Creating an Update Daemon for SUSI Smart Speaker

A daemon in reference of operating systems is a computer program that runs as a background process rather than under direct control of the user. Various daemons are being used in SUSI smart speaker.

The following daemons have been created

  • Update Daemon
  • Media Discovery Daemon
  • Factory Reset Daemon 

In this blog, we’ll be discussing the implementation of the Update Daemon in SUSI.AI

Update Daemon

Due to the ever-growing coding community, it is needed to provide regular updates to the smart speaker and keep it in sync with the latest technology. Hence an Update Daemon was required that could fetch updates at a regular interval.

The Updated Daemon was implemented in the following steps

1.Deciding the Update Interval

How frequently should we check for updates was the first question that was tackled while implementing this daemon.
We decided that we should check for Update, every time the Raspberry Pi starts and an internet connection was available.

2. Implementing The Decision

To start the Update script every time the Raspberry Pi starts, we decided to create Systemd rules.

Description=Update Check- SUSI Linux



The above rule waits for a network connection to be established with the Raspberry Pi and then triggers a bash script that fetches updates

3. Fetching The Updates

Now, a bash script was prepared that would fetch the latest changes from the online repo and merge the latest changes in the local repo



LOCAL=$(git rev-parse @)
REMOTE=$(git rev-parse “$UPSTREAM”)
BASE=$(git merge-base @ “$UPSTREAM”)
if [ $LOCAL = $REMOTE ]
   echo “Up-to-date”
elif [ $LOCAL = $BASE ]
   echo “Need to pull”
   echo “Diverged”

if [$CHECK = “Need-to-pull”]
   git fetch UPSTREAM
   git merge UPSTREAM/master



Tags, gsoc, gsoc’18, fossasia, update, daemon, update_daemon, smart speaker, systemd, hardware

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Create a Wireless Access Point Using a Raspberry Pi to Connect with SUSI Smart Speaker

To use the pi as a wifi bridge, a local network or just as a wifi range extender.We at FOSSASIA are using it as a network to connect between our SUSI.AI smart speaker and the Android and IOS devices. Or maybe because you can !! :’)


  1. Raspberry Pi Model 3(since we will be using an internal wifi)
  2. Power supply for the Pi.
  3. Monitor (optional)
  4. Keyboard (optional)
  5. Mouse (optional)


1.Install and upgrade raspbian


Sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install


2. Install hostapd and dnsmasq .
This will allow us to use our raspberry pi as a wireless access point


apt-get remove –purge hostapd -yqq
apt-get update -yqq
apt-get upgrade -yqq
apt-get install hostapd dnsmasq -yqq


3. Now we will add broadcasting IP and DNS address in the dnsmasq configuration file

To access the configuration file use:

sudo nano /etc/


And to the bottom of the file, add the following commands




  1. Now to select the SSID and the PASSWORD for the access point, we’ll need to change the configurations of hostapd package
sudo nano /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf


Then, use the following commands :




  1. To finally sum up the configuration, we’ll have to create a  custom network interface that combines all the settings that we have made.
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces


And add the following lines it the EOF

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static


Now, we just have to have to disable default interfaces so that they do not interfere with the custom interfaces that we have made.

To do so


sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf


Add the following line at the end of the file

denyinterfaces wlan0


  1. Now just restart the services


systemctl enable hostapd && systemctl enable dnsmasq

sudo service hostapd start && sudo service dnsmasq start

sudo reboot


Now, you will be able to enjoy a self-made access point which is used as a basic mode of connection in SUSI Smart Speaker and can also be used in various other access point methods.






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Adding Offline support To SUSI Linux

Till now, SUSI smart speaker was working only as an online model like the other speakers in the market. For the first time, we have introduced a feature which allows the speaker to work offline. We deployed the server on the hardware itself and also provide the option of an online server as a fallback.


The Offline Support was implemented in the following steps


Step 1: Deploying SUSI Server Locally


Firstly , configure a bash script to allow automatic deployment of the server along with the initialization of the susi_linux script.


echo “Deploying local server”
if  [ ! -e “susi-server” ]
   git clone

if [ -e “susi_server” ]
   cd susi_server
   git submodule update –recursive –remote
   git submodule update –init –recursive
   ./gradlew build


The above builds the server and deploys it on ‘localhost:4000’.


Then, add the following test on SUSI Linux wrapper to check if the local server is up and running. Using the local server not adds an offline support but also increases the efficiency by around 30%.

def check_local_server():
   test_params = {
       ‘q’: ‘Hello’,
       ‘timezoneOffset’: int(time.timezone / 60)
       chat_url = ‘http://localhost:4000/susi/chat.json’
       if (requests.get(chat_url, test_params)):
           print(‘connected to local server’)
           global api_endpoint
           api_endpoint = ‘http://localhost:4000’
   except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
       print(‘local server is down’)



As shown above, this is a test checking for the local server. If the local server is down, the online server is chosen as a fallback


Step 2: Adding an Offline STT Service

Now, that we are able to process a query offline. We must have a way in which, we can recognize the user’s voice commands without using the internet. For that, we use the service of PocketSphinx. But first, we check if the internet is available or not


def internet_on():
           urllib2.urlopen(‘’, timeout=1)  # nosec #pylint-disable type: ignore
           return True  # pylint-enable
       except urllib2.URLError as err:
           return False


If the internet connection is available, we use the online STT service which is Google STT ( default) and switch over to PocketSphinx in case the internet connection is not available.


Step 3: Adding the Offline TTS service

Finally, we’ll need an offline TTS service which will help us turn SUSI’s response to voice commands. We’ll be using a service called flite TTS as our offline TTS.


elif payload == ‘ConnectionError’:
            self.notify_renderer(‘error’, ‘connection’)                                  self.notify_renderer(‘error’, ‘connection’)
            config[‘default_tts’] = ‘flite’
            os.system(‘play extras/connect-error.wav’)              


We check if there is a ConnectionError, and then we switch to flite TTS after play an error query


Final Output:

We now get a Smart Speaker which is functional without any internet connection.





Fossasia, susi, gsoc, gsoc’18, offline_tts , offline_stt ,flite , pocketsphinx

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Creating a Media Daemon for SUSI Smart Speaker

A daemon in reference of operating systems is a computer program that runs as a background process rather than under direct control of the user. Various daemons are being used in SUSI smart speaker.

The following features have been created

  • Update Daemon
  • Media Discovery Daemon
  • Factory Reset Daemon

In this blog, we’ll be discussing the implementation of the Media Discovery Daemon

Media Discovery Daemon:

The SUSI Smart speaker will have an essential feature which will allow the Users to play music from their USB devices. Hence , a media daemon will be running which will detect a USB connection and then scan it’s contents checking for all the mp3 files and then create custom SUSI skills to allow SUSI Smart Speaker to play music from your USB device.


The Media Daemon was implemented in the following steps

1.UDEV Rules

We had to figure out a way to run our daemon as soon as the user inserted the USB storage and stop the daemon as soon as the USB storage was removed


So, we used UDEV rules to trigger the Media Daemon.


ACTION==“add”, KERNEL==“sd?”, SUBSYSTEM==“block”, ENV{ID_BUS}==“usb”, RUN=“/home/pi/SUSI.AI/susi_linux/media_daemon/”ACTION==“remove, KERNEL==“sd?”, SUBSYSTEM==“block”, ENV{ID_BUS}==“usb”, RUN=“/home/pi/SUSI.AI/susi_linux/media_daemon/”

The Udev rules trigger a script called ‘’  on USB detection and a script called ‘’ on USB removal.

2. Custom Skill Creation

As the USB connection is now detected ,a script is triggered which checks the presence of a  local SUSI server in the repo. If a local server instance is detected,a python script is triggered which parses through the USB mount point and checks for the list of mp3 files present in the storage device and then create a custom skill file in the local server instance.


media_daemon_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
base_folder = os.path.dirname(media_daemon_folder)
server_skill_folder = os.path.join(base_folder, ‘susi_server/susi_server/data/generic_skills/media_discovery’)
server_settings_folder = os.path.join(base_folder, ‘susi_server/susi_server/data/settings’)

def make_skill(): # pylint-enable
   name_of_usb = get_mount_points()
   x = name_of_usb[0]
   USB = name_of_usb[0]
   mp3_files = glob(“*.mp3”)
   f = open( media_daemon_folder +‘/custom_skill.txt’,‘w’)
   music_path = list()
   for mp in mp3_files:
       music_path.append(“{}”.format(USB[1]) + “/{}”.format(mp))

   song_list = ” “.join(music_path)
   skills = [‘play audio’,‘!console:Playing audio from your usb device’,‘{“actions”:[‘,‘{“type”:”audio_play”, “identifier_type”:”url”, “identifier”:”file://’+str(song_list) +‘”}’,‘]}’,‘eol’]
   for skill in skills:
       f.write(skill + ‘\n’)
   shutil.move( media_daemon_folder + ‘custom_skill.txt’, server_skill_folder)
   f2 = open(server_settings_folder + ‘’,‘a’)
   f2.write(‘local.mode = true’)

def get_usb_devices():
   sdb_devices = map(os.path.realpath, glob(‘/sys/block/sd*’))
   usb_devices = (dev for dev in sdb_devices
       if ‘usb’ in dev.split(‘/’)[5])
   return dict((os.path.basename(dev), dev) for dev in usb_devices)

def get_mount_points(devices=None):
   devices = devices or get_usb_devices() # if devices are None: get_usb_devices
   output = check_output([‘mount’]).splitlines() #nosec #pylint-disable type: ignore
   output = [tmp.decode(‘UTF-8’) for tmp in output ] # pytlint-enable
   def is_usb(path):
       return any(dev in path for dev in devices)
   usb_info = (line for line in output if is_usb(line.split()[0]))
   return [(info.split()[0], info.split()[2]) for info in usb_info] 


Now a custom skill file will be created in the local server instance by the name of `custom_skill.txt` and the user can play audio from USB by speaking the command ‘play audio’


3. Preparing for the Next USB insertion

Now if the User wants to update his/her music library or wants to use another USB storage device. The USB will be removed and hence the custom skill file is also deleted from the script ‘’ which is triggered via the UDEV rules

#! /bin/bash

SCRIPT_PATH=$(realpath $0)

cd $DIR_PATH/../susi_server/susi_server/data/generic_skills/media_discovery/

sudo rm custom_skill.txt  


This is how the Media Discovery Daemon works in SUSI Smart Speaker




gsoc, gsoc’18 , fossasia,, smart speaker, media daemon, susi skills

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Different Text Color On Each Line In Badgeyay

In this blog post I am going to explain about how to create different text color for each line in badges generation in Badgeyay. As the system now has option for different badge size and paper size, currently the system sets same color for each line by mutating the fill parameter in the SVG. The main challenge in mutating the SVG parameter for each badge is the Id. The ID identifies the element, in our case text, and gives access to iterate the SVG through libraries like lxml. So for implementing this feature we first need to manipulate the SVG and assign id’s to the text tag so that it can be easily manipulated through the algorithm.


  1. Manipulating the text tag in SVG and assigning a proper ID according to the logic for iteration in the function.





The id of the person in first badge and first line is represented as Person_color_1_1, where the first number denotes the number of badge and second number denotes the line number.

  1. Creating a class for the dimensions of the badges
class Dimen(object):
  def __init__(self, badges, badgeSize, paperSize):
      self.badges = badges
      self.badgeSize = badgeSize
      self.paperSize = paperSize
  1. Creating an initialiser function that stores the dimension objects
badge_config = {}

def init_dimen():
  paper_sizes = [‘A2’, ‘A3’, ‘A4’]
  for paper in paper_sizes:
      if paper == ‘A2’:
          badge_config.__setitem__(paper, {‘4×3’: Dimen(18, ‘4×3’, paper)})
          badge_config[paper][‘4.5×4’] = Dimen(15, ‘4.5×4’, paper)
      elif paper == ‘A3’:
          badge_config.__setitem__(paper, {‘4×3’: Dimen(8, ‘4×3’, paper)})
          badge_config[paper][‘4.5×4’] = Dimen(6, ‘4.5×4’, paper)
      elif paper == ‘A4’:
          badge_config.__setitem__(paper, {‘4×3’: Dimen(6, ‘4×3’, paper)})
          badge_config[paper][‘4.5×4’] = Dimen(2, ‘4.5×4’, paper) 
  1. Selecting the dimension config based on the parameters passed in the function.
dimensions = badge_config[paper_size][badge_size]
  1. Looping criteria is to loop through the number of badges mentioned in the dimension config and through the number of lines which will be five.
for idx in range(1, dimensions.badges + 1):

          for row in range(1, 6):
  1. Selecting the text element with the ID as provided above.
_id = ‘Person_color_{}_{}’.format(idx, row)
              path = element.xpath((“//*[@id='{}’]”).format(_id))[0]
  1. Fill the text color argument of the selected object by changing the value of fill.
style_detail[6] = “fill:” + str(fill[row])

That’s it and now when the loop runs each line will have its individual color as passed in the function. The choice of color is passed as the list named fill.


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Loading Default System Image of Event Topic on Open Event Server

In this blog, we will talk about how to add feature of loading system image of event topic from server to display it on Open Event Server. The focus is on adding a helper function to create system image and loading that local image onto server.

Helper function

In this feature, we are providing feature of addition of loading default system image if user doesn’t provides that.

  1. First we get a suitable filename for a image file using get_file_name() function.
  2. After getting filename, we check if the url provided by user is a valid url or not.
  3. If the url is invalid then we use the default system image as the image of that particular event topic.
  4. After getting the local image then we read that image, if the given image file or the default image is not readable or gives IOError then we send a message to the user that Image url is invalid.
  5. After successful reading of image we upload the image to event_topic directory in static directory of the project.
  6. After uploading of this image we get a local URL which shows where is the image is stored. This path is stored into database and finally we can display this image.


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Adding Custom System Roles API on Open Event Server

In this blog, we will talk about how to add API for accessing the Custom System Roles on Open Event Server. The focus is on Schema creation and it’s API creation.

Schema Creation

For the CustomSystemRoleSchema, we’ll make our Schema as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this Schema.

In this feature, we are providing Admin the rights to get and create more system roles.

  1. First of all, we are provide the two fields in this Schema, which are id and name.
  2. The very first attribute id should be of type string as it would have the identity which will auto increment when a new system role is created. Here dump_only means that this value can’t be changed after the record is created.
  3. Next attribute name should be of string type and it will contain the name of new custom system role. This attribute is required in a custom_system_roles table.

API Creation

For the Custom System Roles, we’ll make our API as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this Schema.

In this API, we are providing Admin the rights to set Custom System roles.

  1. CustomSystemRoleList inherits ResourceList which will give us list of all the custom system roles in the whole system.
  2. CustomSystemRoleList has a decorators attribute which gives the permission of POST request to only admins of the system.
  3. CustomSystemRoleDetail inherits ResourceDetail which will give the details of a CustomSystemRole object by id.
  4. CustomSystemRoleDetail has a decorators attribute which gives the permission of PATCH and DELETE requests to only admins of the system.

So, we saw how Custom System Role Schema and API is created to allow users to get it’s values and Admin users to update and delete it’s record.


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Adding Panel Permissions API in Open Event Server

In this blog, we will talk about how to add API for accessing the Panel Permissions on Open Event Server. The focus is on Schema creation and it’s API creation.

Schema Creation

For the PanelPermissionSchema, we’ll make our Schema as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this Schema.

In this feature, we are providing Admin the rights to create and assign panel permission to any of the custom system role.

  1. First of all, we are provide the four fields in this Schema, which are id, panel_name, role_id and can_access.
  2. The very first attribute id should be of type string as it would have the identity which will auto increment when a new system role is created. Here dump_only means that this value can’t be changed after the record is created.
  3. Next attribute panel_name should be of string type and it will contain the name of panel. This attribute is required in a panel_permissions table so set as allow_none=False.
  4. Next attribute role_id should be of integer type as it will tell us that to which role current panel is concerning.
  5. Next attribute can_access should be of boolean type as it will tell us whether a role of id=role_id has access to this panel or not.
  6. There is also a relationship named role which will give us the details of the custom system role with id=role_id.

API Creation

For the Panel Permissions, we’ll make our API as follows

Now, let’s try to understand this Schema.

In this API, we are providing Admin the rights to set panel permissions for a custom system role.

  1. PanelPermissionList inherits ResourceList which will give us list of all the custom system roles in the whole system.
  2. PanelPermissionList has a decorators attribute which gives the permission of both GET and POST requests to only admins of the system.
  3. The POST request of PanelPermissionList API requires the relationship of role.
  4. PanelPermissionDetail inherits ResourceDetail which will give the details of a Panel Permission object by id.
  5. PanelPermissionDetail has a decorators attribute which gives the permission of GET, PATCH and DELETE requests to only admins of the system.

So, we saw how Panel Permissions Schema and API is created to allow Admin users to get, update and delete it’s record.



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Change Role of User in SUSI.AI Admin section

In this blog post, we are going to implement the functionality to change role of an user from the Admin section of Skills CMS Web-app. The SUSI Server has multiple user role levels with different access levels and functions. We will see how to facilitate the change in roles.

The UI interacts with the back-end server via the following API –

  • Endpoint URL –
  • The minimal user role for hitting the API is ADMIN
  • It takes 4 parameters –
    • user – The email of the user.
    • role – The new role of the user. It can take only selected values that are accepted by the server and whose roles have been defined by the server. They are – USER, REVIEWER, OPERATOR, ADMIN, SUPERADMIN.
    • access_token –  The access token of the user who is making the request

Implementation on the CMS Admin

  • Firstly, a dialog box containing a drop-down was added in the Admin section which contains a list of possible User roles. The dialog box is shown when Edit is clicked, present in each row of the User table.
  • The UI of the dialog box is as follows –

  • The implementation of the UI is done as follows –

  title="Change User Role"
  actions={actions} // Contains 2 buttons for Change and Cancel
    Select new User Role for
    <span style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', marginLeft: '5px' }}>
        Add Menu Items


  • In the above UI immplementation the Material-UI compoenents namely Dialog, DropDownMenu, MenuItems, FlatButton is used.
  • When the Drop down value is changed the handleUserRoleChange function is executed. The function changes the value of the state variables and the definition is as follows –
handleUserRoleChange = (event, index, value) => {
      userRole: value,


  • Once, the correct user role to be changed has been selected, the on click handlers for the action button comes into picture.
  • The handler for clicking the Cancel button simply closes the dialog box, whereas the handler for the Change button, makes an API call that changes the user role on the Server.
  • The click handlers for both the buttons is as follows –

// Handler for ‘Change’ button
onChange = () => {
  let url =
  let self = this;
    url: url,
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    crossDomain: true,
    timeout: 3000,
    async: false,
    success: function(response) {
      self.setState({ changeRoleDialog: true });
    error: function(errorThrown) {

// Handler for ‘Cancel’ button
handleClose = () => {
    showEditDialog: false,
  • In the first function above, the URL endpoint is hit, and on success the Success Dialog is shown and the previous dialog is hidden.
  • In the second function above, only the Dialog box is hidden.
  • The cross domain in the AJAX call is kept as true to enable API usage from multiple domain names and the data type set as jsonp also deals with the same issue.


Continue ReadingChange Role of User in SUSI.AI Admin section

Scan and detect available networks in SUSI.AI Android app

We all have experienced Apple HomPad, Google Home, Alexa etc or read about smart speakers which offer interactive actions over voice commands. Smart speaker uses hotword for activation. They utilize WiFi, bluetooth and other wireless protocols.

SUSI.AI is also coming with an Open Source smart speaker using  as simple as a RaspberryPi for the speaker which can perform various actions like playing music etc over voice commands. To use SUSI Smart Speaker, you have to connect it to the SUSI iOS or Android App. You can manage your connected devices in SUSI Android,SUSI iOS and Web clients. Here we will see initial setups for connecting SUSI Smart Speaker with an Android device.

Unlike iOS, Android allows any app to change the WiFi settings of the phone if the specific permissions are added in the app and on the run time while using the app. To connect to a particular WiFi in android given that permissions are enabled a few lines of code is sufficient enough to connect to the new WiFi network, but in our case before connecting to the WiFi we must know that the SUSI.AI hotspot is available around or not.

To know if the SUSI hotspot is available or not we have to scan for the available WiFi networks present and then choose the SUSI WiFi hotspot.

The app simply detects the available WiFi networks and displays a set of them that have the name SUSI.AI. To detect the available WiFi networks we have used a BroadCastReceiver that listens for the action :


The broadcast receiver listens to this action and fetches the list of networks available. The broadcast receiver is registered after the objects of WifiReceiver class and WifiManager class are declared. Once the broadcast receiver is registered the object of WifiManager is used to start the scanning process of the available Wifi networks.

Here is the object of the WifiManager and WifiReceiver declared in the onCreate() method of the DeviceActivity.kt file :

mainWifi = application.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE) as WifiManager
receiverWifi = WifiReceiver()

The broadcast receiver class that scans the available networks is as follows :

inner class WifiReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() {
  override fun onReceive(p0: Context?, p1: Intent?) {
      Timber.d(“Inside the app”)
      if (p1 != null) {
          if (p1.action.equals(WifiManager.SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION)) {
              var wifiList: List<ScanResult> = ArrayList<ScanResult>()
              wifiList = mainWifi.getScanResults()

In the above code all the available networks on scanning are sent to the presenter for further processing.

In the presenter class in the method inflateList() the available WiFi networks list is scanned on the basis of their SSID and all the networks with name are “SUSI.AI” are selected and then displayed as a list to the user.

The inflateList() function is as follows :

override fun inflateList(list: List<ScanResult>) {
  Timber.d(“size “ + list.size)
  connections = ArrayList<String>()
  for (i in list.indices) {
      if (list[i].SSID.equals(utilModel.getString(R.string.device_name)))

  if (connections.size > 0) {
  } else {
      deviceView?.onDeviceConnectionError(utilModel.getString(R.string.no_device_found), utilModel.getString(R.string.setup_tut))

Now after the wifi list is scanned the sorted and selected list is sent to the Recycler adapter that will display the list to available SUSI networks to the user.



  1. Android Manipulation of wifi using WifiManager :
  2. Scan and list all Wifi in Android :
  3. Kotlin android broadcast receivers :


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