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Uploading Badges To Google Cloud Badgeyay

Badgeyay is an open source project developed by FOSSASIA community. This project mainly aims for generating badges for technical conferences and events.The project is divided into two parts mainly. Backend is developed in flask and frontend is developed in emberjs. The problem is after the badge generation, the flask server is storing and serving those files. In practise this is not a good convention to do so. This should be handled by secondary hosting server program like gunicorn or nginx. Better approach would be to consume the firebase storage and admin sdk for storing the badges on google cloud. This will also offload storage needs from the flask server and also give a public link over the network to access.


  1. Get the file path of the temporary badge generated on the flask server. Currently badges are saved in the directory of the image file uploaded and final badge generated is written in all-badges.pdf`
badgePath = os.getcwd() + ‘/static/temporary/’ + badgeFolder
badgePath + ‘/all-badges.pdf’


  1. Create the blob path for the storage. Blob can be understood as the final reference to the location where the contents are saved onto the server. This can be a nested directory structure or simply a filename in root directory.
‘badges/’ + + ‘.pdf’


In our case it is the id of the badge that is generated in the badges directory.

  1. Function for uploading the file generated in temporary storage to google cloud storage.
def fileUploader(file_path, blob_path):
  bucket = storage.bucket()
  fileUploaderBlob = bucket.blob(blob_path)
      with open(file_path, ‘rb’) as file_:
  except Exception as e:
  return fileUploaderBlob.public_url


It creates a bucket using the firebase admin SDK and then open the file from the file path. After opening the file from the path it writes the data to the cloud storage. After the data is written, the blob is made public and the public access link to the blob is fetched, which then later returned and saved in the local database.

Topics Involved

  • Firebase admin sdk for storage
  • Google cloud storage sdk


  • Firebase admin sdk documentation – Link
  • Google Cloud Storage SDK Python – Link
  • Blob Management – Link


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