Modals in semantic UI are used to display the content on the current view while temporarily blocking the interaction with the main view. In Open Event Frontend application, we’ve a ‘delete’ button which deletes the published event as soon as the button is pressed making all the data clean. Once the event is deleted by the user, it is not possible to restore it again. We encountered that this can create a whole lot of problem if the button is pressed unintentionally. So we thought of solving this by popping up a dialog box on button click with a warning and asking for user’s confirmation to delete the event. To implement the dialog box, we used semantic UI modals which helped in ensuring that the user correctly enters the name of the event in the given space to ensure that s/he wants to delete the event.
Since we want our modal to be customizable yet reusable so that it can be used anywhere in the project so we made it as the component called ‘event-delete-modal’. To do that we first need to start with the template.
The markup for the event-delete-modal looks like this:
<div class="content"> <form class="ui form" autocomplete="off" {{action (optional formSubmit) on='submit' preventDefault=true}}> <div class="field"> <div class="label"> {{t 'Please enter the full name of the event to continue'}} </div> {{input type='text' name='confirm_name' value=confirmName required=true}} </div> </form> </div> <div class="actions"> <button type="button" class="ui black button" {{action 'close'}}> {{t 'Cancel'}} </button> <button type="submit" class="ui red button" disabled={{isNameDifferent}} {{action deleteEvent}}> {{t 'Delete Event'}} </button> </div>
The complete code for the template can be seen here.
The above code for the modal window is very similar to the codes which we write for creating the main window. We can see that the semantic UI collection “form” has also been used here for creating the form where the user can input the name of the event along with delete and cancel buttons. The delete button remains disabled until the time correct name of the event been written by the user to ensure that user really wants to delete the event. To cancel the modal we have used close callback method of semantic UI modal which itself closes it. Since the ‘isNameDifferent’ action is uniquely associated to this particular modal hence it’s been declared in the ‘event-delete-modal.js’ file.
The code for the ‘isNameDifferent’ in ‘event-delete-modal.js’ file looks like this.
export default ModalBase.extend({ isSmall : true, confirmName : '', isNameDifferent : computed('confirmName', function() { return this.get('confirmName').toLowerCase() !== this.get('eventName').toLowerCase(); }) });
The complete code for the.js file can be seen here.
In the above piece of code, we have isSmall variable to ensure that our modal size is small so it can fit for all screen sizes and we have the implementation isNameDifferent() function. We can also notice that our modal is extending the ‘ModelBase’ class which has all the semantic UI modal settings and the callback methods to perform show, hide, close and open actions along with settings which will help modal to look the way we want it to be.
The modal-base.js class looks like this.
openObserver: observer('isOpen', function() { close() { this.set('isOpen', false); }, actions: { close() { this.close(); } }, willInitSemantic(settings) { const defaultOptions = { detachable : false, duration : testing ? 0 : 200, dimmerSettings : { dimmerName : `${this.get('elementId')}-modal-dimmer`, variation : 'inverted' }, onHide: () => { this.set('isOpen', false); if (this.get('onHide')) { this.onHide(); } }, onVisible: () => { this.set('isOpen', true); this.$('[data-content]').popup({ inline: true }); }
The complete code for the .js file can be seen here.
In the above code, we can see that at the top we’ve an ‘openObserver’ function where we’re observing the behaviour of the modal and setting the variables according to the behavioural changes. Now, later we’re checking the status of those variables and performing the actions based on their value. For example, to close the modal we have a boolean variable ‘isOpen’ which is set to false now close() action will be called which closes the modal. Similarly, in ‘willInitSemantic(settings)’ function we’re setting the modal’s setting like the effects, length, the details modal will display on popping out etc.
We’re here overriding the semantic UI moda settings like detachable, dimmerSettings, duration etc along with the callback methods like onHide(), onVisible() etc. to get the required results.
Finally, our event-delete-modal will look something like this.
Fig: Modal to delete the event
So to conclude this post, we can easily say that the modals are of great use. They can solve the purpose of displaying some alert or to input some values without interrupting the flow of the main page depending upon the requirements.
Additional Resources:
Blog post about Awesome Ember.js Form Components of Alex Speller: