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Using DialogFragment to show sales data in Open Event Organizer App’s Events List

In the Open Event Organizer Android App The events list shows the list of events, but organizers often need to compare sales of different events fast. Until now they had to select each and every item and go to the dashboard to see the sales. This is about to change in the Pull Request #1063. It provides an intuitive way to show ticket sales by showing a dialog box upon long pressing event list items.

To implement it, we needed a BaseDialogFragment class which would implement Injectable and handle the presenter life cycle for us.

public class BaseDialogFragment<P extends BasePresenter> extends DialogFragment implements Injectable {

BaseDialogFragment class is very similar to the BaseFragment class, except that it extends DialogFragment instead of Fragment, And the new class SalesSummaryFragment is also similar to any other fragment class we are using.

When an item in the events list is clicked, the long click listener for the events’ list adapter opens the SalesSummaryFragment for the corresponding event, and when the data completes loading it calls ItemResult#showResult and binds the event with the data.

public void showResult(Event event) {

The  SalesSummaryPresenter  is the almost the same as the TicketsPresenter, since it is loading ticket sales. In its onStart() method, it calls the method  loadDetails()  which on completion calls  analyseSoldTickets()  on  ticketAnalyser, which basically updates an event’s analytics after calculations.

public class SalesSummaryPresenter extends AbstractDetailPresenter<Long, SalesSummaryView> {

    public void loadDetails(boolean forceReload) {
            .subscribe(attendees -> {
                this.attendees = attendees;
                ticketAnalyser.analyseSoldTickets(event, attendees);
            }, Logger::logError);


    public void showResult(Event event) {

For  SalesSummaryFragment , we are using the layout  fragment_sales_summary.xml. And this layout mainly makes use of the layout ticket_analytics_item.xml which is a layout designed to produce the three circular views to show the data.

    bind:total="@{}" />

This is how the result looks like:

Open Event Orga Android App: Pull Request #1063:

Codepath guides: Using Dialog Fragment

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