How selected autoplay works and messages are created in webclient

In this post we will discuss the message model of SUSI.AI webclient and how youtube autoplay features selectively autoplays only the last played song from youtube. The answer or response to any query to susi is send by server in json format, which is just a raw form of data which is then used by webclient to create the message in desired form in different action types. Every response to a query is given in an array of action types with each element in the array is a snippet of HTML codes. This array is called the messageListItem. This messageListItem array is further, a part of a bigger array which contains all the codes for the query, answer and date elements. This array is called the messageListItems. This contains the final code block of all the messages displayed on the web client. All this is handled by two files MessageListItem.js and MessageSection.js and we will discuss their working below in detail.

Continue ReadingHow selected autoplay works and messages are created in webclient

Implementation of admin dashboard on Accounts

The admin dashboard for SUSI.AI is implemented in the susi accounts to access various admin features like list all users registered on SUSI and change user roles of other users. In this post we will discuss about the client side implementation of listing registered users and changing their user roles.

Continue ReadingImplementation of admin dashboard on Accounts

5 Star Skill Rating System in the SUSI.AI CMS

For making a system more reliable and robust, continuous evaluation is quite important. So is in the case of SUSI AI. User feedback is important to improve SUSI skills and create new ones. Previously we had only thumbs up / thumbs down as a feedback method, from the SUSI chat client. But now a 5 star rating system has been added to the SUSI Skill CMS so that users can rate a skill there. Before the implementation of API  let’s look how data is stored in SUSI AI Susi_server uses DAO in which skill rating is stored as JSONTray. The rating system has been implemented on SkillListing.js file on the CMS.

The CMS side

  1. Install the Recharts Data Visualization library.

$ npm install --save recharts
  1. Install the Rating library for react.

$ npm install --save react-ratings-declarative
  1. Import the Barchart, Cell, LabelList, Bar, XAxis, YAxis and Tooltip components from Recharts.

import {BarChart, Cell, LabelList, Bar, XAxis, YAxis, Tooltip} from 'recharts';
  1. Import the Ratings components from React Ratings Declarative.

import Ratings from 'react-ratings-declarative';
  1. Add average rating, total ratings, rating counts on each star and rating given by the users as state variables.

this.state = {
    avg_rating: '',
    total_star: '',
    skill_ratings: [],
    rating : 0
  1. Load the skill ratings as soon as the page loads. getSkillRating.json API is used to get skill ratings. Fetch the stars related data from the API response and save them in the state variable using saveSkillRatings() function.

    url: skillRatingUrl,
    success: function (data) {
  1.  Store the skills rating data to be visualized on the charts. The rating data is kept in an array and store in a state variable. Put zero if the rating count is not available. This state variable is used by the Recharts library as an input for data visualization.

saveSkillRatings = (skill_ratings) => {
       const ratings_data = [
             {name: '5 ⭐', value: skill_ratings.five_star || 0},
             {name: '4 ⭐', value: skill_ratings.four_star || 0},
             {name: '3 ⭐', value: skill_ratings.three_star || 0},
             {name: '2 ⭐', value: skill_ratings.two_star || 0},
             {name: '1 ⭐', value: skill_ratings.one_star || 0}];
           skill_ratings: ratings_data,
           avg_rating: skill_ratings.avg_star,
           total_star: skill_ratings.total_star
  1. Create a function to that informs the server about the rating given by the current user. The changeRating() function calls the fiveStarRateSkill.json API with the parameters like who has rated the skill and what rating has been given.

changeRating = (newRating) => {
        url: changeRatingUrl,
        success: function(data) {
            console.log('Ratings accepted');
        rating: newRating
  1.  Check if the user is logged in and display the rating bar. The rating bar should appear only if the user is logged in. The document’s cookies hold the information about the logged in user.

  cookies.get('loggedIn') ?
     <Ratings.Widget />
     <Ratings.Widget />
     <Ratings.Widget />
     <Ratings.Widget />
     <Ratings.Widget />
  1.  Display the BarChart of existing ratings, total ratings and average rating. It shows the count on each star.

If the average rating is available in the state then show it, otherwise put zero in the average rating.

Add a Bar Chart and define the data to be visualized i.e. the skill rating data. The Y-axis of the chart maps to the particular rating and the X-axis shows the count of that rating. The value of bar and label is set from the count of each star rating.

<BarChart layout='vertical' width={400} height={250} data={this.state.skill_ratings}>
    <XAxis type="number" padding={{right: 20}} />
    <YAxis dataKey="name" type="category"/>
    <Bar name="Skill Rating" dataKey="value" fill="#8884d8">
        <LabelList dataKey="value" position="right" />
                .map((entry, index) =>
                    <Cell key={index} fill={
                        ['#0088FE', '#00C49F', '#FFBB28', '#FF8042', '#FF2323'][index % 5]

If the total number of ratings is available in the state then show it, otherwise put zero in the total number of ratings.


So this 5 star rating system will help in improving the SUSI skills. Also, it will help in making better decisions when we have multiple similar skills and we have to choose one to respond to the user query.


Continue Reading5 Star Skill Rating System in the SUSI.AI CMS

Implementing YouTube Search API with WebClient

SUSI.AI is an assistant which enables us to create a lot of skills. These skills offer various functionalities which performs different actions. Therefore SUSI has implemented various action types. Some of these are:

  • Answer
  • Table
  • Maps
  • Rss
  • audio_play
  • video_play

When a user answers a query the server sends response in form of actions type. The client then scans the response JSON object and checks the type of action and performs the desired operations. This action types are verified by

Continue ReadingImplementing YouTube Search API with WebClient

Make a cumulative API to return skills based on standard metrics in SUSI.AI

In this blog post, we are going to discuss on how to make a cumulative API which returns skills based on different standard metrics. It was implemented to combine various API calls, that were made from various clients, thereby reducing the number of API calls made. It lead to an optimization in the page load time of various clients and also helped to reduce the 503 errors that were received, due to very frequent API hits. The API endpoint for it is

It accepts 5 optional parameters –

  • model – It represents the model for which the skill are fetched. The default value is set to General.
  • group – It represents the group(category) for which the skill are fetched. The default value is set to Knowledge.
  • language – It represents the language for which the skill are fetched. The default value is set to en.
  • duration – It represents the duration based on which skills are fetched by standard metrics like usage.
  • count – It represents the number of skills to be returned on a particular metric.

The minimalUserRole is set to ANONYMOUS for this API, as the data is required for home-page and doesn’t need the user to be logged-in.

Going through the API development

  • The parameters are first extracted via the call object that is passed to the main function. The  parameters are then stored in variables. If any parameter is absent, then it is set to the default value.
  • There is a check if the count param exists. If exists, then it is checked if it is of valid data-type. If no, an exception is thrown. And if count param doesn’t exist, it is set to default of 10.
  • This code snippet discusses the above two points –
public ServiceResponse serviceImpl(Query call, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, final JsonObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException {

        String model_name = call.get("model", "general");
        File model = new File(DAO.model_watch_dir, model_name);
        String group_name = call.get("group", "All");
        String language_name = call.get("language", "en");
        int duration = call.get("duration", 0);
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(true);
        JSONObject skillObject = new JSONObject();
        String countString = call.get("count", null);
        Integer count = null;

        if(countString != null) {
            if(Integer.parseInt(countString) < 0) {
                throw new APIException(422, "Invalid count value. It should be positive.");
            } else {
                try {
                    count = Integer.parseInt(countString);
                } catch(NumberFormatException ex) {
                    throw new APIException(422, "Invalid count value.");
        } else {
            count = 10;


  • Then the skills are fetched based on the group name and then stored in a JSONArray named jsonArray. This array basically contains the metadata objects of each skill.
  • Now, we need to sort and filter these skills based on standard metrics like – Rating, Feedback Count, Usage Count, Latest skills.
  • The implementation for getting the skills based on the creation time is as follows. Rest, all the metrics were also implemented in the same fashion.

JSONObject skillMetrics = new JSONObject();
List<JSONObject> jsonValues = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();

// temporary list to extract objects from skillObject
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {

// Get skills based on creation date - Returns latest skills
Collections.sort(jsonValues, new Comparator<JSONObject>() {
    private static final String KEY_NAME = "creationTime";
    public int compare(JSONObject a, JSONObject b) {
        String valA = new String();
        String valB = new String();
        int result = 0;

        try {
            valA = a.get(KEY_NAME).toString();
            valB = b.get(KEY_NAME).toString();
            result = valB.compareToIgnoreCase(valA);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
        return result;

JSONArray creationDateData = getSlicedArray(jsonValues, count);
skillMetrics.put("latest", creationDateData);



  • The above code snippet deals with sorting the skills based on the creation time, that helps us to fetch the latest skills. The latest skills are stored on the skillMetrics object with the key name latest.
  • Similarly, the skills based on metrics like rating, feedback count and usage are stored with key names rating, feedback & usage respectively.

From the above snippet, we can also see a call to the function getSlicedArray. It takes a list of skills and count as input paramters. It returns the first ‘count’ skills from the list depending on the count value. The implementation of it is as follows –

private JSONArray getSlicedArray(List<JSONObject> jsonValues, Integer count)
    JSONArray slicedArray = new JSONArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < jsonValues.size(); i++) {
        if(count == 0) {
        } else {
            count --;
    return slicedArray;


  • The response object is then sent with 6 (six) key values mainly, apart from the session object. They are
    • accepted –  true – It tells that the skills have been fetched.
    • message – “Success: Fetched skill data based on metrics”
    • model –  It is the model that is sent on request params or the default value.
    • group –  It is the group that is sent on request params or the default value.
    • language – It is the language that is sent on request params or the default value.
    • metrics –  It is the main object of relevance for this API, which contains 4 child keys with values as an array of Skill Metadata objects.

  "accepted": true,
  "model": "general",
  "group": "All",
  "language": "en",
  "metrics": {
    "feedback": [
    {skill_1}, {skill_2}, ...
    "usage": [
    {skill_1}, {skill_2}, ...
    "rating": [
    {skill_1}, {skill_2}, ...
    "latest": [
    {skill_1}, {skill_2}, ...
  "message": "Success: Fetched skill data based on metrics",
  "session": {


I hope the development of creating the aforesaid API and the purpose of it is clear and proved to be helpful for your understanding.


Continue ReadingMake a cumulative API to return skills based on standard metrics in SUSI.AI

Testing Endpoints on Local Server

All servlets in SUSI.AI have a BaseUserRole defined. It represents the access level you need to access the endpoint corresponding to that servlet. The lowermost BaseUserRole a SUSI.AI servlet can have is ANONYMOUS, which means that anyone can access the endpoint corresponding to these endpoints. But if the BaseUserRole is higher than that, then you need an access token to access the endpoint. This blog post explains how you can get access token to access the endpoints on a local server.

What are endpoints in an API?

An endpoint in API is one end of a communication channel. When an API interacts with another system, the touchpoints of this communication are considered endpoints. For APIs, an endpoint can include a URL of a server or service. Each endpoint is the location from which APIs can access the resources they need to carry out their function.

APIs work using ‘requests’ and ‘responses.’ When an API requests information from a web application or web server, it will receive a response. The place that APIs send requests and where the resource lives, is called an endpoint.

For example, the endpoint for would be /cms/getSkillRating.json.

Servlets and Endpoints in SUSI.AI

All servlets in our SUSI project define an endpoint and also define a BaseUserRole, that is, the amount of privileges required to access the information on those endpoints. If the BaseUserRole defined is ANONYMOUS, then anyone can access the endpoint directly. But if the BaseUserRole is anything higher than that, then we would need an access token to access that.

How to get Access Token?

If you’re trying to access the endpoints with BaseUserRole higher than ANONYMOUS on the actual hosted server, then you can simply login to and get the access token from the Network tab of the Developers Tool. We can then use that token and pass that as a query parameter along with the other parameters of that particular endpoint. For example,



But, the problem arises when you are trying to access such endpoints on local server. The local User data is completely different from the server User data. Hence, we need to generate an access token in localhost itself.

To generate access token for local server, we need to follow these steps :

  1. First, we need to hit the /aaa/signup.json endpoint with a new account credentials which we want to register for the localhost session. This is done as shown in below example:



  1. Then, we need to hit the /aaa/login.json endpoint with the same credentials you registered in the previous step. This is done as shown in below example:



If you’ve entered the registered credentials correctly, then the output of the /aaa/login.json endpoint would be a JSON as shown below:

  "accepted": true,
  "valid_seconds": 604800,
  "access_token": "7JPi7zNwemg1YYnr4d9JIdZMaIWizV",
  "message": "You are logged in as anyemail",
  "session": {"identity": {
    "type": "host",
    "name": "",
    "anonymous": true


As it can be seen from the above JSON response, we get the access token which we needed. Hence, copy this access token and store it somewhere because you can now use this access token to access the endpoints with BaseUserRole as User for this localhost session.

Note that you’ll have to follow all the above steps again if you start a fresh localhost session.


Continue ReadingTesting Endpoints on Local Server

Added “table” type action support in SUSI android app

SUSI.AI has many actions supported by it, for eg: answer, anchor, map, piechart, websearch and rss.These actions are a few of those that can be supported in the SUSI.AI android app, but there are many actions implemented on the server side and the web client even has the implementation of how to handle the “table” type response.

The table response is generally a JSON array response with different json objects, where each json object have similar keys, and the actions key in the JSON response has the columns of the table response which are nothing but the keys in the data object of the response.

To implement the table type response in the susi android app a separate file needed to made to parse the table type response, since the keys and values both are required to the display the response. The file ParseTableSusiResponseHelper.kt was made which parsed the JSON object using the Gson converter factory to get the key value of the actions :

“actions”: [


         “columns”: {

           “ingredients”: “Ingredients”,

           “href”: “Instructions Link”,

           “title”: “Recipe”


         “count”: -1,

         “type”: “table”




The inside the columns the keys and the values, both were extracted, values were to displayed in the title of the column and keys used were to extract the values from the “data” object of the response.

The files, are POJO classes that were used for storing the table columns and the data respectively. The class was used to store the column list and the data list for the table response.

To fetch the table type response from the server a TableSusiResponse.kt file was added that contained serializable entities which were used to map the response values fetched from the server. A variable that contained the data stored in the “answers” key of the response was made of type of an ArrayList of TableAnswers.

val answers: List<TableAnswer> = ArrayList()

The TableAnswer.kt is another file added that contains serializable variables to store values inside the keys of the “answers” object. The actions object shown above is inside the answers object and it was stored in the form of an ArrayList of TableAction.

val actions: List<TableAction> = ArrayList()

Similar to TableAnswer.kt file TableAction.kt file also contains serializable variables that map the values stored in the “actions” object.

In the retrofit service interface a new call was added to fetch the data from the server as follows :

Call<TableSusiResponse> getTableSusiResponse(@Query(“timezoneOffset”) int timezoneOffset,
                                           @Query(“longitude”) double longitude,
                                           @Query(“latitude”) double latitude,
                                           @Query(“geosource”) String geosource,
                                           @Query(“language”) String language,
                                           @Query(“q”) String query);

Now, after the data was fetched, the table response can be parsed using the Gson converter factory in the ParseTableSusiResponseHelper.kt file. Below is the implementation :

fun parseSusiResponse(response: Response<TableSusiResponse>) {
  try {
      var response1 = Gson().toJson(response)
      var tableresponse = Gson().fromJson(response1,
      for (tableanswer in tableresponse.body.answers) {
          for (answer in tableanswer.actions) {
              var map = answer.columns
              val set = map?.entries
              val iterator = set?.iterator()
              while (iterator?.hasNext().toString().toBoolean()) {
                  val entry = iterator?.next()
          val map2 =
          val iterator2 = map2?.iterator()
          while (iterator2?.hasNext().toString().toBoolean()) {
              val entry2 = iterator2?.next()
              for (count in 0..listColumn.size – 1) {
                  val obj = listColumn.get(count)
          tableData = TableDatas(listColVal, listTableData)
  } catch (e: Exception) {
      tableData = null


Now the data is also parsed, we pass the two lists the ColumnList and DataList to the variable of TableDatas.

Three viewholder classes were added to display the table response properly in the app and corresponding to these viewholders a couple of adapters were also made that are responsible for setting the values in the recyclerview present in the views. The first viewholder is the TableViewHolder, it contains the horizontal recyclerview that is used to display the items fetched from the “data” object of the response. The recyclerview in the TableViewHolder has each entity of the type TabViewHolder, this is a simple cardview but also contains another recyclerview inside it which is used to store the keys and values of each of the object inside the “data” object. file has a setView() method that uses the the object of ChatMessage to get the list of columns and data to be set in the view.


Changes were made in the ChatPresenter.kt file to catch the tableresponse when a table type action is detected. Below is the implementation :

if (response.body().answers[0].actions[i].type.equals(“table”)) {

The tableResponse function is as follows :

fun tableResponse(query: String) {
  val tz = TimeZone.getDefault()
  val now = Date()
  val timezoneOffset = -1 * (tz.getOffset(now.time) / 60000)
  val language = if (PrefManager.getString(Constant.LANGUAGE, Constant.DEFAULT).equals(Constant.DEFAULT)) Locale.getDefault().language else PrefManager.getString(Constant.LANGUAGE, Constant.DEFAULT)
  chatModel.getTableSusiMessage(timezoneOffset, longitude, latitude, source, language, query, this)


It calls the chatModel to get the list of columns and data to be set. The files checks for the table response code, and if it matches then the view used for displaying SUSI’s message is the TableViewHolder. Here is how this viewholder is inflated :

case TABLE:
  view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.susi_table, viewGroup, false);
  return new TableViewHolder(view, clickListener);

Below is the final result when the table response is fetched for the query “Bayern munich team players” is :

References :

  1. SUSI server response for table query :
  2. GSON for converting java objects to JSON and JSON to java :
Continue ReadingAdded “table” type action support in SUSI android app

Implementing Five Star Rating UI in SUSI iOS

Five-star rating system introduced in SUSI to rate skills. SUSI enable the user to rate skills between 1 to 5 star. The five-star rating system is the best way to get feedback from the user. It also helps the developer for further development. Ratings help to better understand individual preferences and present a more personalized user experience. The user feedback helps products understand whether or not the content is valuable and improve offerings over time. This can benefit products with and without sophisticated personalization.

Let’s see how the five-star rating system is implemented in SUSI iOS.

Average ratings displayed near the Try It button – It shows the average rating of a particular skill.

Enable user to submit the rating of any skill between 1-star to 5-star.

The only logged-in user can submit the ratings for skills.

Rating chart that display number of rating for each star (1 to 5), the right labels of chart bars shows the number of users rated for a particular star with the percentage.

Average and total ratings for particular skills is also displayed near the bar chart.

Thumbs-up and thumbs-down ratings removed from the skill detail screen and replaced with 5-star ratings.

Implementation of Rating Chart

For the rating chart, we are using TEAChart class, which enable us to present rating data on bar charts.

Setting colors for bar chart:

We are using Google’s Material Design color for rating bars colors.

let barChartColors = [

Assigning colors to bars:

barChartView.barColors = barChartColors

Assign Data to the bars:

// Sample data = [5, 1, 1, 1, 2]

Set background color and bar spacing:

barChartView.barSpacing = 3
barChartView.backgroundColor = UIColor.barBackgroundColor()

Final Output –

Resources –

  1. Material Design:
  2. SUSI iOS Link:
Continue ReadingImplementing Five Star Rating UI in SUSI iOS

Implementing Map View in Devices Tab in Settings

The Table View implemented in the Devices tab in settings on SUSI.AI Web Client has a column “geolocation” which displays the latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of the device. These coordinates needed to be displayed on a map. Hence, we needed a Map View apart from the Table View, dedicated to displaying the devices pinpointed on a map. This blog post explains how this feature has been implemented on the SUSI.AI Web Client.

Modifying the fetched data of devices to suitable format

We already have the fetched data of devices which is being used for the Table View. We need to extract the geolocation data and store it in a different suitable format to be able to use it for the Map View. The required format is as follows:

         "lat": latitude1,
         "lng": longitude2
         "lat": latitude1,
         "lng": longitude2


To modify the fetched data of devices to this format, we modify the apiCall() function to facilitate extraction of the geolocation info of each device and store them in an object, namely ‘mapObj’. Also, we needed variables to store the latitude and longitude to use as the center for the map. ‘centerLat’ and ‘centerLng’ variables store the average of all the latitudes and longitudes respectively. The following code was added to the apiCall() function to facilitate all the above requirements:

let mapObj = [];
let locationData = {
  lat: parseFloat(response.devices[i].geolocation.latitude),
  lng: parseFloat(response.devices[i].geolocation.longitude),
centerLat += parseFloat(response.devices[i].geolocation.latitude);
centerLng += parseFloat(response.devices[i].geolocation.longitude);
let location = {
  location: locationData,
centerLat = centerLat / mapObj.length;
centerLng = centerLng / mapObj.length;
if (mapObj.length) {
    mapObj: mapObj,
    centerLat: centerLat,
    centerLng: centerLng,


The following code was added in the return function of Settings.react.js file to use the Map component. All the modified data is passed as props to this component.



The implementation of the MapContainer component is as follows:

 componentDidUpdate() {

  loadMap() {
    if (this.props && {
      const {google} = this.props;
      const maps = google.maps;
      const mapRef =;
      const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(mapRef);

      const mapConfig = Object.assign({}, 
          center: { lat: this.props.centerLat, lng: this.props.centerLng },
          zoom: 2,
      ) = new maps.Map(node, mapConfig);


Let us go over the code of MapContainer component step by step.

  1. Firstly, the componentDidUpdate() function calls the loadMap function to load the google map.

  componentDidUpdate() {


  1. In the loadMap() function, we first check whether props have been passed to the MapContainer component. This is done by enclosing all contents of loadMap function inside an if statement as follows:

  if (this.props && {
    // All code of loadMap() function


  1. Then we set the prop value to google, and maps to google maps props. This is done as follows:

  const {google} = this.props;
  const maps = google.maps;


  1. Then we look for HTML div ref ‘map’ in the React DOM and name it ‘node’. This is done as follows:

  const mapRef =;
  const node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(mapRef);


  1. Then we set the center and the default zoom level of the map using the props we provided to the MapContainer component.

    center: { lat: this.props.centerLat, lng: this.props.centerLng },
    zoom: 2,


  1. Then we create a new Google map on the specified node (ref=’map’) with the specified configuration set above. This is done as follows: = new maps.Map(node, mapConfig);


  1. In the render function of the MapContainer component, we return a div with a ref ‘map’ as follows:

 render() {
    return (
      <div ref="map" style={style}>
        loading map...


This is how the Map View has been implemented in the Devices tab in Settings on SUSI.AI Web Client.


Continue ReadingImplementing Map View in Devices Tab in Settings

Implementing Table View in Devices Tab in Settings

We can connect to the SUSI.AI Smart Speaker using our mobile apps (Android or iOS). But there needs to be something implemented which can tell you what all devices are linked to your account. This is in consistency with the way how Google Home devices and Amazon Alexa devices have this feature implemented in their respective apps, which allow you to see the list of devices connected to your account. This blog post explains how this feature has been implemented on the SUSI.AI Web Client.

Fetching data of the connected devices from the server

The information of the devices connected to an account is stored in the Accounting object of that user. This is a part of a sample Accounting object of a user who has 2 devices linked to his/her account. This is the data that we wish to fetch. This data is accessible at the /aaa/listUserSettings.json endpoint.

  "devices": {
    "37-AE-5F-7B-CA-3F": {
      "name": "Device 1",
      "room": "Room 1",
      "geolocation": {
        "latitude": "50.34567",
        "longitude": "60.34567"
    "9D-39-02-01-EB-95": {
      "name": "Device 2",
      "room": "Room 2",
      "geolocation": {
        "latitude": "52.34567",
        "longitude": "62.34567"


In the Settings.react.js file, we make an AJAX call immediately after the component is mounted on the DOM. This AJAX call is made to the /aaa/listUserSettings.json endpoint. The received response of the AJAX call is then used and traversed to store the information of each connected device in a format that would be more suitable to use as a prop for the table.

apiCall = () => {
      url: BASE_URL + '/aaa/listUserSettings.json?' + 'access_token=' +
      type: 'GET',
      dataType: 'jsonp',
      crossDomain: true,
      timeout: 3000,
      async: false,
      success: function(response) {
        let obj = [];
         // Extract information from the response and store them in obj object
          dataFetched: true,
          obj: obj,


This is how the extraction of keys takes place inside the apiCall() function. We first extract the keys of the ‘devices’ JSONObject inside the response. The keys of this JSONObject are the Mac Addresses of the individual devices. Then we traverse inside the JSONObject corresponding to each Mac Address and store the name of the device, room and also the geolocation information of the device in separate variables, and then finally push all this information inside an object, namely ‘myObj’. This JSONObject is then pushed to a JSONArray, namely ‘obj’. Then a setState() function is called which sets the value of ‘obj’ to the updated ‘obj’ variable.

let keys = Object.keys(response.devices);
keys.forEach(i => {
    let myObj = {
        macid: i,
        devicename: response.devices[i].name,
        room: response.devices[i].room,
        latitude: response.devices[i].geolocation.latitude,
        longitude: response.devices[i].geolocation.longitude,


This way we fetch the information of devices and store them in a variable named ‘obj’. This variable will now serve as the data for the table which we want to create.

Creating table from this data

The data is then passed on to the Table component as a prop in the Settings.react.js file.

    // Other props


The other props passed to the Table component are the functions for handling the editing and deleting of rows, and also for handling the changes in the textfield when the edit mode is on. These props are as follows:



The 4 important functions which are passed as props to the Table component are:

  1. startEditing() function:

When the edit icon is clicked for any row, then the edit mode should be enabled for that row. This also changes the edit icon to a check icon. The columns corresponding to the room and the name of the device should turn into text fields to enable the user to edit them. The implementation of this function is as follows:

startEditing = i => {
    this.setState({ editIdx: i });


‘editIdx’ is a variable which contains the row index for which the edit mode is currently on. This information is passed to the Table component which then handles the editing of the row.

  1. stopEditing() function:

When the check icon is clicked for any row, then the edit mode should be disabled for that row and the updated data should be stored on the server. The columns corresponding to the room and the name of the device should turn back into label texts. The implementation of this function is as follows:

stopEditing = i => {
  let data = this.state.obj;
  this.setState({ editIdx: -1 });
  // AJAX call to server to store the updated data
      BASE_URL + '/aaa/addNewDevice.json?macid=' + macid + '&name=' + devicename + '&room=' + room + '&latitude=' + latitude + '&longitude=' + longitude + '&access_token=' + cookies.get('loggedIn'),
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    crossDomain: true,
    timeout: 3000,
    async: false,
    success: function(response) {


The value of ‘editIdx’ is also set to -1 as the editing mode is now off for all rows.

  1. handleChange() function:

When the edit mode is on for any row, if we change the value of any text field, then that updated value is stored so that we can edit it without the value getting reset to the initial value of the field.

handleChange = (e, name, i) => {
  const value =;
  let data = this.state.obj;
    obj:, j) => (j === i ? { ...row, [name]: value } : row)),


  1. handleRemove() function:

When the delete icon is clicked for any row, then that row should get deleted. This change should be reflected to us on the site, as well as on the server. Hence, The implementation of this function is as follows:

handleRemove = i => {
  let data = this.state.obj;
  let macid = data[i].macid;

    obj: data.filter((row, j) => j !== i),
  // AJAX call to server to delete the info of device with specified Mac Address
      BASE_URL + '/aaa/removeUserDevices.json?macid=' + macid + '&access_token=' + cookies.get('loggedIn'),
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    crossDomain: true,
    timeout: 3000,
    async: false,
    success: function(response) {


This is how the Table View has been implemented in the Devices tab in Settings on SUSI.AI Web Client.



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