital System at any instant of time. For example, in the image below we can study the states of digital signals from channels ID1, ID2, ID3 at different times and find parameters like the propagation delay. It’s also used to find errors in Integrated Circuits (ICs) and debug logic circuits.

How I plotted ideal logic lines using MPAndroid Chart library?

Conventional method of adding data points results in the plot as illustrated in the image below. By conventional method I mean basically adding Y-axis (logic state) values corresponding to X-axis values (timestamp).

Result with normal adding and plotting data-points

In the above plot, logic lines follow non-ideal behaviour i.e they take some time in changing their state from high to low. This non-ideal behaviour of these lines increases when the user zooms in graph to analyse timestamps.

Solution to how we can achieve ideal behaviour of logic lines:

A better solution is to make use of timestamps for generating logic lines i.e time instants at which logic made a transition from HIGH -> LOW or LOW -> HIGH. Lets try to figure out with an example:

Timestamps = { 1, 3, 5, 8, 12 } and initial state is HIGH ( i.e at t = 0, it’s HIGH ). This implies that at t = 1, transition from HIGH to LOW took place so at t = 0, it’s HIGH, t = 1 it’s both HIGH and LOW,  at t = 2 it’s LOW.
Now at t = 0 & t = 2, you can simple put y = 1 and 0 respectively. But how do you add data-point for t = 1. Trick is to see how transition is taking place, if it’s HIGH to LOW then add first 1 for t = 1 and then 0 for t = 1.
So the set of points look something like this:

( Y, X ) ( LOGIC , TIME ) -> ( 1, 0 ) ( 1, 1 ) ( 0, 1) ( 0, 2 ) ( 0, 3 ) ( 1, 3 )  ( 1, 4 ) …

Code snippet for adding coordinates in this fashion:

int[] time = timeStamps.get(j);
for (int i = 0; i < time.length; i++) {
   if (initialState) {
       // Transition from HIGH -> LOW
       tempInput.add(new Entry(time[i], 1));
       tempInput.add(new Entry(time[i], 0));
   } else {
       // Transition from LOW -> HIGH
       tempInput.add(new Entry(time[i], 0));
       tempInput.add(new Entry(time[i], 1));

   // changing state variable
   initialState = !initialState;

After adding data-points in above mentioned way, we obtained ideal logic lines successfully as illustrated in the image given below


Continue ReadingPlotting Digital Logic Lines In PSLab Android App

Adding JSONAPI Support in Open Event Android App

The Open Event API Server exposes a well documented JSONAPI compliant REST API that can be used in The Open Even App Generator and Frontend to access and manipulate data. So it is also needed to add support of JSONAPI in external services like The Open Even App Generator and Frontend. In this post I explain how to add JSONAPI support in Android.

There are many client libraries to implement JSONAPI support in Android or Java like moshi-jsonapi, morpheus etc. You can find the list here. The main problem is most of the libraries require to inherit attributes from Resource model but in the Open Event Android App we already inherit from a RealmObject class and in Java we can’t inherit from more than one model or class. So we will be using the jsonapi-converter library which uses annotation processing to add JSONAPI support.

1. Add dependency

In order to use jsonapi-converter in your app add following dependencies in your app module’s build.gradle file.

dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.jasminb:jsonapi-converter:0.7'

2.  Write model class

Models will be used to represent requests and responses. To support JSONAPI we need to take care of followings when writing the models.

  • Each model class must be annotated with com.github.jasminb.jsonapi.annotations.Type annotation
  • Each class must contain a String attribute annotated with com.github.jasminb.jsonapi.annotations.Id annotation
  • All relationships must be annotated with com.github.jasminb.jsonapi.annotations.Relationship annotation

In the Open Event Android we have so many models like event, session, track, microlocation, speaker etc. Here I am only defining track model because of its simplicity and less complexity.

public class Track extends RealmObject {

        	private int id;
        	private String name;
        	private String description;
        	private String color;
        	private String fontColor;
        	private RealmList<Session> sessions;

        	//getters and setters

Jsonapi-converter uses Jackson for data parsing. To know how to use Jackson for parsing follow my previous blog.

Type annotation is used to instruct the serialization/deserialization library on how to process given model class. Each resource must have the id attribute. Id annotation is used to flag an attribute of a class as an id attribute. In above class the id attribute is int so we need to specify IntegerIdHandler class which is ResourceHandler in the annotation. Relationship annotation is used to designate other resource types as a relationship. The value in the Relationship annotation should be as per JSONAPI specification of the server. In the Open Event Project each track has the sessions so we need to add a Relationship annotation for it.

3.  Setup API service and retrofit

After defining models, define API service interface as you would usually do with standard JSON APIs.

public interface OpenEventAPI {
    Call<List<Track>> getTracks();

Now create an ObjectMapper & a retrofit object and initialize them.

ObjectMapper objectMapper = OpenEventApp.getObjectMapper();
Class[] classes = {Track.class, Session.class};

OpenEventAPI openEventAPI = new Retrofit.Builder()
                    .addConverterFactory(new JSONAPIConverterFactory(objectMapper, classes))


The classes array instance contains a list of all the model classes which will be supported by this retrofit builder and API service. Here the main task is to add a JSONAPIConverterFactory which will be used to serialize and deserialize data according to JSONAPI specification. The JSONAPIConverterFactory constructor takes two parameters ObjectMapper and list of classes.

4.  Use API service  

Now after setting up all the things according to above steps, you can use the openEventAPI instance to fetch data from the server.



JSON API is designed to minimize both the number of requests and the amount of data transmitted between clients and servers

Continue ReadingAdding JSONAPI Support in Open Event Android App

Generating Real-Time Graphs in PSLab Android App

In PSLab Android App, we need to log data from the sensors and correspondingly generate real-time graphs. Real-time graphs mean a data streaming chart that automatically updates itself after every n second. This was different from what we did in Oscilloscope’s graph, here we need to determine the relative time at which the data is recorded from the sensor by the PSLab.

Another thing we need to take care of was the range of x axis. Since the data to be streamed is ever growing, setting a large range of the x axis will only make reading sensor data tedious for the user. For this, the solution was to make real time rolling window graph. It’s like when the graph exceeds the maximum range of x axis, the graph doesn’t show the initial plots. For example, if I set that graph should show the data only for the 10-second window when the 11th-second data would be plot, the 1st-second data won’t be shown by the graph and maintains the difference between the maximum and the minimum range of the graph. The graph library we are going to use is MPAndroidChart. Let’s break-down the implementation step by step.

First, we create a long variable, startTime which records the time at which the entire process starts. This would be the reference time. Flags make sure when to reset this time.

if (flag == 0) {
   startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   flag = 1;


We used Async Tasks approach in which the data is from the sensors is acquired in the background thread and the graph is updated in the UI thread. Here we consider an example of the HMC5883L sensor, which is actually Magnetometer. We are calculating time elapsed by subtracting current time with the sartTime and the result is taken as the x coordinate.

private class SensorDataFetch extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
   ArrayList<Double> dataHMC5883L = new ArrayList<Double>();
   long timeElapsed;

   protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
     timeElapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000;

     entriesbx.add(new Entry((float) timeElapsed, dataHMC5883L.get(0).floatValue()));
     entriesby.add(new Entry((float) timeElapsed, dataHMC5883L.get(1).floatValue()));
     entriesbz.add(new Entry((float) timeElapsed, dataHMC5883L.get(2).floatValue()));
     return null;


As we need to create a rolling window graph we require to add few lines of code with the standard implementation of the graph using MPAndroidChart. This entire code is placed under onPostExecute method of AsyncTasks. The following code sets data set for the Line Chart and tells the Line Chart that a new data is acquired. It’s very important to call notifyDataSetChanged, without this the things won’t work.



Now, we will set the visible range of x axis. This means that the graph window of the graph won’t change until and unless the range set by this method is not achieved. Here we are setting it to be 10 as we need a 10-second window.


Then we will call moveViewToX method to move the view to the latest entry of the graph. Here, we have passed data.getEntryCount method which returns the no. of data points in the data set.



We will get following results

To see the entire code visit this link.


Continue ReadingGenerating Real-Time Graphs in PSLab Android App

Implementation of Text to Speech alongside Hotword Detection in SUSI Android App

In this blog post, we’ll be learning about how to implement Text to speech. Now you may be wondering that what is so difficult in implementing text to speech. One can easily find many tutorials on that and can easily look at the official documentation of TTS but there’s a catch here. In this blog post I’ll be telling about how to implement Text to Speech alongside Hotword Detection.

Let me give you a rough idea about how hotword detection works in SUSI Android App. For more details, read my other blog here on Hotword Detection. So, there is a constantly running background recording thread which detects when hotword is detected. Now, you may be thinking why do we need to stop that thread for text to speech. Well there are 2 reasons to do that:

  1. Recording while playing causing problems with mic and may crash the app.
  2. Suppose we even implement that but what will happen if the answer contains word “susi” in it. Now, the hotword will be detected because the speech output contained word “susi” in it (which is our hotword).

So, to avoid these problems we had to come up a way to stop hotword detection only for that particular time when SUSI is giving speech output and resume it back immediately when speech output is finished.

Let’s see how we did that.


Check out this video to see how this work in the app

Initiating the TTS engine

The first task is to initiate the Text to speech engine. This process takes some time. So, it is done in the starting of app in a new handler.

new Handler().post(new Runnable() {
   public void run() {
       textToSpeech = new TextToSpeech(getApplicationContext(), new TextToSpeech.OnInitListener() {
           public void onInit(int status) {
               if (status != TextToSpeech.ERROR) {
                   Locale locale = textToSpeech.getLanguage();

Check Audio Focus

The next step is to check whether audio focus is granted. Suppose there is some music playing in the background, in that case we won’t be able to give voice output. So, we check audio focus using below code.

final AudioManager audiofocus = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
 int result = audiofocus.requestAudioFocus(afChangeListener, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN);
if (result == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_REQUEST_GRANTED) {

Using OnAudioFocusChangeListener, we keep a track of when we have access to give speech output and when we don’t.

private AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener afChangeListener =
       new AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener() {
           public void onAudioFocusChange(int focusChange) {
               if (focusChange == AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT) {
               } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN) {
                   // Resume playback
               } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS) {

Converting the given text to speech

Now we have audio focus, we just have to convert given text to speech. Use method textToSpeech.speak().

private void voiceReply(final String reply) {
       Handler handler = new Handler(); Runnable() {
           public void run() {
                   textToSpeech.speak(spokenReply, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, ttsParams);                  

Abandon Audio Focus

Now we are done with speech output, it’s time we abandon audio focus.


TTS alongside Hotword Detection

Okay so now the major part. How do we check when to stop hotword detection thread and when to resume it? How do we check if Speech output is finished?

Answer to these questions is textToSpeech.setOnUtteranceProgressListener. The UtteranceProgressListener overrides 3 methods:

  1. onStart: Indicates starting of text to speech conversion. Which means it’s time to stop hotword detection thread.
  2. onDone: Called when every word of the provided text is converted to speech. So, simply resume hotword detection
  3. onError: Called when there is an error and text is not converted to speech. Anyway, we need to resume hotword detection here too.
textToSpeech.setOnUtteranceProgressListener(new UtteranceProgressListener() {
                       public void onStart(String s) {
                           if(recordingThread !=null && isDetectionOn){
                               isDetectionOn = false;

                       public void onDone(String s) {
                           if(recordingThread != null && !isDetectionOn && checkHotwordPref()) {
                               isDetectionOn = true;

                       public void onError(String s) {
                           if(recordingThread != null && !isDetectionOn && checkHotwordPref()) {
                               isDetectionOn = true;

                   HashMap<String,String> ttsParams = new HashMap<String, String>();


So, the main thing required for implementation of Text to Speech alongside Hotword detection is a way to control stopping and resuming hotword detection when Text to speech is in process. For that we used UtteranceProgressListener of TextToSpeech class which makes it so easier to do the task we required. You may follow this same approach as well or if you have a better approach, open an issue here.


  1. Official Documentation of TextToSpeech
  2. Documentation of UtteranceProgressListener
  3. Blog link to Hotword Detection
Continue ReadingImplementation of Text to Speech alongside Hotword Detection in SUSI Android App