This blog illustrates how we can add multiple select checkboxes to open event frontend using EmberJS.
Here we take an example of discount code creation in open event frontend. Since a discount code can be related to multiple tickets. Hence we should allow the organizer to choose multiple tickets from the event’s ticket list for which he/she wants the discount code to be applicable.
We start by generating a create route where we create a record for the discount code and pass the model to the template.
// routes/events/view/tickets/discount-codes/create.js import Route from '@ember/routing/route'; export default Route.extend({ titleToken() { return this.get('l10n').t('Create'); }, model() { return this.get('store').createRecord('discount-code', { event : this.modelFor('events.view'), tickets : [], usedFor : 'ticket', marketer : this.get('authManager.currentUser') }); } });
We can see that we have a tickets relationship for new record of discount code which can accept multiple ticket as an array. We access this model in our template and create checkboxes for all tickets related to the event. So that the organizer can select multiple tickets for which he/she wants the discount code to be applicable.
// templates/components/forms/events/view/create-discount-code.hbs {{t 'Select Ticket(s) applied to the discount code'}} {{ui-checkbox label='Select all Ticket types' name='all_ticket_types' value='tickets' checked=allTicketTypesChecked onChange=(action 'toggleAllSelection')}} {{#each as |ticket|}} {{ui-checkbox checked=ticket.isChecked onChange=(action 'updateTicketsSelection' ticket)}} <br> {{/each}}
This is part of the code that contain checkboxes for tickets. Full code can be seen here. We can see that first div contains the checkbox that allows us to select all the tickets at once. Once checked, this calls the action toggleAllSelection. This action is defined like this.
// components/forms/events/view/create-discount-code.js toggleAllSelection(allTicketTypesChecked) { this.toggleProperty('allTicketTypesChecked'); let tickets = this.get(''); if (allTicketTypesChecked) { this.set('', tickets.slice()); } else { this.get('').clear(); } tickets.forEach(ticket => { ticket.set('isChecked', allTicketTypesChecked); }); },
In the toggleAllSelection action we loop over all the tickets of an event and set their isCheck property to either true or false depending on whether Select All checkbox was checked or unchecked. This is done to make all individual tickets checkboxes as checked or unchecked depending on whether we have selected all or unselected all. Also we set or unset the array which contains all the tickets of discount-code record that were selected using checkboxes.
Going back to template in second div we render all the tickets individually with their checkbox. Each time a ticket is checked or unchecked we call updateTicketSelection action. Let us have a look at updateTicketSelection action.
// components/forms/events/view/create-discount-code.js updateTicketsSelection(ticket) { if (!ticket.get('isChecked')) { this.get('').pushObject(ticket); ticket.set('isChecked', true); if (this.get('').length === this.get('').length) { this.set('allTicketTypesChecked', true); } } else { this.get('').removeObject(ticket); ticket.set('isChecked', false); this.set('allTicketTypesChecked', false); } },
In this action, we check if the ticket is checked or not. If it is checked we add it to the array and further check if we have selected all the tickets or not. In case we have selected all the tickets then we also mark select all checkbox as checked through allTicketTypesChecked property. If it is unchecked we remove that ticket from the array. You can see full code here.
In this way, we implement multiple select checkboxes to select more than one data of a particular type through Ember.
- Ember Array Methods: Official Docs
- Create Discount-Code files: Javascript, Templates