Uploading a file to a server via PHP

Uploading a file to a server via PHP

If you have been following my posts about my GSoC project, you would be knowing that we are making an app generator which will allow users to easily generate an android app for any event that they plan to host.

So, the next thing that we wanted in our app was to allow the users to upload a zip containing the json files (in case they don’t have an API, from where app can fetch data from) and then upload it to the server where we can use these files during the app compilation.

Steps below will tell you , how we achieved it :

Changes to HTML

First thing that we needed to do was add a file upload element to out HTML page that would allow only .zip files to be uploaded.
It was pretty simple one liner code which goes as follows

<td valign=”top”>
<label for=”sessions”>Zip containing .json files</label>
<td valign=”top”>
<input accept=”.zip” type=”file” id=”uploadZip” name=”sessions”>

PHP script to upload file on to the server

Next, we needed a server sided script (I used PHP) which would upload the zip provided by the user on to the server and store it to a unique location for each user.
The code for that was,

if ( 0 < $_FILES[‘file’][‘error’] ) {
echo ‘Error: ‘ . $_FILES[‘file’][‘error’] . ‘<br>’;
else {

So what is happening here is basically the input arg. is first checked whether it is null or not null.
If it is null, and error is thrown back to the user, else the file is renamed and uploaded to the uploads folder in the server’s public directory.

Changes to the JavaScript

This was the part that needed most of the changes to be done, we first had to store the file that is to be uploaded in the form data, and then make and AJAX call to the php file located on the server.

var file_data = $(‘#uploadZip’).prop(‘files’)[0];
var form_data = new FormData();
form_data.append(‘file’, file_data);
{ url: ‘/upload.php’, // point to server-side PHP script
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
data: form_data,
type: ‘post’,
success: function(php_script_response){
ajaxCall1(); } //Chain up another AJAX call for further operations

So, that’s almost it!
Some server sided changes were also required like allowing the web user to execute the upload.php script and making the uploads directory writable by the web user.

Well, does it work?

Um, yeah it does.
There are a few issues with concurrent users which we are still debugging, but apart from that it works like a charm!

Here you can see a folder created by each user based on his/her timestamp
And here you can see the file that was uploaded y him/her
Lastly our webapp (Looks stunning right?)

So, that was all for this week, hope to see you again next time.
Cheers and all the best 🙂


Android Developer, Open Source Enthusiast

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