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Using RouterLink in the Susper Angular Frontend to Speed up the Loading Time

In Susper, whenever the user clicks on some links, the whole application used to load again, thereby taking more time to load the page. But in Single Page Applications (SPAs) we don’t need to load the whole application. In Fact, SPAs are known to load internal pages faster than traditional HTML web pages. To achieve this we have to inform the application that a link will redirect the user to an internal page. So that the application doesn’t reload completely and reinitializes itself. In angular, this can be done by replacing href with routerLink for the tag.

Routerlink when used with tag syntactically as

<a routerLink="/contact" routerLinkActive="active">Contact</a>

doesn’t load the whole page instead it asks the server for only the contact component and renders it in place of <router-outlet></router-outlet>

This happens through an ajax call to the server asking for only contact component, thereby reducing the time it takes and doesn’t show a whole complete reload of the page.

Below time graph shows requests made when a tag with href was clicked.

If you observe it takes more than 3 seconds to load the page.

But when you use [routerLink] as an attribute for navigation, you find the page being displayed in just a blink.

What we have done in Susper?

In Susper, on issue #167, @mariobehling has noticed that there are some links which are loading slowly. On looking at the issue and a test run of the issue, I found that the problem is with the loading of the whole page, thereby immediately checked with the tag and found that a “href” attribute was used instead of “[routerLink]” angular attribute. I made a pull changing href to “[routerLink]” thereby speeding up Susper to around 3x faster than before.


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