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Tax Information on Public Ticket Page

This blog post will elaborate on how Tax Information is being displayed on the public page of an event. In current implementation, the user gets to know the total tax inclusive amount only after he/she decides to place an order but no such information was given to them on the public ticket page itself.

Order summary example in eventyay

Example : In initial implementation, the user gets to know that the order is of only $120 and no information is given about the additional 30% being charged and taking the total to $156.

To tackle this issue, I added two hybrid components to the ticket object to handle the two tax cases : 

  • Inclusion in the price : In European and Asian Countries , the tax amount is included in the ticket price itself. For this case, I created the following parameter to store the tax amount included in gross amount.
// app/models/ticket.js
includedTaxAmount: computed('', '', function() {
  const taxType = this.event.get('tax.isTaxIncludedInPrice');
  if (taxType) {
    const taxRate = this.event.get('tax.rate');
    return ((taxRate * this.price) / (100 + taxRate)).toFixed(2);
  return 0;
  • Added on the ticket price : In basic US tax policy, the tax amount is added on top of the ticket price. For such cases I have added a new attribute to ticket model which calculates the total amount payable for that particular ticket with tax inclusion
// app/models/ticket.js
ticketPriceWithTax: computed('', '', function() {
  let taxType = this.event.get('tax.isTaxIncludedInPrice');
  if (!taxType) {
    return ((1 + this.event.get('tax.rate') / 100) * this.price).toFixed(2);
  return this.price;

Now, the public ticket page has to be edited accordingly. The design I decided to follow is inspired by eventbrite itself : 

Eventbrite specimen of the proposed implementation

For this implementation, I modified the ticket list template to accommodate the changes in the following way : 

// app/components/public/ticket-list.hbs
td id="{{}}_price">
{{currency-symbol eventCurrency}} {{format-number ticket.price}}
if (and taxInfo (not-eq ticket.type 'free'))}}
if showTaxIncludedMessage}}
small class="ui gray-text small">
      {{t 'includes'}} {{currency-symbol eventCurrency}} {{format-number ticket.includedTaxAmount}}
small class="ui gray-text small">
      + {{currency-symbol eventCurrency}} {{format-number (sub ticket.ticketPriceWithTax ticket.price)}}
small class="ui gray-text tiny aligned right">({{}})</small>
Tax amount is included in ticket price

Hence making the new public ticket list display to look like this in case of tax amount inclusion and additional charge as follows

Tax amount is charged over the base price

Discount Code application cases:

In the cases when a user applies the discount code, the ticket price need to be updated, hence, the tax applied has to be updated accordingly. I achieved this by updating the two computed properties of the ticket model on each togglePromotionalCode and applyPromotionalCode action. When a promotional code is applied, the appropriate attribute is updated according to the discount offered.

// app/components/public/ticket-list.js
tickets.forEach(ticket => {
let ticketPrice = ticket.get('price');
let taxRate = ticket.get('');
let discount = discountType === 'amount' ? Math.min(ticketPrice, discountValue) : ticketPrice * (discountValue / 100);
ticket.set('discount', discount);
if (taxRate && !this.showTaxIncludedMessage) {
  let ticketPriceWithTax = (ticketPrice - * (1 + taxRate / 100);
  ticket.set('ticketPriceWithTax', ticketPriceWithTax);
} else if (taxRate && this.showTaxIncludedMessage) {
  let includedTaxAmount = (taxRate * (ticketPrice - discount)) / (100 + taxRate);
  ticket.set('includedTaxAmount', includedTaxAmount);

Similarly, on toggling the discount code off, the ticket’s computed properties are set back to their initial value using the same formula kept during the time of initialization which has been achieved in the following manner.

// app/components/public/ticket-list.js
this.discountedTickets.forEach(ticket => {
let taxRate = ticket.get('');
let ticketPrice = ticket.get('price');
if (taxRate && !this.showTaxIncludedMessage) {
  let ticketPriceWithTax = ticketPrice * (1 + taxRate / 100);
  ticket.set('ticketPriceWithTax', ticketPriceWithTax);
} else if (taxRate && this.showTaxIncludedMessage) {
  let includedTaxAmount = (taxRate * ticketPrice) / (100 + taxRate);
  ticket.set('includedTaxAmount', includedTaxAmount);
ticket.set('discount', 0);

This particular change makes sure that the tax amount is calculated properly as per the discounted amount and thus eliminates the possibility of overcharging the attendee.

Tax recalculation for discounted tickets

In conclusion, this feature has been implemented keeping in mind the consumer’s interest in using the Open Event Frontend and the ease of tax application on the public level with minimum required network requests.


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