Adding Twitter Integration with MVP Architecture in Phimpme Android

The Account manager layout part of Phimpme is set. Now we need to start adding different account to make it functional. We first start with twitter. Twitter functionality is integrated with the help of Twitter Kit provided by Twitter itself. We followed the steps provided on the installation guide.

Note: Before Starting this first go to and create new app, add the relevant information such as name, description, URL etc.

How twitter works in Phimpme

A dialog box appear when user selected the add account option in Account manager. Select Twitter option from it.

Twitter guides to use custom TwitterLoginButton for sign in. But as we are using a common dialog box. How to initiate login from there?

Using TwitterAuthClient

Twitter Auth Client invoke the Twitter callback and popup the login window. On authorized the correct user it goes inside the onSuccess method and start a Twitter session which helps us to get the information which we want to store in database such as username, access token.

client.authorize(getActivity(), new Callback<TwitterSession>() {
   public void success(Result<TwitterSession> result) {

       // Creating twitter session, after user authenticate
       // in twitter popup
       TwitterSession session = TwitterCore.getInstance()
       TwitterAuthToken authToken = session.getAuthToken();

       // Writing values in Realm database


Working with MVP architecture to show Twitter data to User in a recyclerView

Finally after successful login from Twitter, we also need to show user that you are successfully logged in Phimpme app and also provide a sign out feature so that user can logout from Twitter anytime.

Account manager has a recyclerView which takes data from the database and show it to the User.


class AccountContract {
   internal interface View : MvpView{

        * Setting up the recyclerView. The layout manager, decorator etc.
       fun setUpRecyclerView()

        * Account Presenter calls this function after taking data from Database Helper Class
       fun setUpAdapter(accountDetails: RealmResults<AccountDatabase>)

        * Shows the error log
       fun showError()

   internal interface Presenter {

        * function to load data from database, using Database Helper class
       fun loadFromDatabase()

        * setting up the recyclerView adapter from here
       fun handleResults(accountDetails: RealmResults<AccountDatabase>)

This class clearly show what functions are in View and what are in Presenter. The View interface extended to MvpView which actually holds some common functions such as onComplete()

  • Implement View interface in AccountActivity

class AccountActivity : ThemedActivity(), AccountContract.View

And perform all the action which are happening on the View such as setting up the RecyclerView

override fun setUpRecyclerView() {
   val layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
  • Main Business Logic should not be in Activity class

That’s why using MVP we have very less number of lines of code in our Main Activity because it separate the work on different zones which help developer to easily work, maintain and other user to contribute.

So like in our case I need to update the RecyclerView adapter by taking data from database. That work should not be in activity that’s why I create a class AccountPresenter and extend this to our Presenter interface in contract class

class AccountPresenter extends BasePresenter<AccountContract.View>
       implements AccountContract.Presenter

I added the function which take care of loading data from database

public void loadFromDatabase() {
  • Always consider the future and keep an eye for future development

Right now I not need to do alot on Database, I just need to pick the whole data and show it on View. But I need to take case of future development in this part as well. There might be more complex operation on Database in future, then it will create complexity in the codebase, if it is not architectured well.

So, I created a DatabaseHelper class which takes care of all the database operations, the advantage of this is, anyone who have to contribute in Database part or debugging the databse need not to search for every activity and scroll lines of code, the work will be in DatabaseHelper for sure.

Added DatabaseHelper in data package

public class DatabaseHelper {

   private Realm realm;

   public DatabaseHelper(Realm realm) {
       this.realm = realm;

   public RealmResults<AccountDatabase> fetchAccountDetails(){
       return realm.where(AccountDatabase.class).findAll();

   public void deleteSignedOutAccount(String accountName){
       final RealmResults<AccountDatabase> deletionQueryResult =  realm.where(AccountDatabase.class)
               .equalTo("name", accountName).findAll();

       realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
           public void execute(Realm realm) {

Flow Diagram:

Browse the Phimpme GitHub Repository for complete illustration.


  1. Twitter KIt overview :
  2. Login with Twitter:
  3. MVP Architecture by Ribot:


Continue ReadingAdding Twitter Integration with MVP Architecture in Phimpme Android

Adding Image Editor in Phimpme Android app

Image editing is a core feature of our Phimpme Android Application. We are using this already existing components Image Editor. Currently our app flow is Gallery → Open images. Now we add an option menu in the top named “Edit” which redirect to the edit Image Activity with that image path. Perform the edit operations there and apply the changed and finally updated the album with new file.

The task is to first get the image path pass to the EditImageActivity and then save the edited image in different folder after user finish with editing.

Below are the high level architecture of how it is achieved with help of ImageEditor.

Steps to integrate Editor:

  • Get the selected Image URI

Firstly, add the permission in manifest file

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Get the local images in your internal or SD Card using Media Store content provider.

Uri uri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; 

String[] projection = { MediaStore.Images.Media._ID, MediaStore.Images.Media.BUCKET_ID,MediaStore.Images.Media.BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME }; 

Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, null, null, null);

After that you can iterate the cursor to end and get details.

  • Create a separate folder where edited images will be saved.

Now after editing we have to place the edited image into a seperate folder with a new name. You can create folder like this:

File aviaryFolder = new File(baseDir, FOLDER_NAME);

Generating new file which will be saved as edited image

public static File getEmptyFile(String name) {

  File folder = FileUtils.createFolders();

  if (folder != null) {

     if (folder.exists()) {

        File file = new File(folder, name);

        return file;



  return null;


     + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".png");


It will save new image as named edited<timeinmillis> so it will be unique.

  • StartActivityforResult with the image URI and edit activity

So firstly, when user open image and click on edit. We create an empty file using the above method. Getting the image uri and pass it into the editImageActivity. Other than Uri, also pass the output file path.

And startActivityForResult with intent and request code.

You can track the editing done by user and finally save if there is some edit done, like in Phimpme we keep a counter which increased on change of Bitmap.

Update the Album by putting the image Media Store

ContentValues values = new ContentValues(2);

String extensionName = getExtensionName(dstPath);

values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.MIME_TYPE, "image/" + (TextUtils.isEmpty(extensionName) ? "jpeg" : extensionName));

values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA, dstPath);

context.getContentResolver().insert(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values);

Please visit the whole code here:


Continue ReadingAdding Image Editor in Phimpme Android app

How SUSI AI Searches the Web For You

SUSI is now capable of performing web search to answer your queries. When SUSI doesn’t know how to answer your queries, it performs a web search on the client side and displays all the results as horizontally swipeable tiles with each tile giving a brief description and also providing a link to the relevant source.

Lets visit SUSI WebChat and try it out.

Query : Search for Google
Response : <Web Search Results>

How does SUSI know when to perform a websearch?

It uses action types to identify if a web search is to be performed or not. The API Response is parsed to check for the action types and if a websearch action type is present, then an API call is made using the duckduckgo api with the relevant query and the results are displayed as tiles with :

  • Category : The Topic related to the given query
  • Text : The result from the websearch
  • Image : Image related to the query if present
  • Link : A url redirecting to the relevant source

Parsing the actions :

Let us look at the API response for a query.

Sample Query: search for google

Response: <API Response>

"actions": [
    "type": "answer",
    "expression": "Here is a web search result:"
    "type": "websearch",
    "query": "google"

Note: The API Response has been trimmed to show only the relevant content

We find a websearch type action and the query to be searched as google . So we now make a API call using duckduckgo api to get our websearch results.

API Call Format :{query}&format=json

API Call for query google :

And from the duckduckgo API response we generate our websearch tiles showing relevant data using the fields present in each object.

This is the sample object from duckduckgo API response under the RelatedTopics , which we use to create our websearch result tiles.

  "Result": "<a href=\"https:\/\/\/Google\">Google<\/a> An American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and...",
  "Icon": {
    "URL": "https:\/\/\/i\/8f85c93f.png",
    "Height": "",
    "Width": ""
  "FirstURL": "https:\/\/\/Google",
  "Text": "Google An American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and..."

Let us look at the code for querying data from the API

if (actions.indexOf('websearch')>=0) {

  let actionIndex = actions.indexOf('websearch');
  let query = response.answers[0].actions[actionIndex].query;

    url: ''+query,
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    crossDomain: true,
    timeout: 3000,
    async: false,

    success: function (data) {
      receivedMessage.websearchresults = data.RelatedTopics;

        let abstractTile = {
        abstractTile.Text = data.AbstractText;
        abstractTile.FirstURL = data.AbstractURL;
        abstractTile.Icon.URL = data.Image;

    let message =  ChatMessageUtils.getSUSIMessageData(
receivedMessage, currentThreadID);

      type: ActionTypes.CREATE_SUSI_MESSAGE,

    error: function(errorThrown) {
      receivedMessage.text = 'Please check your internet connection';



Here, from the actions object, we get the query needed to search the web. We then make a ajax call using that query to the duckduckgo API. If the API call succeeds then we collect the required data to create tiles as array of objects and store it as websearchresults. and dispatch the message with the websearchresults which gets reflected in the message store and when passed to the components we use it to create the result tiles.

  <Paper zDepth={0} className='tile'>
    <a rel='noopener noreferrer'
    href={} target='_blank'
    {tile.icon &&
    (<Paper className='tile-img-container'>
      <img src={tile.icon}
      className='tile-img' alt=''/>
  <Paper className='tile-text'>
    <p className='tile-title'>

We then display the tiles as horizontally swipeable carousel ensuring a good and interactive UX.

React-Slick module was used to implement the horizontal swiping feature.

function renderTiles(tiles){

if(tiles.length === 0){
  let noResultFound = 'NO Results Found';

let resultTiles = drawTiles(tiles);

var settings = {
  speed: 500,
  slidesToShow: 3,
  slidesToScroll: 1,

    <Slider {...settings}>


Here we are handling the corner case when there are no results to display by rendering `NO Results found`. We then have our web search results displayed as swipeable tiles with a image, title, description and link to the source.

This is how SUSI performs web search to respond to user queries ensuring that no query goes unanswered! Don’t forget to swipe left and go through all the results displayed!


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How SUSI AI Tabulates Answers For You

SUSI is an artificial intelligence chat bot that responds to all kinds of user queries. It isn’t any regular chat bot replying in just plain text. It supports various response types which we refer to as ‘actions’. One such action is the “table” type. When the response to a user query contains a list of answers which can be grouped, it is better visualised as a table rather than plain text.

Lets visit SUSI WebChat and try it out. In our example we ask SUSI for the 2009 race statistics of British Formula 1 racing driver Lewis Hamilton.

Query: race stats of hamilton in f1 season 2009

Response: <table> (API response)



How does SUSI do that? Let us look at the skill teaching SUSI to give table responses.

# Returns race stats as a table

race summary of  * in f1 season *|race stats of  * in f1 season *
     "columns":{"status":"Race Status","count":"Number Of Races"}

Here, we are telling SUSI that the data type is a table through type attribute in actions and also defining column names and under which column each value must be put using their respective keys. Using this information SUSI generates a response accordingly with the table schema and data points.

How do we know when to render a table?

We know it through the type attribute in the actions from the API response.

"actions": [{
  "type": "table",
  "columns": {
    "status": "Race Status",
    "count": "Number Of Races"
  "count": -1

We can see that the type is table so we now know that we have to render a table.

But what is the table schema? What do we fill it with?

There is a columns key under actions and from the value of the columns key we get a object whose key value pairs give us column names and what data to put under each column.

Here, we have two columns – Race Status and Number Of Races

And the data to put under each column is found in answers[0].data with same keys as those for each column name i.e ‘status’ and ‘count’.

Sample data object from the API response:

  "statusId": "2",
  "count": "1",
  "status": "Disqualified"

The value under ‘status’ key is ‘Disqualified’ and the column name for ‘status’ key is ‘Race Status’, so Disqualified is entered under Race Status column in the table. Similarly 1  is entered under Number Of Races column. We thus have a row of our table. We populate the table for each object in the data array using the same procedure.

let coloumns = data.answers[0].actions[index].columns;
let count = data.answers[0].actions[index].count;
let table = drawTable(coloumns,data.answers[0].data,count);

We also have a ’count’ attribute in the API response . This is used to denote how many rows to populate in the table. If count = -1 , then it means infinite or to display all the results.

function drawTable(coloumns,tableData,count){

let parseKeys;
let showColName = true;

if(coloumns.constructor === Array){
  parseKeys = coloumns;
  showColName = false;
  parseKeys = Object.keys(coloumns);

let tableheader =,i) =>{
return(<TableHeaderColumn key={i}>{coloumns[key]}</TableHeaderColumn>);

let rowCount = tableData.length;

if(count > -1){
  rowCount = Math.min(count,tableData.length);

let rows = [];

for (var j=0; j < rowCount; j++) {

  let eachrow = tableData[j];

  let rowcols =,i) =>{
        <TableRowColumn key={i}>
          <Linkify properties={{target:'_blank'}}>

      <TableRow key={j}>{rowcols}</TableRow>


const table =
    <Table selectable={false}>
      <TableHeader displaySelectAll={false} adjustForCheckbox={false}>
        { showColName && <TableRow>{tableheader}</TableRow>}
      <TableBody displayRowCheckbox={false}>{rows}</TableBody>

return table;


Here we first determine how many rows to populate using the count attribute and then parse the columns to get the column names and keys. We then loop through the data and populate each row.

This is how SUSI responds with tabulated data!

You can create your own table skill and SUSI will give the tabulated response you need. Check out this tutorial to know more about SUSI and the various other action types it supports.


Continue ReadingHow SUSI AI Tabulates Answers For You

Emoticon Map Markers in Emoji Heatmapper App

As I’ve been exploring and trying to learn what’s possible in the maps of OpenLayers 3 using LokLak API, I wondered about map markers. The markers which i used earlier seem to be so dull on the map, and as I am working on Emoji Heatmapper I couldn’t help but think about 🍩,  😻, 🍦 and 🔮. And sure, the more practical 🏡 , 🏢, ☕ and 🌆.

Emojis as map markers? I had to give it a try.

I didn’t know how one acquires the emoji trove, so I searched around Github. Sure enough, I found many solutions on GitHub. I sifted through all of them until Emoji-picker caught my attention. So i tried giving a dropdown using the emoji-picker as searching would be lot more easier for the user.

Emoji-picker will convert an emoji keyword to the image internally. That is why when you hover over an emoji in the drop-down menu, it shows the corresponding keyword. For instance, the image 🚀 when hovered on it, it displays :rocket: .


All the emojis are saved as data URIs, so I don’t need to worry about lugging around hundreds of images. All I need is emoji-picker.js, and few more *.js files  hooked up on my page, and a little JavaScript to get everything working accordingly.

Armed with hundreds of emojis, my next step was to swap markers with emoji keywords. After a few clicks around emoji-picker documentation, I landed on data-emoji-input=”unicode” . It allows you to replace the traditional marker with a unicode emojis so the search outputs data. You can add a class to that lead emoji-picker-container and data-emoji-input=”unicode” for the HTML option.

Style the Open Layers 3 map:

var style = new{
    stroke: new{
        color: [64, 200, 200, 0.5],
        width: 5
    text: new{
        font: '30px sans-serif',
        text: document.getElementById('searchField').value !== '' ? document.getElementById('searchField').value : '',
        fill: new{
            color: [64, 64, 64, 0.75]


and 🎇 I have an emoji map marker.


Continue ReadingEmoticon Map Markers in Emoji Heatmapper App

OpenLayers 3 Map that Animates Emojis Using LokLak API

OpenLayers3 maps are fully functional maps which offer additional interactive features. In the Emoji Heatmapper app in Loklak Apps, I am using interactive OpenLayers3 maps to visualize the data. In this blog post, I am going to show you how to build an OpenLayers 3 map that animates emojis according to the query entered and location tracked from the LokLak Search API.

We start with a simple map using just one background layer in a clean style.

var map = new ol.Map({
target: 'map',  // The DOM element that will contains the map
renderer: 'canvas', // Force the renderer to be used
layers: [
// Add a new Tile layer getting tiles from OpenStreetMap source
new ol.layer.Tile({
    source: new ol.source.OSM()
// Create a view centered on the specified location and zoom level
view: new ol.View({
    center: ol.proj.transform([2.1833, 41.3833], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
    zoom: 2


Sample Output which displays map:

The data set for the locations of tweets containing emoji in them are tracked using search API of LokLak, which is in the form of simplified extract as JSON file. The file contains a list of coordinates named as location_point, the coordinate consists of lat and long values. With the coordinates, we will create a circle point i.e.,marker on the map showing where the emoji have been recently used from the tweets posted.

In the callback of the AJAX request we loop through the list of coordinates. The coordinate of the resulting line string are in EPSG:4326. Usually, when loading vector data with a different projection, OpenLayers will automatically re-project the geometries to the projection of the map. Because we are loading loading the data ourself, we manually have to transform the line to EPSG:3857. Then we could add the feature to the vector source.

for(var i = 0; i < tweets.statuses.length; i++) {
        if(tweets.statuses[i].location_point !== undefined){
            // Creation of the point with the tweet's coordinates
            //  Coords system swap is required: OpenLayers uses by default
            //  EPSG:3857, while loklak's output is EPSG:4326
            var point = new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.transform(tweets.statuses[i].location_point, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'));
            vectorSource.addFeature(new ol.Feature({  // Add the point to the data vector
                geometry: point


Markers on the Map:

We can also style the markers which gets rendered onto the map using the feature provided by OpenLayers.

var style = new{
    stroke: new{
        color: [64, 200, 200, 0.5],
        width: 5
    text: new{
        font: '30px sans-serif',
        text: document.getElementById('searchField').value !== '' ? document.getElementById('searchField').value : '', //any text can be given here
        fill: new{
            color: [64, 64, 64, 0.75]


Styled Markers on the Map:

So these were a few tips and tricks to use the interactive OpenLayers3 Maps.

The full code of the example is available here.


Continue ReadingOpenLayers 3 Map that Animates Emojis Using LokLak API
Read more about the article Using Activities with Bottom navigation view in Phimpme Android

Using Activities with Bottom navigation view in Phimpme Android

Can we use Bottom Navigation View with activities? In the FOSSASIA Phimpme Project we integrated two big projects such as Open Camera and Leafpic. Both are activity based projects and not developed over fragment. The bottom navigation we use will work with fragment.

In Leafpic as well as in Open Camera, there are a lot of Multi level inheritance which runs the app components. The problem faced to continue to work on activities. For theme management using base activity is necessary. The base activity extend to AppcompatActivity. The leafpic code hierarchy is very complex and depend on various activities. Better way is to shift to activities for using Bottom navigation view and  work with activity similar like fragments.

Image source:


This is possible if we copy the bottom navigation item in each of the activity and setting the clicked state of it as per the menu item ID.

Steps to Implement (How I did in Phimpme)

  • Add a Base Activity which takes care of two thing

    • Taking the layout element and setting in the activity.
    • Set up the correct navigation menu item clicked

Function selectBottomNavigationBarItem(int itemId) will take care of what item is currently active. Called this function in onStart(), getNavigationMenuItemId() function will return the menu id and selectBottomNavigagionBarItem update the bottom navigation view.

public abstract class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements BottomNavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener

private void updateNavigationBarState() {
   int actionId = getNavigationMenuItemId();

void selectBottomNavigationBarItem(int itemId) {
   Menu menu = navigationView.getMenu();
   for (int i = 0, size = menu.size(); i < size; i++) {
       MenuItem item = menu.getItem(i);
       boolean shouldBeChecked = item.getItemId() == itemId;
       if (shouldBeChecked) {
  • Add two abstract functions in the BaseActivity for above task
public abstract int getContentViewId();

public abstract int getNavigationMenuItemId();
  • Extend every activity to the Base Activity

For example I created a blank Activity: AccountsActivity and extend to BaseActivity

public class AccountsActivity extends BaseActivity
  • Implement the abstract function in the every activity and set the correct layout and menu item id.

public int getContentViewId() {
 return R.layout.content_accounts;

public int getNavigationMenuItemId() {
  • Remove the setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
  • Add the onNavigationItemSelected in BaseActivity

public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(@NonNull final MenuItem item) {
   switch (item.getItemId()) {
    startActivity(new Intent(this, LFMainActivity.class));
           startActivity(new Intent(this, CameraActivity.class));
           startActivity(new Intent(this, AccountsActivity.class));
   return true;


The transition is as smooth as we use bottom navigation views with Fragment. The bottom navigation also appear on above of the activity.



Continue ReadingUsing Activities with Bottom navigation view in Phimpme Android

Phimpme: Merging several Android Projects into One Project

To speed up our development of the version 2 of the Phimpme Android app, we decided to use some existing Open Source libraries and projects such as Open Camera app for Camera features and Leafpic for the photo gallery.

Integrating several big projects into one is a crucial step, and it is not difficult. Here are some points to ponder.

  1. Clone project separately. Build project and note down the features which you want to integrate. Explore the manifest file to know the Launcher, services and other permission app is taking.

I explore the Leafpic app manifest file. Found out its Launcher class, and changed it with the our code. Looked at the permissions app required such as Camera, access fine location, write external storage.

  1. Follow Bottom Up approach while integrating. It makes life easier. By the bottom up approach I mean create a new branch and then start deleting the code which is not required. Always work in branch so that no code lost or messed up.

Not everything is required at the moment. So I first integrate the whole leafpic app and then remove the splash screen. Also noted down the features needs to remove such as drawer, search bar etc.

  1. Remove and Commit, In a big project things are interlinked so removing one feature, actually made you remove most of the code. So my strategy is to focus on one feature and when it removed commit the code. This will help you in a reset hard your code anytime.

Like a lot of times I use reset –hard in my code, because it messed up.

  1. Licensing: One thing which is most important in using open source code is their License. Always follow what is written in their License. This is the way we can give credit to their hard work. There are various types of licenses, three famous are Apache, MIT and GNU General Public License. All have their pros and cons.

Apart of License there are some other condition as well. Like in leafpic which we are using in Phimpme has a condition to inform developers about the project in which we are using leafpic.

  1. Aware of File Duplication, sometimes many files have same name which results into file duplication. So refactor them already in the code.

I refactor the MainActivity in leafpic to LFMainActivity to not to clash with the existing. Resolve package name. This is also one of the tedious task. Android Studio already do a lot of refactoring but some part left.

  • Make sure your manifest file contains correct name.
  • The best way to refactor your package name in xml file is to ctrl+Shift+f in Ubuntu or Edit → Find → Find in path in Android Studio. Then search old package name and replace it with new. You can use alt+ j for multi cursor as well.
  • Clean and rebuild project.

Run app at each step so that you can catch the error at a point. Also use debugger for debugging.


Continue ReadingPhimpme: Merging several Android Projects into One Project

Step by step guide for Beginners in Web Development for Open Event Frontend

Originally the frontend and backend of the Open Event Server project were handled by FLASK with jinja2 being used for rendering templates. As the size of the project grew, it became difficult to keep track of all the modifications made on the frontend side. It also increased the complexity of the code. As a result of this, a new project Open Event Frontend was developed by decoupling the backend and frontend of the Open Event Orga Server. Now the server is being converted fully into functional API and database and the open event frontend project is primarily the frontend for the Open event server API where organisers, speakers and attendees can sign-up and perform various functions.     

The Open Event Frontend project is built on JavaScript web application framework, “Ember.js”. To communicate with the server API Ember.js user Ember data which is a data persistence module via the exposed endpoints. Suppose if you’re coming from the Android background, soon after diving into the web development you can relate that the web ecosystem is much larger than the mobile one and for the first timers it can be difficult to adopt with it because of the reason that in web there are multiple ways to perform a task which can be restricted to very few in the case of Android. For web applications, one can find that much more components are involved in setting up the project while in android one can easily start contributing to project soon after compiling it in Android Studio. One thing which is relatable for both the android and web development is that in the case of android one has to deal with the varying screen sizes and compatibility issue while in the web one has to deal with adding support for different browsers and versions which can be really annoying.

Now let’s see how one can start contributing to the Open event frontend project while having no or a little knowledge of web development. In case if you’ve previous knowledge of JavaScript then you can skip the step 1 and move directly to another step which is learning the framework.

(Here all the steps have been explained in reference if you’re switching from Android  to Web development.)

Step 1. Learning the Language – JavaScript

Now that when you’ve already put your feet into the web development it’s high time to get acquainted with the JavaScript. Essentially in the case of Ember which is easy to comprehend, you can though start with learning the framework itself but the executables file are written in JavaScript so to write them you must have basic knowledge of the concepts in the language. Understanding of JavaScript will help in letting know where the language ends and where the framework starts. It will also help in better understanding of the framework. In my opinion, the basic knowledge of JavaScript like the scope of variables, functions, looping, conditional statements, modifying array and dictionaries, ‘this’ keyword etc. helps in writing and understanding the .js files easily. Also, sometimes in JavaScript, an error might not be thrown as an exception while compiling but it may evaluate the program to undefined, knowledge of the language will help in debugging the code.

Step 2. Learning the Framework – Ember

Ember is a JavaScript Framework which works on Model-View-Controller(MVC) approach. The Ember is a battery included framework which generates all the boilerplate code including components, routes. Templates etc.  required for building an application’s frontend. It is very easy to understand and comprehend. In Ember, we can easily define the data models and relationships and ember will automatically guess the correct API endpoints. Apart from this, the documentation of the ember on its website is very much sufficient to start with. One can easily start developing applications after going through the tutorial mentioned on the ember’s website.  

Step 3. Testing

In the case of Android application development to write test we use android libraries like Mockito and Robolectric. Also, testing is a bit more difficult in Android app development because we have to explicitly write the test but it is a lot easier in the case of web development. In the case of Ember, it provides an ease of testing which no other framework and libraries provide. While generating a component or template ember itself generates the test files for them and all we have to do is to change them according to our requirement. Ember generates unit, acceptance and integration tests by making testing easier. So we don’t have to write the test explicitly we only have to modify the test files generated by ember.    

Step 4. Styling

In Android we have colors.xml, styles.xml, drawables, gradients, shapes etc. for styling our application but in the case of Web, we have Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for styling our application. Simply using pure CSS make design complicated and difficult to understand, so to make it easier we combine a bunch of design elements with a style file and use Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (Saas) with mixins to do that which makes creating styles a lot easier and more straightforward. So for styling, our web application one should have the knowledge of HTML as well as CSS.

In conclusion, I can say that learning web development requires learning a few things in parallel which includes learning a language, learning a framework, how to perform testing and different styling skills to make an application beautiful. Due to dynamic nature of the JavaScript and the sheer number of packages and components involved, as opposed to the safe environment that Android Studio provides, it can be sometimes really frustrating.  However, once learned the basics, the knowledge and skills can be easily transferred and applied over and over again.    

Continue ReadingStep by step guide for Beginners in Web Development for Open Event Frontend

Adding dynamic segments to a route in Open Event Frontend Project

When we talk about a web application the first thing comes up is how to decide what to display at a given time which in most of the application is decided with the help of the URL. The URL of the application can be set either by loading the application or by writing the URL manually or may be by clicking some link. In our Open Event Frontend project which is written in Ember.js, an incredibly powerful JavaScript framework for creating web applications, the URL is mapped to the router handlers with the helper of router to render the template for the page, to load the data model to display, to navigate within the application or to handle any actions within the page like button clicking etc.

Suppose the user opens the open event application for the very first time what s/he will see a page containing the list of all the events which are going to happen in the near future along with their details like event name, timings, place, tags etc. If the user clicks one of the events from the list, the current page will be redirected to the detailed specific page for that particular event. The behaviour of changing the content of the page which we observed during this process can be explained with the help of the dynamic segments concept. The dynamic segment is a section of the path for a route which changes based on the content of a page.
This post will focus on how we have added dynamic segments to the route in the open event frontend project.

Let’s demonstrate the process of adding the dynamic segments to the route by taking an example of sessions routes where we can see the list of all the accepted, pending, confirmed and rejected sessions along with their details.

To add a dynamic segment, we need to have a route with path which we add to the route definition in app/router.js file

this.route('sessions',  function() {
   this.route('list', { path: '/:sessions_state' });

Dynamic segments are made up of a : followed by an identifier. Ember follows the convention of :model-name_id for two reasons. The first reason is that routes know how to fetch the right model by default if we follow the convention. The second is that params is an object, and can only have one value associated with a key.

After defining the path in app/router.js file we need to add template file,  app/templates/events/sessions/list.hbs which contain the markup to display the data which is defined in the file, app/routes/events/sessions/list.js under the model hook of the route in order to display the correct content for the specified option.

Code containing the markup for the page in app/templates/events/sessions/list.hbs file

<div class="sixteen wide column">
  <table class="ui tablet stackable very basic table">
        <th>{{t 'State'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Title'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Speakers'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Track'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Short Abstract'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Submission Date'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Last Modified'}}</th>
        <th>{{t 'Email Sent'}}</th>
      {{#each model as |session|}}
            {{#if (eq session.state "confirmed")}}
              <div class="ui green label">{{t 'Confirmed'}}</div>
              <div class="ui red label">{{t 'Not Confirmed'}}</div>
            <div class="ui ordered list">
              {{#each session.speakers as |speaker|}}
                <div class="item">{{}}</div>
            {{moment-format session.submittedAt 'dddd, DD MMMM YYYY'}}
            {{moment-format session.modifiedAt 'dddd, DD MMMM YYYY'}}
            <div class="ui vertical compact basic buttons">
              {{#ui-popup content=(t 'View') class='ui icon button' position='left center'}}
                <i class="unhide icon"></i>
              {{#ui-popup content=(t 'Edit') class='ui icon button' position='left center'}}
                <i class="edit icon"></i>
              {{#ui-popup content=(t 'Delete') class='ui icon button' position='left center'}}
                <i class="trash outline icon"></i>
              {{#ui-popup content=(t 'Browse edit history') class='ui icon button' position='left center'}}
                <i class="history icon"></i>
            <div class="ui vertical compact basic buttons">
              {{#ui-dropdown class='ui icon bottom right pointing dropdown button'}}
                <i class="green checkmark icon"></i>
                <div class="menu">
                  <div class="item">{{t 'With email'}}</div>
                  <div class="item">{{t 'Without email'}}</div>
              {{#ui-dropdown class='ui icon bottom right pointing dropdown button'}}
                <i class="red remove icon"></i>
                <div class="menu">
                  <div class="item">{{t 'With email'}}</div>
                  <div class="item">{{t 'Without email'}}</div>


Code containing the model hook in app/routes/events/sessions/list.js to display the correct content. We access the dynamic portion of the URL using params.

import Ember from 'ember';

const { Route } = Ember;

export default Route.extend({
  titleToken() {
    switch (this.get('params.session_status')) {
      case 'pending':
        return this.l10n.t('Pending');
      case 'accepted':
        return this.l10n.t('Accepted');
      case 'confirmed':
        return this.l10n.t('Confirmed');
      case 'rejected':
        return this.l10n.t('Rejected');
  model(params) {
    this.set('params', params);
    return [{
      title         : 'Test Session 1',
      speakers      : [{ name: 'speaker 1', id: 1, organization: 'fossasia' }, { name: 'speaker 2', id: 1, organization: 'fossasia' }],
      track         : 'sample track',
      shortAbstract : 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.',
      submittedAt   : new Date(),
      modifiedAt    : new Date(),
      emailSent     : 'No',
      state         : 'confirmed'
      title         : 'Test Session 2',
      speakers      : [{ name: 'speaker 3', id: 1, organization: 'fossasia' }, { name: 'speaker 4', id: 1, organization: 'fossasia' }],
      track         : 'sample track',
      shortAbstract : 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.',
      submittedAt   : new Date(),
      modifiedAt    : new Date(),
      emailSent     : 'Yes',
      state         : 'confirmed'


After the route is fully configured, we need to start linking it from the templates which mean we need to link it in our parent template, app/templates/events/view/sessions.hbs file using the {{link-to}} helper. The code for the linking looks like this:

    {{#tabbed-navigation isNonPointing=true}}
        {{#link-to 'events.view.sessions.index' class='item'}}
          {{t 'All'}}
        {{#link-to 'events.view.sessions.list' 'pending' class='item'}}
          {{t 'Pending'}}
        {{#link-to 'events.view.sessions.list' 'accepted' class='item'}}
          {{t 'Accepted'}}
        {{#link-to 'events.view.sessions.list' 'confirmed' class='item'}}
          {{t 'Confirmed'}}
        {{#link-to 'events.view.sessions.list' 'rejected' class='item'}}
          {{t 'Rejected'}}


The User Interface for the above code looks like this:

Fig. : The page containing all the accepted session

To conclude this, we can say the task of the route is to load the modal to display the data. For example, if we have the route this.route(‘sessions’);, the route might load all of the sessions for the app but we want only the particular type of session so the dynamic segments help to load the particular model and make it easier to load and display the data.

Reference: The link to the complete code is here. For getting more knowledge about dynamic segments please visit this.

Continue ReadingAdding dynamic segments to a route in Open Event Frontend Project